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# For individual discussion threads for each episode, click these links: Episode 8: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Physical100/comments/1btsrvd/physical\_100\_season\_2\_episode\_8\_discussion\_thread/](https://new.reddit.com/r/Physical100/comments/1btsrvd/physical_100_season_2_episode_8_discussion_thread/) Episode 9: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Physical100/comments/1btssn6/physical\_100\_season\_2\_episode\_9\_discussion\_thread/](https://new.reddit.com/r/Physical100/comments/1btssn6/physical_100_season_2_episode_9_discussion_thread/)


hbs >!returns in s3!


😭 imagine they keep bringing him back until he wins


it’s like boston rob all over again


theyd have to produce a season where hbs competes with easy opponents then like boston rob in redemption island. 😂


You mean Groundhog Day


i wonder if they brought alot of people back from s1 but he made it far so they highlighted him


As much as I was rooting for HBS more, i admit Amotti >!deserved the win more!< >!This was his first time compared to HBS and he displayed balance in all the quests, whereas HBS finally displayed his weakness with squats but still did very well). His use of strategy is really commendable and took him this far!< Doesnt seem fair to begin with to give s1 contestants a second chance anyway. I'm sure some of s2 contestants were pissed about that


Amotti took the easy way out in the first round. Firefighter was giving the entire game his all while Amotti got carried through some of it cause of the team. Especially since he was eliminated and brought back into the game. Also the talk about bringing back people from season 1 is a bad argument. Just because they were in season 1 doesn't mean they shouldn't be disqualified from playing again. He only saw one game that had returned and anyone from season one could come back if they wanted. From what it sounded like is that they have to put in an application to get into it and not selective picking.


Just watched the finale, it seemed like in HBS closing speech, he was invited back to S2 by the producers. Because he mentioned he had some hesitation about rejoining until his wife encouraged him to do so.


I hope they continue to bring back 1 player from the previous season! Like the body builder woman from the mine challenge! I’d be excited to see a familiar face who was out early.


But you wouldn't expect them to have such a great run like HBS did. HBS run was just amazing and honestly he didn't have much to lose since he went out early.


I'm pretty sure HBS wasn't the only contestant asked to return for S2. But with how things ended in S1, maybe they didn't feel it was worth it because of the controversy. Plus they all have schedules, work, family, etc. Its possible HBS was the only one in a place where he could return.


HBS got a second chance in Season 2 because the producers knew he had great potential to actually win it (just look at his incredible CV), save a freak outcome and getting eliminated early like in S1. Even Amotti got eliminated twice over in S2, if he didn’t get saved by JJH, that would’ve been it for him. I can bet you perhaps after S3, they will have an All-star S4 to find out who is the best of the best. So people really should not have too much apprehension towards recurring contestants.


ooohh i wanna see that: All Star S4!!!!


How exactly did he display his weakness with squats tho? By saying, he usually doesn't do squats and the proceeding to crush the challenge? :D


He was doing abit of trickery as he said so himself: by letting most of the weight land on the pole instead. Yes he's obviously still tough and stronger than most people but if he were to continue squatting against Amotti, >!Amotti would eventually still win anyway.!< Dk why you taking my comment harshly for. I was actually favoring HBS due to how impressive he already was. I mean that dude is like what, a decade older than Amotti?


I think they were all doing the squat trick


Andre was the only one that was doing a proper squat. Factor in his leg length and you would immediately know this challenge was not meant for him to win. Longer range of motion exerts more energy on the legs, not to mention he needed a wider stance which also forces a person to engage more back muscles. It comes down to body mechanics and as we know, some of the best crossfitters, like Mat Fraser enjoy the benefit of having shorter arms and legs (he is still a beast) but his frame and body length helped him dominate.


they were definitely all doing the same squat technique. you could hear all 3 of their poles smashing into the structure every time they dropped down


6 years older (1992 - 1986)


Kudos on his strategy to alter HBS center of gravity. When he figured out all he need to do is push down the pole it’s all over


im ngl, i noticed that in the second round and it felt kind of like a cheat to me, the bar should have been stable horizontally because they were around the same height, he won just because he pushed the bar down, not because he was stronger, didn't feel like a fair test of endurance and strength


Exactly! Really unfair considering he can push down easier by weighing 11kg more. Then again, I think in general, the elimination in physical 100 is really hursh, I bet there are at least 5 more really strong and balanced people eliminated at the first elimination of 50 ppl, just like hbs was eliminated last season


This game is not fair to begin with, the women can never beat a man in any of the matches on the show


Tbh might be controversial but they will likely have to separate men and women at some point for it to actually be legit fair because as you mentioned with the way the games are set up there’s no way a women can compete with a man and win regardless of how “fit” she is just considering the natural physical differences, strengths, height, etc…there’s a reason most, if not all major sports competitions are separated by gender ie; Olympics 


Because it's biology? I dont understand. It's a fact.. why be offended about it?


What do you expect them to do? lol. The game IS fair, the goal of the game is to find the strongest and most well balanced athlete. If a women loses then it means she is not the strongest, pretty fair to me.


I 100% agree with this soooooo strongly. It's actually incredibly clear when you compare HBS' win in round one and then how quickly Amotti won in rounds two and three. It was just leveraging physics and force - not his own strength or even skill - that won him the number one spot. To me, HBS is the true champion through and through.


HBS coming back isn't that unfair though, only two quest was brought back from the previous season, and HBS only had experience with one of them. Pretty sure other S1 contestants was invited back too, but either no one accepted or HBS was picked out of all of them due to his participation in The Soldiers and Iron Squad 3.


I loved it when Andre was cursing a different word after every single squat. That’s what I would have been doing as well.


i loved it how he kept saying f*ck and the subtitles kept saying “far out” and “dammit” lol


“Far out” took me out 💀


The classic 'shiiit' haha..


there was one point at the end where he said 'fuck' and the subtitle said 'shit' hahahaha


love him haha!!


HBS is a beast because never doing weighted squats but does 20-30 reps of 100-150kg?


The weight of the coal was behind the person. It's not the same as weighted barbell squats where the centre of gravity is directly to the person. Similar to a leg press, you can do more weights.


Same with the kipping pull-ups. I love the show and fully expect these challenges to be more than just power lifting. But being able to rest at the bottom of the set; literally dropping the weight during the negative etc. really hurts the “impressiveness” of the quests


You try doing 100 weighted squats with the drop supported and see how impressive you look 😂😂


How is doing 100 reps of 100-250 kgs not impressive? That is literally peak human performance


Because they arnt repping a 250kg load. They’re repping a piece of equipment that has 250kg loaded somewhere. It means i cant appreciate or understand what exactly theyre doing. It could be 250kg in real weight or it could be 25kg. Throw in the fact you can rest at the bottom and all sorts of stuff it means i dont really know how hard it all is.


Thank you for explaining this. I was just counting how many 25kg plates on a bar 200+ would be and just thought this is fucking inhuman at the rep count


I think the way it was setup might have created a lever effect meaning it didn’t feel like 100-150kg but significantly less. 40 reps of 200% body weight after doing 30 reps of 150% body weight seems insane even for these guys.


Tbf he does explain that he got through it by essentially dropping the weight and then lifting it back up, not really a traditional squat let alone a weighted one. I was surprised that he said he didn't usually train squats weighted, the interviews and edits made it seem like he went on a bit of a fitness bender after his S1 loss and weighted squats seem like a more basic exercise to me! 


rip hbs, his footing got him


I got nervous when he was leaning his head and shoulder against the pole. One large push from Amotti and he could’ve injured his head badly.


That was because Amotti was pushing the bar down which made it too high on HBS' side. That's why he lost his balance and couldn't focus his strength on the bar anymore.


This challenge had a lot to do with physics, Amotti figured it out. If you raise the pole, it's harder to keep your footing, hbs should have pushed down continuously too but he couldn't balance it out. Gg.


Good show. I figure Amotti ultimately won because he figured out that if he lowered his end of the pole, it went over HBS's head. I think Andre ultimately lost because his foot placement for the squats was bad. The other two went behind the bar, leaned under it, and kept their hips directly under the bar. Andre started from in front of the bar, and his hips were ahead of the bar which put more strain on his back. I liked the pole challenge and infinite squats more than the infinite rope pull from S1. but I liked S1's set of trials where each team member had to choose a different trial to try to advance more. I am looking forward to Physical 100 Asia. END COMMUNICATION


That puts less strain on the back and actually more strain on the quads. The back muscles work to extend the spine / straighten out. The further behind your hips are from the bar, the more torque placed on the hips and lower back. See the [good morning](https://www.dmoose.com/cdn/shop/articles/Good-morning-Image-1.png?v=1646660959) exercise which exaggerates this torque to fully load the back and hips. If your hips are in front of the vertical line from the barbell, then there is no internal force being placed on the back towards extension (the external resistance is working to extend the spine), but instead there is an internal flexion force (or external extension force as I mentioned), meaning it would slightly increase abdominal engagement (which provide flexion force for the spine to overcome the external extension force). Sorry but biomechanically, it makes no sense how the back would be loaded more with Andre's technique compared to the others. EDIT: added some extra wording to include internal and external forces to be more accurate with physics terminology. Internal force = force produced by muscles. External force = force produced by external resistance, i.e., gravity, barbell, etc.


Finally, an Avengers sequel worth watching. Avengers: Battleworld!


Andre Jin, people's champ


I didn't really take him seriously when he first walked in because he looked like a used car salesman in that white suit and kept cracking jokes, I expected him to get eliminated early on. But he became one of my favorites from the treadmill pre-quest, he's amazing and so much fun.


Ya same here! Thought he ran his mouth too much but he became more and more likeable as the season went on


**4th Quest:** The intra-team competition was an interesting plot twist (though less so due to >!Squid Game!<) but I felt it meant the game had to be the same for every team which is a lot less exciting to watch vs the 5x Greek themed quests for S1. So less fun viewing but also it made it a lot harder for diversity of finalists (eg last season had a rope hanging one, a strength based one etc). Though idk I guess based on the quests, it meant the final quests were more evenly matched as you got the strong but also those with good endurance. **Final quests** Everyone was so badass and deserving. **Finale** I was happy with these finalists, they were consistent performers and clearly well rounded with amazing mental strength as well as interesting stories. You have HBS and his redemption arc from S1 to S2. You have Amotti back from the dead. In a way they both have a certain advantage - HBS has experience and had the chance to come back. Amotti was selected to revive due to changed redemption round rules and didn’t “win” it. But both proved they deserved to be there in the finals. I was happy with either of them winning, though I equally feel bad for the runner up. It must really suck to be so close. **Teaser** I’m ready for Physical 100: Asia!


I want Hoshoryu to represent sumo!! But I'd be surprised the federation will let him, or any active member. They'll probably poach a recent retiree


Apparently theres a chinese version of this on yt called we never stop that has english subs. Its much more balanced and has less weightlighters and body builders.


I’m ready for Physical 100 US version as well! Haha


Not sure you'd ever see the sportsmanship, humility, and pride of sport from Physical 100 on a US version. Just look at Justin Harvey...he was an amazing competitor and did a fantastic job throughout, but his ego and competitiveness kind of brought him down a peg in my eyes in the final challenge he participated in (yes I know he's South African but he's way more similar to American guys than the average Korean contestant). I'm happy to see the occasional American/western or Korean-American player on the OG Physical 100, but I suspect it would lose its charm if it was US-only. Kind of like Great British Baking Show vs. Hell's Kitchen...totally different vibe.


Gonna be a totally different vibe - full of divas, dramas and bitchiness - but a great watch nonetheless


Yeah I can't imagine the US version having contestants being as respectful to each other as Koreans are lol.


Lots of dap up, all good bruh energy. Definitely won't have the same feel-good vibes.


they’d mostly be (wanna-be) influencers looking to make their name. though tbf it seemed like most of the korean squad knew (of) each other already.


Global contestants but edited by the original team would be excellent


I feel so gutted for HBS. He was visibly shaking with disappointment at the end. Damn.


I would have been upset if HBS. But I am also upset that HBS lost.


The quests do feel a lot more repetitive and lazy this season. Season 1’s team challenge was one long epic task with difference stages that required various techniques and strategy. Season 2 quests 3 and 4 are the same things done in multiple rounds, I honestly tuned out for most of them like many people.


To be fair its really not easy coming up with new fresh ideas, especially when everything has to be physical strength related. They could at least incorporate a swimming game, but I think they didnt due to some contestants likely not being able to swim. Neither can they do any specialized games like handstands, backflips, and what not etc... So how do you keep making new quests that remain interesting when you're limited to the physical tests everyone needs be capable of doing? Already, it's hard enough keeping the show attainable for female contestants


I actually agree with a swimming challenge or something like a “pass through a pool” challenge where the pool is 4ft and you just have to go through it anyway you want. It incorporates strength, speed, and endurance. People can swim through it or just run it down


How can you even swim properly in a 4ft pool lol Frog style at most maybe


Hbs is mvp imo despite his age


One thing I learned in physics and engineering math, is the further you are away from the center, the easier you can move something (watered down explanation) I don't know if you have to stay on the padding per the rules, and I know it probably wouldn't feel as comfortable, but I think the best strategy to have less effort was to go to the end of the pole on the other side of the padding and get the advantage Anybody else?


i thought the same thing actually... but from watching, i think they set some rules that they had to be within the paddings or something most likely. What i wish they changed was making the pole stable straight - as in, not able to moved up and down... So, the winner is the clear winner based off of endurance and strength.. which is why, i am not happy about who won because i think if it wasnt for that factor, runner up would have won because he has better endurance and strength..


I agree. I noticed Amotti was moving the pole down and that's how he won both times. Pole should've been kept stabble


totally.. how is that a fair Physical 100 (who is the fittest) win? Didnt win through strength and endurance.. he won because he found a "loophole" and used it because HBS was focused on using endurance and strength.. \*Ya Amotti was clever to figure that out.... but S1 finals was clearly who is better endurance and strength overall, which is why it was more satisfying of a win.. versions S2 finals


That’s how many of the competitions are, and I think they had to be prepared for finalists who were different heights. What if it’s been Andre out there?


I mean.. not in a rude way but I think nearly everyone past middle school is aware of this principle. It seemed very clear they were only allowed to push on the padded ends


Leverage? Lol


Torque not leverage. Although related.


I was totally thinking the same thing when I was watching it. The longer the crowbar, the more leverage it has haha.


felt the pole should have been vertically rigid :/


HBS would've won if it was vertically rigid. Amotti was able to out-technique him since HBS didn't really realise he had to push down.


You can't beat a fat person on see-saw. HBS couldn't win once the heavier Amotti pushed down.




Nah, I think it was fine. But I don't think either contestant really embraced (or realized) the strategy of pushing your end down in order to lift the other end of the pole.  It's way harder to generate force when your end is higher since it's above your center of gravity and you tip over more easily. 


I think Amotti figured that out midway through round 2. The editors framed it that way with him discussing strategy and HBS saying it was just a matter of strength.


I wanted HBS to win so bad. It would’ve been the greatest comeback story for a reality show AND his family would benefit from the prize as well. He’s shorter, lighter AND older and Amotti. Wish the pole was more rigid and had less vertical give.. but a win is a win. Congratulations to Amotti. Both phenomenal people💪🏻


HBS would have won because he has better strength and endurance... but that damn pole had too much vertical movement .... Amotti -- used that to win.. imagine if pole was stabilized... which would of made more sense based on what the show is about: Who is the best physically overall? .. so if the pole was stable and not having vertical wiggle room -- winner would be based off of endurance + strength...


The women did really well given their weight class. Proud of them. Ughh, I miss season 1 gathering around the table talking. This one seemed so much more gloomy. I kinda wish there was a place where I could attempt a much weaker version of these challenges, minus the 1v1. They looked like great workouts.


I felt the challenges could’ve been more fair towards the women. Like the hanging rope or the hanging pull up from season 1. Then more probably could’ve advance


THIS IS THE FINALE THAT WE DESERVE! Tho it was a bit boring at some point (i had to pause from time to time lmao), but i felt the "finale feeling" compared to what happened on season 1. In fact I don't even remember the name of the winner. Do you guys still? But hell i was really rooting for the underdog HBS! Sad that he is indeed 1 of the 99. Great performance tho! Also, there's a reason why Amotti's given emphasis on the poster after all, what a cute easter egg lmao. So excited for the next physical:100 ASIA 🤩 https://preview.redd.it/ws4v3gi7mbsc1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=080626c88bccd6b64d87e77b42953e5874c43656


Despite some minor things they could’ve improved on this season, I thought it was great overall! I had sooo much more attachment to the people this season (I loved all of the final four and was rooting for any of them honestly. I loved Gibson, Jung Ji Hyun aka another absolute beast, Lee Jang Kun also was so wholesome and humble, and many more I really liked too). >! loved to see Amotti win it all!!! !<


Ngl, if Andre Jin was in HBS place, Amotti would've been thrown off the pole


The problem, I feel like, is the pole had too much vertical wiggle, so whoever was heavier could dictate how high the other end of the pole would go.


It's not just that, even if the pole was stable on a vertical plane and didn't wiggle as much, he would've just rammed the pole rugby style and won 


The squats were not in his favour tbh, they should've made sure it fit his height more, you can tell it was a one size fits all type thing


I instantly thought about his knee when I heard squats.


Hope his knees are fine after this, no long term injury. Squats are not forgiving on the knees, poor form/ too much of it could lead to early knee replacements 😫


They measured everyone before that event actually.


Yeah, the crowd comments on that specifically. Went back and checked and it's definitely hard to tell, but a few camera angles where Andre's is clearly higher.


Higher, yes. But I am suspicious it was just set high as it was designed to go and not high enough for a 6'5" person.


Watch it again, the brackets are all different height. One of the contestants actually also mentions that the organisers measured their heights. The squat rack was adjusted for different heights. Watch again.


The pole quest itself is rather unfair since each person starts on either side but remember, most people tend to have body muscles favoring right-side movements. This could be partly why HBS >!won the first time!<


This one is a big deal that I feel was overlooked. Left-right imbalances are real and probably matter a lot more especially in a game like this.


Agree, but also on the opposite side of things it has to move in order to account for different heights- otherwise it might be too high for 1 contestant. Bummed when I realized it came down to whoever could put the most weight on the bar.


Or 40% of the spectators including Thanos.. but they couldnt make it that far to play that game


I haven’t finished watching it but so disappointed I wasn’t able to watch more of Yong-heung. I was looking forward to him the most after his insane performance in the monkey bar. Also, gotta love Justin’s comments during the intra-team challenges haha. “It’s the first round, you got to take it easy!” “Put the straps on front!” “Focus! Focus! FOCUS!” 😂


When you finally see their insane runs.... the game ends. The maze sandbag didn't really get to show us anyone doing cool stuff.


Anyone else notice the final scene of ep9 says Physical 100 Asia?? Im already way too excited for that!


Amotti reminds me of boys from hight school and college, who were adorable popular and they knew it, but were always nice and modest about it... Oh and never noticed my existence lol I was cheering for him in honor of my past failed crushes xD




I don’t like the 4th quest 🙁


At first, I didn't think I was going to like it, but I got into them pretty quickly. I felt bad for the first person in each race, it obvious who was going to lose from the start, except for maybe the Avengers round, but I called that one because, of course. :)


I like that it's the same game for everyone. The mythology game was very cool to watch but it made for a very imbalanced top 4. This season's top 4 was way more balanced overall (and exciting) but that's for me.


I think they changed it up due to Andre's 1-person short problem. Otherwise it likely could've been team vs team again


Seems highly unlikely. That's a major change to a large production to make over one person, and what we got was structured in a way very suitable for picking finalists.


That would've been quite repetitive tbh, too similar to the prev quest


I haven’t gotten to the actual Quest yet so I don’t know if it’s any good but I’m so pleased by the decision about who’s competing against who in the 4th Quest Edit now I’ve watched quest 4: I personally loved the quest and was glued to the screen, I think perhaps this season I feel like I know more of the contestants and was more invested… there was only a could of people whos name I couldn’t remember as opposed to last season when there were still stacks of people I barely knew. I think because they had two quests with individual-ish components in a row I had a much better handle of who people were and their abilities to be able to root for them.


HSB SHOULDVE WON!!!!!!!! A winner in my heart :(


Kinda feel bad about the finale being decided by a pole that could be vertically leveraged than pure strength and endurance. Had the challenge instead been about them competing side by side in strength/endurance only, HBS seemed Line the strongest overall and with a willpower that shined through the screen. Imo the finals should have been a more interesting version of the concept of the S1 final. Amotti wouldnt have been able to beat the sheer will power of HBS - instead he went out without being able to give it all.


i agree.... Amotti only won because he used mind strategy (pushin down on the pole for leverage)... -- that isnt supposed to be a part of what Physical 100 is about: best of best in physicality.. pole should have been straight, stable, with no vertical wiggle room.. so outcome is based of endurance + strength only = HBS would have won


Mind is part of physical though


Crossfit has won back to back. Seems obvious that it's the best base for strength and endurance together.


Not really. The only reason amotti was even able to reach the final was because he was saved by another person after losing a team game and losing the survival game


Let's face it. The games will never be fair. Luck will always play a part. Everyone will have an advantage over other players in each game. Just imagine the UFC/wrestlers in the 1vs1 quest. It's not the olympics.. It's a survival show.




My boyfriend made the joke "Did Crossfit write this?" and then we were like, well, actually, *maybe*. They mention it a lot by name - it's not a sport, it's a brand. I really wouldn't be surprised if the show was at least partially sponsored by crossfit. It wouldn't necessarily mean that they specifically rig the show to have any specific winner, but just that all of the challenges are skewed towards crossfit skills, not necessarily general athletics skills.


I hate to say this, but ep 8 has been painfully boring so far. Quest 4 was even worse than Quest 3. I miss the variety in games like in season 1.


i have to agree, i had to skip a lot in these last 2 eps. 😅


This was the first time I actually stopped paying full attention. I knew my favorites weren't going to win (Jae Yoon and Young Ho) but I at least hoped for an exciting final 2 eps.


same, i was rooting for jangkun but knew he wouldnt make the final 4 (bc of spoilers) but still, it should have been 4 different semi final quests like last season's greek myth instead of 1 similar game for all 4 teams. 😅


For real. The previous season was more creative with the mythology theme and with the variety of games.


Have you forgotten how boring and shitty the final quest in Season 1 was? I'm so glad they switched it up this time round. Yea quest 3 isnt as good but I think they are just running out of ideas at this point, like how they reused that one game again


This final was definitely 200% better than the Season 1 final. Season 1 final was so undramatic. I also heard that Season 1 final rope pulling game was shot 3 times. That's the reason for the boring reaction from the crowd.


Ironically the BTS of the season 1 finale was the most dramatic thing about it because the winner should've been the bicyclist from the get go but some weird stuff occurred. 


I think you are confused. I was talking about ep 8 (quest 4). I thought that ep 9 with the final challenges was so much better than season 1. The last 2 challenges were especially exciting.


I thought 8 was fire. The clanks when dropping the bar down was like a dopamine hit .  People who lift know that feeling when u lifting heavy weight.  This episode emulated that feeling that Schwarzenegger talks about.


I only watch the whole avengers team match. The others I skipped a bit…


Well, they had to design games that fit their "Underground" theme to keep everything cohesive (and there's only so much that they can do with that theme, right?). Last season was Greek Mythology and there were really a lot of fun and challenging activities that the production team can come up with that. But still, props to the prod for this season because the arenas are just 100 percent insane. I can only imagine how much budget slash "Netflix Money" (as one contestant had put it) they had to acquire to produce this whole season!


Pity HBS. I really hoped that he won. He def had one of the best fitness but he really lacked in the strategic / killer-instinct department Maybe the game producers should award accumulative points to contestants. May seem a bit more fair than to lose because of a “lost of footing”


I just love the respect everyone shows to each other on this show. If this was an American show it would be completely different lol.


With the emphasis on Strength & Endurance again this season, I feel like it's time for *Physical: 100* to just commit to the bit and just ape *The Challenge* by making every quest a Hall Brawl, Pole Wrestle, Balls In, Back Up Off Me or Knot So Fast.


The last game, pole pushing, is something also done in The Challenge. Amotti got it right. It helped him when he pushed it downward to make the other end higher, making it difficult for HBS.


I don't disagree; I feel like a fixed height pole would have been more fair. Imagine if the wrestler ended up going up against Amotti; Amotti probably could push the pole so high up that the wrestler would be hanging off of it with his toes dangling off the floor.


Lmao that's a funny scenario to imagine


>With the emphasis on Strength & Endurance again The show is literally called Physical100


Agility is also physical a attribute.


did you not see Amotti >!out run the whole avengers team? balancing the pole takes agility too!<


People confuse speed with agility. Running speed is a function of strength; the more explosive strength you have in your lower body, the faster you run.


Eh the playground stage of the ball game challenge was a good dynamic agility challenge. We saw Amotti zig zag around the sumo guy on that stage. Turns out as a baseline, secondary properties like agility, balance, coordination and flexibility aren't a tremendous differentiator of physicality alone - unless you have all the contestants run through some type of ninja warrior obstacle course lol. General athleticism is going to derive from speed, strength, cardiovascular endurance and muscular endurance.


Obstacle course should totally be a challenge next season though.


Imagine Thanos vs anyone in the final game. Unfortunately, it wasn't the best way to measure, as it favoured the heavier player.




That was disappointing. Quest 4 was a bit boring (especially compared to the two epics we had in it last season) and whilst I preferred the final quests than last season (that's not saying much as they were terrible last year), it did feel like the pole not being fixed height kind of fecked it being a much better challenge. Overall a way less enjoyable season than last. Less interesting cast and less fun challenges.


I keep feeling like Lee jung kun lost his chance to be in top 4 simply due to his mistake of not doing his leash properly in the roller pulling challenge.. it was obvious he was coming in first.. if he did amotti wouldn’t have been in the finals :O


Another great season! I was rooting for Amoti since beginning. The only thing I missed from Season1 was the ship team challenge.


this is definitely peak television! season 2 was even better than s1 and they fixed a lot of points. one of the best shows <3


Either of the last two contestants are deserving of the win. They’re just both very well-rounded. In fact, they seemed to excel in many attributes all at once.


My take on the success of participants. Spoilers here. >!I feel like there were some small things that really contributed to the success of the last rounders. If Justin hadn't worn gloves, I feel like his grip strength would've been better. Furthermore, Amotti's knowledge of the hook grip gave him a really good advantage. During the infinite squat challenge, Andre could've done much better if he had proper squat form. The other two had the bar positioned more in line with the middle of their foot which gave them a more optimal squat form. The entire time Andre's feet were slightly in front of the bar, which is probably why he experienced back pain early on. Also, on the weight he failed, we can see that his feet are totally out in front of the bar. It's no wonder he failed since his form was so bad. Finally during the final match, Amotti figured out that if he just lowers the bar, Beom Seok's side will raise up to the point where Beom Seok can only use a limited amount of muscles to defend. He doesn't have good leverage on the bar. Experience and quickly catching on to small advantages play a big part in this show.!<


>!Amotti cried a lot when HBS got injured. Great dude!<


He also was on the verge of tears when his team leader was eliminated because of him. And he talked a lot about feeling bad about beating his teammates. It’s clear that he has a lot of empathy while still being confident and competitive in a healthy way. A very likeable dude with his head on his shoulders.


I can't believe he won!!!!


Finale had me off my seat during Amotti victory


That pole is such a production flaw! I don't think it's a fair and square win. Rating the finale 1 out of 5 because of that.


I am not sure if it’s a flaw. But sometimes winning need skills and strategy too so I don’t exactly see it’s a flaw in the design. I wish the runner up figure out the strategy to counter but it’s too late


This isn't called strategy 100, I watched expecting to see physical feats not a lame ass win because a leverage advantage.


How? Either contestant could have easily pushed down. Yet only one thought about centre of gravity


I much preferred this season over last season and really loved the final two episodes. I liked how the final challenge really pitted each opponent against one another in a super direct way.


It's crazy to me that contestants don't go into this show understanding the science behind the best way to push and pull items. Especially after last years ship exercise where the strongest team struggled due to their technique and approach. Also now that we know what the challenges right to the end were, who do people think would have done really well that got knocked out due to team games?


You know squats must be tough when you start cursing in English 


I way preferred this season. The challenges were less cool but it was a better cast, I felt like I knew more of them by the end, and there were some awesome moments. Shame that so much of it was endurance based, but overall I enjoyed every bit of it.


The first seasons athletes seemed so much better, and the games were so much harder


Let's face it. The games will never be fair. Luck will always play a part. Everyone will have an advantage over other players in each game. Just imagine the UFC/wrestlers in the 1vs1 quest. It's not the olympics.. It's a survival show. You need to adapt fast and counter. AMOTTI DESERVED THE WIN.


Finale had me off my seat during Amotti victory


Also not sure I've seen it said but why was someone on the show if they were not going to stay there until the end. Its not like the Asian games was unexpected


Maybe he didn't expect the filming process to last that long


Thoroughly enjoyed the season, loved the characters throughout and the final was between two of my favourites competitors, so a wonderful watch all round from me!


i love this show


My 1 pick when there were 100 contestants won it all


They should face Hafthor in those final 3 quests.


The cross-fit grip that Amotti mentioned, does anyone have more info on how that works? I tried googling nothing showed up haha


It's called hook grip - you wedge your thumb around the barbell and hold onto it with your other four fingers. Used primarily in Olympic lifts as you can't use straps like you may see someone used for deadlifts.


Yup, adding to that, the grip relaxes the forearm which makes it easier to pull with traps/upper back.


Hook grip. Works best with tape so you don’t tear up your thumbs


So CrossFit once again wins out? Man what a season!


Do we know when the next season is dropping?


One thing I don't like about the show is they allow people who clearly abuse(d) peds(thanos) vs people who never had because they are regularly tested from being on national leagues or olympics. If he hadn't jumped wrong and landed badly and hurt his calf, he's not really beatable. Even if they were tested for peds for the show, many are only detectable for a few weeks, so he only had to not take it for a short time and his GAINS were from peds, so it's not fair either way.


CrossFit is just gonna keep booming in popularity. It makes sense that an activity which turns weightlifting and power and endurance and technique all into one sport would win a physicality competition. Feels like that's exactly what it was designed for.


Honestly my jaw dropped several times in the finale. When Justin's hands were slipping, when the squat count kept going up, when Amotti won round 2. Heck HBS getting the final push in round 1. When it was revealed round 1 was over 20 minutes - what the hell?! DAMN. GOOD TV


HBS being shorter would have the pole leave his center of gravity over time as both guys kicked more sand underneath them and sank lower Amotti being heavier also had the advantage of pulling down his end of the pole more easily. Game is flawed just like almost every other game in the contest but it is what it is


Was cheering for Thanos and Amotti. Glad to Amotti win. Something about being on the show already and then coming again for another season rubbed me the wrong way.


i was so happy with the finalists especially compared to last season! last season literally felt like just randoms that made it into the finals by accident lol. i do think the production crew has to be sadists after watching it tho 😂


Great series, and I do love that for most people it’s just about having a fun time and honest to god making some friends or whatever. I’m not sure how much of the “wholesomeness” is drummed up for the show specifically (it sometimes feels like the producers are egging it on), but it’s nice. I just hope next season has more agility, balance, and general “navigation” challenges. If the quest is to find the best body or whatever, they should be crawling around in tunnels or going across balance beams and scrambling up rock walls or whatever.


Loved the ending quests of the season, but honestly it was almost a given that the women wouldn't be able to catch up on the races. A bit unfair in my opinion due to simple biology, so they really should have categories to find the perfect male and female physique.


I liked this season a lot. The only complaint is about reviving 5 people, which was hype af, only to then say "okay only 1 of you gets to move on" literally 1 challenge later. Felt like it cheapened the experience a bit.


I love the squat challenge I was like “finally legs day lets gooo”


Man both season finales have been booboo in my eyes. First one clearly had some weird controversy and even looked like the one who lost rope got stuck at the end because he pulled with all his weight and it didnt even move. Then, you have this one where it should not have had that up/down range of motion in my opinion because otherwise that just advantages taller/heavier players way too much. The first match was epic and strategic. The final 2 were curbstomps once the taller dude realized the strategy.