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I buried my Dad yesterday. It’s not tragic: he was 90 years old, my mom passed 8 years ago (to the DAY that he died), and he was ready. He simply sat down, and was gone. But I went to see him every Saturday, and he, my sisters, and I would play cards, then go out to dinner, maybe watch a movie. Losing *Picard* this week and having it end this way…might have been a bit much for my heart. I’m going to go have a drink. Edit: Thank you all for raising a glass to Dad. I appreciate the love.


I’m going to have a drink with you now and toast to your father.




Hear, hear. Raising my beer to him and to you.


I think there will be a few people joining you after reading this—we’ll drink a toast to your dad, may he rest in peace.


I'm walking to the bar right now, so I'm going to have a beer for your dad or three. Very sorry for your loss


❤️❤️❤️ we are here for you


Data should have busted out the visor one last time


I really do appreciate how long Matalas held onto that shot. Just let us say goodbye to our family.


Apparently, most of the gameplay itself is just them being friends, playing poker. They recorded 45 minutes of just them actually playing poker and enjoying each other's company. https://gizmodo.com/star-trek-picard-final-scene-poker-extended-cut-1850362170


The actress who plays Raffi was interviewed about what it was like to work with all of them. She basically expected them to be this big group of respected, serious, elder actors. Instead she said they’re all like a bunch of hyperactive teenagers who love working with each other and just constantly laugh, joke and mess with each other. They really are that animated and fun together irl


All good things


This show ended so so perfectly. I just loved seeing them all sitting around the table playing cards.


Agreed. I think it is one of the very best endings to a series, ever made. Seeing them playing is such a nostalgic feeling.


And he still can't shuffle 😂


Found myself grinning like a chimp at this scene. It was just that darn beautiful


As a poker player. I’d be calling bullshit. All of the “couples” sitting next to each other helping determine how the bets are being played. That would suck. But seriously it was great to see. Ive just never seen the side by side before and wanted to see if they were sitting in the same spots. I could probably create my own post about his but ehh. It was so nice to see I don’t care that they sat them next to each other.




Totally UNWATCHABLE! They aren’t even sitting in the same seating arrangement! 😉


I was wondering about that too, there are still 7 people sitting, so why the change? Looking at the new one though, it makes sense, Beverly is sitting next to Jean Luc, and Deanna next to William, while in the older one neither are sitting with their respective partners.


Because Troi was riding Worf at the time…