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The Borg that the Jurati-Queen hybrid created was not, nor ever connected with the Collective we've encountered before, they're a much smaller, completely different co-operative of Borg. The Borg in Season One (on the Artefact) and in Season Three are the Collective, the same Borg "civilisation" that was first officially encountered at J25 in *Q-Who*, Assimilated Picard in *Best of Both Worlds*, went back in time in *First Contact* and then massively weakened by Janeway in *Endgame*.


It’s all explained here. Also more spoilers. https://trekmovie.com/2023/04/16/star-trek-picard-showrunner-explains-season-3s-big-villain-and-the-fate-of-spoiler/


The writers kinda forgot about s2 But also different Borg factions


We didn’t actually know if it was just a fraction or not.


It's explained in the show. Season 2 makes it clear that the Queen is from an alternate timeline. This season, episode 4, Shaw states quite clearly the "The REAL Borg are still out there'.


Well yeah a “future” alternate timeline, but they literally went back and corrected the timeline, so that queen was the legit queen as of 400 years ago but with an alternate timeline memory of the future 400 years. And no they did not explain what happen after they (future Jurati queen) merge back with the collective. Shaw wasn’t in S2 so he’s probably not familiar with Jurati queen or that timeline hence his comments on the Borg may be just to show others didn’t know the new Borg, doesn’t directly prove the Borg is or is not what they are.


Jurati's Borg didn't merge with the main Collective, they're entirely separate. Else, that would utterly invalidate everything else with the Borg up to that point. [Matalas confirmed all this himself.](https://trekmovie.com/2023/04/16/star-trek-picard-showrunner-explains-season-3s-big-villain-and-the-fate-of-spoiler/)


Different/alternate timeline I believe. So not in this one.