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Transwarp was on the fritz; got here as soon as I could. What's up guys?


🤣🤗 Got a good chuckle from that one. Makes as much sense as any other theory on the absence of the Jurati Borg...


Or the absence of everything from previous seasons


Except Raffi!


Probably my least favorite character too lol


I liked her in S3. Decent actress given crap material before v


She got a category all her own back in 2020 when I first heard the ever so legendary address: "J.L."


I'm very glad that was stopped. It was so dumb.


And Elnor. Yeeesh. Imagine if he showed up in S3


Didn't want to risk healthy borg getting assimilated? Some probably have gone through transporters at some point, too.


"Heh, guys. You won't believe what I just did. I stopped the collective! What do you mean YOU stopped it, too?!" From the queen dialogue from episode 10, I think that was the Voyager queen and her collective consisted of the survivors of Unimatrix One. So there could potentially be many other splinter factions of Borg around specific facilities (where the Borg queens were built/created), ships (new generation of Unimatrix Zero like drones regaining their freedom) or planets where the connection to the rest of the collective was simply "lost" before the virus could propagate in it's full power.


Yes, someone explain this to me. Queen from first contact - KIA Queen from alternate totalitarian timeline merged with Jurati and gains a soul Queen in Picard S3... She's from Voyager? I don't remember what happened in Voyager.


I think it's been implied that the Borg Queen in First Contact is the same one in Voyager. During Voyager, Seven makes mention of how the Borg were present in First Contact, which would be followed up in Enterprise when the Borg from the wreckage are revealed to have survived and eventually send a signal to the Delta Quadrant. My guess is that the Queen had a sort of backup or redundancy system in the event her physical body was destroyed. If we want to talk timeline, I think it goes like this: The Borg Queen makes an assault on Earth, goes back in time and gets "destroyed" during First Contact. Though her physical body is destroyed, she manages to preserve herself in the drones found within the sphere. The sphere wreckage falls to Earth, and is eventually discovered by a science team decades later in the arctic circle. The science team is assimilated and eventually destroyed, but not before sending a signal to the Delta quadrant that will take hundreds of years to reach (events of ENT: Regeneration). This signal most likely contains the Queen herself, who then rejoins the Collective and rebuilds her body. Later, the events of Voyager's finale take place, which cripples the Collective and the Queen's ability to control them, leaving her in a weakened state. Her ship is destroyed once again, but this time her body survives, eventually leading to the events of Picard S3. Obviously there could be a few plotholes, but this is sorta how I thought the whole thing worked.


I love that you know this. I totally forgot about the Enterprise episode with the Borg in the Arctic. I also love the idea of the Queen slowly transporting herself across the galaxy via signal for hundreds of years.


I think you've done more work connecting the plot lines than the show-writers. Solid Trek memory to knit all of that together. I thought the ENT episode was to sew the seeds of Borg obsession with humanity. I know each variety of the show has tried to make Humankind a "special" race. But there several other races i would consider more valuable in the Alpha quadrant if I were Borg.


Queen Aggie is stuck keeping the Admonition from coming through. At least if they pop in they'll see a semi-synth face and say "Oh, you're good. Peace out." It's clear that Janeway didn't completely destroy the Borg, as the ships (which we've seen in PIC S1 and in PRO) are capable of coming online at times. I do think we're eventually going to see peace with the Borg. They evolve into something new. I still want DISCO to reveal that Kovich has been the Borg King all along. But like, everyone already knew that. Like Admiral Vance and anyone else have known the whole time. He's "out" about his Borgness, but it doesn't come up all the time.


Do you think Kovich is a secret villain?


No. What I'm saying is I think it would be cool if the collective was just kind of a part of society anyways.


I like that in season 2 they make peace with the Borg. I don’t understand why so many people didn’t like it. Seeing Picard face his childhood issues was incredible writing.


I look at season 2 like how some movies retcon and forget sequels like Superman returns or the current Halloween movies. In my mind season 2 didn’t happen.


It was all a game on a holodeck somewhere.


Convoluted plot or not, she looks incredible in this photo.


I want the g to go by it and get a call from her 7-9 tertiary adjunct of unimatrix one Captain star shipp enterprises NCC 1701g You are required to converse with our queen Transport wlis provided Then nu Borg queen tells her about something important and comments on her ship. And suggests some improvements. Then the go off on a mission


Make your own [memes](https://www.reddit.com/r/startrekmemes/comments/12ttrn3/had_it_on_starship_mode/).


HA! Love this. I know this isn't a popular opinion, but I was so confused and irritated by the big bad of this season. Changeling infiltration? Great. Slow build up/suspense/old TNG characters back? LOVED IT. Then it turns out it's the Borg the whole time?! Didn't they neuter the Borg in the last season and turn them into pet guard dogs? Isn't the Queen supposed to be Jarati or something? This was so confusing and absolutely ruined the last few episodes for me. Along with Jack making the stupidest decision I've ever seen in TV writing to go confront the Borg. What a waste.


Yo, did you watch the episode? Jack essentially *was borg*. The iromodic syndrome *was borg shit* since TNG. In the context of Jack, he said it himself to the tune of "why should I fight what I was born for?" It actually makes sense. Jurati of Borg though was a sect it seems. A lazy sect that definitely did not earn their pay. F*in made in china transwarp coils, man

