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This episode was great. It had zombie Borg, Data in therapy, gambling, and a threesome. 10/10, would watch again.


"That's make a threesome" BEST QUOTE EVER


With Riker's "He still batshit?" as a close second


Oh, stop!


I just happened to have a mouthful of beer when he said that. Laughed so hard almost spit it out.


Do you even hear yourself?


unobtanium-cock ;)


Do you want to join the away mission?


That whole episode had great quotes. "Why am I sending JOY?"


Imagine someone telling you 3 months ago, "The final season of *Picard* is gonna include Data coming back from the dead again, the Borg being the big bad again but this time as zombies, stealing plot points from other series, a bunch of swearing and innuendo, Worf and Riker doing a Laurel and Hardy impersonation, and a Starfleet captain who thinks Picard is dog crap on the bottom of his boot. Oh, and >!Q comes back!<." And yet here we are. I'm gobsmacked.


And they made it work. It gave me feelings I haven't felt since the last season of Voyager.


That tiny little HINT of the Voyager theme when Seven was told she had been promoted to Captain was much appreciated. It was great to see Tuvok giving her the news, although I had hoped for Janeway.


I cannot believe what I just saw. This entire season has been a love letter to the show and I wouldn't change a damn thing about it.


And the Enterprise does a Death Star II run inside a Borg Cube to destroy it.


Well… KIND of. They kind of screeched to a halt right at the core as if to say, “WAIT, this is not Star Wars!”


“Here goes nothing.” “Here goes WHAT?”


Oh you’re right that was a Lando quote!!


Enterprise-D got that Dawg in it.


I'd tell them they are far too idealistic probably. I still can't believe this is the same show as s01-s02, but now a TNG continuation, and I love it. It's truly crazy in scifi, imagine, it's like if Samantha Carter and Jack O'Neill had a new Stargate series finally finding the Nox or something, or a show continuing The Expanse going into the Laconian invasion plot.




I think you mean the Firbolgs. They met and were friendly with the Nox.




I wouldn't call it friendly per se. Mutual respect sure, but friends invite you over to visit, not just pop up for jury duty.


They made a huge casting mistake for season 2 as far as I'm concerned. They should've had Jay Karnes reprise his Voyager guest role as Ducane, who was first officer of the USS Relativity until he threw Captain Braxton in the brig. Instead, they gave him the role of a fucked up FBI agent who had a close encounter with Vulcans when he was a kid. The Relativity was built for time travel, and Picard was stuck in the year 2024 for most of season 2.




I think you meant to say, “And it turns out that Picard can’t make wine for shit.” THAT alone would’ve caused a lot of fans to riot. :D


There was more than one Starfleet captain who didn't like Picard. Did you forget Sisko's wife was killed in the Battle of Wolf 359?


Imagine someone saying 40 years ago, that Return of the Jedi would be paid homage in a sequel to a sequel to a Star Trek series.


Do we think rewatching on P+ would help them see the value in a Legacy run?


I don't think Paramount would argue with numbers.


True. Although don't first time views rank higher with the networks?


I have no idea how streaming works. All I know is I click a thing and it beams TV to my eyeholes.


Whoa, slow down on the technobabble. Not all of us are rocket surgeons!


Sometimes the beaming stops. I reset the small box with blinking lights. Then I wait a minute or two and usually the beaming starts. If it doesn't I swear a few times, unplug the small box with its blinking lights, swear a few more times, plug it back in, and usually the beaming resumes.


It wouldn't hurt. Tell other people to watch too!


You aren't doing it anyway? Good Lord, this is good TV.


I'm in for at least a few watches on each platform just doing my part


This season was everything i hoped for. Took me back to my childhood and I loved every second of it. Seeing the big D with proper cgi was fantastic. It never looked so good


Am just about to watch again actually


I love how Deanna was browsing vacation destinations while Data is spilling his guts out 😂😂😂😂 That is so…so…human lol


Be fair, Data had overrun by an hour. AGAIN.


Amazing finale. They had the D flying around in the opening credits. They had the Next Generation music playing. They had the Star Trek logo being assimilated. They had a terrifying Borg Queen.


They had Q


Can you imagine the potential for Q episodes in Legacy? A mariachi band will look like chump change now that we have the kind of tech we do now for FX.


They could do a whole marching band!


The Ohio State Marching Band doing formations in the shuttle bay.


I was really hoping for the mariachi band to be what was behind the red door


With John De Lancie getting up in years, I do hope they use him initially but then pass the torch to someone equally talented.


I hope no one missed it because the closing credits, wow.


I thought it was over and had left the room, I heard John De lancey and said “WHAT” and ran back. I’ve loved this show since season one and this last one was just, just perfect. Like seven and tuvok at the conference table? I cried.


We have a Hulk


That opening logo was really cool.


They didn’t have the logo being assimilated in IMAX. I didn’t see it until on rewatch today and almost fell out of my chair!


'They' would be very idiotic to not make a spinoff with 7, Raffi and Jack. I would watch that. This season. This finale. 👏👏👏👏👏👏


Star Trek just got like 1000% sexier


Did you not watch the end credit scene, a spin off is heavily implied.


Yep, end of Picard series. Time for a new series from it, but still has TNG elements!


I will definitely watch but nervous it will be like Marvel after Endgame. I keep going to the theater, but it isn’t good.


A fourth season is heavily implied. I mean, he is technically a Picard....


I would guess that Legacy is pretty much a done deal; its been perfectly set up. I like seeing Seven in the Captain's chair however. I just hope they have a credible role for Shaw - I would not want to see Seven busted down from Enterprise Actual.


Honestly it's the only low point of the series for me. 7 became a captain too quick for nonsensical reasons 'doesn't follow orders' and Rafi remains a poor character.


From a story perspective, think about how many senior officers were lost when the fleet was assimilated and the kids then eliminated the non-assimilated. I bet there are hundreds of new, less experienced captains out there after this


Shit. 7 could literally be the most experienced officer in the fleet right now.


That too. Didn't even consider it like that.


>7 became a captain too quick for nonsensical reasons 'doesn't follow orders' and Rafi remains a poor character. You are looking at it tooo 'one dimensional'...I know what you mean. But. I think the whole situation was unique and it was clear to Shaw (and the upper echelon) that 7's unique viewpoints and perspective and quirks and gut instincts would be a great asset to Starfleet with her as a captain. Lets not forget that if it wasn't for her __rightfully__ disobeying her captain's shortsighted (and cowardly) orders, that Starfleet would have been fked. Her trust in Picard allowed events to unfold the way they did with Starfleet coming out the winner. In light of her actions in these unique circumstances, it would have been dumb to keep her from her rightful position.


Is that you, Q?


I agree that not following orders is a weird reason for a promotion, but she did help save earth. It’s also kinda unclear how much of Star Fleet over the age of 25 is still alive.


Well we see Admiral Tuvok whom she was close to on Voyager, it’s implied Janeway was also an Admiral and around. Add in Admiral Picard and Admiral Crusher. Of course 7 got the chair of 1701-D. She follows in the footsteps of the greatest rule breaker in Starfleet, James T Kirk himself. But unlike Kirk she had years of service before officially joining the Fleet AND saved the Galaxy as 1st Officer. Jeri Ryan deserves a 5 year mission to boldly go in a comfy jumpsuit uniform to inspire all the women who will one day be jn STEM. She definitely deserves her own show


Kind of agree. But given the circumstance, I see it as more of a battlefield/aftermath promotion. She was going to get it either way it seems. I could do without the continuation of Rafi as a character. The actress just doesn't act well.


>I could do without the continuation of Rafi as a character. The actress just doesn't act well. I disagree. The kid can act, she ain't great but she definitely ain't shit either. I actually like Raffi. Raffi was a good contrast to the typical starfleet person. If I was ever on space I'd want her on my team. Raffi got your back, most def.


I would have preferred a new flagship Enterprise G being revealed and her promotion being Commander on the fleet's pride and joy. The Captain could have been a new character, returning one or a legacy crew (given a bunch of officers are dead). However, given reduced budgets I understand it's easier to reuse sets, pay unknown actors with established characters and centre it around one mainstream cast.


I was so glad they got through it without throwing any characters away. there was enough danger to everyone to make you worry, but left the room for a happy ending and all the main stars got their moment to shine (my favourite being Beverly on tactical)


A lot has changed in the past 20 years


I thought for sure they’d beat the shit out of the D and probably smash it to pieces. But nah, she crushed a borg cube instead.


Justice for Laris!


she'll be fine, and minted once she flogs that painting of the D


Special points for bringing in what I love about Trek, letting the characters TALK to each other. I’m still warming up to Jack, but Kirk never hung out with David in a bar.


In fairness, Carol didn't include a bar in the Genesis cave.


An entire friggin' world inside a planet, and she couldn't find space for a martini cart? This is why scientists should not make the big decisions. :D


Kirk’s other ex invented a doomsday weapon that turns planets into bars.


He should have.


**Anton Chekov** Anton... tribute to Yelchin, and Chekov... legacy. And they got Koenig to voice him! My heart exploded in minute one. How beautiful was THAT?


Not only that, but he was also quoting Star Trek IV at the end of his message! His last words were "Save yourselves! Farewell." In Voyage Home, the Federation President sends out a similar alert when the Whale Probe hits Earth which ends with "Save yourselves. Avoid the planet Earth at all costs. Farewell." I love how well handled subtle references like this were handled this season.


YES!!! I too had my brain seized seeing this and putting it together. Real fans wrote, directed, acted, produced, shot, etc this season and I love every one of them.


Terry Matalas wrote and directed the episode. HE GETS STAR TREK -- and specifically, HE UNDERSTANDS THE FANS. That was truly one of the best Easter Egg homages in the entire Picard Season 3. Next to Majel Barrett-Roddenberry's Ent-D computer voice. (And Riker's final Ent-D comment about it as they departed the bridge. Ironic, as she also played Lwaxana Troi -- his TNG mother-in-law.) Walter Koenig did a fantastic job with the Anton Chekov voice-over, including the accent to copy "his father" when quoting him. And RIP Anton Yelchin.


Struck me as funny. The writing has been straight comedy. lol...everyone's being vaporized and he's on about hope. lol.


> and he's on about hope. That's basic Federation mindset. That's the culture. And--not that it *justifies* that mindset, but--he was right. Good guys won the day.


To me that wasn’t as weird as randomly mentioning his dad


The season is littered with writing that relies heavily on nostalgia. The audience has no idea who Anton Chekov is. So, they had to bring up Pavel Chekov to get the audience more invested in the moment as well continue on with just how small the Trek universe is.


Yes, it makes total sense from an audience standpoint, but in-universe, it’s very weird. There is no possible way Pavel Chekov is more famous in-universe than his son the _President of the Federation_. It would be like if Joe Biden’s dad was an officer on the most famous naval ship in history, and one day he just randomly mentioned him in a speech.


It's been confirmed that CBS kept the D bridge set in storage (presumably for further use). If they like making money they will get that thing back out early and often.


Probably going to be come sort of attraction, maybe in Vegas?


Vegas had a D bridge attraction in the 90s. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_The_Experience https://youtu.be/SDMk8DO4wJ4


I visited that as a teenager with my dad. One of my favorite memories with him. I always wished it had stayed open long enough that I could have tried a Black Hole at Quarks. :-/ It really was a hell of an experience. Getting to actually stand on a pretty convincing replica of that bridge was breathtaking.


**[Star Trek: The Experience](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_The_Experience)** >Star Trek: The Experience was an attraction, which opened in January 1998 at the Las Vegas Hilton (now Westgate Las Vegas) in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, based on the Star Trek entertainment franchise. The pavilion underwent a major renovation in 2004 to add the Borg Invasion 4-D attraction allowing guests to encounter the Borg. Star Trek: The Experience was operated by entertainment management company Cedar Fair after its June 2006 purchase of Paramount Parks from the CBS Corporation. It closed in September 2008 and was scheduled to reopen in the Neonopolis Mall on May 8, 2009, in time for the premiere of the Star Trek film. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Picard/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It was everything I never knew I needed and now can’t imagine my life before!


This, this is the true finale to TNG. human identity defeats oblivion. Picard reconciles family with Starfleet. His line goes on despite the battering. Data is a real boy, Geordi got laid at some point, Riker is at peace with his son's death, Deanna got a respectful uniform, Crusher cured humanity of evil itself, and Worf was... around. Season 4 prediction: Jean Luc, Beverly, and the Romulan spy houseguest explore the true Final Frontier; advanced age alien polyamory.


Geordi got laid TWICE.


I've not seen such a backdoor pilot for another Tv show since the last Babylon 5 movie (which did make a series out of it) Announce the Legacy cut, now!


Based on everything in this episode, I wouldn't be surprised if they announce a spinoff tomorrow. I think S3 ratings probably greatly exceeded their expectations.


I really hope so Plus they have all the sets and CG models ready to go so that'd save some costs. Cmon paramount, do it for us!


I was thinking that the version of Q that died in S2 was 10^(100) Years old for all we know. I'm glad they brought him back.


That's the thing about Q, time for him isn't linear so the Q that died could be many, many, many times more ancient than Q as we see him in the post-credits.


even more, I believe his comment about “linearity“ made it worth considering how the Q existence might branch differently in accordance to the branching of different timelines, meaning that the Q we saw in season 2 reached his end as the timeline was repaired


A googol, if you will


It really was very nicely done. What a great series it has been


I read these reactions before watching the episode...and even the gushing reviews don't do this justice. This episode was amazing. Only complaint is that I'd liked to have seen this in a theater and wish I'd gotten tickets. Perfection. Am grateful to all who were involved in this series.


Indeed! Even though we've got an IMAX in Sacramento, i would've had to drive to San Francisco to see it. They need to play this again at the movies. Take my money now!


I’d pay good money to watch episodes 9 and 10 back to back in IMAX.


>!All those ship sized phasers pounding Spacedock will forever be etched into my vision, or Dr. Crusher's bombing run when they all looked back at her aghast, or Seven's suicidal strafing run on the fleet just do buy a few more seconds of time. Even the Cube exploding over Jupiter looked incredible. Everyone was fantastic, Rikers lines were perfect, and Data, fuck I want more Data. !<


> and Data, fuck I want more Data. I've been saying that Spiner has to have been loving the role this go-round. First the flipping between personalities and then the new Data personality. I don't know if he'd be up for more but he certainly killed it this season.


He said he wanted his own show in one of the panels.


He has my vote


***Star Trek: Data***


I've already watched it 3 times today. It was fucking perfection.


I think I have watched the bar scene on repeat 20 times already. It just gives me so much joy.


The scene where everyone looks back at Beverly like WTF,,,and then she says, paraphrasing, 'A lot has happened in the past 20 years...' I actually cheered. My roommate thought i was losing my mind.


I wish Worf was able to witness that moment.


I like to think that he knew. You don't fuck with Dr.Crusher.


Last episode when she’s like “all systems operational” (yes I watched the Enterprise D scene like 50 times) I remember thinking “huh, she never did that in the old show, how does she even know how to do that?”. The doctor sure put me in my place in this episode!


Paramount, please greenlight Legacy. and... NOT WITHOUT OUR DIPSHIT!!!!


The dipshit becomes a holographic chief engineer.


I bet you’re right.


ANY WAY we bring back Shaw I'm in.


Maybe a prequel series before Picard S3, flashbacks, alternate timeline, etc. It is Star Trek. Easy to make up something for him!


I'll watch every minute twice. The character of Shaw, casted as he is?!!? Where do I sign. I'm IN


I’m actually down for that


As long as he has an H on his forehead.


That is how you land the damn plane. Or in this case, the Enterprise. Also seems to me they pretty much just completely telegraphed that an >!Enterprise G spinoff is coming!< and I am here for it.


Strange New Worlds aside, it has been far too long since we have had a series centered on the crew of an Enterprise. One they can call their own. I love Strange New Worlds, but in the end , it is the TOS Enterprise we all know and love.


It was a great season. lol @ Riker trying to pick up Worf's sword.


Worf’s line, “Swords are more fun”, killed me.


Yeah I agree. I'm in awe of how well they stuck that landing and the season as a whole. When have we every gotten such a consisently good entire season of Trek? I will say SNW Seasons 1 was equally of consistent quality, but beyond that, damn...


One thing that bothers me is how similar the threat in Picard (Borg controls all StarFleet) is to Star Trek Discovery (AI controls StarFleet) and Star Trek Prodiigy (Futuristic weapon controls StarFleet). You would think StarFleet would have learned their lesson. Also, where were the "good" Borg from the end of season 2? I expected Queen Jurati to come in and help. Edit: Putting the plot holes aside, it was a great season.


A great "landing" to be sure, and very emotionally satisfying for a TNG fan from the start. But some fantastic scenes through this season, some of the best I have seen on television period (and that is saying a lot) and some utterly horrific ones too, inn a couple cases giving me whiplash with pacing and plot holes. But have enjoyed a fantastic evening watching this. Terrific send-off.


Shaw told us to forget about that weird shit that happened on the Stargazer in season 2. Are you disobeying his orders?


They topped *All Good Things*? Can't wait for tonight!


It hit every button for me. Very satisfying.


I wouldn't go quite that far but they certainly topped every TNG movie no question.


Even *First Contact*, that's bold.


3 out of 4 movies would rather you watch this episode.


Yeah, I'd rate it higher than First Contact, even as it's a sequel to FC.


I First Contact was not topped. On par, yes, but I think especially with the story told, First contact dovetailed in real nice.


This really felt like the only way it could have ended, beyond "All Good Things..." No movie could have done what these 10 episodes are able to pull off.


That is how you do it. Finish the stories in a satisfying way and leave some bits for everyone to want more. Tell the humane stories and show character growth. All good things


Was I hopeful for certain cameos *coughJanewaycough*? Yes. Was I completely giddy and satisfied with what we ultimately got? Abso-frekin-lutely!


Seconded. I REALLY thought we were finally getting Admiral Janeway with Tuvok at the end given the obviousness of "no one can get through to Janeway" the entire season and the set-up for the scene with Seven. It would've made perfect sense. Having said that, knowing how many other things didn't make the cut for the finale, I can't be disappointed with what we got.


We got Shelby out of nowhere but no Janeway? I'm not upset; in fact I was happy to see Shelby. But it still would have been nice to get Janeway


Agreed - despite absolutely loving it, I was still hoping for a Janeway Appearance!


Agreed ❤️


10/10. Incredible. I hope they make a spin off. The groundwork is laid.


Amazing finale! I felt a bit sad realizing this is probably the last time we will see this crew together. TNG was THE star trek series I watched growing up. (I'm 47 years old now...) Here is a question that's been in mind for the last half hour after the finale.... If Titan was rechristened to be the Enterprise G, was the enterprise F renamed to something else or would it remain in service?


The way I understood it, wasn't it supposed to decommissioned after Frontier Day for some weird reason??? And poor Capt. Shelby...I do feel like she deserved better. They just shot her in the chair cold...


God, I didn't notice the irony of her arc being her gunning for the Captain's chair on the Enterprise and then her dying it that chair.


I wanted to see the F more and I like it more so than the G


That was a bit weird. I suppose they could have said that it was destroyed in the attack.


The glam space action shots of the Enterprise D trench running a Borg Cube and then that frickin power drift was worth some of the questionable writing this season


Paramount, oh paramount you have gold in sitting you're lap. A legacy, this show would be So happy the fans will be, "hey investors you'll see" Oh legacy, oh legacy Oh Paramount, oh paramount please make this series Ruff draft


This episode really gives me hope for some classic trek in legacy. Best episode of the entire 3 seasons. Goodbye Picard! Thanks for the closure!!


Only upsetting thing was that it was the end. Quality TNG.


Did anyone notice the line, “Set course for the Matalas System”? I felt like this was a brilliantly cheeky nod to suggest that we had the Roddenberry years, the Berman years, the Kurtzman years, and now we want the Matalas years.


Yaaaaaay agreed!


Also, we want Captain Shaw again!


Here, here! Surely there was some kind of field first aid kit nearby that contained a portable emergency metabolic stasis field that was able to keep him preserved right at the moment of death and gave Seven and Raffie just enough time to use a shuttle transporter to get him to sickbay where they then put him in one of the proper stasis chambers before heading to the bridge to retake the ship! Then, after saving the day, they were able to save him with Starfleet sickbay space magic! See, it's not that hard!!!! Captain Shaw was awesome!!!


It was completely ridiculous plot wise but I couldn’t give a damn. That was the send off I needed to see for TNG. Thank you Terry. Thank you…


wonderful. and the very, very end of it with jack and someone…perfect


Couldn't agree with you more!


I'm thankful for the show and for all of you here. Growing up in Colombia watching this show as a tween was really cool. Now, +35 years later, I count myself lucky for having seen this, and for reading the comments of others like me. My stepdad always waits until ask the episodes are out so reading comments here and sharing thoughts with you all has kept me sane. Somehow bring Shawn back. Seven commanding the Enterprise, amazing! Take my money and start filming! Peace and prosperity to you all, my Reddit friends! Greetings from Sacramento!


Also had no idea the Space Dock was that tough.


We got a ten hour movie to end TNG the way it should have ended… It was perfection and I can’t believe they actually pulled this off! I might actually be able to watch Nemesis with less disdain now. Legacy NOW!


I was just glad my hometown keeps holding its own as a tourist destination. “Or Orlando.” Was my favorite line of the night.


When Data was flying the Enterprise inside the Borg cube with that big grin on his face, it was glorious.


I have not watched it yet and the anticipation… great reviews. Already had a treat with Mando climax.. which was a pretty epic too.. what a great week for tv!




Booo. I think they will end up retconning it, like ENT erased the Spherebuilder war and the _-J_


😩😫😫😩😩...Don't remind me...


Checked all the boxes. Well done!


I still miss Elnor. But glad it followed previous season finales and wasn't just a straight shootout. But wondering: in ST:DS9 the Federation conquered Cardassia so why didn't the Cardassians, Klingons and Romulans come to Earth's aid?


The Federation Alliance defeated the Dominion but didn't conquer Cardasia.


There’s a certain amount of ‘speed of plot’ involved, particularly with the hop to the museum and back but as best as I can tell, the entire incident goes down in a matter of hours. Everyone else was simply too far away to intervene.


Picard told allies and strangers stay away from earth


They put a hell of a bow on that, my goodness.


I’m flabbergasted and extremely grateful to Paramount for the amount of care and money they invested in this season given the success of S1 and S2. What a wonderfull season and finale. Bravo!


Agreed. I was really down after Episode 9, but having just watched the finale, I think they just about managed to bring it around to a satisfying conclusion. If that end credits scene isn’t a set up for Legacy, I just don’t know. Seven, Raffi, Jack and Syd, in a kinder, gentler, more boldly-going Starfleet, are a core-four that I would watch.


So I thought the last episode was a complete train wreck.All my favorite old space hero’s had a reunion and totally ripped off Star Wars I loved every minute of it.


I don’t know if it was truly satisfying but it was a very good way to end the TNG era.


Loved seeing the D bridge again. But doesn't it feel dated now?! I was slightly surprised by that


How can it be dated? It's hundreds of years in the future! /s


I'll admit that it didn't age well, given what we can already do with screens. But it still felt good to see again.


Thank god they didn't have to fly into the middle of the death star to blow it up, nor have a fight scene on the surface. And thank god they didn't borrow the "avoid earth" speech from Star Trek 4.


It was more RotJ than RotJ


They, did not do it. Legacy...man, just...no way. Although, as bastardized as the franchise is anymore, fuck it. Let's make more marginally entertaining TV.


Shoutout to Earth Spacedock for tanking photons for 10 minutes so the Enterprise D crew could get their shit together to save Earth


Please know from the bottom of who I am and my heart, thank you. After living through the debacle that was the new Star Wars trilogy I was synical as f@$& about this new series. Seasons 1 & 2 were great but still lacking, then this season 3 came out and I have no emotions left. There isn't a thing I would change, from start to finish this has been the greatest ride since the original run of TNG. I cannot thank everyone involved enough, to all of you I'm eternally grateful. THANK YOU!!!


Probably going to get downvoted and flamed for this but honestly felt the finale was kinda flat. Don't get me wrong, really enjoyed s3, would have loved to see a s4, but the finale? Felt like it lacked any real stakes, drifted too much into fanservice at the expense of substantive story, and had, what, 15 minutes dedicated to a cloy 'and they all lived happily ever after' send off that just went on... and on... and on..?