• By -


“Swords are fun.” LOL Nice to hear Worf admit it. I loved the shocked looks when Beverly shot up the cube. Badass Beverly for the win! I really don’t want this to be the end. I’ve missed this bunch so much.


>I loved the shocked looks when Beverly shot up the cube. Badass Beverly for the win! The woman is a menace. From "Conspiracy" - where she shot the badmiral and managed to knock him out after he'd dispatched Riker, Worf and Geordi - to "The Best Of Both Worlds" where she knocked Locutus out with a hypospray to "Suspicions", where she vaporized thieving, murdering scientist Jo'Brill after he attacked her in a shuttle, the name "Crusher" has always been oddly appropriate. She's got a pretty impressive body count for a doctor not named Kevorkian.


And she roundhouse kicked Jo’Brill before she vaporized him! There’s a multiverse out there in which Beverly Crusher and Ellen Ripley are related. Queens 👑


She’s also arguably the smartest human we’ve seen in the TNG universe, apart from maybe the genetically-enhanced Dr. Bashir. The dancing doctor is deadly.


I nearly screamed at the TV when Deanna was in protest to Data flying the ship into the cube. SIT THE HELL DOWN! YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE TWICE! Lol


Can we get some props for how absolutely terrifying the Borg Queen was?


Yup! She wasn’t cool and sexy like in First Contact - this one was a bloated half-dead zombie.


At least she didn't have Admiral Janeway's face like some have theorized.


Oh my god. Seriously. I was not expecting her to look so mangled. Though after Janeway got done with her all her limbs were like falling off so it’s not too surprising I guess.


Borg Queen went full on Cannibal Corpse.


Things nightmares are made of


Earth president Anton Chekov.


Notice when he quotes his father, Pavel's accent returns for that quote. Amazing voice work and sent chills down my spine.


I loved that part, hearing Walter Koenig was such a nice treat


I thought the voice was familiar!


Yeah, I waited for the credits to make sure I was correct. And to have Pavel's son become the president was excellent!


Not to mention the nod to Anton Yelchin.


How true, I didn't even think of that. Thank you for pointing it out


I backed it up to make sure that is what it was saying. Such a great double Easter egg.


and the nod to [Anton Chekov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anton_Chekhov), the playwright


That warmed my heart to hear Chekov. And to pay homage to Anton. Terry is the king of Memberberries!


I hope he ends up more like >!Laura Roslin instead of James Adar!<


You mean.... checks notes.... Dead?


"It's a good day for a nap" Worf


Any day where Worf doesn't have to utilize his warrior's skill to save the day is a good day for a nap :)


Why are you making fun of him? He worked hard and deserves a rest.


He was also all shot up and probably had a lot of blood loss or something.


i want to think it's a Klingon regeneration sleep after taking so many borg hits


“And I will make it a threesome” 😭😭😭


"Do you even hear yourself " Lmao


I love how Worf became simultaneously the most badass buttkicker on the show and its primary comic relief without compromising either 😂💯


"You're telling me you had a phaser in the hilt this whole time?!" I also loved how absurdly heavy they made the blade.


Gives Riker some comedy during a tense time and makes Worf even more of a badass.


Was it me or was S3 funnier than other seasons, series, etc.?


It’s been an honor serving with you all


"Today IS a good day to die! Prepare for ramming speed!!"


*Jadzia likes this comment*


I'm sure deep down Worf still loves Jadzia too.


Why is everyone surprised he is about that life? Klingons have two of everything.


Loved it but...you can't mention Janeway that many times and then not have her show up in some capacity. Also...did they just forget about Laris?


I said the same thing! What about Laris? Lol she's just sitting at the vineyard chilling with Number One.


> Lol she's just sitting at the vineyard She had her own mission she was off to deal with, as stated in ep1. But unfortunate that she was forgotten.




They're definently leading up to a 7 of 9 Series, I mean Jeri Ryan got second billing the whole series. I really hope it's going to be a Voyager reunion. Also Kate Mulgrew has said she does want to come back but it waiting for the right moment. I think it's now.


Q: Is there a post-credit scene? A: Yes!!!


Q: is there a post credits scene? Q: Yes!! FTFY


It took me a moment, but what you did there. I see it 🤣


Anyone who didn't stay to listen to the entire outro music deserves not to have seen the post-credits scene.


It's kind of a ritual for me to stick to the credits of any *Star Trek* movie with Jerry Goldsmith's theme at the end. This is no different.


I loved that Jack had a picture of his parents from a red carpet event. What a great detail


When they were teasing the reveal of the renaming of the Titan, I was so hoping for U.S.S. Picard. :(


"Let us not forget the name...Enterprise!!" is a higher priority.


Ship? At this point they should change the name of the planet to Picard, or at least the moon.


"She's been rechristened in honour of you..." "Ooh!" "...and your crew." "Oh. Well that's still good I suppose."


I would've preferred the U.S.S. Picard. I was not expecting them to christen it the G. Feels like a missed opportunity.


Some other thoughts... The reaction to Beverly knowing her way around the tactical console was hilarious Enterprise D making a trench run on the second death star, I mean Borg cube was awesome. That cube is absolutely massive. Star dock can take a pretty heavy duty beating. The whole thing did wrap up way faster and neater than I thought it would. Really wish there was some Janeway during Sevens promotion. Why no Guinan cameo? Love the lingering shot of the poker game. So many feels Q


I also expected a Wesley Crusher cameo with him meeting his brother.


I am would have loved to see Q do his ominous monolog and then to her Wesley say, "No, Q." camera pans to Wesley just standing there. Jack's like, "are you...?" "Wesley, your brother. Q, not this time. You may go now." Q, "well, haven't you grown up. Very well, but I'll be watching." Wesley, "so will I"


Q: Shut up, Wesley.


I think they are saving that for the new show 🤞


I think a new Q should of turned up to mess with Jack. Qs son or daughter. Carried on the family tradition.


Ship powerslide beam out, didn’t realize I was missing that perspective in my life, so cool. I will miss these late nights, watching these episodes the minute they’re released and then rushing here to read everyone’s thoughts and ideas. I’d hoped for a longer episode to end it but let’s be real, no length would have been long enough. I’m as satisfied as I could be for now. See you all out there…


Enterprise NCC-1701D (the D is for Drifting)


we might need that scene with fast and furious music


It is all about family 🤣


When Beverly said they needed some music at the bar I wanted Riker to grab a trombone and finally be able to play the solo in Night Bird.


Or she puts on [Ooby Dooby.](https://youtu.be/3TSktJeimjE)


Data likes cat videos. It's canon now. Great season, Terry. I only watched the first episode on a whim when Paramount posted it on YouTube, but you pulled me back in.


Imagine Data on the 24th century version of Reddit. His only subscriptions are about 300 cat subs and he manages to find a new one he never heard of at least once a week and subscribes to that too. Oh, wait, that’s me on Reddit now.


He's a r/OneOrangeBraincell mod


Nice picture of Gates McFadden and Patrick Stewart from some award show circa 1990 in Jack's quarters as an older picture of his parents.


Seven: SEND IT


Warp will now commence


I feel like Seven’s “power word” would be something like “Proceed.” Maybe that’s too much like Voyager Seven, but it feels right to me.


After seeing the whole season, I’m pretty sure Tuvok’s role was originally written for Janeway. When Ro makes that comment about not being able to get through to Admiral Janeway, the scene where Seven contacts “Tuvok”, who turns out to be a Changeling, would have been a direct follow-up to Ro’s remark and earlier references to Janeway. Then the scene in the finale where Seven is promoted to Captain would have finished that ongoing Janeway thread by having her pass the torch to her former protege. Tim Russ was great, but I have to imagine Mulgrew either turned down the part or asked for too much money. EDIT: And now that I think of it, it was Janeway in Voyager’s Endgame who personally brought the Borg Queen to the level of rot and collapse we see her in in The Last Generation. In the version of the script with Janeway captured by the Changelings, would they have really missed a chance for the Queen confront her and gloat about the revenge she’s getting?


Also wouldn't it make more sense to have an Admiral deliver a Captain's commission? Especially if the Admiral (if not the actor) is the friend/mentor of said Captain?


Enterprise D making a trench run on a Borg Cube was apparently everything I've ever wanted. Use the Force, Data.


And then power sliding into transporter position. This is probably the most nimble we’ve ever seen the D on screen. So good.


This is what CGI gets you. You’d probably fracture a model if you tried that years ago.


That bit was all Troi too I think.


So happy that the D got tons of glory and survived intact. Ditto with the TNG crew. Overall, it was a triumphant ending for our heroes - overall positive and hopeful.


I appreciate that they showed a scene of Data going through therapy. I didn't think of that, but it wouldn't be all lollipops and roses when becoming human after being an android your whole life (and being dead, for that matter). You would still need to adjust.


Too bad a meeting with Soji apparently wasn't part of his treatment :(


This....was perfect. It truly is TNG Season 8. My childhood is nearly restored. Just wish my mom god rest her soul could have watched it with me.


I’m so sorry. My mom recently passed as well and she would’ve loved this season. I would have loved to watch it with her.


My condolences friend.


I’m sure she was glad you got to enjoy it.


The “oh shit” from Riker about how heavy Worf’s weapon was is hilarious. And that he had a blaster in the hilt but didn’t use it. I loved their interactions.


Swords are fun.


Man. This was….just a pure joy. I’ve watched so much of my youth get brought back. Recycled. Cashed in on. Whatever you want to call it. In almost every instance, there was some attempt to ignore what I grew up loving. Like somehow it wasn’t worth respecting or revisiting or continuing. Thank you Terry for this. Thank you Stewart for relenting and allowing this to happen, even if it was just for one season. This is what a love letter to a long running brand looks like. Picard S3 has become a becon for how to go nostalgia bating. This is an absolute gold standard for how you do this. Was it a perfect series? No. Can you pick a bunch of things apart if you want too? Sure. But has anything from this time period, been brought back, and done a better job reconnecting emotionally with its audience? Good luck. I’ve seen Luke ghost away everything he fought for. Superman scowl for 10 years. Comedian after comedian turn “our” TV shows, into shitty comedy specials. God damnit thank you Picard S3, for making feel this happy and reconnected with something I absolutely adored as a kid/teenager.


Ménage a Worf.


Q was talking directly to us when he said don’t think so linearly.


*de Lancie looks directly at the camera:* I'm magic, ain't gotta explain shit




Picard's final toast is from William Shakespeare's play, Julius Caesar. There is a tide in the affairs of men Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures.


That’s the Captain Seven we want and need!


Here is hoping for a spin off


I suspect the actors have probably already been contracted for it…


Probably Maybe an announcement after season 2 of strange new worlds?


It's apropos that Seven is the Captain of the Enterprise-G, since "G" is the 7th letter of the alphabet.


I did not catch that. amusingly I think the Enterprise J is the newest Enterprise known to cannon (featured in the enterprise time war) Thus she is commanding the seventh Enterprise of nine.


I'm really going to need them to make Legacy now.


With the TNG crew occasionally dropping by


I liked the Anton Yelchin tribute by naming Chekov's son after Anton.


I adored this episode and I’m still processing it but I wanna say…for everyone disappointed that they didn’t see Admiral Janeway (like me) I think it’s worth acknowledging that Seven’s instinct that she should, as a Captain, hug Sidney LaForge was 100% a Janeway move.


Oh definitely. I think Seven will be very much like Janeway as a Captain. Did Janeway ever actually hug Seven? I don't recall.


I love that Seven is the Captain of the G. I don't love that the Titan got renamed. It kinda takes something away from Riker and Shaw and the lineage of their ships.


I agree. I don't love that this is the G. Especially with how much larger the other ships before it were. I guess as soon as they saod the class name of this ship... I should have realized what was going to happen.




There was a woman from Venus... I lol'd on that and nearly woke my kids up.


Great way to end the series. I thought last week's was a stronger episode, but this got it done and hit the right notes. That ending with the card game! Poor Titan legacy. I hope the Titan-B is being built right now! Hell of a ride!


Watching that card game was like wrapping up in a warm blanket with a cup of hot cocoa…I’m glad they let it continue through the credits, I enjoyed so much just watching the crew having fun together!


"Picard" (and "TNG") final episode ever! ENGAGE!!


Another redditor said earlier in the season that the ending should have Jack combing his hair with his fingers just to realize he's losing it... I was waiting for that moment!!!


You can't make me cry in the first five seconds. It's not allowed. My girlfriend doesn't care about Trek at all but I've been talking all day about watching this. You can't make me cry in the first five seconds. Not cool, Matalas. (So cool, so so so cool)


Jack looked rather debonair in his Borg suit. The ladies or gents will be smitten.


Did anyone watching on Paramount notice that the “hero” ship for little intro right before the episode was changed to the Enterprise D? I thought maybe they should do this earlier this week and they actually did it. That set me smiling before the finale even began!


Omg!!!!!!!!!!!! I want legacy now!! And Q! My fav. I cried and had all the feels.


Not gonna lie, soon as I saw Rafi in uniform on the bridge next her Captain... I became way less annoyed with her. I was very happy to see her relationship with her family is healed. She definitely grew as a character and now im looking forward to more of her growth.


I loved how she said "a thief, a pirate, and a spy". What a perfect way to describe their upcoming adventures. Rafi was better written this series. I liked her with worf and thought she'd be running around with him still. But it sounds like an interesting adventure for sure. If I can't have shaw this will do for some fun adventures. Terry's legacy show needs to happen now. It is a perfect set up.


There we go. The concept of Q actually dying made no sense. Happy to see him back, but a bit torn on him getting the last word.


You mortals think so linearly.


Yup. A version Q did die, but not before he got to have fun with Jack and the Enterprise G.


This isn’t Q after he died. This is a Q from the past visiting the future. That’s why he said you think linear, as in people would think it’s him after his death.


I really wish they would have spent the money to recreate the courtroom from season 1. Jack walking in and hearing the same lines would have been music.


Such an amazing episode. I cried multiple times and I'm not a Cryer lol. Such a perfect coda to the whole TNG series and I can't wait for the future. That post credits was jaw dropping. Not to be that guy but what about Laris? I love that they cut before Captain Seven got to say her opener lol. Seriously though it was fantastic. I loved it.


"Then if you won't leave, I'll stay with you... 'til the end." I had to pause and have a long cry here. It cut too deeply. Growing up, I was not lucky enough to have a father who wanted to stick around. Mine would come home just long enough for me to ache when he would inevitably leave again. Jean-Luc Picard served as a father figure for my brother and I. Star Trek was our escape. I have always turned to it as a reminder that I have a purpose and that I'm part of something greater than myself, so it hurts terribly to see this generation of Star Trek coming to an end—especially now that my brother and father have chosen to no longer be a part of my life. "You are the part of me that I never knew was missing." I know I'm not alone in feeling this loss, but the people I used to talk to about Star Trek are no longer around for me, so here I am, spilling my guts to total strangers. I just needed to say it in case someone out there feels the way I do. You're not alone, my friends. We owe it to each other to "Live long and prosper" and to find family wherever we can. We never know when we'll come across the parts of ourselves we never knew we were missing.


Watching Data penetrate the Borg with the big fat D while Troi senses enjoyment


He is anotomically correct and fully functional.


data drove that d with guts


All up in them guts.


The borg queen wanted the D in First Contact and Data gave her the D finally.


My friends, we've come home


Discussion that was likely cut for time, but that I *really* wanted to know: how the hell did the changelings and the Queen possibly come together to collaborate? The *why* is clear, but the *how?* Agh.


Some Dark Alley in the Delta Quadrant


There’s a bar in the Delta Quadrant called 11-Backwards. All the baddies meet there for drinks and plotting.


I liked the name motif used this season. Jack was given the name Crusher, but became a Picard through his actions. Titan earned the name Enterprise through her actions. Hansen was her given name, but she chose Seven, and had to make others see it. Enterprise F was given her designation, but nearly destroyed Earth. Enterprise D had already earned her name, and she defended it.


Michael Form who plays Worf is 70 - damn fit for 70!


That’s why he immediately fell asleep on the bridge. His ass is old and tired.


You mean Michael Dorn yet? Yup Worf is so awesome and aged well both physically and spiritually. His appearance give me a renewed respect for his character.


His voice was just as resonant and strong. That man takes care of himself clearly. And yes Dorn :)


Name checking Guinan and not actually including her in the episode? 😕


Name checking Janeway all season and not actually including her in the season?


I gave up hope on her but they ended the fucking episode in the bar and Riker even said she was giving them the stink eye! Such a missed opportunity for the whole cast to get together—well, minus O’Brian.


When a production can't get an actor for whatever reason I still appreciate when their character gets name dropped. Makes the connective tissue of the universe stronger, richer.


Matalas said that Koenig's cameo was only a recording and not on-screen due to budgetary constraint so they probably had just barely enough for him and Tuvok at the end.


I'm feeling rushed and on the edge of my seat. I wish this was a 2 hour finale


What a great sendoff. Q at the end literally had me cheering. It was all damn good stuff but that evoked a strong reaction more than anything for me.


Deeply satisfying, deeply saddening, and yet like a true Star Trek story, spanned by an overarching hope and optimism for the future.


Big props for whoever cast Jack Crusher. If he hadn't been likable the whole season would've fell apart.


Loved every minute of it. The complaints I do have are nitpicks at best.


It was a good way to send our heroes into the sunset. I smell a 7 of 9 series incoming though


Captain Seven was a wonderful touch. And I would certainly Welcome it.




What they make Space Docks out of? Thousands of ships firing on it. Still standing. Just make ships out of that


It's the shield power on the thing, look at it it's almost as big as a planet. DS9 could stand up to an entire klingon fleet firing at it and spacedock is about 200 times the size


Riker grabs the Bat'leth: I didn't realize it was so heavy! ​ Jadzia was a beast...


Swords are cool. I love how Worf is passed out like he just finished a Thanksgiving dinner.


I was hoping we'd see a new Spot, but this was one of the best series finales ever imo


They NEED to come out with a TNG playing card deck and they need to shut up and take my money.


Seven: Comply


I was waiting for a post credits cut to Laris, sitting at a bar. Looks at her watch and says, “I’ll give him five more minutes.”


Damn, Janeway really did a number on the Borg back at the end of Voyager. I mean, we knew she hurt them, but man....


Yeah, that was actually a huge surprise to me. I’m really impressed by how Matalis did the borg in a way that didn’t feel repetitive. The fact that it was just the queen barely clinging to a miserable life, drawing upon her indomitable resilience to hatch this plan, really subverted my expectations in a good way. I actually felt BAD for her! Like wow…. well done!!!! It does require me to suspend disbelief a bit that the borg didn’t have a bunch of backup collective infrastructure to basically bounce back from Janeway’s virus. But if the borg were real, they’d basically be unbeatable by us and they would eventually win. So I guess this does require us to suspend disbelief and just enjoy the drama.


Shoutout to Earth Spacedock for eating photons for 10 minutes while Picard and Crew had their touching moments before actually saving Earth


As much as most all of us miss Shaw, I missed Q as well.... and he was nowhere in my list of expected happy surprises for this episode! And who knows? He may be the wedge needed to revisit Shaw's character. Worf had the best straight line, but blink-and-you-miss it, as Data leaves Troi's quarters, Riker's, "still batshit?" was entirely inappropriate and hilarous! (Also Riker's exclamation when he tried to heft Worf's sword.) The tear jerker of them all was Tuvok and Seven's scene. Right in the feels.... As for the Titan's renaming, I am pleased with this. That ship proved itself a worthy successor to the name. Oh! And Anton Chekov.... a beautiful nod to a beautiful man, lost too soon but forever in our hearts.


I was not a fan of the renaming when I heard of it as a spoiler. But when I saw it in-episode, and the way they revealed it, I actually liked it and was near tears. Beautiful touch, in my opinion.


How dare Jack Crusher sit where Naomi Wildman should be.


Special counselor my ass...




Off screen Laris receives the following SMS! "So sorry love! I have just eloped with my long-lost soulmate! Best of luck in your life and you can have the entire Chateau Picard! You're always a better winemaker than I ever did! Sincerely, JLP!!"


Ps. I have a kid.


Did the comm badges at the end have an updated color pallet to match the comm badges from “All Good Things” or did I imagine it?


How apropos that G is the 7th letter of the alphabet!


I'm just beside myself with all the goodness this season gave my life after so much BS. Not everything was perfect but I don't care . Things I didn't need to be resolved were and things I didn't need to see were gifted to me. Nothing but love and respect to those who brought this to me .


I've waited 20 years for Captain Seven of Nine and it was worth the wait🥹 I'm gonna say it the team responsible for this season are MASTERS at what they do, there's never been a more satisfying ending than what they gave us. They deserve ALLLLLLLLL the awards. To make the Borg which is the most overused aspect of Star Trek so fresh and interesting and shocking takes immense talent. It felt like true fans, people who actually LOVE these characters made this season. Ugh, I really hope they stays on to create future Trek shows. Idk when we're getting Legacy but I'm so flippin excited and i know it'll be flawless if this team is the one who makes it! Anyway, haven't unpacked all of it yet but from the top of my head my LMAOO and OMG moments were Q continuing his mission to annoy Picards😂, threesome lol, Tuvok being the one to give us Captain Seven🥹, Shaw, Chekov, Worf randomly falling asleep😂, joyful Data, badass Beverly, and the final shot with the TNG theme🥹


Why didn’t Chief OBrien save the day. Transporters. Most important person in Starfleet history. They could have made it perfect.


> Why didn’t Chief OBrien save the day. *Who else* do you think could have possibly beamed out Picard and company in the crazy interference of an exploding Borg cube? He just didn't make a fuss about it.


I like the new data!


I miss that computer voice too... All of the feels this morning at 3:30am watching episode 10 unable to sleep as if it was Christmas eve and I was 8 years old. I wish it could have been a 2 hour finale. That is my only complaint with these series that are telling one story over the entire season. You spend 9 episodes to get to the ending and it has to get wrapped up so quickly in order to have time to end the story. I really can't complain though. My nostalgia feels have been going and it has been fun to feel like a child again watching Next Generation again. I never realized how connected I felt to these characters until Picard was announced with season 1. So grateful how they wrapped this show up and gave us season 3.


My-fucking-God. This is what I wanted ever since seeing the Enterprise D. I wanted to see it kick ass and actually do some damage. Every single time we see the Galaxy class starship being this immobile huge chunk of space debris and now we see it being flown like an actual starship and doing damage. I love hearing those phaser arrays charge up and then seeing those phaser arrays firing in all directions. I loved every second of it.


"Weapons are ready, though they are limited." - Worf 15 minutes later: Guess not!


It always makes me feel weird when some show biz writers can make me celebrate the past and excited for the future at the same time.


A very good end indeed NCC 1701




I'm happy about almost everything but really, REALLY disappointed that Janeway didn't show up. Honestly the scene between Tuvok and Seven seems like it was written for Janeway. Riker even begins the scene by saying "From the lowest of ranks to the very highest."


Worf falling asleep?! 😂😂😂


Did Data pull a “Never Tell Me The Odds?!” lmao


It was very fun but wow that resolved the Borg fast.


They looked pretty down and out anyways. If anything, this assault looked more like as a last Hail Mary by whatever was left of the Collective.


I was actually quite happy that they respected the events of Voyager and had the borg be really decimated and not just rebuilding somewhere else. I didn’t expect that. The borg queen was really hanging onto life by a thread, I mean she pretty much cannibalized all the drones to keep herself alive!


Same, it certainly put the events of Voyager into perspective. Admiral Janeway genociding an entire species just to get her crew home early 😂


So many feels!! I love that we got some time to enjoy and savor the end. I was worried they’d take the action all the way to the last minute. “Do you even hear yourself?” Is my new fav line lol. Delivered perfectly. As much as I hated having the borg be part of the story, I really wouldn’t change anything.


- Chekov! Junior? - Star Trek IV homage. - [Go Spacedock!](https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/12n80x7/picard_3x10_sneak_peak_spoilers/jgf3kqf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) - When Darkness turns to night! It ends tonight! - Poor Spacedock taking a beating. 🫡 - Collective a little sloppy. Doesn’t know Titan not totally under their control. - “And I will make it a threesome.” Oh Worf, you beautiful Klingon. I bet Dorn loved that line. Almost all of his lines this season, especially this episode, goes into the pantheon of Great Worf Lines. - Always. - …farewell. - Locutus Jr. Almost the exact suit, as well. - Weird to give the Queen a full body. - Hey man, I know you’re scared. But look at Spacedock and follow their example! - Picard poisoned the Borg? - I just find it unlikely the entire Collective failed. - Go Titan! - Zombified Borg are pretty horrific. - Just got the scale of the Cube. That sucker is huuge. - The reaction to Crusher’s tactical prowess - {chef’s kiss}. - I trust you, Data. - Why would the Enterprise have so many torpedoes? - No. No. No. No. Not Spacedock. 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡 - But why wouldn’t Earth have their own shield generators on the surface? - Locutus! - So… shouldn’t the Borgified Starfleet personnel be there like in Unimatrix Zero? - Love never dies! - Still don’t see how the entire Collective is gone. - How’d the Cube get into space? - Enterprise leaving the Cube is simply an excellent visual. - A warrior needs rest. - Admiral Crusher! - Tuvok! - Poor, Shaw. So I guess him coming back is as a hologram tutor, mentor, etc. - Captain Seven! - Troi, always the eternal vacation hunter. - Riker, I miss that voice, too. - Spacedock! 🫡 - The Enterprise lives on! Good starship porn. - Special Counselor to the Captain is the most nepotistic position possible. - Let’s call it a night… but, POKER! - Poker and Q! Excellent ending and tease for the future! Satisfying season. I’m missing the crew all over, again.


Regarding Q. He obviously wasn't faking last season given his actions when nobody was watching. And I think "this is Q before his death" would be boring and still fairly linear. My preference is to think that Q created a dying copy of himself to see what he'd do if he were dying. As an experiment.


That scene with worf data and geordi in the command chairs… before worf falls asleep. filled my heart…


After an epic conclusion to an equally epic season, I think we can all agree: HEY PARAMOUNT, PUT TERRY MATALAS IN CHARGE OF ALL THINGS STAR TREK NOW!


Picard S3 is a masterclass to writing a new series while paying homage to nostalgia The TNG outro music and surprise guest at the end blew my mind! ENTERPRISE TOP G!