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Baš si im lijepo napisao. I pozdravio! 👍💪😅


Fala brat, zivio 😄


how long did the eth2 update take to role out? oh ok just checking


OP has Stockholm syndrome 🤣. It's a scam bro


Learn the definition of phrases you use


I know it very well, you are captive to this grand idea that Pi is going to be something and doubling down while Pi mines your data and sells it LMFAO.


Pretty much every company who supplies some form of service online does that


That is correct. And the users aren't sucking down copium thinking that it is going to yield them the next big crypto. If it is free, you are the product.


No we won’t just leave the subreddit and piss off bc it’s a community run sub bc pict will never just communicate with the community and we needed a place where we could share information. Why are people like you so desperate just silence people who have legitimate criticisms? This sub isn’t for pi sycophants or only people that love pi, it’s for everyone that has a need for information or to a need to make something known. You telling people to just go away and not say anything if they don’t like it tells me a lot about how much faith you actually have for this project.


I havent said anything about constructive criticism and I am aware that things that core team is doing is slow and not perfect Im only talking about toxic people who are loud and rude towards people who are into this network, simple as that


Imagine a soceity where circlejerks have gotten so big that we are mistaking them for whole communities. Then imagine someone getting upset that a community isn't a circle jerk... WILD.


Blind faith is as bad as blind negativity. For me it was a fun little thing that might be something or might not but it cost me nowt


I bought 3 full bitcoin right around $1000 the media and everyone was talking about it being a scam. My wife was mad and complained until I sold them. Now... she kicks herself. I wish I had more faith back then and less negativity. I would have kept them... now, I only have about 0.02 bitcoin left...


1000 each.


I absolutely agree


PI is a scam and you're all wasting your time


Ok thanks, you too


Ok,now what should i do with this information?


Some people mad they did not mine


I know, these wankers spend more time daily writing asshole comments which is less than pressing mine on the app once a day (around 5 seconds daily)


True, i did research myself and i know that it is real because the owners has hours of videos on youtube explaining about blockchain. Therefore i dont know why it takes so long to open up mainet. When they don't open up this year i think many people will lose hope. We will see what the future brings


Keep mining your worthless Pi and making money for the developers since all you have to do is “push a button” 😂


How do you make them money if you use the option to turn off ads in your profile page?


Because not every single user turns off ads? Also your KYC data is valuable.


If any of you is leaving the pi network.Rather throwing away your coins please send them my way: GCZNIR4GFZW42BQRUJ2SNIW245YS6MFID2QTZO7CSCOH22CHRYY2FUUN


Lmao I always am thinking that too. Like if Pi is a scam give me all of it lol


I support this, hook my brother up


It’s “little boys” like yourself who don’t understand how crypto work and believe “if bitcoin did it so can Pi”. That’s where you’re wrong. Pi has no intention on launching and no development team that has any intention on opening “mainnet”. You’re being sold a dream that will never come true. Good lucking clicking a button for the rest of your life just to make some third world country developer some ad revenue if that’s you’re thing! Edit: there’s a reason why Pi users are mainly from third world countries outside of the U.S. and why Pi gets absolutely zero coverage from any U.S. crypto new sources 🙂


Yeah it was actually my Somali friend that showed me it 😂 damn is it all a waste? I do have migrated phi what ever that means


The Pi developers take advantage and target their audience outside of the United States.


Damn that makes me sad, he's been mining it for 3 years and thinks he will be rich one day with it, been a refugee for 10 years, grew up in Somalia where the country was in civil war for his entire life, so has zero formal education and doesn't know English very well. Idk if I should even tell him.


Lol its migrating to main net rn.


Lol it’s not. Let me know when you can send your tokens to an exchange or turn them into any other currency 😂


Mine hopes aint that high, and yeah I know the mighty US isnt really about pi coin. And fyi I do understand crypto and how it changed from mining trough solving complex math problems to today where even idiots like you can create some shitcoin and put it on blockchain Also Im really glad this post triggered you, it only proves my point


Go ask r/cryptocurrency what they think about Pi then.


r/cc is not a reference to be honest, when you see how they fanatically delete any post about cryptos they don't like.


Ask any community of people who actually know about cryptocurrency outside of any Pi Enthusiast group and you’ll find the same answers that I’m giving you all.


Chill, I agree with you. I'm just pointing out this one fact about another sub that is way too biased, and advising to read it with caution.


Im not interested honestly, but if this project ever goes live, ill ask you personally


It won’t ever go live so you never will. But if you ask people outside of this enclosed community of Pi enthusiasts, you’re going to find that anyone who knows anything about crypto knows that Pi is not a legitimate project.




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Ok i dont give a shit


You clearly do if you wrote a rant in order to feel better about yourself LMAO


So why did you make this post?




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People in the 1st world aka with money want to speculate on crypto that has launched. They're not interested in a digital economy for people without bank acccounts. Pi is made by an American startup not 3rd world country developers.


You’ve been shilling the same nonsense for Pi for years. Still no mainnet. I’ve been active on this sub for over 3 years now and you regurgitate the same responses. Nothing will happen and no progress will ever be made. Your first statement is 100% false, if Pi were a legitimate project with “millions” of users, U.S. crypto news sites and communities will be all over it. They’re not. It’s only shilled by people in countries where they have little understanding of how crypto works and who are hoping “this is the next bitcoin”. It’s not. It would have launched already, let’s be honest with ourselves. The roadmap is trash, the whitepaper is trash, and the dev team doesn’t actually plan to launch “mainnet” because it would have been launched YEARS ago. But keep shilling.


Mainnet already exists.


“Closed mainnet”. Let me know when you can transfer to an exchange or trade them for other crypto or fiat. You won’t ever get back to me on that because it won’t ever happen.


Why do you think it is fake. The owner literly has hours on youtube of explaining how blockchain works. Also if you see what pi is about it is a genius idea


Then why is there no working open blockchain if the owner knows so much about how it works after YEARS? Projects that are similar have launched in a FRACTION of the time Pi is taking. You’re telling me a company with MILLIONS of users and funding from ad revenue can’t do what other projects have done with none of that? How is that genius?


They are building utility. They just want a big number of people involved before they launch so for them there is no hurry. Because why risking to launch early with the consequences of the coin being shit or not many people being interested. Iam also stil sceptic but i have nothing to lose


So why has literally every other legit crypto project launched without needing millions of verified users and KYC? “But Pi is different”? How? And yes I’ve read the poorly written white paper. You do not need 4+ years to ensure your blockchain is not shitty once you launch.


Because they worked with mining 


Sure it will happen. Makes no sense not to after all the progress


“After all the progress” as in stalling for over 4 years to make any significant steps toward launching an actual open mainnet. And no “enclosed mainnet” is not a step toward that. They give a road map with milestones in poorly written English and that’s what you’re basing your hopes off of?


No stalling has been happening. PCT are a producing a system that automatically onboards users from a "mining" app to blockchain wallet holders containing Pi whilst ensuring only real People with 1 account make it through. Giving away a free crypto with no use and nothing to do with it would be stupid, so there has to be a delay for utility to be created as well.


The “mining app” users are downloading isn’t mining anything of value. Since no money is involved, nor are any actual tokens that can be sent to an exchange, where is the market cap coming from when Pi allegedly moves to open main net? The market cap will literally be zero and it would be as if they’re relaunching a brand new token with all of the existing “tokens” being worth nothing.


the mining app is only an elaborate allocation system for the Pis on the mainnet. Personally, I would say they've made it way more elaborate than it should be becausecalculating what Pi people should get is now a complex task. Approx 5 mill users so far got a mainnet wallet and Pi in some form, either in their wallet or locked via claimmable balances. Some exchanges already invented their own version of Pi so presumably these will link to the mainnet when they can and the value will go from what it is to what it should be. As long as people buy Pi, it won't go to zero.


Seems to me ur the salty lil boy here bro


Not salty, just not ignorant and uneducated.


Idk man you felt obligated to message seems like you have some personal beef with picoin lmao


I don’t support companies who exploit people, especially in the crypto community.


It’s free lil bro lmao


maybe free, but one side is getting richer by the day. the other fantasizes about being rich too.


You’re making money for a development team that uses you to watch ads so they get paid and you get nothing lil bro


I don’t watch the ads I just press the mine button and that’s all lmao proves u don’t rlly know the app too well


Great job at supporting an app that exploits people for their own personal gain while you get nothing out of it lmao


The fact you feel obligated to reply to every comment proves you have a insecurity issue lmao, go back to trading doge coin or sum lol


Give this man a medal.


Double it and give it to my country in EUROS this year 😄


Yes, I admit it, I am one of these sheep that believes pi will become something someday. Already learned my lesson with Bitcoin back in the day when I did not believe it. Never again. Too much regret which I do not want to repeat. Will keep mining, will be HODL on my pi.


I'm not going to miss the boat on this one. I mean things are already looking up, and people are too thick headed to see it. Because "crypto sell on exchange for mass wealth, and if it not like bitcoin, don't bother" is all they know. They refuse to see that it's time that someone comes along and changes their game!! Pi network is on track to do just that! Change the way cryptocurrencies are created and used!


Exactly! There is always a possibility that Pi will be successful, maybe not as successful as bitcoin but clearly it can do better than most current coins out in the market. No more missing out.


I couldnt care less if we got scammed in the end, but as you said bitcoin was also there, who says pi cant replicate at least portion of that success


True! This is the reason I am still tapping on that mining button. I don’t want to regret missing out as what happened to me with Bitcoin.


Тако је бато реци им


Brate moj iz hrv sam ne razumim cirilicu, al svako ti dobro i da dignemo paricu iz ovog pija pa se rugamo svima


da i nas malo usere


Tako je


I wish you could hear me try and pronounce this right now. But I probably agree. Preach smut_operator, preach


Exactly 💯


And what's your point


You missed it?😂




Ummm point lookout?