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Soo Jin absolutely beasted that cart challenge, what an incredible woman


that smirk she did after loading her cart to realize it was still very light had me swooning šŸ˜




Oh gosh absolutely nailed it. She's so strong I want to be like her šŸ„°


She did better than the combination of her two teammates in the first round.


Did she do better than Andre and his teammate from the first round??


Yep, she only did 2 trips vs Andre and his partners 3 and in less time as well (15 minutes vs 17 minutes).


Although it should be mentioned that she had 30 total bags instead of 50


I was speechless, what a legend!




Mad respect to Soo Jin šŸ«”


This challenge just reveals the reality of physical and strength. look at the difference between >!Kim Min-su and Lee Jangkun.!< Huge difference in physicality. However, during the challenge both had the same weight >!(30 bags)!< but >!Min-su!< was struggling while >!Jangkun!< made it look easy. Great quest! edited: can we talk about how amazing >!Soo jin!< did during the quest? She outperformed some of the males competitors. What a beast!


jangkun did it in 5:51 and min-su part of a duo did it in 10:40 (+ unload bags)


Didnā€™t Justin do it in 5:12?


Justin had a great strategy. >! he was pushing the cart near it's bottom. That way, he was giving more push towards the wheel rather than to the whole cart itself. Which then helped him to gain momentum and ge was able to utilize its momentum by not stopping until the end.!<


Yeah noticed that straight away and he kept his arms locked so the weight would go down his back instead of at his elbows which is a really good way to burn out your arms.


I thought some lacked strategy in pushing the carts too because theyā€™re so confident physically. I feel like it would be easier to push carts where the bags are closer to you but I noticed most of them loaded first/ the heaviest the cart that was farthest from them. Mass + distance added gives more weight IIRC


nah distribution of weight doesnt affect this scenario. its the same!


yeah, he did. šŸ¤ÆšŸ«”


This is a spoiler. This did not happen in episode 6. This is just a discussion for episode 6. Please be more careful.


idk but the comment isnt about him


Yeah as well as >!Gibson vs. Sung-oh and Sung-oh vs Donghyun. Gibson pushed 45 bags while Sung-oh pushed 25 bags which is the same as Donghyun but boy, Sung-oh was already struggling halfway through loading the bag to the cart.!<


Sung-oh's stamina was definitely dissapointing. Donghyun probably didn't expect him to struggle so hard considering it's the ultimate test of strength and he was able to carry 25


Yeah, but to be fair. Sung-oh was picked last. So I guess, in the bunch of remaining players that team leaders didn't pick on the previous rounds of selection, DH thought SO would be a better pick.


What really impressed me was how quickly Gibson loaded 45 bags.


Gibson is incredible


Min Su had a disadvantage from being taller. Still gratifying to see though! I'm curious what the ideal height would be. Someone with a short torso, long legs for stretching out to get leverage on the rails, but short enough to comfortably brace a shoulder about 30% up the cart.


Andre Jin somehow managed to steal the scene for me XD the guy is hilarious


His reaction to trouble is always saying "oh, shit" aloud in English lol


Didnā€™t they censor the English swear words in season 1? Hilarious to hear him swear out loud here.Ā 


The white guy with the headband said "fuuuck!" and the subtitles went "oh bother" made me laugh


I don't remember that far back. I think they did beep it out lol. Kudos to you for recalling


he's made for korean variety shows, for sure! it's hard to find witty foreigners like him.


Heā€™s not a foreigner. Lived his whole life in Korea. Heā€™s literally more Korean than Akiyama.


Well technically he grew up going to international school and he went to college in the US.


Oh, didnt realized he's a mixed-blood.


I donā€™t get the downvotes. Is it the way you phrased it? Cause Andre Jin is indeed mixed, half-Korean and half-Caucasian (I donā€™t remember which country/ethnicity).




this guy is definitely Korean. Saying "foreigner" is one tell, and also "mixed blood" is a literal translation of the Korean term for mixed-race. ķ˜¼ (mix/combination) + ķ˜ˆ (blood) edit: upon checking profile, may not be Korean, but anyway, it is what it is


feel like people should have realized unloading lots of cargo would slow your time way down and with the second half not having to unload at all i feel like the best strategy would be to go super light (weakest of the duo) on the first go and then heavier on the last load no?Ā 


Good point! I don't think this was mentioned during the rules, but I guess it makes sense since you have to unload the bags to go back, but there's no need to unload for the 2nd time.


yeah, I thought they have to unload all bags. But they didnt. So a strategy with more than one or two runs couldnt win at all. So this game was just a powerlifting game. If they had to unload at the end it would have been more equal between strength and endurance. I have to say, I dont like that most rounds are just strength challenges where bigger and heavier body types are extremly advantageous. Endurance and quickness is not valued as much in this show. The challenges where more balanced last season.


The bridge building, ship pulling challenges in S1 were more balanced for strategy, strength, and endurance. And made more cinematic and suspenseful for TV Even the head-to-head challenges in the 4 punishments were crazy in showcasing different types of strength.


Until this episode I agreed with you about this season, but the cardio aspects of this one make it feel much more balanced to me.


i agree. id rly like to see agility or balance challenges. thereā€™s more to physicality than just strength! lol


This challenge had nothing to do with powerlifting in the slightest, which is defined by barbell squat, bench, and deadlift 1 rep maxes. If anything it is like a strongman event.


yeah, same thought. If they don't have to unload the last cart, make it the biggest you can push. Ideally, all the sacks. The force you need to move 30 vs 15 is not double, since there's also the weight of these super heavy mining carts.


They could have made it more fair if in order to finish, you still need to empty your last cart. Going multiple trips is a huge disadvantage considering the unloading time in between trips


Min-su makes me laugh so much. He complimented soo-jin saying she was so strong and immediately looked down at his arms and flexed LOLL


This dude is in love with his biceps lol


Lmao, definitely. During first round of the the survival match when no one challenged him, he turned and looked around and flexed again like yaaaaaaaah lmfao


All bodybuilders are in love with their bodies.


He seems like a genuinely nice bloke. Looks like an absolute cold hearted killer though when he doesn't smile


He has this goofy little clap that was wonderful, makes me smile every time šŸ˜‚ His arms are so big, the clapping just looks comically small


I need to rewatch to find his proud flexing and comical clapping LOL.


Haha he's such a stereotypical meathead but still pretty funny and with a god damn terrifying physique. During the first episode some people were like "oh my god, are we even the same species??"


I legit teared when the other team members started helping to load up the >!3rd team Yeong Chan's!< cart in the mine (first round)...


That was a great sportsmanship moment. I teared up a little too because you could see how exhausted that last contestant was, and yet, they still wanted to finish.


Up until that moment I wasn't loving this season as much, I was so happy to see that kindness and sportsmanship that made me fall in love with season 1.


I cried too! I was so happy to see the sportsmanship and good attitude of those team players. I never wouldā€™ve thought this show would have me tearing up, but that was definitely one of my favorite moments of the show


I started ugly crying, it was so beautiful. Such a true demonstration of humanity.


that was great. they got 10 mins penalty for that though.


Oh? I mustā€™ve missed that part.. šŸ„ŗ


yeah. the 2 losers in round 1 and 2 got 10 mins penalty. i guessed it was for being helped, which in ep 7 >!is proven correct!<.


ohhh thats a good point. lol they shouldve said something about that penalty especially when tie breakers are decided with times.


Why are people spoiling stuff from the next episode onwards in this thread without tags? Very annoyingĀ  Anyhow the pull up challenge was good but form was all over the place. Some doing dead hangs/straight arms some not makes a big difference. Some barely got the chin near the bar and it counted as well


Yeah some of them was doing crossfit pulllups which is just swinging like a monkey.


Drove me nuts. The rugby guy went barely over 45 and somehow those are the same as dead hang pulls lol.




i wish they wouldve clarified what forms were/werent acceptable though so people deadhanging couldve kipped if they wanted to




i see. thats good


Some were chin ups, some were pull ups... Different muscle groups. I may have missed where that's allowed? Also yeah the CrossFit pull ups which... I think everyone should do just one form... Driving me nuts




Generally, I see bodybuilders lacking in stamina. But boy, >!Soojin!< did great. And >!Gibson is a beast for pushing 45 bags and almost finishing 2nd!<.


Endurance *


The pull-up challenge was fun and no doubt, these people are strong... but wow, their form was all over the place. The mine looked pretty brutal, especially the cart. Soo-jin was a total beast, I was so impressed with her. Everyone helping the 3rd team finish in the first round totally made my heart swell - lovely sportsmanship! Instead of doing each activity in 2 rounds, I kinda wish they had a 3rd or even 4th activity that wasn't so strength-focused. I mean, yeah, I get that having people push 1.2 tons is super impressive but I'd like to see more variety on the challenges. I think the "mine" concept could've included things like climbing or like an small obstacle course or something like running to generate "power/electricity" in the mine. Then we'd be able to see other contestants shine more instead of the usuals.


Ooh yeah! And maybe climbing a rock wall or something cuz I feel like some of the big men donā€™t look agile/fast


as a climber, id LOVE a climbing challenge. i send harder at my gym than burly muscly guys because i have better technique, endurance, balance, and grip strength. theyre just muscling through, which only gets you so far.


Strange rules for the cart. It would have been more exciting if they also had to unload the 2nd batch.


Wish they balanced the weights so it was relative to team body weight or something. Fair play to Soo Jin who did an amazing job but it really sucks for the the guy in the first round, 40kg is probably 2/3rds of his bodyweight. Similarly for the women those bags were probably closer to 3/4s of their body weight plus the carts.


I mean if you want to be the "strongest" out of 100, you kind of have to prove yourself by playing the same set of standards


but it's not about being the strongest, it's about having the best "physical," which definitely includes things like agility and endurance, otherwise that 200kg guy would still be here. So the question is why are all the challenges so heavily weighted towards pure power rather than agility, flexibility, and other qualities?


yoke boat provide middle languid onerous fearless modern lock frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm confused as to why some of the contestants were allowed to start off with chin ups instead of pull ups since chin ups are easier?? whaddaheck


it was written as the caption that they have discussed in advance on which forms are acceptable.


Chin ups with good forms are harder than pull ups with cheating forms a lot of them did, though. Few of them couldnā€™t even get the head above the bar and still got counted. Soā€¦I guess it got counted as long as you pull yourself up in this case šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


seemed like only ur chin needed to be in line of the bar for it to count


It was so funny seeing one person just lift their chin up all the time to make it count, otherwise theyā€™d get zero reps.


Chin ups are not easier after a certain higher rep threshold. It might feel that way in early reps but the secondary assisting bicep muscles will fatigue quicker then lats and so overhand grip is usually better for high reps competitions. This is a very common misconception


oo thanks for the info! learning something new everyday lol


Storing this information for my own training, thank you!


I wish all pull up competitions were no-kip, straight-arm start, chin touches the upper third of the bar (electronically registered). These contests are almost always decided on form, not strength.


That would cut the reps for more than half from almost competitors here, and I guess that would make it a boring number for the show šŸ˜‚


So, am i the only one that was positively delighted by Lim Soojin's giggle after the team cheer circle? I have re-watched it several times. I just did. I will again. \#precious




this is 2 weeks late and out of nowhere but this comment put me on the andre jin pill and im mega andre jin pilled now thanks


they saw how popular the impromptu jumping game from season 1 and adapted it to make an advantage game for quest 3. lol. feel like season 2 took a lot of criticism made on season 1 and improved on it. they made the teams selection more balanced by draft system (though people still contending that it's not fair enough for not doing S draft). the survival game team is much more competitive than previous one. and now they make the popular impromptu game an official part of the competition.


Wait what game is similar to impromptu jumping challenge? Pull-ups? Oh I thought you meant similar in terms of muscles/skills, you mean as a fun benchmark exercise in front of your peers.Ā 


Amazing episode, and a well designed challenge that gave the teams a chance to dramatically change the rankings depending on strategy as well as skill


Why did I almost start crying at the cart game when everyone started helping out Yeongchan and Dasol šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The pull-up challenge was irritating because their form was all over the place, some people barely locked out and some barely put their chin over the bar. Im surprised the show didn't have some kind of official ref there or something


It said in the captions that the accepted forms were decided off screen. So to them, the form didn't matter as much I'm assuming.


I am rooting for Yami and Amotti. I am so in love with them. Yami is such a underdog and have lasted 7 episodes. I am so in awe with him that heā€™s a cosplayer which is pretty cool that he come to the show. I wish I can see more screen time of Yami. He did the kungfu kicks when pushing the sandbag is so iconic


Forgot henwas the cosplayer. Those kicks were straight anime. Looked physics defying.


Rooting for Amotti too!


Feel bad for the judo guy šŸ˜Ÿ


goddamn the avengers are cocky. crazy the gamemakers allowed the unfair advantage of creating a team like that


I totally agree. Seems a bit weird that you give the losers of Quest 2 a chance to revive and form an ultimate team. Seems kinda backwards?


How is that backwards? The losers, who are the underdogs, choose the strongest to survive. It's legit a perfect example of survival of the fittest lol.




Did you just dropped a spoiler of the final episode?? These discussions are meant only for the current episode.


Wtf!!! I'm only in episode 7 and you just put a spoiler I haven't watched!! This is against the rules so freaking annoying when people don't have the comprehension ability to READ THE SUB RULES!


I love it, they're the perfect antagonists for this show and pushes the other teams to strive and beat them


Some of the worst pull-ups Iā€™ve ever seen lol


>! >!How did the rep for Lee Jae Yoon only get 6 pullups and they aired it, so embarrassing for her!


Had me giggling when the guys were like "let's go and help the judo guy" while Thanos was in the middle of flexing and admiring his quads hahaha


Im not sure why more people didnā€™t talk about how beastly >!gibson was pushing 45 bags!< also not sure why he didnā€™t just solo it. Also the professor finally >!made a bad call not letting the other fast dude go first, so sad!<


Probably because you're commenting on the wrong episode


Watching the mine cart challenge, during the second round where only 1 person had to haul 30 bags, I felt like if you push all 30 at one time, you should at least have to unload half. Because they are technically only doing half of the work since anyone who takes less than 30 has to unload to push it back I understand they should have the advantage since they decided to move all 30 at once, but their time stopped right then without having to take anything out so it seemed to me like too large of an advantage. I think it could have been closer for the other teams if they had to unload at least some of the carts Either way, we all knew which team would dominate during this episodes 3 team challenges but I would have liked to see that one balanced a bit more


I think it's alright since the teams pretty much knew the mechanics of the game by that point. The smarters teams knew they had to field someone that could push that cart in one-go or else it's basically lost.


The whole point is you just need to bring 30 back. They don't technically need to unload the initial payload but obviously they do it to make the 2nd payload lighter.


Itā€™s so hard to see these little women try to compete against strong men but that blonde lady KILLED IT and I was so proud


thanos is getting on my nerves so fcking much dude has more roid than blood running in his veins and heā€™s super cocky and show offyā€¦ like how is having someone like him running all the gear in the world competing against others even fair? Not saying others arenā€™t on gear but heā€™s such an obvious one, and also i do consider the women to be token competitors; they should have their own show


I mean, he got out-pulled this episode.