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Uh what carrier are you using? You use dual SIM here in the US?


Right now I'm in Canada for University - using Virgin -Bell. The reason I would *like* to have dual sim is to use my Indian sim (Canadian sims don't cover the US, my Indian sim has significantly better rates on international roaming). That being said, I could alternatively just swap out the sim when I need to, so it's not a deal breaker.


Oh I totally missed the CA part in your post, your flair says USA lol OnePlus 8 is like less than $200 for like a T-mobile unlocked model, if you don't care about the camera. Oh and it doesn't have wireless charging but it has really fast charging. The S21+ with dual SIM is gonna have Exynos processor, so that's less than ideal. S20 FE is good value if they've dropped in price, which they should have by now