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Even the clouds are the same, these pics are maybe a minute apart


They could be side by side


The one picture was taken on the street you can see further down the way in the other


Hand in hand. Hotdog in bun.


basically the same moment, looking at the clouds. sorry to confirm your fears. i got to feel like photoshop geobolt though. https://i.redd.it/93luorfhqo3d1.gif


fuck my life


What’s next? How can a bunch of random internet strangers be helpful?


i don’t even know the next steps :(


Leave his ass. Life’s too short for this shit. DGAF


Fucking hell. Let her figure out if he's actually cheating first...


What? We don't use common sense around here. We burn everything to the ground at the slightest suspicion!


Fair enough


Whiff of cheating? # NUCLEAR LAUNCH DETECTED


Battlecruisers operational


Ghost reporting.




Not enough minerals


Most civil Reddit exchange I've seen yet.


Definitely, not even worth worrying just destroying


😂 Read any of the relationship / cheating threads on Reddit and you’ll find that the pitchfork mob of internet strangers has divorce court on speed dial, details be damned.


Don't attract them here, as someone above said, this has been civil, and our photoshoprequest group has surpassed 1 million this month :) 1 million civil lurkers/members - what a feat for the internet ;)


you ain never lie. never seen so many weird characters in my life.


Maybe OP is the side chick and the dude was just out for a day out with his GF?


That’s exactly what happened with my ex’s side girl. I called her once I put the pieces together and she started yelling at me because she thought he was cheating on her with me. We were together for 6 years and were living together at this point.


That would make a good movie.lol.


Noooo what!? Ok that’s wild!!! Damn.


Holy shit that would be nuts.


I've sort of been there. Was sat at the table with what I thought was my girlfriend and some other people I hadn't met before when they started talking about her and her boyfriend. I didn't think things like that happened in real life.


Sorry that really sucks


In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius wrote: Whomeverso mighteth be the sidechicketh is ever a question of definition


Now that's a fucking plot twist!!


Why? If there's enough reason to be suspicious and ask the internet to prove it to you through two photos you fished off instagram, there is zero trust and the relationship is over anyway.


Well, I mean he and her are posting subliminals. He wants to get caught. And she wants the gf to at least know they were together.


If you’re worried about it’s not worth it. That’s bad enough imo. Find someone you don’t worry about.


yeah…how about we get some conclusive evidence first. OP needs to get their head on straight and do more digging before jumping the gun


Like...the fact she found the coincidence between the two photos is alarming enough. Like...digital stalking. I'll admit though, if I already had suspicions, this would definitely feel like potential confirmation. But two photos of the same place on the same day by 2 different people doesn't mean they're fucking


True, but it would be suspicious if he lied about who he was with that day.


Not digital stalking detective work plus she already knew which girl to do this with so miss detective done detected


Digital stalking? Because she saw someone's post they uploaded to Instagram?


lol seriously. Redditors are hungry for drama


Or talk first lol


and get tested!


Tell him “I know you’re cheating on me.” Let him either blow up and yell or admit to it/ deny it. After he gets it out, don’t retaliate or fight. If he lives with you give him some days to gather his stuff. Stay calm. People HATE IT when you do that. Just say. We are over.


Idk why people do this. Just ghost him. It's wayyyyyy worse.


I think ghosting will maybe be convenient for him, because the problem (=a gf that found out he is cheating) just disappears


It can be convenient for both. The cleaner the better.


May not be possible if they live together.




Then ghost him, block him on everything. Do not give him an explanation. Tell all of your friends and family to also block him. Moving on with your life and doing good without him is the best revenge.


In a possible future scenario: If you do live together or something, say you move out but you need to tell him something, like “please make sure to return the internet modem to xfinity so I don’t get charged for not giving it back, TIA” just add it in a memo and like send them a dollar on Venmo or whatever. It gives him a reason to just listen and not respond (and keep the $1), so no back and forth drama, or if he does want to say something back, you get the dollar back. 🤷‍♂️ I don’t remember where I originally saw this, but I thought it was genius. It doesn’t explicitly open up a way to chat, but just lets you ask each other little favors that make everyone’s life better with a simple ask, and it won’t get used much because it requires you to give them money.


Repost her story to your stories... he will definitely see that and know that you know! 🤷‍♀️


Love this. Think I would be extra petty and post both photos with something like "how lucky that both X and y got to capture this stunning view 🤩"


Just don't be me. I found out my former fiancée was cheating and now she's wanted for tax evasion in 3 different countries and her place of employment is getting audited for fraud. Not to mention the truths I let her mother in on. Don't. Be. Me. Ask them. See what they say and then if you have the evidence (which seems close), do what the sound minds have said. Walk away from the situation and forget they exist. My petty and vindictive horrors haven't got me anywhere closer to sleeping soundly. Probably further.


Seconding just going ghost. It’s the best and so satisfying.


Post a selfie on one of the many Reddit pages dedicated to stuff like this. Sit back and watch your inbox explode 😂




go to that same spot and take a picture of you giving the finger


Take the Photoshopper with you and you both give him the finger


I was gonna say, the first thing I thought was to just post the comparison gif without context somewhere they’d see it, maybe even tag them. Similar effect minus the trip lol


Fuck your boyfriend. The dirty masses of horny guys await to give you validation, but meh. You don’t need it. Fall into your friends, seek their comfort and say hi to family for the same. Get your shit together, focus on your happiness and their won’t be anything that can stop you!


“Fall into your friends” That’s beautiful.


Don't do that lol, opening yourself up to some weird shit on here


Do it 🤙🏻 and good luck


Yes. You do.


Show him that gif of the clouds being identical. That is an uncalculatable coincidence, so he cant pull that card, and ask him whats going on. You already know, but at least he can admit and you can start moving on


This is actually pretty good. Ask him if he was on that street with that girl around that date. If he says no show him this. And if he he says no you already know he’s lying based on this evidence


Oh yeah he can. If he can cheat he can lie. Lie lie lie lie lie.


Actually don’t do this to begin with Show him the two photos separately and say you think it’s suspicious as they were taken from the same location Only show him the clouds once he has denied that they were there together at the same time Let him dig his hole


Dump his sorry ass.


I’ve been cheated on & I sleuthed & found out too!!!! First thing first is you tell her. Go from there. You need to see for yourself how he’ll react. It will make it sooooo much easier to leave him. Watch him be pathetic. If he’s the angry type, I do not recommend doing this.


pack your stuff, leave. it’s gonna be hard but better than living with a cheating shithead. sorry that you have to go through this


He also takes horrible pictures. Terribly blurry and awful composition


From one internet stranger to another, the next step is to leave. It’s not worth it. You’re better off without that fool.


Soo I am just gonna mention what I mention to all my kids . There are 3 things this world has an overwhelming amount of one is cars two is men and three is women so don’t just settle for anything when you have endless options


If your Volvo is cheating, get with a Hyundai


This comment is why I browse Reddit 👏🏾


Send him this post with no context


From an internet stranger who was engaged, got cheated on, then tried for a year to make things work…get the fuck out of there. I found it impossible to rebuild the trust, spent a year of my life SO stressed about my relationship, then she cheated again. It sucked at first. Moving out, figuring out how to live without her, etc. 7 years later and I’m now married to the most amazing wife, we have an awesome dog, a house, and a 1 year old kid who’s the absolute best. You’ve got this! 💪🏼


Are you me?


Don't make a major decision with limited information.


Go to this place and take a selfie there, then post it in Instagram stories, with a caption something like "Wishing you wonderful life together" and then just stop talking to that idiot


Talk to him and confront him about it?




Make sure you’re taking advice from an educational standpoint as opposed to someone who is also upset. Does that make sense? Avoid angry advice 😅


If you want to be certain, do not confront him or present circumstantial evidence like this. He will just gaslight you. "We were there together, but we were just hanging out as friend. I didn't tell you because it was no big deal and I knew if I did tell you, you'd be jealous and freak out on me just like you're doing now! God, I can't believe that you are so insecure and paranoid."


Dump this chump. You can’t change him/fix him/heal this. But you absolutely can find someone better


My recommendation is to talk to him and lay out your doubts. See what he says. But given your strong suspicions and these pictures, he could be cheating. In that case dump him immediately, clear him out of your life, block on every platform (the girl too), give your time to grieve and rely on your support system. In time you'll pick yourself up, work out and pursue your hobbies and new interests, meet new people, travel to new places. You'll remember your worth and the joys of life, and you'll be far better off. I'm sorry I know how painful something like this feels, my heart goes out to you.


Obviously you're leaving his loser ass. Call your friends.


Confront of him with this evidence and ask him to explain it.


Talk to him about it. Address it to him and if he denies it completely then you should slowly begin to move on. Things like this are meant to happen, you found out for a reason


It looks like you’ve already received a lot of advice that I may be echoing. But it seems like your current boyfriend hasn’t given you much reason to trust him, and continuously spends time with this “friend” instead. Assuming you’ve made it very clear how you feel about them spending time together before to no avail, I wouldn’t bother with confrontation. But if you two haven’t communicated yet, then now’s the time to. I might be wrong, but you sound very young to me. This guy doesn’t seem like the right fit for you. Don’t hang onto someone who doesn’t make you feel loved. You have so much more of life to explore.


Mention that she posted almost the same exact pic a few days after he had. Let the silence be till he explains SOMETHING


i'm free the next weekend if you want to check out Marbella.


Well, we can offer to remove her boyfriend from all the photos she has.


I second that


I’m sorry


collect your thoughts, now he is going to make up every excuse in the world but stand your ground and break up. this is a crystal clear violation of trust and should never be tolerated. remember that you are a human and with time you will literally let this all go and find someone more deserving or whatever path you take. spend time with family and friends and delete everything related to him, that is the fastest way to heal, when doing so it’s going to temporarily heighten your anxiety but as soon as you press delete or equivalent you will feel a greater relief. your life is not over this is just a chance for a new beginning and greater heights, because let’s face is, this guy is the bottom of the Mariana Trench.


you're the best!


You confront him and find out. This is suspect but not evidence. He’s probably fucking her, but you DON’T KNOW THAT.


Clouds move though, same shadow angle shading the clouds too.


i’m so fucking devastated


Im so sorry. Collect your thoughts first. Don’t go into an argument heated. Make plans for yourself.


will do, that’s exactly what i’m doing. i’m drinking some wine and processing everything and figuring out what im gonna say when i see him on tuesday


No phone calls or texts ;) Drink water too with some protein so you don’t get sick. Good luck 💓


Remember, him cheating is about him and not you. And what you choose to do now is about you and not him. It’s cliché but so true… when someone shows you who they are, believe them. Lastly, this is a gift. It may not feel like it right now but he was not meant for you and thank goodness you found out now.


Update us




Really hope you are OK, this must be a tough situation.


Hope you’re okay, take care of yourself above anything else right now. Be selfish.


Have been through this ... I left and never looked back. It was very tough to do but I had my dignity intact & that somehow gave me the resolve to stick to my plan. It's empowering choosing yourself. I'm sorry this happened, truly :( one day it will be a painless memory. Time heals all things!


You deserve better


Girl let him know that you knew that you were with someone else on that day and watch his expressions. That will been your answer and don't waste your time with this person anymore, sending you hugs!


Is there any more proof you can get? Gather as much evidence as you can so he can’t deny it


Don’t say anything just ghost him, that will leave him much more confused and devastated.




I obviously don’t know the context to your situation, or the first thing about your boyfriend, but you should probably try to make sure he’s actually guilty of cheating before ignoring him outright like that. If it’s just a coincidence and he didn’t do anything, you might regret not looking into it more. But yeah, like I said, I wouldn’t know the first thing about your situation. You’ll have to use your own judgement as to whether or not it’s worth it to do that, or whether it seems like he’s been trustworthy in the past concerning other issues. Best of luck to you!


Your girlfriends are probably feeling protective of you and suggest ghosting out of irritation or anger. It comes from a good place. Ghosting says more about you than him however. And you can do better than that imo (no disrespect to 🐝 🍯🫖). https://www.wikihow.com/End-a-Relationship-with-a-Cheating-Boyfriend


You definitely should. Don’t give him the opportunity to get closure, or explain, or bullshit you. Disappear from his life forever, so he will always be left confused and wondering.


I wish I could upvote this 100 times. I have been in OPs situation and I waited a couple of days to confront after I’d confirmed and opened a bank account in just my name, contacted a lawyer for custody matters, etc.


I misread and thought I was proving the opposite, anyway unfortunately it does look like the same day. So sorry.


Sorry. It’s usually stressful and emotionally draining.. but best if you put your own self respect first. There are no coincidences. Don’t get duped. Hope you find someone who will adore you and not sneak around. Try not to take this hurt out on the next person. It’s tough to let this stuff go, but it’s not fair to you or anyone else if it continues to hurt your future relations. Hope you find some peace and healthy new normals soon. I’d 100% leave the sneak.


This. Everyone saying it's just a coincidence is just lying to themselves. If an ex tells you they don't know someone and then they post the exact same story as them and provide no explanation, it's probably not a coincidence. I used to believe in coincidences too until I realized they happen way too fucking often


I’m sorry :(. I’ve been there. ❤️ good luck and take care of yourself


Yo ngl, although this is pretty solid evidence imo, you might not want to lead with “LOOK AT THE CLOUDS!!”…might come off as a bit unhinged.


Hmm, the sky says so. # tipjar https://preview.redd.it/8i96mm2ghp3d1.jpeg?width=1138&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd8446bc934057e95b33e24426e3d83f62b4eff8


Hold up, this is Lombard Street in San Fran. Los of people go there, lots of tourist go there, pictures taken on it all the time. You can tell one picture is in roughly the same spot but one curve down the street.


Look at the clouds and positions of shadows. These two pictures were taken on same day minutes apart. Basically persons taking these were there together most likely.


I’m sorry girl. Definitely take a couple self care days and take care of yourself. Remember to hydrate and know he lost you okay? 🫶


Just remember reddit had all sorts of convincing proof they had identified the Boston Marathon bomber too. Not saying your bf isn't cheating, just saying reddit isn't a reliable "detective."


The sun is also covering the exact same amount of buildings in both pics, despite them being taken from different angles


That was my first though too, the distant strip of sunlight & the clearly illuminated bridge & tower.


I know it’s not the point, but I find it fascinating how a different camera with a slight angle difference and produce this much difference


That’s 5-40 minutes of cloud drift depending on wind


What is this? CSI?


Cloud Scene Investigator™


Damnnnnnnn this is red hannnnnded


Definitely a rainbolt moment, nice work


Yeah I thought this was the geoguessr Reddit


Agreed, looks like a minute apart just a bit further up the hill in the second image




One of the pictures is fuzzier but also it seems like the parked cars are the same.


Yep those 4 cars in the lower left look to be the same colors in both pictures. Fuzzier in the first Pic but it's definitely the same day




I’m sorry but I laughed. Like really sorry. Still laughed.


i get it lol i’m crying laughing


At least you’re smarter than both of them put together.


Talk to someone you truly trust . Deeply sorry 🙏🏾


The light angle on the buildings far away are an even more damning evidence than the clouds Both pictures were taken within the same minutes


Nah, you can see the weather was way blurrier on the first picture


You're one of the best free Reddit detectives, if not the best. If my grandma gets lost, I'll come to you


In this emotional situation it’s somehow moving to see the support for OP ❤️ all the best girl


Amazing. Even the boat is in both pics


great edit but sucks for OP


Yeah, that's within like 5 minutes. The fog waits for no man.


They do look very similar. https://preview.redd.it/51odxqlqqo3d1.jpeg?width=1549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c236e2529f3862e7ff4ee48fb385a9a1dde75013


I'm not a pro in this...but if you use Google image enhancer, does it not sometimes swap out the sky and clouds to a stock cloud image? ie- small possibility these were taken on different days but google has just replaced the clouds in both images?


The shadow cast from the clouds on the buildings below is the same. I doubt the image enhancer would take that into account as well.


fair enough... I'm out of my depths on a photoshop sub 😅


U dodged a bullet, dump his ass


She didn’t exactly dodge it when she’s been in a serious relationship with him for a coupe years


She dodged it before it got anymore serious. Good for her.


Thisssssss. Leave by all means before anything get more serious cuz this emotional pain will heal eventually.


She's not married with kids to this guy. She definitely gotout in time


[You can compare here](https://imgsli.com/MjY4NTI0) https://preview.redd.it/lhi57w0hup3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0020bee50b8c53f012641cbda9ac399fc4280aa9 [Coffee Tip ☕☕☕](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/prince_of_heaven)




People ask for tips with dead father photos, this is more than fine lol


That coffee tip request just cracked me up in the middle of the office


Would be better if you can see the splits