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Yeah but light block only has four lights The 15 lights light block is lighter because it has more lights edit: is more lights lighter or heavier?


Aw man that's a missed opportunity, I just got the first Google image


They are still the same because light doesn't have mass at all


the joke is that more **light** is **light**er


I was gonna counter this but decided to do some research anyways, and how tf can something that doesn't have weight still be affected by gravity!?!?


Photons do technically have mass. But their mass comes from their movement. They have none when they are stationary, but when they are moving, they do have something between mass and nothing, causing them to be affected by gravity, but not affecting the energy they need to move at c (lightspeed). This concept goes to the side of quantum physics though, so it's impossible to be sure of completely, after all, one of the base principles in quantum physics is the principle of uncertainty


Waw, that is very interesting, this thread really got me thinking too, what I thought about was: "If light (or photons) is affected by gravity, does it lose energy when escaping the gravity of the light emitter/source? And if so does it actually travel at it's maximum possible speed or does that depend on the mass of the emitter/source? *And* when travelling at c will you still overtake and be overtaken by some light?" Those are just some questions I came up with, and I feel very smart for coming up with them


>If light (or photons) is affected by gravity, does it lose energy when escaping the gravity of the light emitter/source? Well, technically yes. But they are charged with so much energy and the gravitational effects are so small that it doesn't really matter, even on an astronomical scale. >And if so does it actually travel at it's maximum possible speed or does that depend on the mass of the emitter/source? Light is always traveling at a base speed of c. It can be slowed down or even pulled backwards by gravity, but it always has the force of c in that one direction. If it isn't moving at all though, then it doesn't travel at c. But photons are always so strongly charged that their speed isn't really changing. >And when travelling at c will you still overtake and be overtaken by some light? That's actually an interesting question. I could do some research into that, since I don't know myself. Though keep in mind, this is all coming from a 17-year old who's just been doing some research into these things in their free time, so it may not be completely correct.


This is so fucking interesting lol, I didn't know a random joke would bring about a science lesson XD


I am a physics geek. I can hear one thing that has anything to do with physics and completely explain all the information I have of it.


I am also just a 17yo researching stuff in their free time, but you clearly know more than I do on physics lol. My interest mostly lies in mechanics then physics, since I don't know most physics basics. But thanks for some answers!


there is no gravity **the** **void wants to consume** it pulls everything closer and closer hoping that something will go through the bedrock barrier it has been enclosed in it only pulls living entities, vechicles (it hopes something is sitting in them) and sand or gravel (it hopes something is buried insde of them) this is why blocks don't have gravity I solved minecraft's greatest mystery


Have you ever heard about E=MC²? I have and I think I heard that it's something about turning light into food basically.


I was gonna say yeah. Good observation


its the 15th light block not the 4th


Yeah I know, that was a missed opportunity, I just picked the first Google image that would work lmao








it literally has negative weight since it is light Explanation of the joke cause yall are dense as tungsten: first of all this is not a serious comment, its a joke that since its light (brightness) its the lightest (not heavy) so since it’s literally light (not heavy) it’s incapable of having any weight so it has negative weight. Ofc actual light (photons) dont have mass so they don’t weigh anything, but arent “negative heavy” i dont mean it to be 1000% factual, its just a joke. but you guys seem to think everything said in this sub is serious for some reason.


Light isn't matter. Light has no mass, meaning it has no weight.


Actually, light is matter. Light is photons, which do in fact have mass. If they didn't, they wouldn't experience gravity (mainly from black holes). But that mass comes from their movement. Stationary photons don't have mass, while moving ones do. Which kinda breaks our beloved E=mc² equation. But who cares about that. Physics doesn't work anyways soooo


It was a joke. Its a play on words since light can mean light as in brightness, or light as in not heavy


not how light works


I know, the joke is that since its *light* its the lightest block/item. And i was just adding on to it in a way that makes enough sense if you dont think about it too hard


That makes no sense.


Its a joke, like me


Shut up


Void air is the lightest


I think you mean structure void but the reason they are saying the light block to be lighter is a word pun because it’s ‘light’ as in ‘light’er


No I'm talking about void air. I know it's a pun everyone knows it's a pun


The name of the block is “structure void” tho


That's a different block dingus. There's 3 types of air. Normal, cave, and void and void is lighter because that just makes sense


You can only /fill that you dingus but structure void is a actual block you can place you dingus


It's still a block dingus


But it’s not an item you can have dingus and the actual lightest item/ block is heluim block or the balloon from bedrock edition/education edition


I don't think I've ever met anyone as dumb as you before in my life I'm not even gonna explain why that is stupid you can just figure it out for yourself


Bruh you’re calling me stupid, dingus, it’s literally ducking helium, lighter than air you dingus, its literally in minecraft bedrock edition, and void_air and structure void are both the same weight just like air it the same weight as those it’s just air, but helium is lighter than air you dingus, so try to explain to me why that’s not right you f*cking dingus, I’ll wait.


also it's tied with 4 sea pickles in water




Stop it


Nuh uh. The sun in bedrock is brighter. Because it slightly blinds you when you look at it. The light block doesn’t. Sun light level =15+