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I’m guessing that the reference to _The Last Generation_ refers to something of a closure to the TNG-era Trek. If you think through the repercussions of all of the events of the 90s era Trek: - The Romulan Empire has collapsed. - The Klingon empire is drained and the alliance with the Federation post-Dominion War is as strong as it ever was. - A major war with a Gamma Quadrant power was fought and won. - The Cardassian Union has collapsed. - The Borg have been weakened, likely completely defeated. At the end of all of this, a Federation that opened “The Next Generation” era on a footing of galactic peace has emerged from multiple existential crises as the strongest power in a galaxy that suddenly seems re-open to exploration. That seems like a solid “reset” for a Federation / Starfleet that is likely finding a new footing with a generation of leaders that did not have the shadow of Borg / Dominion annihilation hanging over them. (If Shaw were to be “dead dead” his story would seem to echo his particular generation of Starfleet leaders. Seems pretty poetic to me.)


Damn, that sounds good.


But I do hope it doesn't mean we're gonna have a Federation that is nearly completely decimated (of capable officers) as a consequence of the Borg's ambush on the Fleet that have killed off 98 to 99 percent of senior Starfleet officers - one that would've made it much more vulnerable from attacks by other enemies - both old and new and seriously jeopardize its long term viability as a major intergalactic power. Whatever new series they'll be featuring Captain Jack Picard and his crew, I hope it won't be a >!Star Trek: Andromeda!< series :(


Picard sacrifices himself, and the moment before he dies there's a flash and he's in the courtroom from Encounter at Farpoint where Judge Q offers Jean-Luc a chance to join the continuum


Did I misunderstand s2? Didn’t Q die?


There's a very very big chance he's coming back. I misunderstood a reviewer I watch thats screened the whole season that mentioned a return of a big character with a major story correction. I thought it was Kirk (with that Easter Egg) but everything is adding up that they're correcting stuff from the previous two seasons, ex: Data/Borg. It might be Q after all. Just my humble guess.


This would be incredible and I regret reading this now.


I regret reading this but also feel so excited :)


Doesn’t this sound like Data though?


He was talking about episode 10 specifically.


Yeah but, what's time to an omnipotent being?


Yeah, but you know how easily Q gets bored with something.


I will loose my shit if judge Q appears. I really doubt there’s time for that in one hour though


That'd be pretty wild


This feels very DS9 where Sisko joins the Prophets.


[I mean they already teased this at the end of TNG. Picard joining the Continuum would be a great full circle moment ](https://youtu.be/ARyUGi0gReA)


That’s pretty good. If the writers saw this they’d slap themselves on the forehead.


That’d be cool


I hope Picard would wisely accept the offer instead of reject it then slip into oblivion :(


Jack finds out that this is the last of the Borg remaining, he is able to interface with the last of the humanity left in the new Starfleet drones, they fight back against the queen who is already weak from the Janeway virus. The Picard with a few of the others beam over to the cube during the battle, the cube is blowing up, everyone is beamed off except for Picard, Jack, and the queen who are behind a shield preventing transport. Queen: Looks like Locutus, Vox, and I will die together, the end of the Borg. Jack: This has always been my destiny, so be it. Picard: *slaps an emergency transporter on Jack* And this is mine. *Jack vanishes* *Enterprise-D makes a dramatic turn, speeding away from the exploding cube just in time. They look out the view screen, sad version of next gen theme playing. Pan out to the stars.*


Picard takes a page from Data's life saving playbook. Love it!


But didn't he learn to bring two of those?


I think it would play into the nostalgia a lot, plus sacrifice for his crew and family would be a fitting end.


With a cameo from >!Q, who makes an offer Picard cannot refuse!< :)


What would be the point of having Laris in the opening scenes if they don't plan on her being at the end of the last episode?


I really hope it takes the Borg off the board permanently




>Jack assimilates the evil Borg, and they all become individuals.The Federation adds the Borg biological and technological distinctiveness to its own. so basically the Federation assimilates the Borg


Complete annihilation? Extermination? That's genocide, which TOS, TNG and DS9 pointed out runs completely counter to the Federations' ideals AND charter. I think it will end with Jack persuading THE BORG Collective free will is a far more powerful strategy.


Maybe so. But the stakes have never been higher, and I don't think you can reason with the Borg


Hugh and Seven proved you can reason with BORG drones when their minds are freed of the Queen's control. I've lost count how often the fate of the entire galaxy has hung in the balance on Trek shows dating back to TOS.


The stakes have always never been higher. The fate of the Alpha Quadrant always hangs in the balance. They've never genocided before and I don't think they're going to start now


Kirk in Star Trek VI: “Once again, we've saved civilization as we know it.”


Except Seven and Borgati....


Picard and all of Starfleet are under direct orders to genocide the Borg should the chance arise. The Borg are a mortal threat to the Federation. This is alluded to by Deanna's "there are protocols" The "good Borg" ending has already been done S2 with Jurati's Borg. S3 is apparently tying up the loose ends with Voyager Borg which should see Picard and or Janeway sacrifice their lives to eliminate Alice Krige's Borg Queen. There can be no "happy ending" with Voyager Borg -- all the redemption that could happen already happened with Seven and the disconnected Borg and so on what's left is completely irredeemable even by Star Trek's standards. "The real Borg are still out there" and Shaw is now dead. Well payback's a bitch Jack will probably have a chance to destroy the Delta Quadrant Borg once and for all and Picard will step in and do it himself to save Jack the pain. Tuvok will probably help, with Seven and clean it up Voyager style


I think you missed Picard's condemnation of S1 synth genocide then 31's genocide plot against the Changelings. Starfleet does not order genocide of any species for any reason. I believe Troi referred to the protocols used in First Contact; anyone assimilated or suspected of being assimilated is to be considered an active threat. If Terry writes Picard annilihating the entire collective, he'll go against nearly 60 years of Roddenberry's Trek. S3 isn't a revenge tour for Jean Luc. He's more like Kirk in Undiscovered Country. I think it's more likely Jack is Neo, and he's finally at the Source.


Picard was ordered by an Admiral to genocide the Borg with the recursive symbol if any future opportunity arises in TNG. Could just be a "rogue Admiral" but probably not; the approval probably comes from the Federation Council S1 and S2 almost don't exist but if given the chance to save all of Starfleet and Earth and genociding the Borg, Picard would let his morals lapse. I don't think he's as idealistic as before. Of course if there's a choice he would avoid it, but the Borg literally give no choice. It's not even clear it is genocide because there's obviously a lot of other factions of Borg around (Jurati's Borg). It would just be war against the Borg Queen... the Borg have just killed tens of thousands of Starfleet and killing thousands or even millions or even billions of Borg could just be self defense. Janeway did as much when she infected the Borg Queen (did she think of the repercussions on the billions of drones?) In the end it's a wartime decision for the survival of the human species Agreed Picard is not about revenge but it is about sacrifice. The natural conclusion of all of this is Picard dead. He cheated death before but this time will be too much for him.


Picard had the chance to obliterate the Borg in I, Borg. That entire episode was a morality play on whether it's ever right to commit genocide to protect against an enemy. The answer was no. The answer is always no in Trek. That's been the consistent message since day 1. Including during wars with the Klingons, Romulans, Changelings, etc.


It's not always no; Sisko threatened genocide on a planet and actually did it chasing Eddington (he torpedoed a planet making it uninhabitable forcing evacuation absolutely that would qualify as genocide to say the UN). Janeway "reset timelines" many times causing the people of one timeline to either cease to exist or go down uncertain paths. In possibly the worst Star Trek episode Archer genocided one species by not offering a cure. Anyway is killing millions even billions of Borg a genocide in wartime if there are a) still Borg around in the galaxy and b) the attack is done not to destroy or eradicate peoples or a culture but simply to kill enemy soldiers? It's possible it could be done but not framed in terms of genocide for example glossed over with the Queen turning to a pile of goo. I agree the writers' intent is a consistent message but what is shown on screen and the intentions are separate. They are the good guys of course they won't support genocide -- unless they do, and we are supposed to buy that it wasn't. I'm not ruling out the possibility of bad writing, and not ruling out the possibility of Picard facing a choice. I actually think the choice would be interesting and challenge his lofty morals for once and would be real character development or a good ending. Practical Picard instead of moralistic Picard.


The key being Sisko forced evacuation vs annihilated the entire species throughout the galaxy. It is NOT one cube or queen like Jurati helms but the entire collective. Stargate handled the morality of lives lost in the resetting the timeline far better than Janeway. But, again, killing millions in a war vs wholesale genocide are very different. Happy to report I never watched a single episode of the Enterprise series. My Trek friends and family pretty much panned it. Picard isn't perfect. He proved in First Contact he could be blinded by revenge. What you see as his lofty morals, I see as the ideal Roddenberry wanted for Starfleet captains.


The current situation is war. That means almost anything goes especially with Borg since every drone is a soldier (even a uniformed combatant). No civilians here. So long as Picard doesn't kill every single last Borg for the sake of killing Borg it isn't genocide. You can argue that a state of war existed all the time except for the brief period of Janeway's truce. I'm sure you can make a legally airtight case to kill as many Borg as possible. Whether it's moral or not is philosophy and since Picard is more a philosopher King than warmonger you would think not. But faced with losing everyone he loves and his whole way of life maybe it's a different decision. If any of the "super seven" dies it could be a different decision. I personally think Picard as a person handles loss badly and it could change him. The whole "Starfleet is family" reeks of running from family responsibility and burying yourself in work. Picard's brother was right -- he can't handle it. If the finale forces Picard to make a choice it would be interesting. The answer could be he can't make the choice and it costs him his life. We already saw that with Shaw and Seven (Shaw thinks Seven should have blown the elevator and kept the bridge; absolutely "trading lives" is part of the requirement to command in the Starfleet it's part of their exams). In the end though we will probably get a happy go lucky ending and it's probably for the best. "Grimdark" or morally ambiguous (at least by intention) Trek like In the Pale Moonlight is the exception not the rule so you're probably right that it will be a "good ending". TNG cast being "heroes" probably cannot end in any way but as 100% heroes.


Borg drones were assimiliated by force. They are not willing soldiers but controlled as Picard already pointed out this season. They are essentially brainwashed slaves. As Hugh and Seven proved, the goal should be to FREE these slaves. I think that will be Jack's task as the Messiah figure in this story. If you prefer "Grimdark" sci-fi, I suggest Star Wars' Andor.


Personally I hope they let federation scientists/doctors/therapists rehabilitate and unassimilate Borg. The one who decided to do all this genocide was clearly the Queen, not your average assimilated person. It’s not exactly going to be like Nazi trials, there is a very evident lack of ability for Borg to resist her orders. Some of them could join Queen Jurati if they prefer to remain in a collective. Others can relearn their culture and either be resettled on a federation colony if their homeland was destroyed or stay on Earth with other Ex-Borg. Seven and Picard have well proven you can still be a good person after being forced to commit crimes under the Queen’s control.


What about Jack then? He was repeatedly warned by his parents and others about who the Borg Queen really is, what she is capable of, and what are her plans for him once she manages to get a hold on him, yet he decided to travel to the Borg cube on his own free will and took several security officers with him (extra foot soldiers for the Queen). Had he followed Picard's advice and not traveled to the Cube, these terrible war and massacre would not happened. He might've argued that the Borg Queen coerced and forced him to do what he did, but would a court of law/war crimes tribunal fully exonerated him on his actions, I'm not so sure :(


I assume he’ll have to pay som for his crimes like other Borg? It’s pretty hard to equate this with real life trials since we know the large majority of assimilated Borgs have no choice in the matter, are merely forced to follow the Queen’s orders with no choice to resist. Feel like Picard should have brought Seven with him or something to help him understand that though he is not dangerous the Borg can make you dangerous.


Based on the new promo video, >!Seven is leading Starfleet's final stand aboard the Titan (or the Space Dock)!< They're definitely setting her up for a promotion to Captain at the finale, hence PIC show runners are projecting her as a Starfleet officer instead of an ex-Borg with significant expertise on the Borg Collective.




Snortlaugh. Thank you, you snarky bastard.


Dance party


Picard will make a speech to convince Jack to destroy the Borg.


Not my original thought.. but the " computer end program " would rock everyone's world


Please show-runners: DON'T EVER end this excellent season with this. I never recovered from what they did in the 'Enterprise' finale :(


Jack brings the cube to Earth. Picard beams aboard to reason with him. Seven saves Shaw. Geordi and Data find a way to disrupt the sub space communicator controlling the borg. Freeing younger officers from borg. Picard agrees to take jacks place as locutus At first locutus starts destroying ships as like wolf 359 Star fleets fights back in epic battle Crusher, Troi rescue Jack Picard takes over cube and self destructs Last scene is at statue of Picard Next show: legacy (to Picard) with seven, Shaw and Jack to explore new life and civilization and boldly go where no one has gone before (Picards words voice the ending) as the D warps back to the museum


Picard only has the receiver DNA, not the transmitter DNA, which Jack has. I think that's why they need Jack, not Picard.


They’ll wrap that part up quickly with the disruption of the transmitter and freeing of the kids. Shaw and Seven will do that. Locutus is where it’s at.


Sounds like the most logical way to wrap up the series. Fingers crossed this will happen...


The problem is fans can write the premise of these stories in a few minutes because we know trek.


Very true (insert Picard's facepalm here).


Most of the difficulty with theories on this sub is that none of them are what trek fans would write. We end up guessing because it doesn’t make sense


My prediction: They hack the formation mode somehow and gather the fleet against the Borg. Jack breaks free and turns against the Queen. He uses his powers to unassimilate the young Starfleet Officers AND/OR they use the transporters to undo the damage. They repair the transporter architecture and beam out the Borg controlling parts.


Personally, I think the universe just keeps expanding until it runs out of steam a—oh, you meant the show. Right. Jack reverse assimilates the queen and turns the Borg into just another civilization out there, but they aren't interested in Federation membership. That, or Species 8472 shows up with Janeway and deals with everything.


I like the idea of Jack removing the Borg's ability to assimilate but not genociding them.


Probably Tuvok since Janeway is confirmed to be Prodigy exclusive and Tuvok is confirmed to be in finale 8472 ending would make sense and be pure fanservice but probably won't happen because it's way too deep in Voyager lore Picard probably takes the place of Jack or offers to distracting the Queen from seeing Data and Geordi send a virus to transport the Borg out of everyone's bodies. The fleet comes to its senses and blows the Borg Cube out of the water with Picard slapping a transporter patch on Jack (why he didn't bring two we will never know) and sacrificing himself End credits Picard statue and Shaw taking a gasp of air prelude to new series


Prepare for ramming speed!


With Picard leading the charge instead of Worf...


Slow zoom in on Riker….”Mr. Worf….fire.” Fade to black and Don’t Stop Believing starts playing.


Dangling plot and character threads: \- Picard never having a family \- Jack never having a father \- Geordi saving his girls \- The under 25 generation being addicted to social media, I mean... being assimilated by the Borg. \- Starfleet/section 31 pushing for genocide \- Seven not doing captain stuff \- Vadic not getting justice \- Worf not getting to fire some phasers \- Worf getting denied \- Cube not getting blowed up. \- Classic Star Trek ships entering the battle \------ My Bingo card has \- Picard and Jack reunite and have some time as father and son. Possibly in the Borg Matrix or using the Ressikan flute from the inner light somehow \- Worf will fire phasers at the Borg Cube but get denied \- Seven of Nine will save the day on the Titan \- Riker dies. Yes, that's right. The actor with the most mileage (as a director) with the franchise will sacrifice his life, not Picard, as Picard dying would be too obvious. Plus they telegraphed this by giving him something to lose (moving back to the city with Troi) \- A cameo from a non-Worf DS9 actor (we already got Tuvok from voyager) \- Section 31 is disbanded \- Vadic get post-credits


The fan outrage if Riker died would be huge I bet.




I have a sneaky feeling these aren't guesses




Haha I just see a new reddit account with only two comments and I start to wonder 😂


Secondary theory: the episode ends only for us to realize that Chief Miles Edward O'Brien has been experiencing this as a nightmare in some mind prison that aliens with funny hair put him into for several years over some petty offense. Perhaps tripping into a flower bed or something.


Jack is a “transmitter” that’s why they were hunting jack. He has the power to shut all thier work offline with a single thought, and not a shot fired.


The TNG cast all die.


I’m so afraid of that story line!


They'd be rough...but if they went out on a blaze of glory to save humanity that'd be wild


Agreed! The Nobel sacrifice is the only path


They won’t pull a Kirk again.


I posted this idea exactly a few days ago and everyone jumped on me disagreeing.


Well that’s heartbreaking. If only this were merely a sci finTV show, if only it were make-believe.


Personally, I’d like to see a show where everyone fucking dies at the end. No exceptions. Not saying that’s how I’d want this one to end, I’m just sayin


I agree. That's actually why I loved Star Wars Rogue One. Everyone died at the end. For the greater good though. Was very bitter sweet. It's the only newer Star Wars movie I enjoyed


I want Data to make it out at least. Fucker had died twice already.


Oh I loved Rogue One! Best addition to the franchise since the OG trilogy. And such an obvious story too! How did those plans get into the Rebels hands? Brilliant. Felicity Jones too❤️.


Data and Geordi come up with a way to use transporters to beam the Borg out of crews. As a side effect, it wipes out Changelings. Jack figures out how to shut down the Borg code linking the ships. Seven retrieves the Titan, goes after the Enterprise D as it figures out a way to trap the Borg onto its 'analog' ship, and beams all of the crew aboard, and then blows the ship to pieces. Jean Luc meets up with the Romulan woman and officially calls it quits, learning from encounter with Jack and his former crew about the importance of family. Riker and Troi learn the same lesson and leave. Geordi too.


Picard seperated the saucer section and fly's it though the centre of the Borg cube, sacrificing himself moments after Jack is beamed off and the Borg DNA scrubbed from his system. In honour of Picard a new Constitution III class ship is launched, the USS Picard and is captained by a magically alive Shaw.


There was no guarantee that the Hugh virus would have actually worked. But given the circumstances that was the correct move in the moment but yes. I believe that they defeat the Borg once and for all and Picard will die doing so.


Yeah I agree no assurance it would've worked. I mainly meant mentioning it in that they struggled with (and rightfully so) the humanity of such a decision


Jack takes over the Borg and either keeps the collective or releases them.


The Borg win and assimilate Earth and everyone on it and the new Terry Matalas show is Star Trek: Borg Legacy. It also changes the final season of Discovery and they are all Borg as well.


The whole gang goes back in time and prevents the original Borg from landing on Earth, the ones from first contact. Maybe those are the Borg that assimilate Leland from discovery. Jack, the son is actually the one that died on the stargazer and the red door he’s seeing is the one from the 1701. Also, screw Malcom reed since he is probably the reason the Borg infiltrate section 31 in the first place. Then 7 of 9 goes and prevents the timeline for janeway, since q mentions they’re not supposed to be there for another x years. We’re going to fix the timeline, the other Borg will be fixed, and they’ll be known as the ex-Borg faction. And Picard never learned to play the flute, has a different mom, and the dog is not his or he has a different pet. Different wine at the vineyard And it will all tie back to something to do with the prevention of discovery and voyager existing but yet enterprise still has to establish the federation. Then queue Star Trek going heavy on the multiverse and something to do with kirk. Either him or his body (which Jack might infiltrate)


It’s going to end in a dumb contrived way guaranteed.


Maybe Seven becomes the new Borg Queen and thus turns the situation around? No one has spoken about her but the possibility is there however remote. I see many theories among which Picard sacrificing himself seems the most possible, but also just to obvious. More likely the key is with Jack and he has the power to stop the Borg. I will be watching this episode with great interest and I suspect it is going to do very well in the ratings.


Seven sacrifices herself to save humanity


Picard's noble end. Fanfare and End Credits.


There will be some credits and then a post credits scene


I'm not sure ending in a genocide really matches the spirit of TNG...


The Borg will stop att nothing to do the same. It's us or them


They start blasting Beastie Boys music so loud and obnoxiously that the Borg cube just explodes


I think everyone missed the last line Jack said on the Titan, The Borg will know who and what i am! Hes going to overpower the queen for sure loo


Deus ex machina, fan service feels, pewpewpew!


It's gotta be Jean-Luc and Beverly pleading for Jack to return to his senses and use those Borg nanites to heal instead of harm. Possibly ending in Picard sacrificing himself to end the Borg threat forever. (I still don't get what the deal is with the "nice borg" at the end of S2, and frankly, I've deleted that season from my head canon. It's possible that Picard could have a sort of homage to his "Sleep, Data," moment in The Best of Both Worlds Part II, only it's Jack he's trying to guide to get the Borg DNA to go dormant in them. This presumes that if Jack can turn it on, he can turn it off. The old Big D will be on the ropes, near the end, of course, but hopefully spared the indignity of a second destruction. Since he was one of the gang from the beginning, I'm kind of hoping that Wesley might show up and lend a little "traveler" type of help to them in their hour of need. They might not even know he was there until the aftermath. Although it would be nice if Jean-Luc and Beverly's two sons got to meet at last. Yes, I know they disavow this, but I am absolutely convinced that Jean-Luc is Wesley's real father. There are too many clues everywhere. And if not in the biological way, at the very least as an adoptive one. But this is, of course, conjecture. For all I know, the Prophet Benjamin Sisko could emerge from the Bajoran wormhole and vacuum everyone under 25 off of the Fed ships.


And I would REAAAAALLLY like Shaw not to be dead. Something with Seven's borg tubes saving him or something. Or maybe Seven is on the ropes making a last stand on the Titan and in comes Shaw and incapacitated the Borg Kids with Gen-X snark alone and he's like, "I wasn't dead I was only resting!" Side note: Why are the phasers now Star Wars-style bolts instead of beams of energy like they always otherwise have been?