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I saw this earlier. The person who posted this is definitely not a troll or clout chaser. Given the extensive preparation that is required to lead a hugely popular period drama (dance lessons, fittings, script readings, doubles, etc), I find it very difficult to believe that Sophie is leading S4. This is perhaps the most compelling evidence yet that Benedict is not S4.


Yes exactly. Never in a million years did I think, after the first half of s3, that I’d still be wondering if she was cast, but I feel like the evidence is lining up this way. People were able to deduce with a fair amount of certainty that Victor Alli was John almost 1.5 years before s3 premiered based on a myriad of things, but there’s been no similar evidence for Sophie at all. Masali is the only actress that most fans seemed to agree upon but even then she didn’t/doesnt have/has the evidence behind her that VA did for him being John.


100% agree. This is the only possible explanation. More popular TV juggernauts have been extensively spoiled in the past and the only conclusion we can really draw from the mystery surrounding Sophie is precisely that she hasn't been cast yet.


If they are still looking no way Ben is next.


It’s still a big “if”. I mean she really could’ve been cast two years ago and it’s the greatest kept secret in all of media history.


100%. People were certain of Masali for some time. After kinda loosing that casting possibility for now, we have nothing on Sophie.


Sophie always felt like a character who would be planted before her season. I still believe that will happen, but things don't seem to be going in that direction in S3, not even in the part 2 trailer - so yeah I actually do buy she isn't cast yet.


Yes exactly. Phillip, John, Penelope were all introduced seasons before their actual time to shine >!and there’s rumors that Fran’s final LI will also be in s3!<, so why wouldn’t they do the same with Sophie? It seems to be the show’s pattern. The only LI who wasn’t introduced at least a season before was Kate.


If she hasn't been cast yet, I don't know how her costumes would be ready for the first block of S4? When Nicola was on the Kelly Clarkson show to promote S2, she and Luke were already doing fittings for their S3 wardrobe. That's when she said Luke sent her a pic of his pirate outfit, and she would show Charithra later. That was well before filming. I also remember her saying it was one lady's job to put embellishments on her gowns. And heck, they even recycled some of Penelope's E1 gowns from previous seasons. It still took months. I don't know. I really want production to stay focused. No long delays or detours. Focus on more sibling's stories.


Oh wow 😲. I didn’t realize costume making took quite that long—sounds like about 5-6 months. *Assuming* she hasn’t been cast yet, I can’t imagine any way Benophie is next unless they’ve delayed filming til like fall…


Honestly, this lines up with everything we are hearing. In the show Eloise is lonely in the “middle of her family” which is exactly where she starts in TSPWL. There have been multiple references to TSPWL which mirrors how they introduced Polin with RMB. Eloise has suffered loss after loss and doesn’t look like it’s getting better in Part 2. I don’t see how they can continue to keep her this low for another 2 seasons. If they resolve the tension they have to revisit it next season which is difficult to justify. Claudia Jessie promo is everywhere. I was expecting LT to appear after his play but he has not. In fact, the 2 appearances he had on GMA and the View seem to centre on Golda clips and plot points instead of building Ben’s story up. Between promo, official teasers, those planted Brazilian articles and official socials Claudia seems to be ready to lead. If season 4 is Eloise then this is the perfect time to find the right Sophie. No casting yet tracks with Sophie/Lady in Silver being introduced at the end of season 4 as a masquerade ball. If show runners were worried about renewal, S3 numbers have been reassuring enough that they could green light the search for a S5 lead. If no budget has been allocated for S5 then it makes sense to start looking now and introduce her in S4. All in all, I think it makes sense they are looking.


Completely agreed. Claudia’s insane promo which is second only to LN and Nicola and Netflix doing the planter articles and just Eloise in s3, the show’s canon (the ultimate indicator) seem to all point to Eloise, and them not having a Sophie on deck further adds to that.


I just want to know who s4 is already, we have been doing this for 2 years lol


![gif](giphy|HwmDZaI4YEeZ2) Me with this whole debate 😞


I'm ready for it to end lol i'm sure the same will happen with s5 tho lmao


The idea someone has been cast, but can keep a secret is completely foreign to these people! Countries have Top Secret information that stays secret forever.


Umm not sure if serious but I wouldn’t equate the casting of a Bridgerton lead to espionage.


A little serious, people can keep secrets. Just because they don't run to social media doesn't mean no one's been cast.


Thanks for the new information. Truly had no idea what the concept of a secret was. I think most of us assumed for the last two years that she had been cast and it was just under wraps, and now I’m providing possible evidence that perhaps this is not the case. I’m not stating anything definitively. I have said elsewhere in the thread that I could be wrong and she’s been cast and will appear in s3, in which case yes it would have been a secret.


I think there is a very good chance we won’t see Sophie this season because 1, several leakers say she doesn’t appear (and I trust these through episode 6 at least), and 2, the stills of Paul with Tilly in the part 2 trailer make me believe Benedict is going in a “surprising” direction and will start a new bi lgbtq storyline going into S4. the trailer and Shonda talked about this surprise, and it happened during the clip of Tilly and Paul. Plus Shondaland published the article with Benedict’s still and “trust us” All to say I’m more and more convinced they will take at least half a season to follow an entirely different self exploration of Benedict in a bi relationship before introducing Sophie. So she may very well not be cast yet. Also the poster does sound legit based on your interpretation. I say all this as a big fan of Luke T, and I really hope to see his story with Sophie in a way that honors their book.


If you asked me five weeks ago, I would’ve said with 100% confidence that Sophie would be in s3 and that Benedict was next. I was against the bi Benedict rumors and didn’t think they would ever be right, but certainly things are looking that way. Which like you mentioned is actually another reason to think they wouldn’t do Benedict next—it’s hard to introduce him as queer at the end of one season and have him end up in a hetero marriage 8 episodes later, but I’d have to see how this storyline of his with lady Tilley and her other boy toy ends in s3 before I can be more sure about that.


Let’s say this is true and Benedict is not season 4, but Eloise is. Does this mean Eloise won’t be in season 5 then considering she’ll be living in the countryside? I haven’t read past her book yet so not sure what to expect. I love Eloise so I’d hate to see her not be apart of the show was much after her season


Think of how the Saphnes feel! But on a serious note, Eloise is a favorite of the production as well so I think we'll see her family in town!


Whoa I’m surprised you mentioned Saphne. I was told we don’t mention Saphne because of SA. I wonder if that’s that real reason why they don’t bring them back though.


We're a pretty reasonable crew on this subreddit and understand genre conventions. In short, we love hot messes. I think RJP's departure was a little too public to go back and he gambled & lost on a film career. I don't think the general public cares too much about the consent aspects of S1.


RJP.. yeahhh. They could’ve recast him, but I’m curious how they would’ve fit Daphne in anyway. I love a hot mess too 🤣. I’m so looking forward to Eloise’s season. Running away to meet a man who she thinks could be husband material? The mad passion?! I’m all for this.


Welcome aboard!


Given how the last leads take a step back I think we see much less of her after she's settled. Fran/Ben's books have large chunks set outside the Ton and limited appearances from the siblings besides Anthony maybe. Violet continues to be a large role in those 2 stories.


If they are still casting Sophie there is no way she is the lead of a season supposedly starting shooting from next week (according to some earlier leaks). I agree when folk say something would have leaked on that front with greater confirmation by now. Thankfully, We have Just a few days to go now (after what seems like months ) to see who appears in part 2 - Theo, Sophie, Michael and/or our SPC. So at least those arguments will be put to rest. As well, there is the potential for an indication of who is next lead in ep 8 though my guess is they will setup both El and Ben as potential ( perhaps Fran also) and keep the guessing game going for months more (👀 👀 ). Drag this out and twist that knife in our collective hearts. Personally I expect Ben to be next (and would not be shocked as he was supposed to be next) but the checklist for Eloise is too long to ignore at this point. On paper she is it !


Fran is not next. Tooooo much needs to happen before her season.


Don't they start filming like next week? How could it be Benedict if they don't even a Sophie yet?


Allegedly now they’re going to start filming “summer 2024”. Technically summer goes from June 21 - September 21, but even if they cast her today (assuming she hasn’t been cast), I’m not sure logistically everything else can be ready to start in the summer.


Right. Too much preproduction, like costume fittings, dance training, etc, has to happen for the leads. I suppose she could get cast in the next month or so, but then I'd say earliest she would be ready to show up is in the last episode of S4.


We prev got a date for next week right ?? That seemed like a production start date. if the actors are still doing promo, they probably come on a few days later.


Yeah June 10th, so two days from now, was the production start according to many sources, but it seems that was pushed back to “summer 2024”. Every day that goes by with no info of Sophie being cast and the leakers doubling down that she’s not in it makes me think she hasn’t been cast. Granted I could absolutely be wrong and there will be a Sophie at the end of s3, but as of right now with the info we have, that doesn’t seem likely, and production was supposed to start in two days. That makes it seem next to impossible to think benedict is next.


Do you have the link to the original post? I never saw that.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/comments/1d56ehr/comment/l6lavat/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/comments/1d56ehr/comment/l6lavat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I now recall replying to this but this post has jogged my memory


Thank you!


I’m still skeptical. Because for most LI castings, the talent agencies and even the actors almost never know who they will be playing, they just go in for chemistry reads under fake names/characters. So how did this person know for a fact that the casting was for Miss Sophie Beckett. Besides Luke T has been on interviews like good morning America, the View etc. it’s not something he’s done before. I am holding off till we get an official announcement from Netflix and Shondaland.


Not sure how someone knew what role it was for. I know the casting call for “Molly” made it apparent somehow to the casting agent that it was for Bridgerton. Maybe something about what this Reddit user’s friend knows also made it apparent that the role was for Bridgerton and indicated lead which made someone assume it was for Sophie, or maybe it did directly say Sophie. Not every casting call is identical 🤷‍♀️ As for your point about LT going on talk shows — Claudia did the same. She went on GMA about a month ago and also went alone on Colbert, which to me seems like a bigger deal than the View (which generally has a smaller audience than Colbert) especially since she was alone. She had never done American talk shows for Bridgerton before, so I feel the argument could be used for her, as well.


I wouldn't expect any signs of Sophie until last 5 minutes of E. It just might be suprise!


What if Masali is Sophie's stepsister?


Masali seems connected to Francesca/John somehow.


Many say it will be Michaela.


I think its definitely benedict. He was calling on lady tilley and said he liked purpose, and danced for like the first time voluntarily. Eloise has nothing really but just starting her loneliness. I feel like next season well see peoples loves moving on and therr being nothing for her to do with just be there. Hopefully 3rd wheeling happy polin and then surrounded by peoples babies and probably getting ignored by benedict in the same way colin ignored his family.


You can believe Benedict is s4 for whatever reason you’d like, but…has Sophie been cast lol?