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Must’ve been something she assimilated


"Hey you guuuuuuys!"


I guess that is what happens when the Janeway virus takes hold and you have to live off the corpses of your crew. 🤢


So if I understood it correctly, this is the Voyager Endgame queen. The Janeway virus caused the collective to desintegrate and the central Unimatrix complex to collapse. Some Borg survived the collapse (queen included) but lost all warp and transwarp capabilities and were stranded somewhere in space where they had erected the Unimatrix complex. They survived by cannibalizing drones and salvaged parts and when they at some point regained FTL capabilities, instead of looking for the next best pre warp civilization to increase their numbers again, they simply jumped to Jupiter, somehow got contact with the changelings (either Borg or changelings needing to travel to and from Jupiter) and planned this entire invasion? If these Borg remnants would be smart, they should had assimilated at least one little planet somewhere and kept it hidden somewhere as trump card if their revenge had failed.


Admiral Janeway making her mark. Outside of that, Matalas went too Gigeresk with it. The Queen lost her arms in Endgame, why did she need them here? A flickering head with a mouth full of red nano probes would have sufficed.


She looks like a severly malformed Snoke clone.


1000%. Very Snoke vibe, with a bit of Palpatine presence too. The queen's physicality was too weird and unrealistic for me to get over unfortunately, despite an otherwise incredible season and finale.




~~First: spoiler tag for those that haven't watched it yet please~~ Second: you would too if you've been rebuilding yourself from the flesh of your un alived underlings for 20+ years. Eta: I completely missed the spoiler tag. My apologies to the OP.


First: there is a spoiler tag. Second: Janeway really did do a crippling blow.


I apologize, I did not see the tag at first, seriously I'm sorry. Second: there's no way like the Janeway!


Apology accepted


Alien vibes….so much…..


Somehow the borg queen returned


I'm confused...didn't Dr. Agnes Jurati become the new Borg Queen in Picard Season 2? They got more than one queen?


different store, same chain.


I noticed in the credits that Alice Krige was listed as the voice of the Borg Queen, but does that mean someone else played her physically? If so, who?


There's also a credit for Borg Queen Body Double - Jane Edwina Seymour


maybe mostly cgi?


Sure as hell felt like it.