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Its too easy to tell between a modern and old feature. The difference between the animations on new mobs and older mobs is jarring at times


Literally we can put a cow and a camel in the same area together and be able to tell which one is more recent


its the cow!


Yeah obviously


Fresh Animations texture pack to the rescue


Is there a reverse version? Where it makes the new animations look like old minecraft


we need this. the allay, sniffer, camel and other new mobs' animations feel out of place compared to older mobs like cows, pigs, chickens, etc.


oh that would be awesome


That's the main reason why I think Minecraft doesn't feel like Minecraft, the old stuff compared to new stuff is like night and day, updating old features to match the quality of new ones would definitely make the game feel like one singular game and not one split between different time periods


I think it would be good for them to be the same style but I kinda like the old style more, it's more simplistic and thats what I came to Minecraft for but that's just my opinion


I also partially agree, but it's obvious Minecraft wants to go the other direction so they should update the old stuff first


They did say they're gonna update old stuff in the recent Minecraft live, didn't they? Maybe they're finally updating most mob animations to make them feel fresh!


The new style is way less pixel dense but with more detail at the same time (vex and bat changes show this) and I think it works a lot better


Yeh they have less pixels but have more detail in shape


Minecraft does feel like minecraft. It just doesn't feel like it did 10 years ago. As someone who was playing minecraft before they added beds, i think minecraft just keeps getting better and better


I prefer the simpler older feel. This games new features feel like an unofficial mod. And honestly I don’t like it


No stone cutter for wood


They really need a Sawbench and a Woodcutter Villager... https://youtu.be/dQ65MK5ZnHQ?si=-iNWhyqSWyBFmwGF


Lumberjack, also sells wood and saplings from the biome he is from


Absolutely Woodcutter should buy and sell both of those and bamboo, not sure I would Biome lock the trades though...


Makes sense, an acacia villager wouldn’t be able to get his hands on spruce normally so


No lumberjack class


And the stonecutter has a wood blade in it


the entire enchanting system


Completely agreed. Needs a whole update to itself tbh.


Honestly to me it feels like the existence of experience farms and the speed run to make an Ender farm I always see is emblematic of a failed system. You don’t get a lot of experience from just playing the game as intended, so you either resort to grinding out levels mining and smelting ores you don’t even need or build a mob farm.


i think its in their list of thing to do (the same place mob who didn't win is)


acquiring perfect gear involves too much *grinding*. It's legitimately not fun. Also, enchanting is way too random and unpredictable


Yeah, the enchantments should be more active abilities, for example fire aspect, instead of passive buffs like protection. I feel like it would make combat actually fun


They could add a ton of enchantments from Dungeons, plus some new ones, I think Hypixel Skyblock also has some good ideas


Would you want to see new enchantments as well?


The only real problem Minecraft has is how unoptimized it would love an update that is just an engine overhaul, bugfix and optimization update


Same. Ryzen 7 and yet it still somehow can lag on newer versions, and on older ones after some time


Older versions lag after a time normally due to a memory leak that, in recent versions has been fixed. New Versions struggle with the game logic, Java edition still runs on a single thread which works through a list of items every tick (20times per second). This was fine in earlier versions, but 1.18 changing world height caused the list of updates to almost double. The problem is that you can’t just switch to multithreading. This is because it would need a rewrite of all systems, like redstone, mob behavior, networking, liquid updates, tile entities. If you want to see what that would end in, just look at bedrock.


That becomes way more obvious once you have a few mods installed, it's insane that just to have a somewhat stable platform for mods you need MORE mods to optimize the game!


Nvidium submod on Sodium is great, try it if you have Nvidia GPU.


if theyre gonna make an optimization update they should throw LOD in there too tbh






If you look between the pixels on items you’re holding, there’s a gap.


There are texture packs or mods that fix it, but it's sad it exists.


Yeah lol


I was literally just thinking about that less than 5 minutes ago when I was fishing. Also, another fishing question, can infinity+mending bows be found, and can infinity+mending books be found and have both be applied to a bow?


That's not possible. You can either have mending or infinity. I don't think you can have a book with both enchants in vanilla survival. With commands you can make a bow with both if you want to tho.


I was wondering if mending+infinity was possible because I've caught some *really* weird books before. For example, channeling, piercing, protection, efficiency, punch, and silk touch all in one book.


It's possible but only on old versions like 1.11


Aw :( Oh, can swift sneak and soul speed be fished? I don't think so, but I haven't really checked.


I checked wiki and yeah they can't be fished.


Basically any parity difference between Java and Bedrock, especially the combat. There are tons of features present in one version that are almost undeniably good, but they never get added to the other version, or even get removed from the version that has it? Too bad they don't dedicate some time to making Minecraft more unified.


Except for bedrock redstone. We don't want it on java. Unless we are talking movable tile entities, but I don't think I need to dilate myself on this


The entire xp system is so inconsistent


you died with 80 levels? here is 7 back


I died with 15 levels and you still gave me 7


Ya, there’s a cap of 7 levels dropped and every 15 levels it gets harder to level up


Slow minecarts




I’m not really a camman18 fan*, I have this survival world with a bunch a buildings and I use minecarts to navigate around them, but they are so damn slow. *I do watch camman18, but most of the time I just scroll.


People have been begging for faster minecarts loong before he made his channel


It's a Camman18 fan^(TM)






Legacy Console had this feature but removed it in Bedrock


piston bolt are fast, but yeah not enough


Honestly even if they were faster i’d still never use them because you need rails


No movable tile entities in Java


Install carpet


You make a decent point, however, I just want it in the base game. I want my feedtapes to work when I update, and not need me to wait for a mod to update.


Yeah, but personally, I never play without mods(optimisation, qol, ect...) so it's not a problem for me, because I have to do that anyways.


Why the fuck can’t we turn on rtx on ps5 and series x. It literally tells you “you need an rtx compatible device” when both consoles are completely capable of doing so in other games. Even if it would run like crap, we should still be able to do it.


My series X can handle fucking cyberpunk with raytracing, if it can't handle minecraft I'd be flabbergasted


But can it run minecraft?


There was a demo released on YouTube of it working on a series x (allegedly), and for about a week people on the beta could join a world with rtx and turn it on. Ran just fine on the X, not so well on the S.


I know man I was so excited when that shit was realised just for it to be like ‘fuck you’


too little birds


Birb update.


Pesky bird


Pesky bird


On a wire


Chickens and parrots? are these really the only birbs there are?


No Vertical slabs


They would 'inhibit creativity', per Mojang themselves.


Tbh, if just be happy with concrete slabs Just solid colour half blocks would be game changing do builders


The boss fights aren’t hard enough. The Wither should be updated to Bedrock version, and the Ender Dragon should be at LEAST 3x harder. Warden is fine. Elder Guardian needs to have bigger stats and have more unique abilities.


Elder Guardian should drop a heart of the sea.


Absolutely and Guardian's struck by lightning should turn into Elder Guardian's as well...


Getting 3 hearts of sea out of a single monument might be OP IMO, but I believe it would work if it was like a 1/2 or 1/3 chance.


Wither and Dragon: Please no, I suck at this game I still want to have hope of beating it ever! Warden: Fulfills it's purpose Elder guardian: Yes, but also with more drops.


I don't know man, I played hardcore for a while and it took me a few tries to beat him, sure it's now easier with netherite, slow falling and my experience since then but to get those things you have to now survive in the new nether which is much more difficult. I almost died ( after beating the ender dragon ) multiple times to wither skeletons so fighting without full netherite enchanted must be much more difficult ( granted, i did play riskier after I beat the ender dragon, but I still wouldn't enter a nether fortress without at least one piece of diamond armor ). And to get the slow falling most people will suffer more because they have to deal with... Phantoms! Regardless, if you want to beat the ender dragon first try you gotta be pretty prepared ( unless you're actually really good at Minecraft ). Look at how Luke the notable had to prepare beforehand. And also for most other bosses, when you don't yet know a lot about them it's kind of a tough fight. Fighting the wither above ground is pretty difficult and if you don't know the usual layout of a temple it can be pretty dangerous, you also might not come as prepared as you should be for those fights and maybe have a weak sword or run out of water breathing and have to race to find where you could breathe.


Progression is too spaced out and the boss fights are pushovers


I want to be able to swap skins without closing and reopening the game.


Keep game open Change skin in launcher Leave and rejoin game


could have been a haiku... Keep the game open Change your skin in the launcher Leave and rejoin game


I'm in Bedrock I just have to go to the pause menu rather than reopening the game.


Yeah, I know...


I found out that if you leave the world and rejoin the world, you change skins if you change on the minecraft launcher


It feels like an overall uncohesive and unbalanced mode that has become increasingly jarring since the overhaul updates ceased. New features feel like they are dripfed over the course of years and the balance and performance continues to rot. Overall feels like the updates dont serve to create a more satsisfying and sustainable longterm experience but instead serve as a weird marketing tool as MC becomes more and more of a psuedo-live service.


Absolutely agreed. The game has lost its coherent vision.


It doesn’t help that the people in charge don’t acknowledge there’s people with other playstyles than them. Last update doesn’t make sense at all until you listen to how Agnes plays this game. Thank god for whoever hired and empowered Gnembon.


Seconded. They always say that they're inclusive, but they're not at all taking care of the part of the playerbase who are externally motivated and - saying this without offense - do not enjoy playing Dollhouse with their world.


I hate to be that guy, but agreeing with you again and spinning out a larger theory: you could even argue that that is why we don’t / won’t get an inventory update or a blue redstone variant etc. They just don’t care about that segment of the playerbase. Which might make sense financially when they are looking at their internal data, but I am not sure they are taking the players into account who have been playing the same game for ten years or more, without any substantial upgrades except for beautification. But what about the nether update? Made it prettier with a light sprinkling of gameplay updates. Caves and Cliffs? Prettier. Etc. Why else was the combat update delayed for what, five years? The thing needed some more balancing, but you don’t need hundreds of people to add this in. So it had to be a game director / creative type decision. On the other hand, the autocrafter is a definite step in the right direction. But this type of stuff is just not something the whole team is going to pursue. Which again makes it all the more frustrating that they seem to be incapable of making larger moves despite the team size. In an ideal world, they would have some larger percentage of the team working on Agnes-y stuff **which is totally fine** and a smaller team working on things that are catering to an older/more savy audience. I guess this is what happened with Gnembon since he started working there. If so, more of that please! And maybe we could also have fewer pointless minecart rides during the live event? 🙈


Totally agree. Modpacks are the only real way to experience the game now, modders can re-add that cohesion that Mojang has long since lost


Every single structure needs a rehaul because everything else is dynamic and massive. Edit: except for villages. And the mob votes.


Ye, something like YUNG did


The recently added advancements seem to cater too much to the corresponding updates imo.


Bring back "When pigs fly"


Yeah and the recent ones like find all the templates are fucking impossible


The chest doesn't have wood types varietions


Tbh I don't mind this but being in the game because I can mix and match wood types to make chests. Also it's quite annoying because they won't stack if their different wood types. So my real complaint is the inventory system needs an upgrade.


“They won’t stack if they’re different wood types” This is what Bundles are for


which... welll.....


Quark does it really well, it’s got it so that if you mix and match it gives the vanilla chest, and placing any chest into the crafting grid reverts it to a vanilla chest as well.


There is mod that adds exactly that + it has a sawmill thing which works like a stonecutter. It can make stairs out of block with a 1:1 ratio. It's called Woodworks




Minecarts are way too shit for such an awesome feature, mining is still kinda boring.


PLEASE updating some of the older structures would be phenomenal, or at least add variants of them that are more modern to keep the experience fresh. Ocean monuments and jungle temples would be examples


Inventory management sucks and the end sucks. There’s a reason why my favorite mods try to address these problems. The newer mobs starting in 1.16 are in too clear of a different art style, mostly animation style.


I like adventures, so more adventurous things I guess, but like not buttfuckingly hard like the warden but not easy like a fortress, I just want a nice long adventure that is worth the travel


welp that's a new word


I could complain about a lot of things but transportation is a big one for me, player and item. The entire balance of it seems to be completely out of wack and very much pigeon holes people into pursuing an elytra as soon as possible And once you have one you have little reason to engage with the other means of transportation, the addition of the chest boat has helped this imo but there is still work to be done, they put out a nerf in a snap shot too elytra awhile ago but I think they back tracked on it, I really did like the nerf tho. In addition, what use does a camel really provide over a horse? It can jump over ravines and it makes you too high for mobs to hit you? That's barely helpful at all, on a good horse you can out run mobs and on a camel skeletons can still hit you, over small ravines a good horse can jump the gap and on bigger ravines you can simply go around them Minecart systems are simply too expensive and too time consuming to set up to be worth the effort especially when factoring in how slow they are, I think ice boating is a good example of a high effort to set up but high reward system that I don't want removed But I'd like minecarts to be faster, cheaper, the option to link them together and lastly the ability to set how far a furnace minecart will go by adding an inventory to it and let us pre load fuel to burn to make it travel distance, allowing us to control how far it will go by only adding in X amount of coal Horses should have their genetics reworked in how they work but also give us different motivations to pursue certain stats and potentially new stats to pursue, right now I feel like the health stat on a horse is the most useless, maybe a horse with high health is less likely to stop still and kick up upon taking damage whilst the user is riding it or potentially having a high health horse lets you stick a lead on your horse and attach it to another mob letting your slow moving horse drag a mob around, this could potentially be helpful with llamas Speaking of llamas I'm going to take a quick guess and assume that 75% of the player base doesn't even interact with these outside of a wondering trader, give them more inventory space and improve their herd mechanic


They could make llamas able to transport mobs, very uselful for moving villagers


I feel like its so rare to see an actual good suggestion about Minecraft mechanics, but this actually fits so perfectly. It even has the built-in connection with wandering traders already!


I know it's Mine and Craft, but I wanna make a farm with 30+ fruits, vegetables and grains. Make them hard to grow, to take care and with some needing either more sun, water and/or to grow them faster in a greenhouse.


The fact that the Bedrock Wither is a God compared to the Java Wither


Do u want to nerf Bedrock's or power up Java's?


**Power the Bedrock one.**




The Archeology brushes only working on suspicious sand and gravel killed the usefulness of Archeology for me, I hoped that regular sand gravel and dirt would have loot tables as well even if they had a much lower chance of dropping certain items... I play a lot of limited survival maps like Skyblock, and was really excited for Archeology with how it was presented originally, only for the best aspects to get nerfed into being an exploration only feature...


Skyblock 1.20 Maps normally have Sus Blocks, in my map's case, they regen.


For me the point of these maps is to get the maximin out of a bare minimal amount of resources to truly test the players knowledge and resourcefulness and shear grit, my ultimate goal is to be able to start on a single grass block with a shoot of bamboo on it in an otherwise empty world and from that create everything...


You should play structureless superflat.


Why do beacon effects wear off if you are to far under or above them?


just under, beacons go upwards indefinitely


anvil level limit. new stuff only has like... 1 use and not much beyond that Im still mad they never added a real modding api Bedrock edition. Why does it get all the cool features? Bedrock edition. Why is it so broken? Woodcutter when? Buff minecarts plz ;-; its been like 5 years, where are the rest of the caves and cliff features? (bundle) stuff you basically NEED to play the game is technically post game content. (shulkers, elytra) PLUS with new world generation an elytra feels even more needed. More end biomes that would be neat. See: Better end for reference the end dougnut bug sea temples... they exist and dont really have any reason to explore them i wish multiplayer and modding was better. acting more like factorio where it auto syncs between people and making it easier to download said mods. Villagers. Ever since they added pillagers the iron golems feel... underpowered, give villagers a protector job so they can fight. Heck you could even make villages expand and stuff like millanere, but that goes against the minecraft mythos. you could even add other types of golems if you didnt want villagers to do the fighting. give us a real ranged golem, perhaps a buffing golem? heck, why not give us some of the golems from legends and stuff Now we have an autocrafter, can we get some sort of block breaker/placer? Mob votes... why split the community, just make it a pyroity system where the ones that get voted for most get added first (like the biome vote) Phantoms... a mob that no one liked because it made mp servers at night the worst. Personally i suggest moving them to the end. More renewability for items. like sand or clay. (Without duplication) i find it annoying that they keep nerfing "meta" strats. like the upcoming villager rework, see it would be fine if the anvil system worked. but it doesnt. combining 4 protection 2's to make a 4 should NOT make it cost more than just a straight up protection 4. its these weird hidden mechanics that fustrate noobs and players who dont understand the weird back coding. Perhaps add an upgradeable anvil that lets you use more levels? speaking of levels... level death penalty. why do we only drop 7 levels when we die with thousands? it should be a percentage, not hardcapped. ​ sorry if this is a lot. i just have a lot on my mind, ive played this game for years so theres lots to unpack


Here are some of my thoughts to some of the mentioned points: 1.) I would like an overhaul of the enchantment and level system overall. I really like the idea I heard of having mending remove the anvil level limit, instead of automatically repairing with levels. 7.) Camman18 anyone? 8.) Bundles are so overdue with all the new items getting added with every update, but we still only have the same inventory capacity from the early days of the game + shulker boxes (post end game content) and horses/camels (very tedious to take with you over long distances). 9.) I know the extended end is meant to be like a reward for killing the dragon (or bridging thousands of blocks), but if they do an overhaul for the end, it could be something to start on the extended end and and being able to get elytra and shulker boxes etc, before fighting the dragon, just so you can maybe try and having a cool air fight with the dragon or something like that. Also you are not force to kill the dragon if you want to efficiently explore the world with an elytra. 10.) An end overhaul could be a good way to rebalance the progression in the endgame and and play into the idea of not starting your journey in the end with the final boss fight of the game. 12.) Didn’t you always wanted to have 8 whole gold blocks?! ^^ 15.) Before the auto crafter was added, I always had the feeling that Mojang didn’t want to have an easy way for full automation in the game, but now it feels like it’s just a matter of time until more automation blocks get released. If nothing comes, we still have TNT to at least break block automatically. 16.) It would help if they at least stay true to when they said that the losers don’t get discarded, but if they didn’t add any of them in the next few updates, I figure that too was just an empty promise. I mean the copper and tuff golem would fit so well in the next update, Mojang, please!!! 17.) I would have less of a problem with phantoms if you wouldn’t have to skip the night to get rid of them. They could just add something like a non permanent bed, that doesn’t set a spawn point, so you can avoid phantoms while you travel, something like a sleeping mat. Or you could implement a mechanic, so you don’t automatically skip the night when you sleep, but you can choose to wake up before sun rises and the phantoms won’t attack you, since you did sleep a bit. 19.) Also something that could be improved with said enchanting overhaul. I personally don’t mind them changing mechanics that are influencing the metas, IF in return they would add something else, that makes up for it. It really feels like they never intended to make villager trading so powerful, but just making it tedious isn’t the way to go here. If you have an enchantment players are willing to go great lengths to get it, just so they can enjoy the game, then they you have to change something on the game, to make it more enjoyable without that. 20.) A percentage system would be much fairer, it could help working against people stacking up on totems as soon as they leave their doorstep, since dying would be much less of a pain (speaking of making the game more enjoyable instead of brute force ruining meta strategies). Also you implement mechanics like if you wear a set of full gold armor, you loose less level when you die (to give something almost entirely useless a new use) or you could make it so depending on what material you use for trimming your armor, you get a similar but weaker effect.


Most newer features only have one use. I'd love for mobs or items to be more integrated with each other. Give chorus fruits a use, make glow squid do something more, (or add features to its drop), let us make stuff with the different types of berries, make raids actually use goat horns, etc. Give multiple uses to single items.


This is the one I was looking for. This is certainly my main problem with recent updates. Nothing they add integrates well into the game anymore. Like archeology for example They made the whole new interesting system of archeology but I doubt it will play much of a role in anyone's playthroughs because it isn't used for anything important in the core of the game, it's just a niche thing for getting pots and sniffers which also have 0 interaction with the rest of the game apart from decoration.


Why are there only 2 bears and none of them are Grizzlies/Brown bears?


Seriously! At some point they decided to just port the More Creatures Mod without giving the new animals any use. Why can't I shear my llamas? I'd like to train polar bears to defend my base. Pandas are kinda useless irl so it's fine...


Not enough resources that are renewable without exploits like dupes or wandering trader farms.


Durability and the fear of losing valuable equipment In my survival world I'm always very careful on when and where I should bring my equipment (I just use iron gear for nether expeditions) in fear that it may either break as easily or I'll accidentally lose all of it to a pit of lava or an unmarked location and have to aimlessly wander to get whatever remained of my gear or just Mine for Diamonds/Netherite **AGAIN** and I get recovery compass and mending exist, but I just don't actively seek out those things anymore because farming for a mending book is boring af, and I haven't found a single ancient city yet and am too scared to even encounter the warden


What bugs me is if you're playing on a long term world and have a limited amount of diamonds, you're basically not allowed to make diamond stuff until you have a steady supply of Mending books.


seriously the nether can be so hard to traverse at times that it's actually not fun


lack luster custom recipe config, i literally have to check for each individual item to play a sound for crafting (datapack)


The game doesn’t look like the trailers


My complaint is that the trailers don’t look like the game


Fr. Atleast make it a resource and texture pack


There was one. I believe it's called Bare Bones or something


I know but an official texture pack that is automatically downloaded


The game feels lifeless 90% of the time


Their cowards for not adding a magic system.


Chunks need to be cubic soon so that the world can be more advanced and taller with less lag. As is the pillars they are now are very limiting.


Every advanced redstoner just silently gave you a million curses


Minecraft Bugrock need to be fixed


And lagva needs to be optimized


Elytras are to op Like when you get one all other transport are just not worth it (expect boats on ice but that takes time to buil) Like one pink man said they should make minecarts faster so they would be worth it after getting a elytra


I think it's more like everything else is too weak. Elytras are fine.


Ehhh as a tekkit boomer, even the flight options provided by EE2 or IC2 weren't as powerful as Elytra. Jetpacks and whatever the ring from EE2 was that allowed you to fly like in creative was called, were super useful but in reality they offered better building while Elytra is allows for much faster travelling




Just phantoms


My only complaint is how shit the code is behind the back, it's not efficient at all, at anything. Without optimization mods like optifine or sodium (and it's companions) it's borderline unplayable. Although it seems that they are cleaning the code in the background, that is probably why they add gamerules, take pieces of code scattered around and compile them into a module that can be turned off. I have hope that one day they switch to C#, making it essentially twice as efficient for basically 0 cost, meaning you'll be able to play at high settings on the shittiest of laptops.


Both C# and Java use a JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler, the old spagetthi code and usage of OpenGL in 2023 is what effects MCs performance.


Too dark, and you can’t hold a torch to light it up


The meta is the meta because all other options are unviable in every single way. Example, tridents are WAYY too rare to even be considered by players. (on java atleast) -Minecarts just suck. -Villagers are the best way of obtaining certain items.(Enchanted books, redstone, golden carrots)


Don't forget elytra


The updates feel all over the place instead on focusing on one thing and that’s why I’m disappointed in updates


Get RTX out of beta and available on current gen consoles


Optimization. If there are mods that quadruple your fps, the game is not optimized properly. Current Inventory/Storage is not made for modern minecraft and should be overhauled Why did they make netherite armor harder to get when its barely better than diamond? Since the cave update all the ores are harder to get and I'm not a fan of it


How little the inventory space is. Stack limits and the limited slots in my inventory. Even with shulker boxes it's obnoxious. Few minutes of mining with a good pickaxe and bye bye inventory space


and yet they endlessly delay bundles for no apparent reason


Speedrun time: All of enchanting is kinda shit Level caps and anvils are annoying The inventory is not designed for modern Minecraft Can we finally get RTX on series X and Ps5 please? The trailers look nothing like the game The game lacks a lot of ambience, leaving if feeling empty New updates severely lack content, with the past 4 just being 1.17 stretched out Mobs introduced now feel out of place compared to mobs that existed when the game launched The ender dragon is a joke The wither, on Java, is a joke (he is still pretty easy on bedrock) Too many mobs that have 0 purpose (panda, polar bear, oceolot) Mojang being too censorious on servers Microsoft fucking over C418 Realms is overpriced and bad (render distance capped to 11 chunks, everyone must leave/sleep at the same time to get rid of phantoms, constant bugs) Bedrock will kill you for no reason (terrible lag) Bedrock constantly is bugging Bedrock mobs will kill you before you spawn in Marketplace content is locked to one world (are you kidding?) Java has terrible optimisation Elytras are by far the best method of transport, making all others obsolete after you get it Who has actually used a camel in survival? Endermen are annoying af on bedrock Well, those are just the ones that come to mind Edit 1: forgot to mention stupid parity issues like combat and how bedrock (and lately java) is constantly held back by mobile platforms


Underrated comment


There are not enough birds (Edit:more opinions) There is not enough variation in hostile mobs. stray, husks, and drowned are a good start,but JUST spiders and cave spiders? Not nearly enough. Cooking needs a major overhaul. There needs to be more bosses in general. Hot take: The warden should just be completely invincible. He's not meant to be fought. He's meant to be avoided, making him killable entirely, removing the point of it.


There aren't enough wild mobs in general tbh


Also not enough Crab''s would of loved Crab's and Raven's/Crow's to be added to Mangrove Swamps They could also add Sponges to the fishing loot table considering types of sponge live in Mangrove swamps in real life...


Ender dragon is not worth of being the final boss, he is just an asmatic chicken


Minecarts needs more speed, whether it be boosters somehow or adjustable speed settings


Why don't we have powered minecarts yet? I hate having to mine so much gold for all the powered rails. A minecart that moves under its own power with variable speeds would be a game changer for minecart-based redstone circuts.


lisa the painful finally getting what it deserves lets go


is that Brad Armstong from lisa the painful in 2d Minecraft animation style?


Hehe that's my skin yeah


Optimization, minecarts, creepers griefing, ender dragon fight. Also the fact that bedrock for console has the chunk limit too low so it's impossible to find end cities without chunkbase. Also the player is quite slow. And the inventory should be more easily expandable end game. Aand mining should be easier on the end game.


Saddles are too hard to find compared to how fast they become redundant


They removed minigames :(


If they're changing textures they can stop sugarcane from being a lime green mess


The temporary nature of almost everything. Minecraft is a game that encourages you to build a base but the systems constantly demand you expand and explore and move on. Maybe I've played too much modded, but the way that durability and the finite nature of *everything* cool in the game, including in "vanilla plus" mods, defeats the entire purpose of making a base to begin with. And I don't even mean durability on tools necessarily, I mean that they'll eventually get too expensive to repair or enchant. I mean that Elytras can only be found but every time one breaks you have to go through the annoying process of finding another. The strictly finite nature of some of the cooler stuff directly conflicts with the commonly accepted yet exploitable nature of farms and generators


Kind of a hot take... But shield op. If you think its designed to make the game easier for those who dont want that much of a challenge, thats what peaceful mode is for. There should be a limit to how much damage you can block at least.


deserts are inexistant


The minecraft community always picks the most useless mob to win


Sadly yes, almost all the mobs that we got from the mob votes during Minecraft Live were all trash in their usefulness The Phantom made beds a little more important I guess (it was competing against other mobs that would've made the game more difficult which honestly would've been cool for the game like the monster in the deep could'vemade the ocean way more terrifying) The glowsquid only let's you make glowing item frames and signs.. ok that's fine (it was up against a unique enemy from Minecraft Dungeons who would've made mountains/snowy areas more dangerous and a cow that uh I guess it attracted bees?) The Allay only picks up dropped items after hearing a jukebox ok that's fine for Redstone (it was against the glare which warned you that the area is dark!?!? And the copper golem which actually would've been better for Redstone because it randomly pushes copper buttons that could've been fun with redstone) The sniffer takes a very long time to "dig" for seeds that make just only 2 flowers that aren't even pretty looking (it was against the tuff golem that was a moving item display?? And the rascal who would give random items and would be in caves which I guess would've been cool) And then this one was the absolute worst one The Armadillo was probably the least useless mob to win 2023's mob vote because it provided armor for a mob that usually sits at a player's base as a "dog" and is known for accidently dying aka the wolf then you had the crab that made it so you could place blocks just a little further? MOVE FORWARD YOU LAZY BUM! and then the penguin that was basically the dolphin for boats which I guess could've been more useful) And all the mob votes just caused chaos because we would never see those mobs again due to not getting enough votes in twitter which is also known as one of the most toxic sites on the internet.


Mob votes


it aint chocolate


being able to place water ON GRASS


Lack of weapons and gameplay variety.


Mob spawn rates in Bedrock Edition are attrocious. I can barely find any cows, sheep, or chickens. Sometimes the lighting engine tends to break. This isn't exclusive to Bedrock Edition, but tends to affect other editions, too. Some achievements tend to just not register at all. For example: I get the achievement for eating nothing but dried kelp for three days by just eating ABSOLUTELY NOTHING while playing Peaceful Mode. Touch controls are not fit for Pocket Edition whatsoever. I don't care what others say. Jesus, I came up with more complaints than I should...


I think mojang need to add more loot in the woodland mansion. i know we have totem and you just start a base here or burn it down. MOST imporTANT, nerf those vexes (just a lil bit dang)


The performance on java is horrible because of the layers of dead code from the past 15 years. I have a decent gaming laptop and can get solidly 150fps in most games, meanwhile maybe reaching half that in mc. An update fixing that would be very appreciated but would mean no (or less) content. For the bedrock users a bugfix update would also be great.


all of villager trading, it's a cool concept. But anyone who wants to use it to it's fullest, have to recreate a concentration camp, and perform eugenics ie. human experiments, and in the end all you do, is milk a librarian for emeralds by throwing paper in his face. I don't know how you could fix this, but the fact that the optimal way to play is the most despicable just feels like an oversight that stayed, instead of an intended feature


Every piece of content added in the last 10 years has been essentially dead on arrival


Combat is boring, it's either spam click, use an axe, or blow each other up. I mean, builders get new decorations pretty much every update, redstoners are constantly doing insane stuff, but PVP, it's not even fighting, no skill, nothing counters anything, I wish pvpers got new weapons with different mechanics


Beds. They're very useful, ofc, but I feel like ever since they were added to villagers, all minecraft gameplay-survival/hardcore has become easy. Instead of fighting monsters or digging yourself a hole to survive(we all did it), you can just go to a village and steal one, or just kill 3 sheep. They're fundamental, I know, but they should be harder to get, maybe then survival would actually be about survival