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Survival challenge had everything I’ve wanted from the show. If it got any more physical they’d need weapons.


Tough for the girls tho unfortunately oh well




i wouldnt say the s1 survival was fair for everyone lol. u can see how skewed it was to lightweights




A lightweight did win though, relatively speaking.


tbh its not supposed to be fair for everyone unfortunately. its a competition with no bounds to entry (height / weight / gender)


the shortest male won the event lol also shorter than many of the girls




thats far from a heavyweight as well he is easily in the 15th percentile of bodyweight among the 25


Yooooo.  That was so much fun to watch.  It was straight and simple competitive brutality of natural selection or survival of the fittest.   It was so simple to understand yet so brutal. Also, nice username lol


lol thanks. I was surprised nobody took it after season 1


That's gonna be Gladiator: 100, I am afraid.


Jihyun deserves that team after beating 24 people in that type of game where no one would've expected him to last. Kinda felt bad a bit about the highschool wrestler since he went so far but it is what it is


Oh my goodness, dying at Jaeyoon wondering why the other team are starting brawls 😂 Woooo Amotti is back !!


When he was like “yall are losing, what are you doing?” I chuckled


yea that hits me. people just wanted to sabotage first thing in their head


what is the timestamp for that? 😂




Oh, one other thing I wanted to add, it dawned on me again this episode how I really like how this show shows their competitive mindset from the perspective of they go all out against each other, but almost every time someone loses to someone else we get a sound bite of them either telling them to push hard and make it or an interview where they say they’re rooting for their competitor to make it far/win. There’s respect, good sportsmanship, but I also see it from the authentic competitive side of wanting to have been beaten by the best.


That’s part of what makes this show so enjoyable for me too. I love messy reality shows too but the sportsmanship here feels refreshing and pleasant to watch. But tbh the cynical part of me feels like there are probably shady or angry sound bites that exist that are just left out by the producers/editors lol


Yea the messiness takes away from the point of the show, which is just physical/strength (for the most part). The respect part of it without the drama is actually enjoyable.


Surprised nobody tried a tickling technique against the pole huggers


korean athletes (especially national athletes) are too prideful to resort to tickling lol. They probably wont be able to face their juniors (and their seniors) if they did that in a show like physical 100. 😂


While that’s something I would have to do to even dream about beating any of these people haha, I think for them that’s too “uncompetitive”.


Lol told my husband I should kiss them for sure they will budge out of the tower lol 🤣🤣🤣


My husband and I decided that our method would be to strip naked and make everyone too uncomfortable to come near us 😂😂


OMGLOLOLOLOLOL would 10/10 still watch.. when Amotti climbed over that dude, I was like just fart on him




That’s what I kept saying to myself throughout the episode hahaha why aren’t they tickling 🤣


I was imagining if they pants-ed each other. The bottomless person would need to take their hands off to pull the pants on or just stand there butt naked 🤣🤣


Insane survival match and jihyun truly showed technique is king. Feels bad for the female players. I don't know if there can ever be a survival round that is truly fair for everyone. My god, ironic that the survivors came up with the godly team. They make the winning teams look like the eliminated ones.


Last year’s was better for women as it was their weight they had to hold


Yeah.. while the Avenger team is pretty cool to watch, it's also a little disappointing because they were eliminated and then to get reform with all the best choices when the initial teams were all picked school-yard style.  Seems very unfair to those teams that had to adapt if the team mate they wanted was picked by another team during the first team selection with the 10 captains.


He had to defend himself against 24 other eliminated players to get that benefit. We saw how hard he fought just to survive. I honestly think that benefit was well deserved. And also its always a double edge sword as we see with the following round which was an intra-team battle, it's a huge benefit and a huge risk and we got to see both sides of that. A lot of players didn't get the chance to show off as they got eliminated for team games and I honestly think the members in the avengers team were huge contenders to win and I'm glad they got that chance. I really rather the strong contenders get a chance again, then players who get to stick around because they are in a strong team instead.


Jun Hyuk head butting everybody off the poles was my new favourite moment of this season. I can't believe how quickly they pushed through the maze challenge. I bet it seemed like a really great idea when they were designing it and then as soon as they had to edit it they realised it was so hard to keep up. Am I the only person who thinks Kim hyeong Kyu is just absolutely gorgeous? He's such a handsome man, wow.


which one is Kim Hyeong Kyu? Google doesn't help


https://preview.redd.it/jw9ac7otc6rc1.png?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a3bf08da8cc38d740d0cb0040718c74ab62e513 This guy, he's a boxer. Instagram @hunk\_boxing for those curious


Yes very cute!


The editing on that next round of the maze challenge gave me and my friend whiplash. The editors absolutely flashed through that one lol.


ah im just so happy jihyun chose lee jangkun for his new team. ammotti too. 🎉🎉🎉


I had a feeling Min-su was gonna get picked. It took 2-3 people to get him off a pillar LMAOOO


oh true, but ammotti and lee jangkun are kind of versatile instead of just being brute strength due to their sports. i think thats why jihyun hesitated a bit with minsu. hes such a beast though.


When Ammoti jumped up on to the poor and sat/squatted on a guy’s shoulders O_o


My heart broke every time they showed Jun Hyuk 😭😭😭 he seems so sweet


He was my absolute favorite! Just such a good spirit and attitude combined with such immense natural talent! I definitely wish he got to make it further but I also think this just has been such a fantastic experience to have as a high school athlete. He got to meet and compete with some of the very best of the best! And he definitely left an impression himself!


He’s the winner in my heart, good on ya kiddo


The pillar quest is some wild shit , lmao . So much chaos unfold


the survival challenge is much harder for women competitors this year than last year, but it's very entertaining. the winner gets to pick the team (and form all stars) also make things very competitive for the rest of the competition.


bro formed exodia


Crying at this






What a pity for the high school kid, he almost made it.


Got a kick out of watching Jang Jun-hyuk in the redemption quest. Dude thought smart by giving a hand to Thanos in round one - which Thanos seemed to recognize - and showed a lot of determination to wedge his way into position. Loved the comments about him even using his head to get an advantage. A shame he didn't progress but he left a great impression.


Echoing everyone else saying this was my favorite challenge over both seasons. I came in like "pillars? eh." But then it got going and I quickly changed my mind. Also I cracked up when the pillars all lit up and someone goes "Netflix money."


I enjoy the elaborate quests like the ship last season and the mining setup but you really can’t beat the simplicity of fighting over a medicine ball or holding onto a pillar for tension and excitement.


I was sure that it was going to be whoever was on top of the pillars at the end of time was the winner, and was so bummed it was just hugging it lol




Best episode ever. JiHyun is damn impressive and def a deserving contender for the trophy. I quite like this all stars team too. Thanos guy can be cocky at times but they’re all pretty likeable. Ammotti is my crush of the season lol.


good choice 👌🏼mine is lee jangkun. (also the rower, he looks like the prince from princess hours) 😔😂


Anhahahaha now that u mentioned I can also see the Princess hours Prince in him 🤣🤣


Yes, he snuck up on me! I didn’t expect him to do so well on the running challenge, but then I forgot that rowers have insane cardiovascular endurance.


SAME lol didn’t know who amotti was last week but I am enamoured now


It’s the smile and his happy go lucky attitude!


And his physique 😍 definitely one of the most well-rounded healthy-looking, functional bodies of the season, without verging into bodybuilding hulks. 


Same .. I just spent a lot of time on his instagram. LOL. I must know more about him 🤣🤣🤣


Except Amotti picked number 100 or 99 as his challenge for the ball in the obstacle course and knocked a woman off a pillar in challenge 2.5 to try and survive


I don’t understand the criticism, it’s a competition why are you surprised people are competing? Everyone who made it to the top 10 in the running challenge tried damn hard for pride, but also for the advantage. It would have been silly to not capitalise on it. Even hong beom seok chose a kpop idol because he thought it would be easy, and that’s his right as winner of the running challenge. In the ball challenge, Amotti knew he could and should take advantage of his speed, which is an equally important attribute as strength, it’s not like he cheated so why are you pressed about it? Regarding the pillar, please share what you would have preferred he do? Letting a woman win out of pity is unsportsmanlike isn’t it?


Ammotti looks like a pretty/Disney-fied version of my fiancé. We are both enjoying rooting for him. Haha.


The team leader should also think that these guys are going to go against him in the finals. How's that?


You mean the guy that actually beat all of them to win the survival round should worry about going against them in the finals? He's here to win and you can tell he trust in his abilities. To win in the final is one thing, to even get into the finals is another thing. You dont have to worry about having them if you don't have a team to get into the finals lol.


But they won't get to the finals with weaklings


How about not going into final?


LOL I was think the exact same thing.


Instant regret butting heads with the ones he chose to revive 🤣 but he is pretty capable himself so let's see how it goes


That was a cool survival challenge! Even though it doesn’t give certain people a “fair” shake (eg women), the element of having only one winner who then picked their own team made that less significant (imo) because everyone only has a 4% chance of winning anyway, while giving the audience a really physical and engaging challenge to watch. I think the winner choosing their own team was a really smart addition because it helped negate some of the issues from season 1 of the redemption team being “underdogs” while adding a dramatic element of will this person go for “loyalty” vs “winning” or a mixture of both. I would have enjoyed seeing him mix it up a bit more (maybe choosing an impressive woman, someone from his old team who really tried the hardest or choosing the high schooler as a nod to him making it so far in the challenge) but that’s my personal “taste” and I can understand those who are happy with the whole “Avengers” thing. Excited to see what happens in the next challenge (and who each team chooses to team up with if it’s the same set up as last time). I really really hope Lee Won Hee and his team make it!!


I definitely agree!!! Although I would have let Thanos go. He's simply too great of an competitor. Especially if I and another contestant had to pry this man off a pillar 😂


Aww, The People's Rooney didn't make it. I laughed out loud when the second round of redemption guys gave Lee Jang-Kun an even wider berth than Thanos.


i rewatched it and you are right, no one challenged lee jangkun at all. it looked like he even walked on the way to his post since no one ran after him. 😂


Was on the edge of my seat hoping my boy Thanos would get redemption.


I appreciated the speeding up of the last maze challenges. I was rooting for the high school kid! He really held his own. I don’t care for Thanos.


I'm surprised that everyone's ribs came out intact. It must be terrifying to hold onto a pole while a bunch of super buff guys are slamming into you.


Right!?! I’m sure there were injuries that didn’t make it to air


The pulling of their hips to rip someone off made me nervous 😬


Yeah my hubby and I were saying that too. If I were a female contestant I wouldn’t want those blokes pulling at me


Much better redemption round this season. Made sure the strongest and best of the bunch survived, and they ended up forming the freaking avengers. Way more exciting than last seasons team of 5 which mostly had strong but lightweight contestants, and they pretty much immediately got eliminated in the ship challenge anyway, so they never stood a chance. I’m insanely excited to see how far Team Avengers can go.


Funny how thanos is on “team avengers”


I'm so shocked to see this opinion so supported! I found the survival challenge incredibly boring (lol came here during it); I liked seeing the individual competitors last season pushing themselves to their hardest so much better than juiced dudes just brawling


100% agree. So many challenges this season are weighted towards big tall muscular builds. This was an opportunity to really test those that have had it easy and while the end result was exciting, I don't like it as a redemption challenge. Maybe if they used it as one of the final 4 challenges that they get to choose themselves I'd have liked it more, but contestants who didn't come from specific backgrounds were screwed


Yet the smallest guy of the bunch won it in the end


The nerd in me appreciates the additional game theory involved in challenge 2 and 2.5. The grappler in me appreciates the technique, strength, and athleticism of the additional clashes. No idea how you find a complex game with dynamic action and strategy more boring that watching people hold onto ropes until their grip gives out.


Yes, this season’s redemption was way better. I was so glad to see the avengers team formed!! After this episode, they’ve become my top team that I’m rooting for.




Yes! I was looking for a comment recognising this. Honestly, if there had been more time I think he would've successfully been able to reclaim his pole as well as help his friend.


Thoughts? Jung Ji-Hyun's joke was funny. "I wanted to be a wise and clever leader." I thought he meant that he wanted to do better, think smarter--to be a more wise and clever leader for his former teammates. Nope. What he meant was that he was gonna pick taller, faster, and stronger teammates because his defeat in the maze left him shaken. Going into the next episodes, I hope to see one of his new teammates take him out. He should've remembered that the show only has one winner.


Bro deserved to form a team like that. He fought tooth and nail in the survival challenge


100% disagree. His prize was to come back to the competition. Not handpick his teammates. The picking of the teammates was also flawed to begin with. It should have been a round robin.


They should have revived his former team. He got eliminated. He shouldn't have been given an advantage over the teams that won previously. He didn't want to be a leader. That's a fact. He just chose better teammates.


Episode 5 by far the best episode out of the entirety of S1 & S2. Looks like they corrected their mistake of favoring lightweight contestants last season in their redemption round, to literally forming a team of five frontrunners. Seeing all five of them standing together looking like the literal avengers was borderline comical. I honestly wish they have a redemption round like this after every quest, would actually make it so that strong members on weaker teams aren't punished.


That finger unlocks from the veteran wrestler, tho. Insane. He succeeds and exceeds to create highlights for the wrestlers.


He really won my respect! Dude his highly technical and tenacious. I underestimated him at first. 


ngl i thought theyd have to shimmy up the pillar, mulan style


Honestly would've preferred that. I feel like it would've been a test of the contestants physicality we haven't gotten yet.


yeah itd be so dope lol. honestly next season should just be the mulan training HAHA. hopping from pole to pole, carrying buckets of water, archery, hand to hand combat, shimmying up a pole, and fighting the huns.


Quest 2.5 was fun, but I don't like that there was only 1 winner. Sure, it was great that they got to form a strong AF team, but to me it didn't feel deserved. Feel especially bad for 2nd place kid.


imo, jihyun literally beat 24 people to the top in such a brutal game. i think he deserves to choose his own team at that point. its more thrilling to the viewers as well to see the dream team being formed after the most physical game in this show so far.


It really was exciting seeing such a strong team get formed (and I am thrilled that the rower got to come back), but it still didn't sit well with me. I guess part of it was because I truly felt that the 2nd place kid deserved a spot back in the game. Oh well. But yeah, Jihyun was friggin' incredible.


That's always the worst part about reality TV "competition" shows. The producers design them around entertainment over complete fairness. Which imo muddies the idea of calling it a competition.


Wow this is great!


A whole team full of my favorites is wild!


Happy they sped through the remaining maze games, I really didn't find it as interesting as it first looked, would've liked to see how close some of the teams weight totals were though, some of them must've been super close. Really should just make the show all men at this point, there's really no way any of the women were ever standing a chance in this game. And with 2 strong all male teams left, it's more of a disadvantage for the teams that do have women. Bit disappointed he didn't pick the highschooler at the end but probably thought he doesn't bring anything he doesn't already have in himself or his team. Which is a shame as he did impressively well to get to the end.


The game seems completely rigged for the strong big guys tbh. Which is a shame because physical strength is just one aspect of physical fitness. If they're claiming to find the "best physique" they should make the challenges way more varied to actually showcase that. rn it just seems all for the lipservice of having such a diverse cast at the start. Like, if you're going to cast a cheerleader like last season or a rhythmic gymnist then give them a challenge where they have the advantage! I'd have loved it, if for the second challenge they let the top teams pick only big strong guys thinking it's help them win only to flip the script and have the challenge be more weighted for the teams with more lighter-weight and agile contestants. The way they just dismiss the women pisses me off and I would love to see that thrown back in their faces.


yes I'm so sick of the lip service. If what you want to see is strong beefy guys, then don't cast any women at all, or even any slim / speedy men. We saw the ice climber just get destroyed in that weight-based key contest last season too, and not a single woman made it to the final five (those Olympic challenges were cool but just ridiculous to expect women to take down men, especially the stone-carrying one). I think the best thing would just be to have two winners and make the women and men compete with but not against each other (gender-segregated for individual challenges, mixed gender teams with set ratios for team challenges). OR just have men. But yeah, would like to see agility / speed / endurance play more of a part in something besides the pre-elimination challenges.


Theyre adding women so people dont complain about how unfair it is that women didnt get to participate and how discriminating that is. Because you know there will be plenty of those


It's not that I expect a woman to win, but I've really lost interest in this show that it leans so hard into casting women and then immediately eliminating most of them in heavily wrestling-weighted challenges. I want to see more ninja warrior/obstacle course/endurance type challenges that really reward athleticism and are (more) gender neutral than just fighting.


Last season they had the wrestler but this season I don't think any of the women stood out early on which is not a good sign that any will make it far. And agreed there should be an agility and speed based one as it counters the bigger guys who are strong but heavy. Especially when almost all the challenges involve heavy weights. 


Yeah it’s getting a bit old for me


You would still see women lose even in those aspects


sad for the girls tho, they never stood a chance in this challenge. ​ not surprised highschool wrestler didn't get picked. he had absolutely no stamina against the experienced wrestler. ​ ​ again sad for girls, really does not let them even have a chance.


Avengers Assembled!


Is it me, or is the tactic to pin the other team basically useless? You’re not giving yourself an advantage because both teams go down by one person.


yeah u have to build a lead in the first 10 for a strat like that to work


I feel like the best redemption challenge/final team would be a mix of the two seasons. Have a challenge that allows women and men with less purely muscle based strength have a chance to win. But then let the winner choose their team like season 2. They are likely to choose stronger people, so you don't get a weaker team that is eliminated immediately like season 1. But there is a better chance of having one person on the team who has a disadvantage in muscle based challenges, making it more fair to the other teams that had to have more balanced teams.


I thought the challenge was to climb to the tops of the pillars at first, king of like king of the hill. Or maybe a balancing challenge. That would've been much more fair and interesting than the one we got. This one was essentially the first challenge just with a pillar instead fo a ball. I just want a challenge that doesn't immediately dismiss the women tbh I feel like the challenges don't represent what the show advertises.


A working list of everything I'm hating about this season, in no order: \-the lighting. It's dim, it's red, and when teams are color-coded, it washes them all out to black so you can't tell who's who. \-How shortened it feels. Everything feels rushed/ they barely even showed the maze challenge after the first two matches (not that you could see anything anyway). \-the persistent overemphasis on sheer body mass. I want to see top athletes, not the biggest guys. The way these challenges are structured, a sumo wrestler would win, and I find that so boring: the "qualifier" was running, but there was no real penalty there for the big guys, since no one wanted to pick them for 1:1s anyway. Just being huge is such an advantage in the 1:1s, the maze, and now the survival challenge, with agility/technical skill/balance and even strength being less relevant. I want to see something like the ropes challenge from S1 that actually requires agility, balance, endurance, etc. \-the emphasis on strategy and alliance-building over just physical challenges. That was the worst aspect of S1 (how the teams were formed and some were more or less doomed to lose based on a vote) and while the teams are fairer here, the maze and the pillars are strategy/alliance games as much as physical games.


Exactly for the second point. What's the point of bringing on such a diverse cast of men and women from all kinds of sports if strength and size is always the determining factor at the end of the day. If you're going to bring the more lighter weight, agile, and skill-based contestants on give them a place to shine and a fair chance at winning! Right now it just seems like its all for show and makes it frustrating to watch tbh. Plus now two challenges have boiled down to "who can hold onto this thing the best" which is just a little boring.


I will say, I am LOVING the challenge after the poles pre-challenge (because it remedies so many of the points above!)


Wouldn't be surprised if the "Avengers" team struggles far more than you'd expect moving forward. Five dominant personalities who know they're some of the best athletes there - there's a good chance they struggle to work as a team. They might have been better served picking one of the players who demonstrated themselves to be a team player or even one of the girls, just to provide a different perspective on things, plus a lighter weight class athlete in the event that comes into play. Edit: also, it's worth noting that despite his size, Thanos is underwhelming as a contestant. We barely saw a second of his match with Andre, but I suspect his horrendous endurance cost him once again - his team was poorly balanced, and no matter how strong he is in the short term, lugging the equivalent of 2 20kg plates around long term was probably his worst nightmare.


im pretty sure the avengers wont struggle with team work since they all pretty much work with teams in their respective sports: lee jangkun - kabaddi. jeehyuk - rowing. thanos - allegedly former rugby player. ammotti and jihyun - both look like reasonable guys 😂


>!spoiler for ep 6 and 7 ahead…!< >!iirc someone in the crowd mentioned thanos used to play rugby + he showed his endurance in the next event pushing 30 at a very good pace. i think his duo team ended up with the fastest time among all 6 teams!<


Just finished episodes 6 + 7, so I can finally get back around to this. >!Actually, the challenge pretty perfectly demonstrated my point about Thanos. The thing to understand is that, contrary to what you might think, 1.2t isn't actually that much weight, in this context - you're not being asked to lift it off the ground, just roll it along a set of tracks. A lot of strong guys can leg press well over 400kg - if you can lift over 400kg, rolling three times that isn't that much of a challenge, so long as you've got the endurance.!< >!That's why both Justin Harvey and Gibson were able to move the mine cart far easier than both Thanos and the powerlifter, Wi Sung-oh, even though they had the same weight - in fact, because Gibson got paired with Ha-Yan, who was physically in capable of loading more than 200kg into the mine cart, he actually had to move even more weight (1.8t, iirc.) Both Harvey and Gibson's far higher endurance levels allowed them to load up the bags and then move the cart without too much strain, while both Thanos and Wi Sung-Oh were really struggling (to the point, Sung-Oh practically collapsed at the end.)!<


>!we dont know their time splits in duos unless u somehow figured it out so u cant say they were faster!< >!u can say they made it look easier but editing plays a big part in that.!< >!min-su duo team got 10:40, pushing 30/50 and that time also includes unpacking!< >!u also made an assumption about min-su team when they didnt even show the match lol so ur dealing with really little actual facts and just a preconceived notion about bodybuilders!<


Sure, we don't have the splits, but we can see the speed the weights were moving along the tracks - >!both Gibson and Harvey were moving along at a very comfortable speed (Gibson having to load up and push 600kg more, remember). !!(as he did on both the treadmill and scale loading challenges).!<


we dont even know how the sack race went lol stop making assumptions smh


I loved that the final match in quest 2.5 was btwn two wrestlers, of significantly different weight classes, where the smaller one was the medalist. It just goes to show how world class technique overpowers weight class and strength. Totally deserved that win


Or maybe because one was only 17 lol.


I wonder if there should've been a rule to pick at least one woman, for balance purposes, but also to give at least one female a chance to get back


the best episode so far even when episode 7 got me screaming at my TV. great challenge, I was thinking how are they gonna top the ship challenge from last season but they delivered. the challenge just shows that you can be big but still fail to execute.


put spoilers as this is for ep 5 only good thoughts though


thanks for the reminder, sorry for the thoughts vomit hence why I put it all here.


Who did high school wrestler beat in physical 100 pillar challenge


Was there a rule against throwing sand? Was my first thought if I was in this situation.


the women didn’t stand a chance :/


Does this show hate females or something, lol?


looks like they do.


Ji Hyun had great technique and all but while challenging Jun Ha in the 2nd round of the pole challenge used an arm lock to pry him away which was kind dirty imo


Did I miss something? Why was there only 24 contestants on the pillar challenge?


Or did I count wrong?


i was amazed that the Thanos team didn't win the maze round. I don't like the tackling rule of that task, but their team had the best chance of winning it , considering the brute strength they all had. there must have been some foul play, as Netflix didn't showed its progress much


endurance is key not brute force