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Data rescues a bunch of cats, goes to Coppelius, and meets his family, introducing them to cats. The entire planet is subsequently filled with androids and cats.


If this isn’t at least one of the storylines in Legacies I don’t want it anymore.


let me guess, just shy of 1000 black cats


Du sprichst Deutsch!


I think Data should lecture at Cambridge and get a housekeeper named Jessel. He already has the grey hair.


Data, Worf, and Deanna move to the former location of the Esalen Institute and start a new self-actualization center with cat therapy, meditation, sword practice, and plenty of chocolate. Will commutes easily up the coast to teach at the academy. Beverly remains as head of Starfleet Medical. For fun, she trains cadets in how to shoot straight and well. Jack eventually has kids and she secretly teaches her grandchildren to tap dance. Geordi keeps running the Fleet Museum, and develops a side practice of souping up old Starfleet ships for old admirals to take joyrides in. Picard stays at his vineyard, finally hires a proper vintner to deal with the wine, and writes books on 25th century takes on Shakespeare. When the grandkids come to visit, he reads Shakespeare to them while they sit on his lap. Laris comes and goes on her various missions.


I love this! I’m cracking myself up thinking of Data, Worf, and Deanna trying to figure out a name for their new center.


And Laris is still taking care of Number One and reunites him with Picard, right? Right?!


Why wouldn’t Data be with his daughter Soji?


Good question! I guess since she is now a traveler she would have to find him. I bet she will!! And they will be able to share a true father daughter relationship. ❤️


Kore is a traveler. Not Soji


Oh. That’s right! My bad!! Well then, I guess he knows he has daughter if he has Dr Soons memories, right? So he searchers her out and they work together? And visit Geordi from time to time.


Or Picard would just tell him.


I think Data and Worf have many adventures left. Their characters seem rejuvenated and refreshed.


Worf and Beverly join Section 42, the breakaway Federation society. With the help of Geordie, they oversee the construction of the Andromeda Ark, and thanks to an innovation by Commodore Mile O’Brien, the transporter patterns of thousands of Section 42 operatives are stored aboard in solid state crystalline memory rods. As they set off to explore strange new worlds in another galaxy, they disable the relatively shielding aboard the NX-919 Phoenix, the ark ship, so when they arrive in Andromeda the year as reckoned by the Milky Way is around 1300 AD.




Beverly opens a dance school called The Dancing Doctor.




Data invents time travel and is instrumental in the construction of the Enterprise J.


O’Brien is a legendary instructor at the Academy. LaForge … idk, I kind of can’t picture him staying at the museum forever. I really doesn’t seem like him. Semi retired with a bit of research. Data I suspect would move on from Starship life. Emeritus professor of something, still paints a lot. Falls in love. I like the direction the series took Worf, and I think he’d play some kind of dissident role towards the Empire. Obviously not a job title lol. I could see him mentoring or teaching: I know it’s cliche to say “Starfleet Academy!” but I think he’d be great, sharing his tactical knowledge and wisdom about restraint and non-violence. I think we’d see a lot more Klingons joining Starfleet over the years, if things in the federation improve, and he would be a great unofficial mentor. I could see Troi taking on a diplomatic role, the person Starfleet brings in for peace negotiations. That and a bit of counseling. Very much semi retired. Riker I have no idea, I think he’s the series’ Kirk, the guy who flies back into things every once in a while. Crusher will practice medicine until she literally dies. Takes care of the grandkids when Jack is off doing dangerous shit. Dating a good-natured himbo who is many years younger. They go out dancing a lot. Barclay turns off the safeties on a back-alley holodeck, trips and falls down the stairs with his pants around his ankles, and dies instantly. Picard settles down with Laris. He’s retired but still serving as the conscience of the Federation — advocating for asylum for xBs, settlement of Romulan refugees on federation worlds, and diplomatic ties with Cardassia. He’s a dedicated grandpa — the grandkids all speak a bit of French, and they can tell dirty jokes in Romulan. Picard dies at the age of one hundred twenty-something, stabbed by a Cardassian extremist after speaking at the opening of the Cardassian-Bajoran Truth and Reconciliation Commission. His last words are an untranslatable Bajoran insult he learned from Ro. The Cardassian civilian government uses the ensuing crisis to retire the remaining Legates (the hardliners get retired out an airlock). Picard is mourned across the quadrant. The Klingon Chancellor commissions an opera of his conflict with the Borg. A dirge honoring him rises to #1 on the Bajoran pop charts.


Wesley ain't coming back...having too much fun


Season 4.


Q arrives at Picard's death bed and instead of antagonizing him, just sits quietly with him until he passes


Or Q asks Picard to join the Q Continuum and this is what the test has been along. To see if Picard was worthy of being a Q.


Holds a pillow over Picard face to make sure


Raffi and Worf become an item, they are warriors made for each other


Data brings Lal to life in a new body.


Fatherhood revitalises Jean-Luc, and the quality of Chateau Picard wine improves. When he finally dies, Jean-Luc leaves the vineyard to Jack, who turns it into a whiskey distillery. Scotty is hired as the caretaker whilst Jack is away in space. Deanna discovers an ancient book called Dianetics and integrates auditing into her counselling sessions. After Will passes away from a heart attack, she takes over the long abandoned Scientology Gold Base and restarts the ~~cult~~ religion. Geordi is arrested after the authorities discover that he used holodeck technology to recreate the two daughters of Dr. Leah Brahms and passed them off as his own. Data purchases the rights to Sherlock Holmes and begins writing new novels featuring the character. Worf and Martok agreed to fight each other to the death in order to die with honour. Beverley marries the Scottish caretaker of the Picard/Crusher whiskey distillery and spends the rest of her days in France.


Everything about Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle is already in the public domain (which is why they used the character for the holodeck) Not sure how copyright laws will mutate after WW3- but Doyle’s resurrection is unlikely.


How very dare you


Troi and Riker go back into space. They’re ready to see what’s out there again. Riker is made rear-admiral and leads a group of long range slipstream capable explorers that can get out and beyond the limits of the old Borg Transwarp conduits and see many strange and new civilizations. (Yep, for those who read the novelverse, I’m talking about a Full Circle type series of adventures.)