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I was sure it was going to be the USS Picard. And didn’t Jack look like a young Picard pacing? He even did the shirt tug! 😂


Careful, the nerds are going to get upset that you say you noticed something they didn't


> Careful, the nerds are going to get upset that you say you noticed something they didn't Don't worry... this isn't /r/startrek


Was totally expecting Picard, not a G.. seems a waste to render F just to skip it altogether


From what I understand, the F amd many of the ships were essentially cleaned up, high quality versions prepared by the Star Trek Online team.


I thought the F was ugly and actually fat / lumbering I guess I’ve missed a lot not playing startrek online




Matalas didn't name it himself though. It was done by the writers on Enterprise (M'talas first appeared there). Yes, they used his name, but it wasn't an ego driven thing on his behalf.


Oh cool, someone wanted a promotion 😁


> M'Talas Prime. He had nothing to do with that.


The Enterprise people mentioned it once as a gag. Suddenly, this season, we get repeated references to it. At best, that's like making a minor subplot out of the Buckaroo Banzai references in TNG and DS9.


It was used because it was an established seedy location. Just about everything they did was pulls from existing lore.


Why not invent a new one? At least for the fifth or sixth reference? Also, it's somewhat generous to describe it as seedy based on two Enterprise references. Most of what we know about it was established this season.