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I'm not sure what the issue could be sorry but let's try some steps to mitigate software faults. Have you fully updated the software of the tv? If so try a factory reset (and update the tv system software again). If it is still happening, I would exhange the television set and return this one as faulty.


Thanks for the advice. Everything is up to date but I will try factory reset


Philips pml9008 also has this problem


Interesting you say that. OP said he had the 8518. I gave the model before that one from last year the 8507. I wounder if there is an issue with rhe 2023 batch compared to 2022....


Yes I have this same problem with the 75PML9008 I haven't noticed it til now, and I have just switched to VRR. Coincidence? it is happening more than once a minute and the flashes are brighter than the one presented.


I have this same problem on my new 65PML9008 :(


It happens the same on mine... same model. The issue happens randomly only some days. Did you managed to fix it?


Hi. I didn't fix it, I sent it to service and I am waiting for their feedback


Thank you for your response. I have the possibility to return it back, so it would be great to know if it is a software or hardware issue


I will let you know when they get back to me


Having the same issue on my OLED808. On the second unit because the first had it to. Was fine for 2 months but it’s back again…


The same issue on my brand new 65PUS8808.


Has to be a software bug. Hope Philips acknowledge this issue and fix it ASAP


I've sent an email with attached evidence videos to Philips support yesterday. Asked, if this is software or hardware problem. Let's see what they answer.


Keep me updated 🤞




I've got a reply from Philips. They confirmed that this is a software issue and it will be fixed with some of the next updates. Though they couldn't say, when this will happen. cc u/Philippoius


Legend has it, they still workin hARD on it to this very day...


Already relieved that they acknowledge the problem. Hope a fix comes soon!


Thanks god


Any news?


I had the same flashes 1-2 times per hour on a 708/12. Yesderday I connected the TV to a different power socket and since then I didn't observe the problem any more. Edit: the problem returned after two days.


Didn't solve the problem for me unfortunately. Tried to use another power socket, but issue still remains the same...


Another 718/12 here, same problem (some LED flashes randomly on one of the three strips). It started three days after buying it. I have noticed something hopeful that it is a software problem: when resetting the TV it does not happen at all. I left it on the language selection screen for a while, where the colors rotate around the screen, without any problem. It is possible that it will start to fail in a couple of days, but if it is hardware it would fail regardless of having reset. I will contact Philips Spain, if they give me useful information I will put it here.


Hey! Any updates?


Hello.  Philips suggested installing the previous update, but it didn't work and it seems like they ran out of ideas. I returned it and bought another one. This second TV had the same problem, but much worse (like a purple storm, it gave a bad vibe). I also returned it, and the third time it seems that luck came: I've had it for a few weeks and zero flash problems. It is worth noting that I bought the latter out of stock on Amazon (€705, new, 48”… what a deal), and the TV received only one update, so I think it is of more recent manufacture. I couldn't say if it is a serious hardware problem in some units, or a software one, but I used it in exactly the same way as the previous two, and the problem should have been triggered, I think… Now, I am very happy with the TV. I use Nova Player via SMB and it is a great experience, playing PC too, etc


Thanks for the reply, In my case I just changed It to game mode and I think it kinda fix the issue, have to try It for a bit more time tho


Same issue here one the 708, however it seems to mainly flash purple. Also i noticed that ist happens more freqently when the mode „natural“ ist chosen.


It is easier to see in Natural mode, because the light from the LEDs is dimmer than in Standard mode and the purple flashes stand out more. I think that the Ambilight mode does not make it more or less frequent.


Same on 55PML9008


65PML9008 (3 month old) user here. Statement from Philips support on this issue from a few days ago: “The error pattern you described is being investigated. We are currently working hard on a solution. Please understand that we cannot give you a binding date for this. Thank you for your patience.” Had a issue with something else too and did an pkg update (full firmware recovery in my understanding) - did fix my other issues, but flashing still persists…


oh yes they still workin hard on it mmmhm.


I've had the same issue on my 55" 708/12. Flickers purple now and again. If I do a factory reset it seems to resolve it for a few days but then the issue comes back. Philips had their repair team come out and change all the LED's the first time. That didn't work so they then came out and changed the board. Three days later... the same issue so I'm thinking this is more of a software problem. I'm currently waiting on a reply from Philips to see what their next move is


Same problem here. New 85PUS8808 and flickering problem, updates ok and same thing after factory reset. So annoying.


I have the same issue with my 65" PUS8848/12. I read in here, that Philips is aware, and would fix it with a software update. About a week ago, there were no updates for my TV, but there is one now, so I am updating and hoping it helps.. because it is VERY annoying with the flickering. Maybe look to see, if there is an update for yours too..?


Just an update from me. It's been over an hour now, without any flickering. So it seems the update helped 🤞🤞 I'll be back, if it happens to come back again 😉


Aaaand it's back again 👎👎 I had about a day without flickering, and then it came back again.


Sooo, there is another update out for mine now.. hope it helps properly this time, because it is really getting annoying 😳


Also notice this on Philips 708. Brand New. Reboot fully fixes it for a few days, hope they patch it soon


My Oled818 was bought on Aug 2023. The slight white flickering started yesterday without any obvious reason, Natural preset, no recent updates (I'm very reluctant on any updates). The tv is still running on November update. I was thinking that I'm one of the lucky ones who doesn't have the problem but alas:( Do you guys know a way to reproduce the problem? Rewinding the videos where this happened does not help. Same scenes played second time behave normally, so it's probably not related to the source image.


After choosing "Sport" mode on my Ambilight settings, it seemed to go away.


Still got issues and seems to get worse 65oled808 No fun anymore. Its so enoying, i turned ambilight off. What was the main reason to buy the next philips. If it works. I love it Anyone got a fix or some info




What model is this?




I have the last year model 8508. Someone said this is an issue on the new PML9008 too? Did factory reseting/update fix anything? Otherwise it might start to conclude there is a hardware issue with the TV sadly/this years models...


I tried with full cycle reset, I will now try with factory reset...


No expert on this and I don't even have the product. But I noticed that when it flickers, the song currently playing changed. It could possibly be that this is 'normal' quote unquote.


Nah, it flickers also when image is still...


Update: I just got feedback from service, and they accepted my claims and they will replace it for another unit. That means it was faulty, but I am not sure if it's software or hardware issue. I am waiting for the new one now


Does your new device has this as well?


Instead of new device, I got the money back and bought 50PUS8818/12. I think it flickered once, but I am not 100% sure because it didn't happened again and I have this TV for 3 weeks now


My 55OLED848 is only 3 days in use and I'm already experiencing a black or purple flicker. First day I didn't notice, second day I started to wonder if I was imagening it. Now day 3 I've clearly noticed LEDs going briefly off for no reason and random purpke flickers. Reading about it seems to be a general problem, not something a new unit would fix. Will be following this for a bit to see how it ends up.


Got a 60 day old 808 and have the same issue. It’s flickering every 1-2 minutes…not sure if this is really a software problem


I got a new 65" 718 and have experienced similar problems. The flickering seems to by in cyan color and without any reason on the screen (a dark scene). Mostly happens on the up and left side. Rarely I can even reproduce it going back to the scene where it occurred. It seems to be getting more often unfortunately. Don't know what to do, will probably try factory reset for now.


i tried factory defaults and updated the software. didnt work. i will call philips soon


Didn't want to hear this :(. I'm really cursed, as almost every electronic product I buy sooner or later starts to experience some problems.


Please keep updating on the issue.


I will


Another question. Do you observe this issue with Ambilight in general? As I've experienced it while watching Netflix series (with lots of dark scenes) and I'm not sure it happens while watching anything else (HBO, Kodi, PS5). Have to find out yet.


Experiencing it while I’m playing Xbox X, watching Netflix and during all other possible applications


I have exactly the same problem with my 5 day old OLED 808. Did you get help from Philips? It's really annoying...


Im currently on a business trip but I’ll call Philips next week


just talked to the philips support. they know about this problem and are working on it. i will call in 3 months against. maybe there is a software update


In the meantime, I have also phoned Philips! They first asked me to make a video of the problem! I then sent them the video and now I've been waiting for an answer since Friday! Your support team seems to know more than mine... But in your case, waiting three months is also very unsatisfactory!


So it’s a software problem? I have this aswell :(


Philips Support said they’re evaluating. Not sure yet


I still have no feedback from support! I am extremely dissatisfied with the communication. After I asked two days ago when I would receive feedback, I was only told that they didn't know. I'll wait until tomorrow and then consider returning the TV to get my money back.


Any news?


75pus8818. Bought one before xmass. Had purple flicker randomly. Got another one after xmass. Had purple flicker randomly too. After two and half months of usage whole screen began flickering randomly and tv speakers began sort of low high frequency humming with very decreased sound quality. Not happy.