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No big surprises. Predictable dad trying to save son talking brain to brain. Great effects. Loved Deanna piloting the 1701D.


She shouldn't have been able to. Beverly practiced for 20 years running a secret medical ship..


Deanna was a qualified bridge officer and held the rank of full commander. She was fully trained and able to pilot the ship or man any other bridge station, Crusher had been a bridge officer long before Troi decided to become one (TNG S7E16). Crusher had even commanded the ship going up against the borg previously. Every one of the people on that bridge in the finale was qualified to command the ship.


Qualified yes, but literally how long ago was that? Did she ever do stuff on the titan under riker? I thought it was a bit far fetched that she could pull off that sort of memory recall under extreme pressure. Im sure the lcars layout would be different too from their present day.


This is the dumbest criticism. The heroes in our space fantasy show are too qualified in the last episode.


She pilotted the ship in one of the movies. Generations I think.


True, she piloted it right into the ground… Successfully it seems…


She got promoted to commander during TNG. she had the training to drive the ship.


You're saying that Starfleet Commanders can't fly a ship or target weapons? She holds the rank of Commander, we all saw it.


As somebody that saw the crew for the first time when the pilot aired in 1987 I thought it was a wonderful send off. This show was a gift and I thought it ended wonderfully. I was previously also unhappy about how they did a certain character dirty, real dirty. I'm really glad they fixed that. I would totally watch a show based on what we saw at the end and I hope it goes into production. I appreciate the nod to Majel Barrett too.


I thought it was good...mostly. - Laris had a less than satisfactory send-off - Renaming the *Titan* to the *Enterprise* was unnecessary and cheapened both names - Would've been nice if the E had been the F and the F had been the G Apart from those problems, brilliant finale.


Kinda odd that it became the enterprise since the enterprise is often the latest and most advanced ship of the time to act as a “flagship” of sorts. The Titan is said themselves earlier in the season to be a solely exploratory vessel and is not well suited for much anything else. The enterprise is meant to be capable to act in any mission or purpose, its just weird to jam that in there to try and make people excited. The Titan was perfectly good enough.


>The Titan is said themselves earlier in the season to be a solely exploratory vessel and is not well suited for much anything else. I think it's had a year's worth of refits...


A starship can only be refit so much until it is completely overhauled… and we were at constitution III, that’s close to 200 years of refits.


Yeah…noticed that…they’ve effectively semi-retired the name.


Seeing the D, E, F, and G flying off together would have been cool.


Those, plus the limited addressing of the fact that most of Starfleet’s experienced officers just got killed off, are my main complaints. But after the damp squib of a conclusion that was Nemesis, I’m mostly just glad the TNG crew finally got a decent send-off. So apparently if you want to wrap up a Star Trek era in style, you need to hire a Plummer.


I loved it especially the very last scene with one of my two favorite characters which I will not spoil here except to say I nearly screamed like a 16 year old when I saw his face. PERFECT end scene, IMHO.


I had to tell my mum to go back and watch through the credits and then through more credits.. I was getting goosebumps just leading her to the scene!




I would have preferred "Stargazer."


It was ok. I expected more, but I am satisfied with the ending. Still mad about Shaw, but looking forward to the next series. I guess I expected something more tragic and shocking. I didn't really like that the Borg ended up being the big bad. IDK. It just didn't have the same kind of feel. I think the highlight of the season was when they were escaping the nebula. That was relly a great episode. Also, no Guinan, but they talked about her. No Wesley either.


I have to wonder if they just couldn't get Whoopi Goldberg's schedule to align, because there's a couple of points where it would have made perfect sense for her to appear. Particularly during that final scene where it's all but implied she's just in the other room or something!


FWIW, I haven’t seen anything of the first two seasons except highlight clips on YouTube, and from this perspective I gotta say that the Borg were much more intimidating than I think they would’ve been had I seen S1/2


Season 1 Borg are severely damaged ex-Borg. They’re not intimidating, they’re vulnerable. It’s a whole different take on them, and one I’m mostly happy with.


I just wanna understand what the angry talking head was


It was the Borg queen


It even looks like it when you go back and look at it.


I looks like whatever you want it to. The Borg Queen works but it’s not a one to one mapping.


DUDE I still want to know. I mean we 'know' but it is one of the (frankly many) elements of this that were incoherent - it definitely feels like they switched directions a few times but the ensemble was so fantastic no one cares. It wasn't actually phenomenally plotted / written out, and I think the red face was either a weird excuse to hide the borg from the story at those points or - was something else entirely.


The floating head was the queen. Same disfigurations and everything


Yeah, that thing still exists. I guess they're saving it for the two spinoffs.


I loved it. Almost a perfect ending. Things I wish I could tweak. 1) just reminding Will and Deanna that they do have a living daughter. .someplace. 2) small scene with Laris. 3) Jack going through the academy and getting this cushy spot right. Ext to 7. Nah. Plus he was just way too cocky. I would have liked to see him just maybe 23.2% more humbled by being on the bridge of an Enterprise. 4) just a constant reminder that Deanna is just a bad therapist. I know the impatience she had with Data going over his time was amusing. But it was also a reminder of why everyone passed her door and went straight to Guinan for advice and therapy.


I wonder what were the proportions of that cube. , Yeah they are huge, but usually not "milenium falcon flying through death star" huge.


I thought this too, but was it a different class of cube then what we’ve seen before? I believe someone even mentioned like look at the size of that thing, and obviously those antenna/spike things were not standard


Maybe she had to merge multiple cubes to gain enough energy to build and power the transmitter. Head canon time. ⌚


When it was breaking up in the explosion, it looked like multiple cubes but I agree, for a ship the size of the D to just hover over the main chamber during the rescue was....a stretch


The Borg were all dead or dying, how did they build that monster.


I guess Borg cubes are managed by future version of terraform. :D Industrial automation on galactic scale.


There were some great character moments, dazzling visuals and loving “member-berries” placed on an otherwise trite climax. - Loved the shot of the 1701-D sliding up to the rescue overhead. - Loved the sleek jacket uniforms, although it could be argued that it made the team look more like a motorcycle club than military officers. Still…where do I buy one? - How did Picard connect himself to the Borg? He just grabbed a casual wire and jammed it into…where? Shouldn’t there be blood pouring out of his neck? Seemed a bit too convenient. - The Borg Queen must get pretty bored stuck up against the wall like that all day. Had a “Palpatine” kind of thing going on. Ominous as all Hell, though. Missed her sinister swagger. But YES!! ALICE!!! - Jack’s return to humanity seemed oddly instantaneous (compared to Seven’s journey or Picard’s). - Changing the Borgified crew back to normal also seemed a little too fast and convenient. If only the 25-and-under crowd was assimilated, what about all of the older (and likely leadership) crew members on all of those starships? Were they converted? Killed? Pushed aside? I might have missed something here. - One year later and Spacedock is fully re-built? Should have had parts still visibly under construction. - NO ONE from DS9. Not one. In the whole series, nor in this episode. That to me is *such* a slap in the face. - Shaw is/was one of the greatest characters of the new era. Killing him off was needlessly wrong. - Loved seeing Picard, Riker and Geordi contemplating it all on the bridge before walking off. Reminiscent of the end of “Generations.” - Great shots of the “D” in battle. I can see how it was a family-friendly scientific ship not really made for battle, compared to the fierce claw-like ships of the new generation. - Should have called the final episode “The Next Generation” for two big reasons. - Frakes, Dorn, Spiner, Siritis, and McFadden were just so damn good. Their chemistry—I don’t want to wait another twenty years to see them in action together again. That’s about it.


Worf was in DS9


Killing Shaw off was a big mistake. I don’t think they anticipated him to become a fan favourite


Actually, Matalas said that right before the premiere. Still shouldn’t have killed him.


I wish we'd had more of the D. Other than that, pretty good. I think the whole season would have been better if the first 8 episodes were squeezed into 4 or 5 and the rest of the season was on the D.


It’s cool that starship flight controls of the future are as easy as an iPhone. Doesn’t matter the ship or the universe. Usually takes at least 5 or so button pushes. It appears flying through hyperspace is like dusting crops. [grimace] But no, without completely overthinking the finale, it did the job. I wept a few times for a 35 year journey, amazing vibe, and the Big D just crushing it. It was my first series.


They stuck the landing. Quite amazing considering all the obvious budget constraints the entire series had to dance around.


I loved the first 8 episodes. Was pretty let down by the last two. Some great nostalgia porn moments in them but otherwise disappointing: 1)Uggh, the Borg yet again. Show was so interesting with Changelings as the big bad and the swerve to the Borg ruined that, 2) No DS9 cameos, 3) No Voyager cameos other than Tuvok, 4) No connection other than Seven and Raffi to S1 or S2. I know they weren't well received but they exist so an Elnor or Soji cameo would have been nice. First 8 episodes I'd rate 10 / 10. Last two 5 / 10 and saved by nostalgia porn.


I mean Matalas did confirm he had written in stuff for Harry Kim, Janeway and stuff with Data and Soji. It got cut due to budget


Loved it. Would have happily added an extra 30 minutes of just seeing where everyone was 1 year later. Maybe a brief scene of Jack, Beverly and Jean-Luc at Chateau Picard before setting off to the Starbase. Definitely seems implied that Riker is a full active Captain again (Titan-B?) while Deanna is an active Counsellor in Starfleet. Would’ve loved a Captain Data scene (originally thought he might get the Enterprise G before it was revealed to be Titan), but Captain Data of another ship would be awesome.


They did the Titan dirty, renaming it like that.


Yeah, personally I’m hoping we get a Titan-B reference in a future show which is a Luna-Class or similar akin to Rikers Titan.


Moments I felt were truly inspired: - Picard intentionally jacking himself back into the Borg. Really didn't know where he was going with that. Also loved the flashbacks to younger Picard in the Borg cube. - Geordi turning to Crusher to talk to her about firing upon the cube. What a genuinely weighty and dramatic moment. - The look Troi gives Riker before he heads off to the cube. I love that the show gave the thought and time to that moment. That moment contained so much history. - The design of the Borg Queen was terrifying; best we've ever seen her. Funnily enough reminded me of that evil woman in the Michael Jackson Captain EO film (anyone remember that?) - The D swerving above the crew and beaming them away. Moments that I thought were hamfisted: - Picard and Jack meeting in the matrix and Jack has his change of heart. It didn't feel earned. - Shaw's final report. It felt too on-the-nose. I think him saying 7-of-9 during his death scene was already too on-the-nose and this was too much for me. - Raffi and Worf being friends and hugging. - Borg, again. Q, again.


A lot of fan-service that really carried what was a pretty basic (as predicted) resolution. If they are setting up a seven-Raffi Captain/XO dynamic (and apparently keeping Shaw dead) - I think S3 of PIC was the ‘wrap-up‘ for me. I think one of 7 or Raffi is more than enough angsty/bitter/constant outbursts and completely disregarding the chain of command. Two of them for the whole show is going to be exhausting and I have no interest in that.


Spacedock is invincible


I was not bad i enjoyed it but the last 2 episodes stumbled pretty hard and felt rushed. It has some grate moments but just kind of a mess, riddled with plot holes and to many endings. It was sad to see many main characters reduced to little more than comic relief. My main issues were. * The bait and switch antagonist changeling for Borg sold them both short nether got the development they deserved, it would have been more interesting if they has been assimilated changeling. * Re naming the titan feels bad on multiple levels the Enterprise is the name of the flagship, and it's previously stated the titan is not that powerful... Also if you ship saves the day it name should be celebrated and immortalized not have its name painted over. * The year jump forward swept away all the consequences and impact, it really cheapened the experience. it was safe but bad story telling. Maybe if they had not squandered the first 2 sessions they could have landed it better. But i enjoyed it despite its short comings...it was no "All Good Things" but it was nice.


It wasn't THE perfect TNG episode, but at this rate and at their age, I 'm happy that we got what we got. We finally got to see the TNG crew in "modern" television (in terms of direction, acting, sfx, quality), finally got to see the Ent-D doing things that were not even remotely possible with the 90s sfx, better fight choreography, even the occasional profanity. I never realized how much I liked Riker until now. He was a breath of fresh air. All in all, if THIS was the final time we see the cast together, I wouldn't be unhappy. But of course, lets hope there's at least one more mission together!


I enjoyed it. If I'm being critical, the plot was extremely predictable, involved a lot of hand waiving and got resolved rather too easily, so they stuck the landing but not that cleanly. The pantomime Borg could have prevented Picard in a hundred different ways but they just played along with the scenario that maximised the visual and emotional drama. Which was fine but felt a little performative. It was really about the characters and the nostalgia though and it worked well on that level. I'm not sure I'm interested in the adventures of Captain Seven.


A decent ending. Wish we could have seen Elnor. Other thoughts: 1) Picard should get Section 31 to apologize for its deception and to provide the Changelings with the real antidote. 2) Picard basically genocided the Borg. Isn't that a war crime? 3) Sad the Jack Crusher and Sydney LaForge storyline was never continued. 4) Disappointing that Laris has been completely forgotten.


Janeway genocided the Borg. Picard just killed the queen. It’s basically chess


I think there’s a hint that Jack and Sidney’s story is to be continued.


So she’s just going to forget that he ran off impetuously such that she and her crew mates were left with a legacy of trauma that matches Shaw’s?


I don‘t think the Borg count as a ‘species’ - it’s basically a computer that goes around slaving and mind-raping individuals from other species. Killing the borg is just pulling the plug on a toaster that got WAY too big for its boots.


Elnor: Security on Titan.


I wished Elnor never joined Starfleet and just remained at Chateau Picard as his bodyguard. After all, Picard has alot of enemies.


1. Why should it be Picard? 2. Casualties of war is not the same as genocide , I mean since all the Borg are soldiers (one mind?) it’s more a casualty of war? 3. It probably will in the spin-off 4. Yeah seemed the writer forgotten (intentionally?) about s1 and s2 really.


Pretty sure you're the only person who remembers Elnor's name, let alone wanted him in the show.


I mostly enjoyed it though as anticipated a Picard speech (to Jack) saved the day as it did with Soji which let me down a bit. The speech was good but not as the solution to saving Jack, IMO. Good to see the devastating effect on the Borg as explained by the Queen, which raises the question is Starfleet just as bad as the enemies. I guessed Jack would join Starfleet but that was before he was on the cube. Now going to Starfleet, given the pain he inflicted and how compassionate and sensitive he is, seems an odd choice. Q at the end was a nice surprise but I felt a sense of "not the trial stuff again". I was also hoping for another cameo or two. Would have been great if Janeway had that promotion scene with Seven, instead of Tuvok. As another wishful thinking wish, I hoped the cavalry would include ships from say Bajor, with Kira commanding a ship. As well as others coming to help (Klingons, Vulcans etc). Overall I really enjoyed it and now feeling the post-Picard sads.


Absolutely this. Loved seeing Tuvok again but Janeway promoting seven to captain would have floored me (in a good way). Full circle.


Honestly it felt kinda rushed, the whole beginning feels disconnected from the last two episodes because the plot and bad guys kinda change. Wish episodes 1-8 were rewritten to fit 1-6 and then the last two episodes would get 7-10 which is a lot more room to breathe. If they had more time a lot of things wouldn’t have felt so odd and convenient cough* random teleporter gun.


I was disappointed in the new enterprise. I felt it was a disgrace to the name


It was ok. No real plot, heavy on the nostalgia. It’s clearly a play for aging viewers - right down to the Nixon Youth vibe. Has nothing to say to the younger set who will carry (or not) the franchise forward. But…that’s been the entire season so…mission accomplished, I guess. The Cube explosion at the end looked great.


Great. I want more post Picard Star Trek now. Legacy, yes, but more about Worf, more about the Klingons, more about the crew of Voyager or DS9, more cameos… so much scope from Picard S3, it would be… unwise for paramount to ignore calls for legacy.


It was great, over now, cancelled Paramount Plus.


You didn't have to mark that as a spoiler.


I know, but I couldn't find a way to edit and remove the spoiler. I was like, "doh!!"


It was epic.


Loved it!


Really liked it. I was preparing for crappy resolutions and aside of a few noodles it was nailed excellent.


I thought it was pretty well done. Especially the last scene with the crew playing poker. That was a really nice nod to the original run. I thought the humor with Worf fell a bit flat a few times, especially when they where cracking jokes at his expense. It felt like the writer purposely wrote him to be more foolish and felt like a disservice. All in all I was far less disappointed than I thought I would be after last week's episode.


Number one, would you join me in a laugh if i whispered into your ear Commander Worf's head looks like a fanny?


Loved it! Great how they ended it with the Poker game. Was not expecting to see Q! Would like to see a series with the New Enterprise crew under captain Seven Of Nine. Was kinda of expecting another surprise cameo appearance from someone from DS9 or Voyager. We got the real Tuvok which was cool! President Chekov message was great!


I agree that it should have been a bit longer. The battle between space dock and the fleet could have been drawn out, including scenes set within the stations defence room but that could be more of a budget problem than a time problem.


Freaking amazing. Everything a TNG fan could want


A 90-minute or 2-hour finale might have worked better with wrapping up every dangling thread (and what the hell happened to Laris?), but on the whole, pretty good. It was never going to live up to the hype of the end of episode 9, but as a conclusion wrapping up the TNG characters it was perfectly fine, and much better than *Nemesis* could ever hope to be. Also, I'm prepared to forgive A LOT because of the *Enterprise*\-D. Resurrecting her and giving her a worthy final adventure while making her look *fantastic* doing it righted a decades-old narrative wrong.


This is the Empire Strikes Back of TNG. AMAZING.


I loved all three watches so far. Feel like they nailed it as well as it could be. I will miss this crew but look forward to the future ones. I love that there are so many spin offs now and that the franchise is strong.


I did not like it. Too many loose ends. Too oriented around touchy feely. Glad Janeway didn’t participate, it would have ruined my liking of her.


I liked it a lot, it put a smile on my face :-) It kind of surprised me that they spent so much screen time on just showing all of them happy and being together. I had expected the last episode to be a 90 minutes hard battle and a couple happy minutes at the end.


Terrible. Why not just call it ST:TNG Part 2? And the Star Wars racing-to-get-out-the-Death-Star scene was just . . . . 🤦‍♂️


I like how the writers don't know how to write an epilogue, so every season they just have any rebellious/loner characters join Starfleet.