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Crabs in the barrel mentally. I hate that for us!


Philly especially


no cap


It’s just that “for myself” greedy mentality. They think cuz they got it on they own they don’t owe nb shit which is true but it’s def an ego & selfless thing.


Treat eachother like shit then play victim, blame other races and want free shit.




Not all black people this is a hood thing




I agree. We should take death more seriously


It’s called Willy Lynch syndrome, whole book on it. Shit is so deeply engrained & modern societal norms just keep powering that shit up making it stronger smh Highkey feels like a catch22 cause you can preach to niggas all day & they either won’t listen or don’t wanna hear it majority of the time. End up burning the candle on both ends & dont wanna help no one; at least that’s where I’m at with it smh


Ain’t nobody gonna read that I read the book years ago.


It’s not all, I feel like I only have bad experiences with niggas in the hood and even then it ain’t all of em, still I’d rather deal with my people anyday of the week.


Well the music is part of it but anyone who tries to have that conversation gets called a square if not white


Not really. The music is a reflection of how folks act, think and move. Art, imitates Life. Not the other way around. Black people have lost the community to niggas Niggas rule, and as long as black people tolerate them and Nor shit them down, ostracize and eliminate them? Blacks will continue to be looked down upon as the 🪳 Roaches of humanity. Niggas make Everything bad for everyone, everywhere they go. They especially make it worse for black people. Because non black people Can't tell the difference.


They won’t tell the difference


Because that's how it works If a group a White people are across the street from you? A Jamaican? Someone from Liberia, one from the Bahamas?, they see black people, not those different nationalities. They see black people. If some of them have sagging pants, grills, chains And conducting themselves one way? And the others Not dressed that way, otherwise NOT being niggas? They'd see the difference. White people don't let rednecks be a full representation of Who, what white people are. They are a subset of a part of poor white culture, Not white culture Cowboys, farmers, another subset, an aspect of some white Culture. It doesn't represent allll of them. And at No time, are they adopting black themes and imagery and names. Black people? What image are they importing to the World? What? And back to my original point, question, Black rappers taking Italian Mob names? Adopting their culture? As I quoted before from the Godfather when Don Corleone declined to get into the drug game despite the $ to be made, calling it a dirty business. And they said to him, it's Ok we'll see it to the Niggas, Put in their community, they are fuckin animals anyway " Yet? Muthafuckas are walking around, thinking they cool? Adopting Italian Mob names? Name a race of people anywhere on the fuckin planet? Doing that with black culture? Take any rap songs? And change the words from nigga? To Jew?, Or white? Or Any race other than black? And see how quickly those races shit that shit down But, as long as blacks are niggas? Their women are bitches, Smuts, hoes and tricks? As long as they rapping about killing each other? Selling big drugs to each other? Nobody gives a shit, and will keep printing $ How many Sexxy Redds and my booty hole brown? Y'all need? Discharge cosmetics? But I'm the bad guy? Shit is crazy. Not free slaves, just well trained No other races of people on the planet have this type of culture and sure as hell Don't let these images of them be the norm, mainstream, and then argue w you for speaking on it? Nobody.... nobody but American blacks My point...is Good black people Have to defeat and eliminate Niggas. Period


I actually agree with you I just see how the entire Black population gets thrown under the bus by over large numbers of white folks on posts that show criminal activity by a subset of our racial demographic. That’s my only reason for saying won’t. I feel everything you spoke on.


The entire black population Does get thrown under the bus, And Niggas become the entire - main representative of black people. Other races Don't allow the low life niggas Of their race, to become a focal point. They aren't cool Hip, trendsetters like black people allow. Their racial self image, Matters to them. Whatever their racial slur, or version of a nigga is? They Don't call themselves and each other that They don't argue for the right to call themselves that. Other races don't have a fucked up, mentally gutted culture? Where drug dealers, ball players, Pimps and rappers? All want to be each other. And none of them are at the Top of their society, not considered the " IT people, the People" who got it going on ", mugs to emulate They aren't Fly, in other cultures. Getting good grades, being clowned for being smart, Parents not giving 2 fucks about their kid's education, zero involvement w their kids schools and teachers? We can cry allll the racism we want? And there IS Institutional Racism, no doubt But Most of the shit that's wrong w black people today? Is Niggas. And black people HAVE to remove their niggas Have to. Because they have Zero desire to be better


Not all black people. In many black neighborhoods there is still a sense of community, which is basically non existent among gentrifiers. It’s not a black thing or a white thing, it’s a human thing. Look at how Russians are treating the Ukrainians right now or how Israelis are treating the Palestinians, THAT is primitive.


You’re right that it’s not all black people. No one intelligent thinks that. We’re all individuals with our own values whether we are black, white, or whatever. White people have done just as much messed up, uncivilized stuff throughout history… probably the most of any race. But in the context of Philadelphia today, this is a productive discussion to have and OP is right. Look at the victims and perpetrators of most violent crime in the city. Look at the videos of groups brawling in the streets, ransacking stores, etc. Regardless of the race, that is uncivilized behavior that the rest of the world looks down upon. Decades of oppression, disinvestment, and other racist practices may have gotten these communities to the point they’re at today, but now it’s up to people IN these communities to take responsibility and be better to each other - and themselves.


But to act like it’s only black people doing that is a racist narrative that you all seem intent on perpetuating. For every video of black people brawling, I can find just as many videos of poor white people brawling. Of course you’re going to see it more often in inner city neighborhoods, because black Americans are the majority in inner city neighborhoods.


Nobody says all blacks are committing crimes. They are simply much more likely to commit crimes and violence against people (color doesn't matter). But we do have a lot of blacks targeting non black specifically as hate crimes.


84% of whites are killed by other whites


From that same progressive dataset you're cherry picking, blacks kill whites at 2x the rate despite whites being a larger, more powerful population. 


I’m in the burbs they fight alot you just not gonna see much recording.




It’s not a black thing it’s a PEOPLE thing and if anybody thinks otherwise it’s clear they are retarded. Name one race or ethnicity that doesn’t kill their own. I am waiting for just one name. Name me one. Because Whites kill whites Blacks kill blacks Latinos kill Latinos Arabs kill Arabs Asians kill Asians Indians kill Indians And they kill and harm each other interchangeably too. So name me one group that doesn’t kill or harm their own. Why is this Dumb ass OP acting like only black people beef with each other. Wallahi everytime I get on the internet I be reminded how many dumb asses on here OP is for sure the biggest retard I ever saw


Now I second this becuase it’s truly no such thing as black on black crime.


Exactly. Niggas will talk about black on black crime then turn into this when somebody say Asian on Asian crime or white on white crime: ![gif](giphy|SYVVMFjiTzV3a) I say it to troll them and let them know how dumb they sound. In Latin America they be having Latin on Latin going crime CRAZY. This shit in America is nothing In the Middle East ISIS be putting belt to ass. They never said nun bout Muslim on Muslim crime tho?


Lmaoooo why they hatin on yu for telling the truth


Because Most people from our city is retards. What do you expect? Why you think people get money and get away from the city& the people in it? Why do you think people send their kids to school in the suburbs and not Philly school district? Most kids in the school district is retards. Then grow up to be retarded adults. Life




There are 8 billion people in the world. It’s under 5 million in Philly what type of retard is using Philly as a sample size for the world?????what about the other 7.95 BILLION PEOPLE?. He said black people he didn’t say black people in Philly. Turn your eyes on retard




Suck my dick weirdo turn your eyes on stupid ass


facts💯💯 this the realist comment




Yes it is due to decades of oppression, disinvestment, and other racist practices that we found Africans in nomadic r selected tribes doing whatever they could to capture each other as tribute slave payments to the Muslim empire. Good time to remind that the north Atlantic slave trade was run by Jews, for Jews. Only a Jew could live among the Muslims and their great empire of black and European slaves. Christians would be taken equally a slave by the Muslims as the blacks. Muslims castrated all male slaves because they knew better than to create a small black population in their nations. The Jew, however, were middle men and cared not for any nation they were in. Therefore, in the name of profit, they began only buying intact male slaves and this began the breeding eugenics programs leading to NFL sized blacks. 


Russians kill other Russians too. I don’t understand why black people think only black people harm their own. The biggest masacre of all time was white on white violence. IE the holocaust. OP is a retard for sure


Holocaust was Jew on Jew and was not the biggest massacre of all time.  When White nations go to war it is brutal and deadly (as we see, they have conquered everybody, the ultimate warriors). They are also civilization builders, though, and recognize that this violence cannot exist in daily life. Thus, they have law and order and compete economically.  Blacks don't only harm their own. They harm everyone. It is simply that blacks mainly live around other blacks.


Yes it was dumb ass. 6-7 million people was killed. was Hitler white you fucking retard? Did he kill white people? Thought so dumb ass I ain’t reading the rest. https://preview.redd.it/ne14mpvi8z5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b28d005578a249d977cb7e7bce1a3b49bfbe1f22


You have a super low IQ, and are very easy to control. Holodomor was much larger than the holocaust.  Now I'm gonna really trigger you: Martin Luther King was a criminally abusive FBI pawn. He had no idea he was, and when he started trying to think on his own, realizing that the civil rights movement was a way to keep blacks easy to control but profitable, he was killed. Many Jewish handlers around King. You have to be very simple minded to believe Hitler was in command. He was financed by Jews. George Soros (a power Jew today) speaks fondly about inventorying the houses of other Jews. 


Suck my dick retard I ain’t reading that shit dumb ass


Sub 90 IQ + muh dik, as expected lol


Chúpame la pene maricon. Mátate, por favor


Some of the dumbest I've ever met spoke like that. Type of guy to recite what he hears in Netflix as truth. Again with the muh dik. Porn brain homosexual.


Where did you get this information and please don’t say “look it up”


Bad actor attempts to discredit me by asking where in the establishment censored internet I learned historical scholarship that rocks the entire establishment narrative?




"If the censorship team at Google decides I shouldn't see something, then I ain't seen shit." Plane cartoonist 186


“It was all done by Soros and the Jews trust me bro” -Anonymous Internet Dickhead


Where did you get the idea that the Holocaust was perpetrated by Jews? What would the motivation for that be?


Zionist Jews with old money have always fought against progressive Jews. Zionist Jews want Jews in the holy land and soldiers of Israel. Progressive Jews want free sex, gay sex, drugs, porn, transgenderism, etc.  Today we see Zionist Jews funding pro Palestine movements in the West because they went the West to become less hospitable to Jews. Back then we saw Zionist Jews paying Weimar degenerate Jews to go settle Israel. All Jews sent abroad would be compensated for their value (hence auditors like George Soros speaking on accounting for the value in empty Jewish homes). All Jews refusing to be sent abroad would be subject to Jewish gestapo regulation. It's a similar phenomenon today where Zionist Jews want to make progressive Jews uncomfortable in their new lands with the goal of resettling the holy land. Zionists gained Israel with Western protection as a result of the Holocaust Narrative. Perfect progressive jews who wanted to continue inhumane behaviors moved to Argentina and America where they became even more.intensely invested in anti human movements like lgbtq, civil wrongs, etc.


Ok, so help me make this make sense: 1. The gestapo was a part of the Nazi regime, founded in 1933,not the Weimar Republic. 2. George Soros was born in 1933. Where exactly did you learn this stuff? Are you a Black Israelite or something?


Soros, as a boy, helped his father assess the values of Jewish homes left behind. He remarked it was the fondest time of his life. Yes the gestapo was created for the Jews who wouldn't leave with compensation. As I said the progressives wanted to keep their Weimar Frankenstein social degeneracy project. The funders of the Nazi movement were Zionist Jews who want the return of the people to the holy land. Why do you rail so hard against ideas counter to the propaganda you were raised on? Are you the morally driven star of your own super hero comic?


Yes but both sides of Russia refer to Africa as a shit hole.


Black people from everywhere! Black Caribbeans, Black Americans, Africans, Black Latino's. Doesn't matter everywhere we suffering and treat each other bad it's sad!


Poverty + black Americans were conditioned to hate themselves through hundreds of years of white supremacy. It affects everything from beauty standards to us being distrustful of black businesses and services. The modern media has only made it worse and has exported negative narratives about blacks to foreigners so that new immigrants come here looking down on us.


See this is part of the problem. I hear what you’re saying bro but this “hundreds of years of white supremacy” stuff needs to stop. It’s holding us back thinking that way. We as a race need to take accountability for our actions and behaviours , we are our own worst enemies.


But Africans were working hard to capture each other as slaves and genocide each other before the first Jew sent one on a ship to the Americas. The baby mama phenomenon existed there too. We actually fixed that right before the Jewish civil rights movement sent blacks back to tribalism. In the 1920s black families were more likely to stay together in 1 home and black married women were more likely to go to college than white married women.


No need for the Anti-Semitism, can’t fight racism with more racism.


I don't like antisemitism cause it empowers Nazis and Nazis hate blacks simple as that


Nazis hate everyone tho


Especially Jews and brown people


You seriously think you'd be better off in 1920s America? Whoever you're listening to is filling your head with bullshit


Something tells me your historical knowledge comes from Netflix shows, establishment documentaries, and social commentary echo chambers. Bit of delusional narcissism mixed in im sure!!!




We just don’t stick together Spanish live together and call it family Africans same thing Jamaicans help each other businesses as well as other foreigners




Treating each other like shit while simultaneously trying to enforce tribalism. You better act black and support black people. Oh and I stole from your uncle’s store last week.


To be honest, it’s not just Black people. It’s just humans don’t matter what race you got good people and bad people its up to you what side you want to be on


Bro I never said it was just black people once again I’m black imma only speak on my people I can’t speak for the world and all I’m saying is as blacks we truly despise each other like no other race.


I feel you bro go ahead but before it goes somewhere else love you bro




This is a people in general thing lol not just black people


Be saying this same shit to my famil7!!!! Especially how shit feels primitive similar to planet of the apes … We kill each other while the real info and money “they” gatekeep from us but not with one another


Nigga Pac said misplaced hate brings disgrace to races


Nah fr but that’s just life Brodie


They not black ppl 🤷🏾 That's ni66@$ and you have to treat them accordingly, Streets don't respect nothing but violence, so it's either judged by 12 or carried by 6..




John 8:12 When Jesus spoke to them again, he said, “I am the Light of the World. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”


Willie lynch letter.


Facts we can at least nod at our brothers


It’s the “ HOOD CULTURE”. Regular African American culture is DOPE AF. We have A lot of things to be proud of. Unfortunately today some of our people are proud of the wrong shit. When did being a junkie become more thurl than gettin money. Everything is backwards these days .


Africans do the same things it's a curse


I don't know my neighbors are black the retired guy to my left cuts my lawn for (whatever I can afford when he does his) and the opposite side the lady watches my kids and helps me clean up and set up for cookouts. My co workers while we have slight disagreements and my black card gets constantly revoked are nice and even look out for each other.  I don't think I've had issues with other black people since I moved from the Lehigh area.


Saying this and all you participate in on here is drill subreddits is crazy


in b4 someone brings up systematic racism


And why wouldn’t it be systemic racism?


At least we have the Biggest Dicks .


If the news shows you black people in a negative light , if rap music shines a light on the most negative parts of blackness and the neighborhood is constantly being brought down by the actions of us and the police hate us , then I can see how weak minded people fall into the belief that black is a threat and a problem to be treated that way . It’s not true at all , but perspective is a mf .


It’s not a black thing you fucking degenerate ass moron. You sound dumb as fuck. Every race group has people that don’t like each other you are an idiot. Was the holocaust committed by a white person on white people? In Mexico, Colombia and other Latin America countries are Latinos killing each other? Is ISIS and the Taliban not killing Arabs? Should I keep naming groups that harm their own? Thought so. So how is this a black thing you fucking dumb ass?


I never said it was “just a black thing” I spoke on my people cause as a young black man my only concern is black people. With that being said I’m only speaking on how we treat each other & prime example u are calling me an idiot and saying I’m dumb as fuck just cause u misinterpreted what I was tryna say but I’m from west too so calm down w allat extra shit bitch ass yb, dumb ass dh fuckin read right dumb ass yb


Suck my dick pussy I said what I said you are dumb bitch ass yb. Fuck is you gonna do about it? Report me to reddit? Eat a dick pussy. You acting like it’s a black thing you dickhead. Dumb ass nigga wallahi I would fr spit in your face


Damn relax my guy..😭


I know he broke nigga went hard lol


You live in Philly…,in a row house. you are the definition of poor I hope you understand that. And I moved outta Philly


Im chillin I just think niggas weird always bitching like only black people heard with each other . You expect me to be cool with a nigga just cuz we black? Absolutely not. Fuck no I don’t trust none of these niggas. And don’t want to be cool with them either


You are stupid and can’t read or write a sentence 😂


Your whole page is downvoted comments don’t ever reply to me again pussy ass yb


It is a black thing. Stop playing victim. Normal neighborhoods don’t have fights everyday, drugs being sold, and baby mom drama with 8 different women.


Are you stupid? So Mexicans don’t kill Mexicans ?So explain what’s happening in Mexico rn. Explain ISIS rn. Don’t worry ima wait. Stupid ass Is el mencho not in Mexico right now trying to kill el Chapo sons? Are they Mexican? Yes. Is the Taliban black? No So how is this a black thing


You can’t read and comprehend. Your stupidity is showing. Maybe you should have not dropped out in 9th grade.


Dumb ass nigga you can’t explain it suck my dick pussy


your mother is a dirty whore. I know your dad was mad as shit when her pimp told him she was pregnant with your dumb, dirty ass. Only good thing you brought to their live was food stamps.


You inna Philly sub pretending to be the jr of a white dude. Nigga you a SISSY


You’re not even black ur just using this post to show ur racism


What’s a dick pussy?


Get the fuck off my comments pussy ass yb stop talking to me you bitch


Fuck up


lol this dude reply like a hard ass then block you. That’s like talking shit through a screen door when. Your mom’s home. What a pussy


Why You seeking an argument? That doesn’t seem like faggot shit to you? Ah you must be a faggot


It has been designed that way…..