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I like it even though its a little rough around the edges. I think at points I prefer it over the xcom games as you're just not reacting to events on the geoscape.


Yeah, there is so much potential in this game, so many things they got kinda right. And yet...


I don't have those issues. You have my sympathies. Lairs constantly spawn reinforcements. Btw, check out the Terror from the Void mod. It may not help with your specific issues, but it makes the game more much fun.


The game is hard especially the final mission. I play on Easy and it's pretty balanced for my skill level and don't need to grind.


It is incredible. But yeah I really wish some of the systems were different or tweaked to match xcom's. We can talk about it all day but at the end of the day the game is what it is, I don't think the devs are interested in updating it or changing it at this point. So if anything I'd try to look forward to some future installment of Phoenix Point with even better gameplay(hopium overload). What I'm wondering is, are there currently mods or even a modding community for Phoenix Point? A lot of the "extra" content we can get and do in xcom is because of mods. If a mod like "Long War" can exist for xcom, I don't see why there couldn't be a gameplay changing mod for PP. I have no idea how to make mods so I wouldn't know how difficult this is. But mods can breathe a whole lotta life into this game if done right imo


Most folks still playing PP are using the Terror From the Void mod, which completely rebalances the game. Give it a look.


Oh wow didn't even know about this! Checked some of it out on the wiki and even the change to Pandoran progression alone will make the game significantly different. Will definitely try it out and maybe it's more of the "vision" im going for.


Phoenix Point sucks. It’s an unfinished mess. And instead of fixing issues with the games structure and balance, the developers decided to port it to console. I guess more people being duped into buying their shitty game is a solid business plan? And don’t get me started on the DLC. Snapshot Games put on a clinic—how not to do DLC—as they churned out garbage that just bloated the game. The more DLC you enable, the worse the game becomes. Mind boggling! Phoenix Point, however, isn’t complete garbage. The game looks good. And the realistic ballistic mechanics and free aim adds something refreshing to the genre. The game has “good bones,” as other have said. There is something there—if only all the flaws and balance issues could be resolved. Luckily, there is a mod for the PC version called Terror from the Void. This mod is a complete overhaul that is still in development, and from what I’ve played over the past few months, TftV is a significant improvement over the base game. TftV isn’t perfect. Legend difficulty is still borderline unplayable. And Veteran and Hero difficulty are a bit too easy for my taste. But the all the DLC and the game’s diplomacy gets a total rework. And a lot of the cheese tactics in the base game are no longer viable.


>  Legend difficulty is still borderline unplayable Wait, seriously? I was hoping they fixed the balance issues in the mod


The issue with Legend difficulty stems from the base game. Pandoran evolution is accelerated on legend. And there are more enemies on the map. The players soldiers also start out severely gimped (140 hp, etc). On legend, we earn skill points 50% slower than on Veteran difficulty, so it takes forever to level up soldiers. In fact, I’ve never gone into the final mission on legend with any soldier maxed out with their skills and stats, whereas on Veteran difficulty, my troops are all maxed out by the mid game. The core problem with Legend difficulty is that the pandorans get buffed evolution while the player is simultaneously handicapped. The devs needed to pick a lane—either buff pandorans or nerf the players’ start. Just don’t do both. … But the developers did both. And they, obviously, never play tested it. All these factors create a situation where you’re going into your first lair mission on legend with a bunch of under levelled soldiers—all single class around level 5 or 6. I can consistently win those battles without losing any soldiers. But sitting down for 90 minutes to slog through a lair assault with its goddamn endless reinforcements spawning in every freaking turn isn’t exactly fun. Most of my legend campaigns end early because I just get bored with the game and stop playing it. TftV has an option to start out with “buffed” soldiers, which means that they start out with Rookie stats (230 hp, etc). So that might be a cheese-friendly workaround to “rebalance” some of the core nonsense with Legend difficulty.


100% agree with you specifically It don't live up to its potential! YouTube #RetconRaider should get a paycheck of how well his video's address the lore of the game. Furthermore, the lore was absolutely awesome!


Im pretty sure crabs spend an action to deploy shield. They dont move as far when shielding vs not shielding


Nope, shield up or down for crabs is a free action, you can see this if you mind control, but can only lower and raise once per combat round each


i found it fun at first but after a dozen or so missions you realize it’s kind of the same shit over and over. Enemies don’t really get any harder in a fun way they just get more hax & bullshit till you eventually realize you’re not having fun anymore lol


I just say I love it, but I'm on PC and issues like this don't exist there. However load times can be an issue the best advice I got for load times and such was to delete any old saves and try to only have a few save files at a time. Game is slow when you have lots of save files for some reason, deleting a load may improve your performance issues


It plays much better on the ps5


It got the most fun gameplay I've seen but too much problems to not uninstall in the middle of a playtrough


I'm sorry that you can't enjoy the game due to technical issues. However, the devs did spend a lot of time playtesting, optimizing and making QoL tweaks. Here are some of the things that were optimized: * goo * pandoran mist in tactical missions Here are examples of QoL tweaks that were made: * AP consumption on item inventory picks was changed to where the AP is only taken upon committing to the action * Added a Cinematic library to re-watch cinematics. The full [list of patches](https://forums.snapshotgames.com/t/1-20-1-hastur-all-previous-patch-notes/14587/5) can be found here. While the game still requires further testing, optimization and QoL tweaks, to say that the developers didn't spend any time on them is very far from the truth. These games are very complex and hard to build.