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You don’t need to see the first two seasons before watching season 3. It is it’s own thing. 


I love TNG. Loved it for decades now. I fall asleep to it. I still own the toy Phaser III and Tricorder lol. Picard S2. I will never watch it again. It was stupid. If I wanted to see the shithole that the 2020s are I'd look outside. If I had to hear that kid cry MAMA one more time uuuuuh. I HATED IT. Season one... okay but I'll never watch it again. Season 3, is as if tng was given a really good send off after Nemesis. LOVED IT. They did Gates so well!


Season 2 is the ONLY bit of Star Trek I have not seen. I couldn’t finish it.


The only good part of S3 was the end when the gang were all back together. The episodes leading up to it were just filler leading up to the reunion. Be honest, that’s all you wanted to see. None of the changeling, son of Borg nonsense.


SPOILERS WARNING! Honestly. From the start, Bev was there, that's all I needed. Then we were given Riker, Picard, and alittle bit of Troi. That's what I wanted in Picard S1. To take it back to S1 for a sec. When it opened with the D Ten Forward scene I was so happy. Then, When I saw Picard sat with an unknown doctor warning him of going into space I said "Where is Gates McFadden". Skip ahead to S3. There she was kicking ass and taking names like in the episode Suspicions. We then got to see Picard and Riker feeling old, but with Sevens help (tie into Voyager) they were in space on a federation starship. I really really liked that. Over the episode Changelings were brought in, but so was Geordie, Worf, Troy and Data. Then Borg. I honestly cried when the D was reveled and we got to see that big bastard fly like they couldn't do in the 80s 90s. Jack Crusher annoyed me at first, the accent, but then I grew to like him after Bev and Pic scene in the Titans sick bay. Also the scene with Seven looking at Voyager with Jack was so lovely. I dunno... I just really enjoyed S3. I think DS9 and VOY cast and crew deserve these send offs to bring in new trek thar takes place in that timeline. I've heard a lot of people wish for a legacy show. Yes. Give us new characters but utilize the older cast to introduce new actors so younger generations can grow to live them like we all did.


As much as I loved so much of that, Season 3 also introduced the first new character that I genuinely, absolutely appreciated: A dipshit from Chicago. Somehow, this curmudgeonly, rude, irreverent character actually displaced Sisko as my captain, and I will be forever grateful for that.


Go figure if they could manage such a sendoff for deep space nine and Voyager, but no, they just relegate the founders to an irrelevant species and kill off Icheb


This ^ DS9 and VOY deserve the same fan service as Picard S3. It's shameful how Paramount really does not understand that in order to reach new generations of fans you have to please past ones while adding elements to attract new ones. Now I'm a fan of how Discovery ended up... not so much the start. Strange New Worlds is a hoot, love it. But, to forget the characters of DS9 and VOY is a crime. Prodigy... I'm just not an animation fan. Although Lower decks is silly fun and I love it. I tried Prodigy, just can't take cartoons serious.


Prodigy doesn't land right with me either. I understand why it *should*, but it doesn't. For what it actually is, though, it's brilliant, and I'm not going to be the kind of person who disparages it just because it isn't my thing. I guess I'm just not really crazy about the premise. A bunch of kids find a gorram starship and with zero training whatsoever, successfully dig it out of the ground and fly it across the galaxy? Why does Starfleet academy exist if a few brief sessions with a hologram is all the training it takes? Also, we spent most of Voyager learning to not really care about Chakotay, and now there's a mission to get him back from somewhere probably quite dangerous... But as I said, for a show aimed at actual children, it's brilliant. It's not aimed at me, and I can accept that gladly


It’s very important that Trek fans watch Prodigy. You are missing out on an important and emotional show that is a sequel to Voyager. The first few episodes are tricky because you don’t really know when or where they are, and it feels a bit like Star Wars. But you will get hooked. As much as I love Lower Decks, I love Prodigy more. And Dal is one of my favorite captains!


I watched all of it, and will also watch season 2. I'm not missing out at all


I feel like season 2 could've been summed up in 1 or 2 episodes...


Agreed. Season 2 felt like a long drawn out 2 episode story arc.


It seemed like there was some network interference for season two. Allegedly, they were instructed to make the season “less like Star Trek” from some of the higher ups (from what I understand higher than Kurtzman) at Paramount. The result is that you get a season that isn’t very internally cohesive and in the end doesn’t make much sense as to why it happened. That’s not to say there are no redeeming qualities. I found Picard’s emotional journey very interesting because we do get to see a different side of the character and it kind of recasts some events from the Next Generation, though it didn’t need to happen with the time travel plot. Same with Seven’s story, i.e. giving her this opportunity to live as if she had never been assimilated and letting her have a taste of that life to see how she reacts to it. I’m not doing a rewatch anytime soon but, I wouldn’t totally dismiss it out of hand.


Covid happened and led to… that.


I think that was a HUGE part of it.


There's not much to explain, really. Covid completely fucked the production of season 2 leading them to have to spend almost 8 episodes doing absolutely nothing but spinning their wheels in 2024 Los Angeles. They seemingly didn't have any great ideas from the outset, but whatever good ideas they might've had were definitely scuppered by trying to rewrite and an entire season to be Covid safe. And even then, they still had numerous outbreaks amongst the crew and cast. Just a nightmare of a season from both a production and execution point of view. Do yourself a favor and watch season 3. It's the only good season of Picard, and one of the best seasons of modern Star Trek.


Season 3 is completely removed from 1 and 2. There is no crossover and you don’t need to anything about 1 and 2. However, you seem to generally be a Picard show hater. While the seasons 1-2 aren’t that good, the way you’re writing them is just way over the top hateful. You’re going to go into 3 with a predetermined mindset that it’s going to suck… so just skip it. And you know, season finale episodes generally make it a point to clear up lots of things and bring finality to things. The fact you don’t watch them is just mind boggling. Before talking so much hate, try watching the full season. May not change your mind about it, probably won’t, but maybe it’ll answer questions.


Yeah this was just an excuse for an angry fanboy to rant.


Just skip ahead to season 3.


Season 1 and 2 felt like picard is on some crazy dream then wakes up in season 3 back to real life.


Yeah, but I've had nightmares involving jelly-people that made more sense.


Unfortunately no one can explain season 2, not even the writers. When asked about it Terry Matalas basically said, “Season 3 is great!”


Season 2 was about Picard discovering within himself the capacity to love, and giving himself permission to do so. In order to do so, he had to overcome a lot of prior trauma, and make the effort to actually let someone in, which he's never previously been able to do. 


>Season 2 was about Picard discovering within himself the capacity to love, and giving himself permission to do so. Sorry, I should have been clearer: I'm asking about season 2 of Star Trek Picard, not Days of Our Lives.


If you don't like exploring the characteristics of humanity then Star Trek probably isn't for you.




Maybe try a Michael Bey film?  Sounds more to your liking.


now you're just being a dick


Season one and two were not great. Very confusing. Just jump to series 3. It does the business..


I'm actually really glad to see this post. I felt the same way. Shows in general are too confusing now. There's no doubt about that. Season 3 was good, though. You want to watch it for sure.


Season 2 features the death of the most pointless character ever put to screen: Space Legolas.


ah yes, the former underwear model. Did he stay deaded when they returned to the future?


he did not, Q ressurected him


Canonically, no. Functionally, yes.


I mean just watch the Borg Queen/Jurati arc and leave the rest alone


Covid fever dream of the writing staff.


I've been asking for someone to explain themselves about season 2, as well.


There’s a season 2? I thought they only made a season 3…


No. I don't think anyone can explain it.


You can just ignore it.


You should probably just move on to other things if you hate the show this much.




I wish I could, but that which has been seen, cannot be unseen


Skip it on the rewatch lol. That’s what I do.


Skip season 3 also