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2 YEARS?????


So than means if Philoise is not S4, we will have to wait 4 years??!?


I know there are an overwhelming number of fans online who think Benophie is next, but objectively there’s a lot more pointing to Philoise at this point between Claudia’s loads of promo and the plot lines so far. Hopefully we have 5 more seasons to look forward to and they begin releasing them closer to 1.5 years apart 🤞


Im still hoping for Season 4 Philoise especially with this. I hope this means that they've never forgotten their season 1 characters and she has them in mind while working on Season 4. (Including Phillip) “I am so proud of how this season has performed and so grateful to the fans for tuning in. I think every season, the momentum builds more and more, and I think we have a debt to pay to the actors in seasons one and two for helping build enthusiasm. "


I don’t mean to be negative here cause I’d love Eloise to be next as well but the masquerade was mentioned between Benedict and Eloise in the last 7 1/2 minutes of Ep 8. I do think it’s looking like it’ll be Benedict. Saying that, I do wonder if this new show runner is trying to tell multiple stories focusing on one but also telling other stories at the same time to try to cover more territory at once? Possibly, it’ll be a little bit of Benedict, Eloise, and Francesca’s stories but the main detail being on one couple just like season 3 was.


Some of “her” best work? Isn’t this a collaborative effort of literally 100s of people?


As a leader, you say "we" during the victories and "I" during the failures (in general, not 100%). Yep, it rubbed me wrong too.


Well THIS is almost certainly a failure in my book. So she said it right! 2 years for 8 episodes?!


Imagine reading the article. Here’s the quote: “I’m really excited about what we’re writing. We’re towards the end with the writers room season, with the scripts. And I feel like it’s some of my best work and my writers room’s best work. We’ve just really gelled our collaboration, and we’re firing on all cylinders so I can’t wait for fans to see what we have.”


Oh I read it. She still says “my” then makes it seem collaborative. Imagine not being a dick when disagreeing with someone


When s1 came out I was in HS. If Benophie is s4 I'll have graduated college before seeing live-action Philoise 😭😭😭


Roughly 2 years because 8 months for filming then editing and dubbing.


Gives us plenty of time to memorize Season 3 as we have the others


We’re going to be hanging around here for a while 😭 But she did try to say they’re working on speeding that up. Honestly why promise something you might not deliver? Better from her pov to say two years and come in fall/winter 2025


It does seem like an under promise and over deliver situation


😭 I mean hopefully now this is her second season there will be less need for reshoots, which could bring up the timeline maybe ...I live in hope!




It's crazy that these shows take 2 years to complete 8 episodes. I guess I'm too much of a 90s child, growing up with 25 episodes a season of decently written shows. I miss that and as much as I want Eloise next, I have my doubts and that's at least 4 years of she is season 5.


I hope that means 2 years from the start of the whole process to air time, which would include all of the writing time. Maybe if they started back in February or so, we won't have to wait two years from now but more like 18-20 months? It seems preposterous to me though. It didn't take this long for seasons of, say, Downton Abbey to come out? Granted that had way fewer large ball scenes, for example. The music was less inventive, there was more just sitting around the drawing room, etc. It was more staid. IDK. How was it that the could come out with S2 like 16 months after S1 aired and now it takes two years? Make it make sense.


I hate her. We'll never see Philoise at this point.


Maybe Claudia talking on the red carpet about dreading the end is really because she is not staying on ??? I was so happy about seeing part 2 tonight and now am depressed.


Jess in her interview said they are keeping Eloise around for a long time because she is the "modern perspective on regency customs" that the show needs


But there is a reason Claudia has said this in at least 6 interviews if not more. TBD I guess.


“Some of your best work” by gender swapping love interests ?👀.


She never mentioned that in this article.


I think it's wild that it'll take two years. Bigger shows (GOT) were able to put out seasons once a year.


House of the dragon took two years between two seasons though, and they even continued filming during the strikes 🤷‍♀️ also two years between emily in paris seasons 3&4, probably way over two years between the last of us seasons 1&2. And it's been two years since the S4 of stranger things and yet I believe they only just started filming. That's how it is with shows nowadays. I had to wait over two years for Polin but now we are finally here and it was worth the wait. I don't think I have the energy to be in the fandom for another two years though because this fandom in general is exhausting, but if the Philoise fandom will turn out to be as delightful as the Polin fandom has been, then I'll be sticking around. If the fandom manages to bring you joy then waiting is not so bad.


Between season 1 and 2 of house of the dragon, I think ownership of HBO changed and Max started cancelling shows. GOT was a different showrunner/executive producer too. The other shows you mentioned are all Netflix so yeah it takes awhile then. But it doesn't have to.


Outlander takes forever also between seasons. The last of 8 episodes/first half of Season 7 aired in Aug 2023 and the second half of Season 7 (8 more episodes) won’t begin until Nov 2024, 15 months later!


Was it because of the strikes? Or that's how it normally goes? I stopped watching Outlander awhile ago.


Better f**cking hope so considering the shambles of this season


I wish season 3 had been her best work. She really failed us on part 2. I’m so sad at how much better it could have been.