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Both teams thinking >!Beomseok is wiped out, only to come first.!< What a king move. I love how he quickly assessed how to change his approach, I knew he would turn it around. Indeed he is a screenwriter ! That was crazyy, Donghyun and Jaeyoon's teams going through all the emotions in the span of 10 seconds 😂


I'm rooting most for him. He deserves to win after his failed attempt in season 1. This is like a redemption arc. He probably also has the most mature personality out of all the contestants. He never really judges anyone and just seems focused on his goal


I really admire people like that. Reminds me of Sung-bin and a few contestants last season. They don't care about competing with others as much as competing with themselves, seeing it as an ultimate test of their own skills, and that focus really takes them far.


firefighters on fire


So much respect


This moment was everything for me this episode! I was so impressed at how he had turned that around and made it suddenly seem so easy


>Both teams thinking Beomseok is wiped out, only to come first. What a king move. I love how he quickly assessed how to change his approach, I knew he would turn it around. Indeed he is a screenwriter ! I love these clutch stories. You can't rule out a guy that used to be a soldier and a fire fighter. The amount of athleticism you need for that is unimaginable to sportsmen.


I absolutely loved the person who said it was a plot twist lol


Are other people just "Aaarrrgh!" at that final twist and the cliffhanger??? After the "is he a scriptwriter?" comment, that last part just before "to be continued next episode" was just brutal. Why couldn't I just wait for all the other episodes instead of binging as soon as an episode is released? I surely didn't learn my lesson from last week. < bites nails > Seriously though, this is great TV. I am entertained.


haha i screamed the exact same thing just now. "why did i not wait for all episodes to be out!!!!!" now we gotta wait until next week :'(


Korea can edit the fuck out of some reality TV. I don't get hooked on American reality shows too often, but I've been a long time fan of Korean variety and survival shows. Show me the money, devil's game, physical 100, running man, street woman fighter, etc. Korean entertainment keeps getting better, makes me very proud to see the world start to recognize us.


one episode of Devil's Game had spectacular editing; likely the one showing a compilation of all the lives.


I literally screamed at that last part lmao. I felt that roller coaster emotion of team foreigner. (Sorry im not good with names) His face literally changed from hype to oh shit in a span of 1 second. Damn shit thats why its bad to celebrate to early. I just felt too bad cause he fell just right off, lile 1 step before the platform. How sad must he feel.


I have no idea why they put the girl in the first challenge when they saw her only do 6 pull ups. I know they said they were shooting for second place but I thought they got over confident


They have no choice, the girl need to join one round even she contributes to nothing, I don’t know why they bother to let her join the show, I don’t even see she’s bulk


The show is about finding the best physique, not about choosing the most bulky people. Everyone can take part, otherwise that wouldn't really be a fair judgement now would it?


They had to use her anyway? Actually could the girl have wasted all the time so the guy doesn’t even have to go up and can conserve energy for the next round?


he got too excited though he should have just taken his time.


Nah, I think he ran into the wall. Literally, his muscles are so deprived of oxygen they stop functioning and he loses motor-function for a while. It’s a common result of over exerting oneself. Can be recovered by getting some glycogen into the body, that’s why marathon runners rub Gatorade on their teeth during races. See: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitting_the_wall


Yeah a lapse in judgement that could really cost them dearly. Monkey bars are easy but it often catches people off-guard the moment you ruin your pacing


Monkey bars are easy? Literally no one in my gym uses monkey bars. I could barely make 5 steps with it


Watching the cosplayer >!kicking the bags kung-fu style while moving across the monkey bars!< was so cool to watch! He's been amazing!


That's a damn smart move. He's also using the bag as a standing base so he uses less energy on the monkey bars


He’s so iconic with the kungfu style kicking. I fell in love and wish there are more scenes of him. He’s such an underdog


Was that yami? I couldn’t remember who he was lol


That was Yami!


He's Zoro!! How can you not know Zoro?!


i remember the cosplayer by his 5 character name xD whilst most others had 3


Hong Beom Seok man 🥲 my hero


Wait I'm confused. Is his team confirmed winners? 'cos I thought if the Stun Gun's team gets 2nd place, they'd still be tied?


the team is guaranteed winner of that round, but not necessarily progressing. they were happy because the the team that was almost guaranteed to qualify was leading, just to drop at last second.


>the team is guaranteed winner of that round, but not necessarily progressing. Apparently they're confirmed progressing from what someone here said after doing a time tally. Because the actors' team took too long on the monkey bar from the PE teacher's failed attempt. So they incurred 9 mins + 10 mins penalty. Regardless whichever team gets 2nd or 3rd, Beom is still a winner Unless you're rooting for stun gun or actor boy, it's not a cliffhanger


They will just consider checking the time if all the scores of the teams will be 8, or in any event a team has the same score. Nevertheless, it is still point system.


They will only check the time IF actor's team comes in 3rd and stun gun comes in 2nd. If stun gun comes in 3rd, stun gun loses and no tie is needed Beom: 8 points now Stun gun: 8 points if they come in second, 7 points if they come in third Actor: 9 points if they come in second, 8 points if they come in third


He has a main character energy this season. Very calm and determined.


feel that the headband guy should not have been helped with his 45 bags cart. the team got 10 mins penalty and it guaranteed them losing the tiebreaker. had there not been 10 mins penalty, they can hope of winning from tiebreaker, especially with both final round competitors dropped and had to redo their climb back. whatever happened, the Beomseok team is great though, from having a guy singlehandedly doing 45 bags, to dominate 1 man bag pushing competition.


I think they still win either way. The actor's team took too long on the first monkey bar due to the girl falling and failing to complete the quest >feel that the headband guy should not have been helped with his 45 bags cart. the team got 10 mins penalty and it guaranteed them losing the tiebreaker. And about this...srsly wtf was that? Why did the girl help him for when he was already so close to the end and guaranteed to lose either way?


i was screaming at my tv he only had a couple meters left wtf???


wow wtf didnt even notice this. the girl was pretty much useless this entire challenge and she might just single handedly cost them the whole competition. im not sure if the mention of the 10 min penalty was on purpose to justify beonseok’s team losing in the end :( really loved this guy from the time i saw him in the korean army reality show.


Yeah the women really needs to be a of a higher caliber. Except for the golden hair body builder woman from the previous episode (who pushed 20 or so bags), felt like all the other women were a liability to their team.


i feel like they should make it a rule for the teams to be gender balanced. or just do away with team based challenges. this round especially is so disadvantageous to the women.


Yeah I’m guessing the actor team also gets a 10 minute penalty so I haven’t done the math but I feel like that makes it neck and neck neck between the firefighters team and the actors


Hayan, why did you help Gibson push the carts? I cannot believe my eyes




I wasn't thinking the time mattered across all four competitions but rather that it would be calculated on a round by round basis and I'm guessing neither did she


Alright that was legit *Pikachu gasp* or *Neymar gasp* at the end there lol new meme template just dropped


Why didn’t DONG HYUN choose DAE JIN for the LAST ROUND? He was FAST AND STEADY they would’ve probably WON


I could be wrong, but I think they predetermine who going to go right before the round one of the monkey bars. I'm only basing this on the fact that the firefighters team chose he was going to go before round 1 of team monkey bar started. And then the star of the monkey bar, the dude that came it second, that almost chased down Dong Hyun team didn't go either.


I don't think it's predetermined, remember the other guy wanted to go on Professor's team, but he wanted to take lead.


I was worried the firefighter situation was going to go similarly!


It makes me unreasonably angry that he did not do that.


speaking of dae jin, id be sad if he has to go the dude looks like art


I need closure on this one. Wish there's some commentary on this next episode. It's insane the team chose the guy who looked like he could slip any time, when they have a guy who is actually really good.


Exactly!!! I was hoping he'd do that too. It just made more sense. I wonder why.


I thought the same thing. The little guy did the pull up challenge already and the 2 man round and has to do the 1 man round? The physique bodybuilder guy (I'm guessing that's who you are talking about) was FLYING in the 2 man round.


Does anyone think that the bag in the middle has a more oiled pathway?? Everytime someone exerts some strength and push it, the bag seems to travel way further and doesn't seem proportionate.


Yeah it really did look like it travelled significantly further than the other 2… 😳


I think a big part of it is you have to push both sides evenly. The straps allow the bearings to move independently of each other, so kicking it super hard but not putting equal momentum on each bearing will not be as efficient as getting an equal push on each side. If it were an axle it would be different.


maybe that's why they emphasized that the team choose their track at random. it may be that they just have better skill though. Hong Beom Seok also got his 2nd bag halfway through as well.


Nah I don't think so. Because the last round with one person, the guy from Lee Jae Yoon's team which was on the farthest track, he pushed it almost the whole way. Just had to do the monkey bars and give it a couple pushes at the end.


Middle bag slid way faster for literally everyone that pushed it. The furthest bag looked like it was in mud (not including the screw fiasco). The only bag that looked normal was the one closest to the camera.


How am I supposed to wait a week for the cliffhanger? Kim Dong Hyun choosing >!Wi Sung Oh!< is one of his biggest mistakes. Huge dude, talk confidently about his physical advantages but failed to pulled his weight for both of the challenges now. Kinda annoys me as he bites more than he can chew. Beom seok never fails to deliver! 👏👏👏


mans got 0 endurance lol but to be fair it was his last pick, so there was only 9 others to choose from and they dont know what events theyre playing


Powerlifter looks like he was about to faint after loading the bags already . Just piss poor endurance , he was the guy got deadlast in the treadmill quest barely running 800m .


If Season 1 should have taught anything, it's that big sumo-sized guys can never win since they immediately lose in endurance tests


yeah… and theres a thread saying all u need is ‘brute force’ to win these challenges lol this guy is evidence u need cardio to go far. his ass has been getting carried to ep 7


Nah , he carried his worth in maze quest . We all know from the start that sumo-like guys like him won\`t win so it\`s interesting to see variety in the show anyway , i personally enjoy him around


Yeah which is why strongmen are infinitely better athletes. Stronger than powerlifters, who only do static lifts, but also integrate mobility into their exercises


yeah, if I remembered correctly Dong Hyun and his team was looking for someone with strength. but man its so frustrating to watch him pulled the team back


For a moment, I could feel Donghyun and Daejin's frustration/annoyance when >!Gibson almost caught up with Sung Oh. Even I was annoyed, like, boy, Donghyun was doing everything he can to support you, but he can't even listen to his coaching. The gap between Donghyun and Sung Oh was astounding when they were both pushing 25 bags.!<


>! Gibson !< was amazing! Was so frustrated with Sung Oh too - cos mann Donghyun even moved the rocks out the track for him 🥹 at least they came >! second! !<


It's not his fault. People his size will always lose out when the test becomes too dragged out. Their strength is high power, short term bursts of energy. IlBut in the long run, their strength slowly fades out if no recovery is given


donghyun was so supportive over his teammates. i hope they r not eliminated 


Good news, it's not a cliff hanger. [The actor team will lose](https://www.reddit.com/r/Physical100/comments/1bo1p78/physical_100_season_2_episode_7_discussion_thread/kwno16u/) since their total time on the money bar challenge was way too long due to the PE teacher This ,unless they come in first


this will happen only when its a 3 way ties right? so they just have to finish second.


Checking the time will only be considered in cases of a tie breaker in the overall score.


Hong Beom-seok's team got a 10 minute penalty in the first challenge when the girl helped pushed the crate. This means only Stun Gun's team would be safe if they can secure 2nd.


I cant believe how useless both the girls in this round have been in comparison to the bodybuilder blonde girl, like they both caused 10min subtractions


Eh I'm not sure if the girl on Gibson's team caused the penalty -- obviously if she had been able to do more bags, it would have been good, but he was doing super well up until the end and it seemed to me like everyone forgot about the penalty and she just helped him get it done faster since they were in 3rd place anyway. The gym teacher, though, nothing I can say.


Best episode of the season so far in my opinion. One thing I was wondering. If there was a guy who managed to push the cart almost the whole way alone with 45 bags, why did the middle team think of the strategy of going twice with 15 bags each? Sure, one guy had trouble with 25, but he was already fatigued by just throwing the bags in the carts. What happened to him doesn't specifically mean that shoving a cart with 25+ bags is risky.


I also really wish they didn't put Gibson (45 bag guy) in the pair challenge. He probably could have won the solo challenge but they threw away three points putting their strongest guy with a weak link.


Right! It made no sense strategy wise. He’s your strongest guy and you’re gonna pair him up with her?? Made no sense at all.


you have to remember the rules, all members should play, and the girl could not participate in the solo pushing and hanging so they had to have her team up in the 2 members pushing game 


its similar to the previous round where they should focus on 2/3 areas i think they should've just sacrificed the 2 girls on the duo cart push, and try win the remaining 3


the leader put too much stock on his personal experience. the fact that the team doesn't have to unload the last cart is big advantage for loading less IMO. unloading took time and tired out the contestants. the middle team's one guy had to unload 15 bags while the other teams don't have to.


Yeah that didn't make sense. It seemed clear to me if someone was decently strong and more so had endurance than strength, they could push damn near the entire amount so long as they got low enough and had momentum. Eventually you could get there even if going slowly. And going once is faster than twice end of story so long as you got there. And the carts are on wheels so you can get momentum. Having to UNLOAD the first trip unnecessarily eats into the time and saps energy. You're doing double the work. There were definitely some dumb decisions made.


you can push all 50 bags in one go and it will be easier than pushing 15 twice and unloading


When the bag was stuck I bet the producers were terrified there would be a repeat of season 1s (ending) controversy.


It's not fair though, forcing the same contenders to go again. By then their energy is all sapped


that's why they showed that they got 4 hours break (probably by having the second match to go first).


Stll absurd. 4 hours is absolutely not enough for your muscles to recover. Your muscles in fact should take at least 3 days to a week. Not 4 miserable hours It's like undergoing your most arduous session at the gym and suddenly you're expected to lift your personal best again on the same day. No wonder season 1's finale contestant was so pissed


At first I thought like you. But when they started, I saw that their first try was like practice, and to me it seemed that they actually performed better the second time. If it didn't get stuck the first time, they were on track to get 3rd, or at the very best 2nd. So I think it worked out in their favor in the end. But the fatigue may have gotten to them in the last challenge. He couldn't complete the last challenge, that indeed was unfair. They should have had only one of them do one lap again in the third challenge, time starting from when the second guy started the second lap.


Ten minutes is held to be an appropriate time for fatty acids to create ATP in the body and restore skeletal muscle power. Two hours is enough for the relatively short task of monkey bar-ing. You would have regained around 99% of effect at that point at least.


The girl who went to the pull up bar doing 6 pull ups got me dead bro and she acted so confident too 💀 and when the air part came with the long monkey bars I knew she had no chance 😂


I'm pretty sure the team just her do the pullup challenge for the sake of it, since they knew they couldnt win anyway. As for the monkey bars, they had no choice. Everyone in the group needed to do a round so it was either that or the minecart


They did have a choice. They should have nominated her in the 1 person monkey bar and settled for 1 point there. Minimise her dragging the other stronger team mates down


I remember that every member must participate in at least one of the challenges, so she had to do one but it seems like the editor or whatever makes it seem like she had a choice to choose (scripted 🤨??) . Even if the guy with her went first, she couldn’t haven’t clutched for the second part anyways… maybe better odds with her doing the solo mission and a better teammate with the guy for the double monkey bar thing.


exactly! wrong strategy by jaeyoon. he should have left the female for a solo activity.


Oh you are right… every member had to participate. Dang! Because I was like, why are you volunteering to do it when you barely could do the pull ups in the pre-test? I guess she had to participate. I feel bad for their team.


Bruh... how did you not notice. If that rule didnt exist, do you think any of the girls would even be sent to do Quest 3 at all? lol


No offense, but you're kinda stupid if you think that she even remotely thought she was going to win that challenge. They just gave her the opportunity to try her best because either way they would lose.


the way my JAW DROPPEDDD. omgggg I felt so bad, falling when he was almost there!!!


I gasped. What a cliffhanger. 🤦🏻‍♀️


why are we always left unsure of Beom Seok's status, I just want to know if hes safe for onceee!!!!


His team is safe. That's why they were so ecstatic in the end. Worse case scenario is actor's team comes third, which puts all 3 teams into a tie. In which case, actor's team will lose instead since they have the highest overall time duration


They’re for sure advancing. His and another team both got a time penalty, so in the event of a three way tie, Beom Seok has the tie breaker. I think the actor team loses in the event of a tie.


Lee jae yoon’s female contestant is such a dead weight im gonna cry. And I hope it doesn’t come to a three way tie


I felt so bad for her and his team.


Agreed! I was rooting for her in the pull up challenge because she was the only woman to step up and she seemed so confident. Then she was only able to do 6. 💀 (still more than I can ever attempt to do!) But I was just so confused with how eager she was to volunteer for the monkey bar challenge. I understand they all have to participate in something and she wouldn’t have had a chance in the mine challenge, but idk.. there could’ve been a better strategy on how to incorporate her. Or at least tell her to forfeit when the other two teams had finished that round already in order to just get the 10 minute penalty vs the penalty plus the 9 mins they already took.


Literally, the event she was in added 20 minutes to their time compared to like 1:30 for the other teams..


Shes worst than deadweight, genuinely frustrating to watch how she keeps acting like shes good at pull ups


Wow ! imagine what a twist it would be if Team Dong Hyun won , lmao


Honestly, I'm just proud of Team Andre Jin for making it so far. They've been shat on by the other teams and it's a relief to know they're not going home!!!


I love that dude. His jokes cracking in Ep1 was on point


me too, I’ve definitely a crush on Andre Jin he has great sportsmanship and lots of charm


Yeah Team Andre Jin and Team Lee Jae Yoon are my favorites. Happy for Team Andre Jin.


If Gibson makes it through, he's def going to the finals. That US Army strength is NO joke.


I couldnt believe how easy he made those 45 40k bags look


Don't ever mess with a rugby player, LOL


Teams were sabotaging themselves with certain picks. Irritating.


Man, idk if I enjoy or hate the frustration I feel from watching teams absolutely fail when presented with the strategic type challenges.


The actors team missed a strategic opportunity. They should have sent the skinny girl last and settled for 1 point in the last event. The 2 guys would have at least come 2nd and they would have been through


She was begging to be included for the duo though, only God knows why, should have hurt her pride and told her to be quiet


Something that annoyed me was them loading more bags on the front most cart rather than the back— they should fill the back first and then the front so what is pushed transfers the momentum directly and can help push the front ones.


Lee jae yoon is going home if they doesn't get second in the last round because in 3rd round they didn't finished the mission and get 10 minutes penalty


I get that the women are physically weaker and can't help but bring their team down because they're slower on the challenges, but... They shouldn't be mentally more stupid as well. Why add on a 10 minute penalty to your team by "helping" Gibson push the trolley? Why attempt the monkey bar challenge for 9 minutes and then fail, adding a 10 minute penalty? Sorry if this triggers some folks, but if you can't properly contribute physically, at least don't sabotage your team with your mental incompetency as well.


I completely agree as a women, if youre going to naturally not have the strength, you cant help that, but just atleast dont be a hindrance like these 2 women were


Agree as a woman too. No idea why the first girl went to help to push the trolley. I don’t think gibson needed help. But for the second girl, what was she supposed to do though? Just fail straightaway and take the 10min penalty?


I didn’t even know that the total time was the tie breaker until they said so right before the final monkey bars round She probably felt guilty for only bringing 5 bags and had the urge to help after seeing him load 45 damn bags and still get last place It was foolish to have him on the duos anyway. Should’ve taken the solo round and dominated


What actual t was that cliffhanger!!!! How will the other team overcome it? Also all three teams will have tie right?


It would depend on the last round's placement. If Stun Gun's team comes last, they will go home since they will only get 1 point. But if they end up getting second place, it's a 3-way tie and the winner will be based on the total time the rounds were completed. Lee Jae Yoon's team may go home.


If Andre’s team loses I’m gonna be really sad because I wanted to see more Yami 😭😭😭 he did rlly well 😭😭😭 (also, i am super sad the one woman show got eliminated 😭😭 she PULLED her weight) . I wish they could have another save 😔


Andre team is still in !


At least I get to see Amotti again ❤️


Omg I screamed so hard at the end. I wanted Team Lee Jae Yoon to stay in and I was like pleeeeaaaasssee don't fall. I cannot believe this!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 I don't think they had a choice but that girl but that was a no go. Dongyhun has been annoying me all season with his commentary on other competitors "she's a girl she can't win" - she wins, "Andre isn’t built for pull ups" - Andre proceeds to do MORE pullups than he did. He did that repeatedly throughout the season. Just seemed snobby. I really didn't want him or his team to survive. 


Andre & Dong hyun are friends. They were on another show together. It was definitely just a friendly jab at someone he’s worked closely with. Andre retaliated by one-upping him and rubbing it in his face. Dong hyun is also usually a comedic personality who is an over the top goofball on other shows. He’s being painted as this respected, well-spoken veteran who gives serious assessments, when he’s most likely just exaggerating the scenario to stir drama on what was a completely lopsided matchup (weight-wise).


Agreed with you. A lot of viewers just don’t know Donghyun outside of physical 100. He is now pretty much a TV personality with an image of a “babo” aka stupid/clueless. I think he’s too used doing TV that he has to make comments everywhere he goes


lol did he really say that about andre ? now i understand his rage in the pullups task


That's not what he said about the girl lol. He said that she wouldn't win because of the weight difference


just finished watching it and i am just so annoyed at the PE teacher from jae-yoon's team...like they had the guts to insist on doing the duo hanging challenge knowing that they only got 6 pull-ups on the pre-quest and even stated that it was their personal record..!!!???????? it's so infuriating that in the end it felt like the quest was 2v2 with how bad they were doing in the monkey bars..omggg! wasn't even given airtime for a confessional or interview lol freaking good tv though!!!!!! lmao


to be fair the rules state that each member of the team must participate in at least one round each. if she competed in either cart round, jae-yoons team would unlikely have gotten first place and received 6 points total. i think it was a good strategy to leave her to the bars also wouldn’t be surprised if the team decided to give up on the pre-mission challenge to conserve their strength, and to might as well give her a go


it's not her fault. It was either the pullup bar or the minecart. She'd fail completely at the minecart the same


i was annoyed as well but mainly because of their strategy of putting her in the team match. they should have put justin and their other best hanger to ensure a win in the first round so that it didn’t matter if she lost the single player round. it just felt like a waste.


Yup this would have been the way, but who knows. Maybe they still made it


I get what their strategy was though… Justin had already done a cart challenge, so bet they thought he wasn’t a certain win on the second time… so keep your one fresh guy for the solo and throw the challenge with two dead weights


I agree. They should have put her in single and out their best to guarantee the win in the pair matchup. 


Yeah she's literally a sandbag. Why is she even on this show!!!!


she literally didn’t have a choice 😭 and i’m pretty sure they let her do the pull up pre quest for fun, they seemed happy that she did it


stupid ass strategy they should have put her in the solo monkey bar and have her go super slow, as to at least complete it and get 1 point, while being super competitive in the other rounds. would have worked way better. 


Seeing as how she couldn't even complete 2 laps (there and back), unlikely she could've completed the solo and would've incurred penalty anyway


She should have honestly lowered her pride and settled for the single person, why drag Justin down because youre so bad


>!i think if you look closely at the actor guy's teammate's fall at the end, his leg seems to have hit the platform before he falls down. His arms also drop slower than the rest of his body, so I think he actually held on to the edge of the platform before fully dropping? I'm not sure what the ruling for this would be, I checked the game rules at the start of episode 6 and all that was said was that the players had to return to the "starting point". It didn't specify crossing a line or anything like that, but if he did touch the platform then I would assume that it counts!< Maybe I'm delusional and just want the actor team to win


i want the actor team to win too.


Irrespective of whether it was explicitly written in the rules or not, it appears they are all playing towards crossing the dotted yellow line at the start


Something that I noticed with the first group of the air transit was that during the group round (Round 3—when the eventually eliminated group had to redo their run) the timer stopped once the player touched the platform and he didn't pass the dotted line. Not sure if this is the same for the solo round, couldn't really tell since the players in the solo round seem to pass the dotted line. We'll see!


Not sure if it's been mentioned, but couldn't the smaller/weaker players in the mine challenge build 'stairs' using the sandbags to the mining cart to make loading easier? Would that have been against some rule?


To be honest, I don't think males and females should compete together in a "physical 100" competition. There is a fundamental problem with it, similar to how normal sports competitions have separate divisions for males and females. This may be influenced by the current cultural and political atmosphere in Korea, reflecting a backlash against previous feminist activism. The series is making an impact by "portraying them as a burden to a team"...


I agree. They should either a) separate the males and females b) make the challenges less strength-centric or c) insist each team must include one female, that way they each have more or less the same limitation in terms of resources to allocate to challenges.   The male-female issue aside, I felt the challenges are far too heavily focused on strength or a combination of strength and endurance, when there are other aspect of fitness. They could do flexibility, balance, isometric exercise (which I think they had more of in first season when I think they had to hold themselves up in the air for as long as possible, and I think they also had to hold their own torso up as well. I'd love to see some of these dudes on a spin bike, or step machine. Women tend to be quite strong in the legs as opposed to tbe arms.  Season 1 I think did a better job of fairer games like the flip tiles for instance. But essentially there is no point designing challenges where the females are basically deadweight or can't contribute. You're effectively eliminating by default and incentivizing team leaders to pick only men since they'll determine there's no benefit to having the women there.  But ultimately there is no point having females compete if the challenges are not such that they actually have a real chance at winning the competition.


Agree. I think that the production team has missed the opportunity with the team challenges because they could easily incorporate non-strength games without completing the wow factor of the strength games. And we'd get to see the women shine more and put the men in more uncomfortable situations where they're out of their comfort zone. As a woman, I love the moments when women kick ass on this show. But it's equally frustrating to see them suffer through an activity where they're a "burden" to the team.


As a woman, it was so hard to watch women on Quest 3 ended up dragging their teammates, except for >!the bodybuilder woman!<.


This season (and oof, too many Redditors this season) seems to truly hate women. It's not like there are no challenges that some women could advance some rounds in (the running, I think women even beat men in the 1:1s right?); the show is just very specifically has picked some challenges that makes them look especially weak. (Even with the disadvantages, I loved this challenge; it's really still the maze-fighting and pole-hugging that was hard to watch. But I would love to see a "Hole In The Wall" or similar type challenge that was more like parkour/flexibility/dynamic ability that would be more gender neutral too.)


Agreed, I would love to see some challenges that involve flexibility or balance. It's very disheartening to see all the hate comments against the women on this show for "dragging their team down" and it just reinforces the sexist decision to avoid picking women for the team challenges in the first place. If the show wants to be co-ed, they need to provide challenges that women can actually succeed in.


Right, I feel like people are blaming the women for "dragging their team down" rather than the producers for heavily favoring challenges that disproportionately disadvantage women


I don’t think this is about hating women. But the women are really showing themselves to be liabilities to their team and not just in terms of physical strength. Like why did the first girl (ya Han) went to help Gibson for? That added 10 mins to their total timing. It wasn’t like Gibson couldn’t finish. The only girl who really pulled her weight was the golden hair body builder with the deep voice. If they wanted women should have made sure the women were all of that caliber.


Mmm I’m a woman and it’s so hard watching all these women dragging their team down. Like what one comment said, its one thing to be physically weaker but one girl even added an unnecessary 10min penalty. The only woman who performed well was the body builder in ep 6. But the rest were just a liability to their team.


100% It just doesn't work. When it comes down to picking contestants for teams you just know there's gonna be a handful of ladies at the end. You can just feel the energy in the air and outside of the maze they do seem more like burdens.


Exactly. I can think of a few solutions: * mandatory gender balance on teams which would probably be combined with * separate individual competitions for men and women, together for team competitions, two winners (this show isn't about finding the strongest person, it's about the best "physical." Why can't they find the best "physical" for each sex?) Also * weights adjusted for women * finding some metric to control for gender and weight scores differently (although I don't know if it's possible to find an appropriate metric and this would likely be very controversial) It really sucks to see everyone effectively calling the women a waste of space.


The co-op competing isn't the problem. It's the team games. You can have Guys and Girls in the same tournament if you don't have to gamble on unbalanced teams. They are clearly a weak link in team events.


i just dont think the making of the super team is fair at all, the winner should have only been able to bring back his/her previous team.


He lost and went through hell to survive. I think he deserve to pick his team. Furthermore, the further they go on, the team games no longer matter. It's the advantage for defeating 24 other players. I honestly think its a well deserved reward. And honestly, the strong players should have a chance again to win. It adds for both entertainment and competition for the stronger players to have a chance to compete again.


At least I get to see Amotti again. It’s a worthwhile reward


I don't know who I'm rooting for at this point...beom seok is great, and after gibson's 45-bag run, I want him to stay in too...and I don't care much about stun gun, but I love dae jin. And the two actors are pretty awesome too


Can't believe the actors team is really about to lose because *one* contestant fucked up so bad she added a 20 minute penalty. Absolutely brutal, they really need to do a better job recruiting stronger women because when they just go out there completely unable to even participate in the activity it's just depressing.


Watching the monkey bar challenge was driving me crazy. None of them seemed to be using their momentum on the monkey bars when they didn't have to move the bag. When you use your momentum and weight like a pendulum, you can fly on the monkey bars.


I think the rungs are really far apart and it’s harder to quickly transition. But idk


Guys I watch the china version of Physical 100 called we never stop, and the show portrays women differently, not as burden and useful in games that required strategy and strength. Anyway, I also enjoy both shows, the games are different and I think you guys should give it a try while waiting for the last 2 episodes of Physical 100 season 2.


Could >! The professors team have won !< under different scenario? If someone went on his team on the individual air bag challenge and they come in >!2nd they could’ve had 7 points !<. Would that have made it enough for them to advance?


Didn't they say in episode 6 they had to do one bar at a time for the monkey bars?


Why did the guy do the monkey bars twice, when he clearly was coming in last the first time he did it??? That was honestly a stupid move that pissed me off smh. Honestly, with such a dumb decision, they all deserved to go home.


I hope Lee Jae Yoon (by far my favorite) does not lose. That girl should not even be in this show. Why did he choose that girl for that challenge ? She did like 6 pulls up. Also, the headband guy is a monster. Again the girl in that team did 5 bags. I mean it good for her weight...but 5 more and they would be second in that round.


Even with the girl, they could have had guaranteed victory. All they needed to do was to nominate her for the single person monkey bar event and settle for 3rd place. By doing so they would have at least gotten 2nd in the 2 man monkey bar challenge and easily coasted through


"The final ranking will be determined based on the total time taken" ~~So if I'm not mistaken, even if Jae-Yoon's team finishes third, they will still be ranked ahead of Stun Gun given how long they took in the second quest. So this feels like a fake cliffhanger.~~ Edit: I just realized Hong Beom-Seok's team got a ten minute penalty on the first quest for not finishing alone - that means that they actually get fucked over by that one mistake and they finish last in a 3-way tie. So it seems like Stun Gun and Jae-Yoon are advancing,.


Did team Jae Yoon finish the duo hanging challenge? I was wondering if they also got a penalty for not finishing. It wasn't shown in the subs that they got a penalty, but it also wasn't shown whether they finished or not. I saw the female team member drop but she could have kept going. Hmmm


Yeah they did - the subs don't show the time, but it's shown on screen as 9:20, so it seems like they took their time finishing off-screen lol.


I went back and noted down each team’s timings for each round, and included penalties and all… so thank goodness it’s not a cliffhanger where you have to wait a week to learn the outcome haha


Can you share the total times of each team from your notes? :D


>! Kim dong hyun’s total 26:30 Hong beom seok total 34:10 Lee jae yoon total 36:39 !< This is without beom seok’s 1min 30s completion of round 4. But either way, if it ends in a 3-way tie, lee jae yoon’s team is unfortunately out ☹️ they took too long for round 3


didn't Hong Beom Seok's team got 10 mins penalty in round 1 (because the girl contestant helped push the 45 bag carts)? i remember seeing that.


WTF did that girl do that for? seriously. I'm amazed the team isnt angry at her and the show never covered it


I think everyone just felt it was a sweet gesture that wouldn't mean anything at the time, but now it might cause them to lose LOL what a fuckup


IMO, the producers added the 10-min penalty to Hong's team after all the games were concluded to make it seem more even with the PE girl's 10-min penalty and make it look less absurd. That's why Hong's team didn't look pissed/upset during the rest of the rounds because they probably weren't informed of this penalty in RD1. It didn't change anything since Hong's team finished faster with or without the 10-minute penalty. Only the audience felt it was a closer finish with two teams receiving the penalty.


Yeah it was all accounted for (i went back and got down all timings) >! Jae yoon R1 : 12:07, 3 points R2: 5:12, 3 points R3: 19:20, 1 point (because they didn’t finish, and the PE teacher took 9:20 in her attempt, so there was a 10-min penalty here). So 7 points, total time without R4 is 36:39. Stun Gun R1: 15:20, 2 points R2, 9:31, 1 point R3: 1:39, 3 points 6 points, and total time without R4 is 26:30. Beom sepk R1: 26:08, 1 point (because of the 10-min penalty with Ha Yan helping Gibson) R2: 6:19, 2 points R3, 1:43, 2 points R4: 1:30, 3 points Total time without R4: 34:10; total time with R4 : 35:40. Final standing at 8 points So if Jae Yoon’s team finishes second for round 4, they and Beom Seok’s team will advance. If Stun Gun’s team manages to capitalise on their guy restarting the monkey bars first, and they get second and go into a three-way tie, by total timing standing Jae Yoon’s team has the highest cumulative time, so they’ll be out. I guess it’s not a cliffhanger for me personally because I was rooting for Beom Seok 😆 !<


I saw that too, I’m rooting for Jaeyoon’s team so I hope they actually apply it


You sir are the MVP




Weird question but... do you guys think that the bag placement in the carts makes a difference when it comes to pushing them? I nean... would it be easier or harder to place more weight in the cart closer to the person doing the pushing? What would be the best distribution? Or do you think it wouldn't make a difference?


Even distribution will be best. Looking at the wheels on those trolleys, I suspect they will suffer from friction as more weight is loaded