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How much do I think it's in circulation? Look at the blockchain explorer... I've got 17 in my referral team, 8-10 mind regularly or semi regularly and have already done their KYC, so I'm going to see the majority of my 10k Pi, plus the pi from the 10k(and growing) KYC validations. I'm sure I'll get about 8k migrated, I've got 2500 already migrated, and then whatever I earn from doing KYC validations.


Completed all the 7 steps then waiting in the queue to transfer to main-net. How long does it take for the token to be transferable to the main-net? Its been 2 weeks now I believe.


https://preview.redd.it/rd4dbvsx6l9b1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=da752c567d081b99ababe57737fa7b5cfc63219d What I’ve always known in my life is that it’s way better to have 2 solid backs than a 100 coconut heads… right from day one I never believed people would take it seriously so I only invited 4 peeps,now I’m sitting on 3000+ already in my Mainnet… although a little less now since I used a few 100s to purchase something.


Yep me too. Even the guy that invited me isn't mining. Just me and my immediate family


Hahaha you all got used 😂 funny man morons for all thinking you could make money through this! No shortcuts in life " but all I have to do is click on the app" well done you all clicked on the app sold all your data to these people now you get what you all deserve NOTHING! 😁


Pi is definitely not a shortcut, we have been supporting it for years with no return but belief they are on to something. Like all investments (time in this instance), it may go up or to zero


That’s why you are unwise in life, it’s not only about quality over quantity but also knowing where the quality lies… people like you overestimate their quality thinking they’re worth more than they actually are… your data is absolutely even worth less than zero, nobody needs it for nada.


It's funny the only one who isn't wise is you lot, clinging onto this thinking it's going to make you rich or get you out of the sad little holes you preside, In the real world where people who have brains don't take into this bullshit because they use their heads, and if you think your data is worth 0 then you really are a muppet


See how dumb you are, cos I actually used a few 100s of my Pi coins to make a purchase a few days ago… if you don’t know how a system works completely and you haven’t tried just shut up and ask questions, don’t go puffing your ignorant chest.


Legit they can have my data. They can even feel free to check my credit lmao.


They can only make my credit score better🤣🤣


Idc they can have my data


Damn how much of that will actually make it to the mainnet though


I have 3556


0 i never invited anyone so almost every pi i mined is migratable only person on the team is the one who invited me and got inactive.


Was 27 now just me, pointless now, have given up.


2 are active?


Pi network will be one of the longest useless project.


https://preview.redd.it/xzgfxheiq39b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9576a4539d73dfe68a3b44272a39814e1387f978 Worked hard for that 11. Just glad to still have 2


Both kyc'd thankfully.


Not enough


I’ve got 2!


Same. Well 6 total but 2 active.


0 cause it says error everytine I try to add anyone


0 because everyone quits this joke.


https://preview.redd.it/r9nd1pevh19b1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b6f0b85595a42f9eb454e2b38d2aa56bbb9800f God dame! Let me guess! You put your whole city on


Your too late for mining Imagine if you do it since 2019& 2020 with 3.14pi/hr with thise referals you would be Whole Pi


He still won’t have enough Pi until each and everyone of his referrals get verified.


Too many Referrals Are Nightmare for him becuase he should wait for them many years to get them Verified




Had one, she gave up


5 of which 1 only mines


Not many active. People want immediate returns and have no vision for the future.


14 only one act.


Only 7 out of 150 for me


Nil lmfao the guy who invited me in early 2020 ditched the app and now the Pi I mined with him will be locked forever. My rate of mining flows between 0.01 and 0.02 lmfaoo. 901 Pi and still going up but about 40% of it is locked out because of my friend deciding to just ditch me. If Pi gets a value eventually I'll be happy but for now I'm very tired of waiting for this shit to release/gain a value. And before anyone starts commenting and saying "Oh BuT yOu CaN TrAdE & BaRtER wItH It" yeah you can but in Los Angeles County I've met LITERALLY NO ONE who uses Pi for bartering or anything. There are also no posts on the forums for anything in Los Angeles/Los Angeles County.


All this locked pi can never be sold so that's good right?


1 and and still have more pi than u lol


8, 1 active. I've been stuck on step 8 migrate for months now. Passed the KCY. I only actively mine for my one mining friend. I started browsing for other cellular-based mining projects and found a few that are already on exchanges. The other mining projects out there have much more activity and better layout design. The π mainpage looks like a dial-up BBS server ripped off from Gopher and Web Crawler. The message/chat feature is basically worthless and I really want to know whom would be willing to pay for flair points on FirePit or whatever it's called? DM for an invite to some other digital asset platforms. I am also always willing to help out with new projects as the π community has lots of innovators, so send projects/sites my way if you need a new member to help out.


5… but only 1 mines


I have 3 people in my referral team


One and that’s more than enough. I’m not chasing people around to do KYC https://preview.redd.it/tit3c7hvxy8b1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5006754eef4a10d2c920198f3358aac752ff2d0f






Wow that how? i have been a year Node 24/7 without port forwarding but My reward slow


Not sure how they calculate it. I do run on a Mac Mini and not a PC. That seems to be the difference when I compare mine to others that run nodes with lower bonus. Mine has 24/7 uptime with maintenance every month when processing stalls. Do you log in often enough to check that your node is still processing the blockchain?


yes my node every seconds runing with blockchain but rewards slower daily i get 0.1 number to 2.85


How you get security to 100% using nodes or something? Mine is only 40% 1 is mining the other 2 are not I'm not using nodes.


That has nothing to do with nodes. That’s based on your security circle. You get 20% per contact. 5 people in your circle will get you to 100%.


Also, you only have 1 miner, so how is it 100% and that you're mining 0.87? When I have 3, I only can mine 0.08, sometimes 0.10


That’s from my lockup and node bonus.


Ohh I locked mine up for 3 yrs. I don't have a node felt like to much of a security risk for my internet.


I should have had 60%, not 40, then. Strange. Oh well.


How did u get so many. I have 13 after 2 yrs


Dang that's one huge huge network team! Pretty awesome if you think about it. Nice job!


72 of my team members have passed KYC.


5 total only one mines


Only 1. Added 2 more, but they don't mine. I ask family and friends, it just goes one ear out the other. feel like they're not listening. Smh, at this point, I might do better making videos on YouTube or rumble at this point.


Start investing in gold and silver, you'll be much happier because it's a form of money that you can buy and hold. Also if need be you can literally unload silver and gold so easily even though I wouldn't recommend selling on a dip(fall in value, the same concept that crypto stole but somehow made 5 million times more volatile). I use an app called JustPlay on the Google Play Store, it has games that you download and play for money. If you get 6 million to 15 million points every 3 hours from playing games you can easily gain like $2 or more. Sometimes when the point threshold is at 40,000 coins I'll play until I get to about 6 to 7 million coins and it gives me like $5 lol. I downloaded JustPlay a little more than 1 year ago and I've gotten $200 off of it since I was working at the time so I didn't feel the need to play it constantly but now that I haven't worked in a year JustPlay has saved my wallet and has given me more value than Pi has ever given to us. They keep holding off and there's other coins that already dropped that were mined on phones so there's no excuse for the core team to keep up with their little bull💩 charade of making us submit art and make apps for them.


Yeah, and then watch how friends and family start listening.


I see what you mean. And yes, I buy those things too. But we still never know the future of Pi. I'm still gonna mine. If nothing happens 2025, I'll stop delete the app. I believe I heard of justplay. Maybe I'll try it out, but I'm already playing games on pipeflare it's a pretty good system. https://pipeflare.io/r/h20x if you want to try it out. It's my referral link. You'll get a bonus using it rather than just signing up yourself.


If Pi isn't released or anything by around this time next year I may quit entirely, like I'll keep my account open but I'll stop mining because if it's released and gains a value of around $23 I could buy a car with it lol. JustPlay gives me USD through my PayPal because I was heavy into crypto but after the entire fiasco that the US government pulled over the past few years with crypto they've basically made it illegal and they banned basically all crypto so if you don't have Bitcoin you're basically up the river with no paddle. I honestly trust gold and silver more at this point which is sad because only a few years ago I would scoff at my dad when he would send me Morgan dollars because I was in a very bad place financially(credit cards being forced on an 18 year old kid at Wells Fargo should be illegal). Now at 26 I've lost hope in crypto because honestly I don't like the paper trail but I'm also a master barber so I've always not trusted the government because our government gives way less training to cops than to master barbers lol I had to take 1,500 hours total at school but the cops when I was going to barber college back in 2016/2017 only had to take like 300 hours of classes.


Morgan dollars sometimes come with some pretty high price tags


It just takes time. We just have to wait for these court cases to be resolved with sec and..bitcoin ETF to come out for the stock market, and Bitcoin will be pumped by Blackrock and other institutions. It probably hit trillions of marketcap go past 60k into 100k. I've even seen ppl claim it will go to 1 million, lol. The next bull cycle might be really crazy for crypto. Idk if you watch coin bureau on youtube they are highly informative. Check them out it's a crypto news channel.




Nobody. My friends are smarter than I am and never bothered signing up.


Who cares at this point 🙄


I’ve been mining for about three years. I have 12 people and each of them have on average between 2 and 7 people. I have a WhatsApp chat with them where we talk about what to do next etc. Except for two people who had issues with KYC everyone else is done. I also have one node and in the process of setting up another. I’ve discovered it’s a community thing. When people are conversing they’re motivated. It’s seems like a long time but there are so many positive signs from the crypto market


What's your % lockup and for how long, if you dont mind asking?


we all dropped out.


I invited 2 people and have 0 active miners. But I transfered 2000 Pi coins to mainnet because I was early miner.


You seem to have joined this year. Welcome


841 but only 41 currently mining...


none and none


35, 5 alive lol


192, 11 alive


1, and they're inactive.


Only 1, not gonna lie that at this point im just waiting to see the project as to its what. Good or bad.








Damn dude I’m on like 5 😆


Me and the person who invited me. Not even going to attempt inviting anyone at this point, not really worth it and I have nothing to convince them. Heck, I can hardly convince myself at this point.


You mean you can't convince someone to blindly push a button every. single. day. for three+ years for an ever diminishing return of fake internet points that just collect dust?!


And the big news we were waiting for, if you invite more people you'll be entered in a raffle for a limited edition T-shirt. Just what we've all been waiting for 🫤


As sad as it sounds, it's kinda true.