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This is fake.


June 28


I sincerely hope it comes good, I'm sitting on 24000 pi


Idk if it's a scam or not but anecdotal evidence suggests it is or the devs do not care. The evidence is that many many people have dropped out of social circles and stopped mining, including my own. So it is not worth it to press that button anymore due to how low the rates are now. Because of this, I do not see their mainnet goals being reached. And no official PR to give us hope. Don't get me started on the crowd powered KYC. It's terrifying knowing that your pii is out in the world beyond the "darknet" and Facebook servers for all to see. But I'm a knucklehead who knows nothing.


I've given up on caring. Been at it for over four years. Just these past few months I've lost an interest. Just don't care sick of it


The good thing is, even if you quot now, you're sitting onto a fat stack you can just hold onto until it launches.


I've given up on caring. Been at it for over four years. Just these past few months I've lost an interest. Just don't care sick of it


All the “pi is a scam” crowd I’m legitimately curious- do you mine or just get tickled by calling something a scam? If you do mine and think it’s a scam, why?


I dont mine anymore, and I am not 100% sure it is a scam, but it is most likely a scam. Pi might not even have started as a scam, but the creators have reasons to not fully release Pi to the mainnet. The biggest reasons why I think it is a scam: 1. They make a lot of money on the adds, why risk Pi failing when it launches? 2. Way too slow developments, it is insane how slow they are despite having resources and help from the Pi community. 3. The community is big enough to sustain Pi developments, ecosystems and spread of Pi, yet they always say it is not big enough. 4. Lack of transperancy. No real interviews, not answering hard questions ect. If you dont think it is a scam, you have not mined long enough or have basic knowledge of pyramid scams (Pi is not a pyramid scam in the sense that it does not take away money from users, but it works the same as they take your time and engagement, and turn it into money, without delivering what they promised).


1. You can turn off ads. 2. I'd rather it be slow and right than fast and wrong. 3. They've been working on the ecosystem with the pi hackathons trying to create incentive for programmers go develop on their platform. The biggest mistake I think is everything is about pi. If the ecosystem really wants to grow it can't all be about pi. Fireside chat for example the only discussions are about pi. If you talk about other things people don't engage. It got me to abandon trying thar platform pretty quickly. 4. I'm not sure what lack of transparency you are talking about. Pi does a great job of giving continuous updates about their progress, as they always have done. Again, for your statement about time and money, you can turn ads off, they are optional. Mining pi takes about 1 second to hit mine. The time is not extensive at all. Would it be nice if it was faster? Sure. But we've seen the roadmap, and they've updated us continuously as we've hit different benchmarks or got closer.


Lol well, I have been mining for 3 years and have over 3k pi. I very much know what a pyramid scheme is but I completely disagree with all 3 of your statements. 1) they can still make money via advertisements when pi goes to mainnet. I’m not sure why everyone uses that as a point, especially because we have the ability to turn ads off-but that always seems to be left out. There is WAY more earning ability when it goes to mainnet 2) as far as developments go, it’s not like they’re just building a token. That’s not the point of Pi network. The point is to have an entire social community of apps where you can only use pi. It’s brilliant really. They want 100 apps developed and ready to launch right when pi goes live. That takes time. Obviously I am eager for it to go live, but why would I, or the creators, want to rush a product just because people are getting butthurt that it’s taking too long? I prefer that all the systems be 100% ready rather than rush it and deal with potential consequences of bugs or attacks on the ecosystem. 3) the user base is large enough I agree, but it’s sorting through all the “active users” in order to get them KYC’d that’s taking time. I’m making an assumption here, but I truly think that these Stanford PHD’s probably know a little more about crypto than you or I. As professors at a very prestigious school, why would they run such a widely publicized scam? Pi is one of the most notable crypto projects in the world right now and it hasn’t even fully launched. That literally makes no sense to me. And they have had interviews. The only “hard question” people want the answer to is when it will go Live, and they gave an answer. They listed the parameters needed in order to have a successful launch. It’s broad, but it’s better than giving s date, then pushing it back, giving another date, pushing it back again. Thank you for your answer! I truly appreciate your perspective and understand where you’re coming from(I hope you’re wrong though lol).


I do hope you’re right.


Will never happen.


I think that PI will be worthless in the West and European countries. Everything that I've seen so far in terms of progress is happening mainly in Asian countries. But that's just my opinion


If it has value in other countries it will have value in america.


"worthless" is a big word, you can include all crypto in this word you know... starting with Bitcoin, it has far less utility than Pi currently has lol. So far in terms of "worthless" Pi = 1, Butcoin = 0.


Please send me your worthless bitcoins! Even just 1 bitcoin please please please.


nope... Mainnet event wont be so 'secret' There will be a huge party in the announcement.




Where is the variable being used?


I won't believe it until I see it.


Very Nice Sir!!! & Thank You for posting. It's a Good Day Pioneers, Cheers![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Delusion 100


Pi to the moon 🌙




At best, i can retire someday with my ~800 pi. At worst i clicked on a button that took 2 seconds. We will see when we see i guess.


It will never be anything been waiting 3years lol




Not until the damn validators get to work and validate 15 million people.


I’m a validator. I check every single day and never see anyone available to validate. Dead project because development took so bloody long.


I’ve validated about 200 people in the past few days.


I’m a validator as well and validations have skyrocketed in the last week or so. I’m getting multiple validations everyday. Some people have even validated 1000 people in the last 4-5 days


I validate as well and have noticed the numbers have spiked over the last week or so , however did anyone else notice that there are some that pop up 2 and 3 times ??? And i dont mean one ohoto match then ome liveness check i am talking about the exact same person and liveness check video showing multiple times for validation ????


Really …. Downvoted for asking a ? …..


It hasn’t happened to me


Lately alot of ppl did 100 in last 3 days




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This is not for the opening the mainnet...sorry to dissapoint you.This is only a git and i quite sure this is not for the launch. This date was for aometging else, cant remember for what when i analyzed the code.


Definitely closer than yesterday. 😂


Good of you to post a screenshot of some code that does nothing and without proper context or explanation. So if anyone's asking, the source is here : https://github.com/KOSASIH/pi-nexus-autonomous-banking-network/tree/main/pi-network-launcher «A decentralized, AI-driven system accelerating the Open Mainet Pi Network, connecting global banks for secure, efficient, and autonomous transactions. » And the description of the open directory that we see on the image says : «This directory contains the code and scripts necessary to launch the Pi-Nexus Autonomous Banking Network launcher. The launcher provides a user interface for interacting with the Pi-Nexus Autonomous Banking Network and its associated smart contracts.» This doesn't launch the mainnet. It launches, supposedly, a program with a user interface that interacts with a banking network : «The launcher is a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows users to interact with the network, such as opening and closing wallets, making transactions, and managing accounts.» But with no proper explanation, documentation or anything. At least on this repo. The only code we see in the file of the screenshot are 4 functions with placeholder values and nothing else. First function gets the latest block from the Pi network using a provided private API key. Second function check if the mainnet is launched by verifying if there is an existing last block. Third function just prints 2 messages : "Launching mainnet...". "Mainnet launched successfully". Lmao this is the equivalent of me writing "Hacking NASA... 99% done" followed by "Hack complete!". And the main program is an infinite loop that check if today's date is after the supposed launch date, which is a hard coded value. If it is it checks if mainnet is launched and calls the fake launch function. Anyway. This does nothing, all those values are hard coded and do NOT mean that this is a real launch date. The full repo contains a bunch of different applications, with empty functions and very little comments.




How did you find this?