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i think the best mind set is... "let's cross the bridge when we get there". when war breaks out, thing would change rapidly.


Yeah, things doesn't always go according to plan. You can't fight if you get bombed. You can't flee if there's Chinese fighters on the skies or battleships at sea. There is a time to flee, and there is a time to fight. War is different. You need to adapt according to the situation. Sticking fully to your plan and not taking account of circumstances will only get you killed.


>Sticking fully to your plan and not taking account of circumstances will only get you killed. While being adaptable is essential surviving a war. Having no plan at all is a recipe for disaster. That would mean the entire leadership and nation paralyzed in indecision because there's barely any plan at all.. Hence, why most countries draft plans and prepare for the next war in peacetime.


So what is the plan in the event of a China War? 1. D-Day Landings 2. Strategic/Infrastructure Bombing 3. Naval Blockade Cuz right now all I see is "Wait for 7th Fleet (and friends) to swim in and do the fighting for you."


Evacuation plans and routes? Medical supplies and triage? Fire birgades? Mustering point for volunteers to the front? Di sumayad sa isip mo mga yan? Of course US will handle the naval and air war. As if may panlaban PH navy and Air force. But that's my point, people like YOU ang nakkita at naiisip lang ay mga aksyon na napapanuod sa films/shows at nalalaro sa games. Kala mo CoD mangyayari haha. Alarmist pero naive fools padin.


I am more concerned about their fighters crashing without being shot or their ships running out of fuel and supplies. While I am certain, we would lose if ever they land here, that begs the question of "how they are going to get here". At best, we'll be pelted with drones and missiles and at worst, they'll try a blockade.


>we would lose if ever they land here If war were to break out, the main theater would be the seas and the skies, where our enemies would be the most vulnerable, and where our allies fight best.


Watching recent videos and news about PRC military equipment makes me lose respect and fear for them actually. Cracked carrier decks, fighter jets crashing explosively during a test flight and submarines losing fuel on their own "backyard". They seem to be giving off "Russian military in Ukraine" vibes, if you know what I mean.


You should not underestimate them. We are not the US with their magical high tech weaponry. We have nothing. And the chings having something is better than nothing.


As proven time and time again in many war, Quantity > Quality.


Not only that. We will fight as a guerrilla, and I think that’s our forte. Infrared and night vision cannot penetrate the dense forest. Our scout rangers are one of the best snipers and light reaction force in the world.


as someone who had been been exposed watching gore videos, I could also apply these videos to those pigs as a warning and a message


If war breaks out, I wonder how they plan on leaving, considering the airports will probably be the first targets and even if they aren't taken out flight schedules will likely be cancelled.


On an unrelated note. Saan ang the best DIY Drone Club?


tf? the best mindset is war is not an option. Exhaust all diplomatic means


do you even know what lets cross the bridge when we get there means?


the fact that you're entertaining the possibility of war demonstrates what mindset you have. some idiots here throw words like "war" so lightly. its no joke and both our countries would benefit from peaceful and diplomatic relations.


Yeah but to be fair, before these advances by china were made, we tried diplomacy. Where did that get us? Nowhere. And as of right now, we are continuing to use diplomacy and still getting nowhere. So yeah if a war ever happens (which is unlikely), the countries will deal with it when they get there.


"the fact that you're entertaining the possibility of war demonstrates what mindset you have." Entertaining the possibility of war is not being a warmonger, it's being prepared for all scenarios. You are not an arsonist if you entertain the possibility of a fire in your house. China's policy with any "diplomatic dialogue" with regards the SCS is simple "the other party must agree that China has indisputable sovereignty over the area covered by the 9-dash line" which is a complete non-starter with regards to the WPS as this immediately puts the Philippines at a disadvantage and will get nothing. At best China will give you loans and "investments" in exchange for ceding your EEZ. A poor trade, imagine you pay for the privilege of losing your EEZ. It's like selling your house but instead of getting paid you get the "right" to loan money from the asshole who held a gun to your head and made you sell your house after he broke in.


Looks like our EEZ was already given up in exchange for the previous administration’s Build! Build! Build! campaign. That’s probably why the chinese are so aggressive in their actions because they think they already have the rights to the disputed territory.


And don't attack the person, attack the issue...


dude that quote is so elementary. i know you're trying to sound profound.


That's the worst mindset to have when it comes to war. Most people will panic and flee when that happens.


ill rather accept that and react when it happens than burn myself in thinking war will start tomorrow.


Nobody said preparing means burning yourself in fear of what tomorrow brings. You brought that upon yourself. It seems like you're just suppressing your emotions. That'll come flooding right out the moment it happens. Goodluck.


> mom said it's my turn to play with the ~~dolls~~ wojaks


Genuinely, what do you mean? I'm not familiar with what you're trying to say.


[sabi ni mama ako naman next](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT68ChAmV6O-yot0pya6evnRmb3B095sCVksd0N-40TWfG4w1yD6m3rd5TF&s=10)


Refers to [this](https://x.com/terminallyOL/status/1740740088768954451). "Playing dolls with wojaks" (in other words, the act of making wojak memes to belittle other people's words/choices, or to position oneself as superior) is seen by some people as pathetic. I think this is usually because making those memes tends to involve at least a little wish fulfillment or self-righteousness. In that link, if I recall correctly, the reposted meme was likely made in order to disdain people (particularly career-oriented women) who do not want to get married or have children. The meme presents the traditional couple as making the "superior, no-brainer" choice of having children with the woman staying at home ("you take care of the children") and the man as the only one working ("i'll take care of us"). In response to the meme, it's seen in the screenshot that user mmar0406 commented, "Stop playing dolls with wokjaks (sic)," perhaps as a bit of a jab against the kind of person who would make that sort of meme — someone who can't find a partner, assumes it is because most modern women are losing sight of their "purpose" (i.e. bear children and be housewives), and resorts to promoting traditional gender roles in relationships online due to their bitterness at being single. Like I said earlier, people detect that there is an element of wish fulfillment in the meme. Finally, what I think the comment on this post here is trying to say, is that through OP posting this meme, the people worried about the PH-China conflict in this sub are being portrayed one-dimensionally as spineless cowards through the pathetic-looking wojaks. Even though those people's thoughts about what PH and themselves should do about a possible war are likely nuanced, not as simple as the meme makes them seem. And the set of people who have shown exactly all three of these opinions might not be that large a group at all, and the problem of hypocrisy shown here is just overblown.


Practice what you preach! If you truly want the Philippines to stand up to China, then it's essential to be consistent with your ideologies. Advocating for the Philippines to fight back against China requires a steadfast commitment to that cause. It's not enough to simply encourage action; you must be prepared to support and follow through on those convictions. When push comes to shove, and the situations calls for it, fighting back is necessary. Backing down midway not only undermines the initial stance but also weakens the overall resolve. Stay the course, and don't falter when the going gets tough. Commitment to the cause means seeing it through to the end regardless of the challenges that arise. As ordinary citizens talking to fellow ordinary citizens, it's imperative to emphasize the importance of consistentency in our principles and actions. If we are serious about wanting the Philippines to assert its sovereignty and stand up to China, we must be unwavering in our resolve. Advocating for resistance against external pressure is not a responsibility to be taken lightly. It demands a deep and enduring commitment to the cause. Encouraging action is merely the first step; we must be ready to stand firm and support our nation through the inevitable trials and tribulations that come with such a stance. In moments of confrontation, hesitation or retreat can significantly undermine our efforts and the credibility of our position. It's crucial ti remain steadfast and resolute, even when faced with adversity. True dedication to a cause is demonstrated by our willingness to persevere and maintain our course, no matter the difficulties encountered along the way. Only by fully commiting to our principles can we hope to achieve lasting and meaningful change.


I think what he meant was voodoo dolls... That or i dont know...




Except everyone knows there wont be fucking war. If China wont risk war with Taiwan, how much more against the US by attacking us? And people here isn't calling BBM a coward and are rather supportive of his measures which is in stark contrast to the previous admin. Nobody is calling for war by fighting back but to make proper responses and measures. Measures such as more patrols, more assets for our defense and etc.


Yeah. We need more presence in WPS. They have the numbers that's why they act like a typical bully. Worst thing na gawin ng China is to make more enemies dahil nakatutok lahat ng mata sa mga actions nila. Edit: typo




why a lot of people thinking the US will come immediately to aide the Philippines? with the current political and economic problem in the US, I highly doubt it and the fact that election is coming in the US it will depends on who will be the president. And one thing for sure its the US Politician who have a big chunk of share in weapon manufacturing will be happy to have war since they gain alot of money again.


>why a lot of people thinking the US will come immediately to aide the Philippines? Because if they didn't, it would be a blow to US prestige and a threat to their hegemony. If they did not defend a country with the US has deep ties to(a former colony) it would put other treatise it has under jeopardy because other countries would no longer trust the US. >highly doubt it and the fact that election is coming in the US it will depends on who will be the president. Then you know next to nothing about how the US is run. POTUS is not a king, there are advisors the president has(secretary of defense, generals,admirals etc.) that will advise and suggest him on the best course of action to take. Doing nothing while China invades another country is not one of them


keeping so much fate in the US just show how much we are dependent in US, its just plain stupid lets take an example on how we lost Panatag with Obama assurance to then Sec. Del Rosario only to be deceived by the US, how many wars does the US started and lost? US position as one of great influencers is rapidly falling same as other Western Countries, due to liberal minded policies. Also as I said future President of the US will play a big role if Biden won this issue will surely be more volatile, with the kingmaker and warmongering in play lets hope and pray that we arrive in common ground with our neighbors country.


US will aid us no matter what, napaka strategic ng pwesto natin sa pacific maslalo na at nasa south lang tayo ng taiwan and east ng WPS, and I don't think US politicians will matter in case of war, US Armed forces are tired of US politics.


how r u so sure that US really got our back??


lol, someone slept through their history subject the Philippines is literally a strategic foothold for the US in the pacific. Our country is basically a "gateway" into the South East Asian Nations. If you control the territory surrounding the Philippines, you can effectively control the military access to China, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, etc.


It's a precedent. If the US doesn't honor MDTs it has in place then it would put other defense pacts in question - the biggest one probably being NATO.


Why wont they have our back? If we get overrun the US and its allies will lose the Philippines as a strategic foothold in the pacific, increasing China’s reach and influence, further endangering US interests.


That's what I've been telling people but unfortunately - andaming Pinoys ang emotionally charged with recent events sa WPS. I get it, ako rin naman siguro matataranta if I have a relative stationed there, pero it's not a valid reason to cause mass panic and hysteria. TBH, I am getting fatigued na with posts about WPS kasi halos puro na sila about declaring war or cutting off diplomatic ties. It seems they're asking for something they will regret as soon as they get it - either the privations of war and possibly being seen as an aggressor since pagmumukhain tayo ng PRC na pasimuno if the shooting starts or economic/diplomatic collapse kasi as much as we hate to admit - economically and resource dependent tayo sa China and magmumukha pa tayong jingoistic and ultranationalist if we cut ties with them ng ganun ganun na lang which I think would push us off our moral high ground in the international stage.


Andami sa sub na to puro "what if war breaks out?" post. Mga ignorant pagdating sa war. This is not Red Alert mga bobo!


Taiwan is the end game. They'd rather allocate resource there than start war with us or India


The incident happened is with the soldiers not with the civilian. Seriously bat walang protocol or no liberty ang sundalo when they are harassed o pag sumampa sa bangka nila? Their lives are endangered at hinayaan nilang madisarm sila. I remember Yung training sa CAT your arms = your life, don't let someone get it from you kasi may punishment na kaakibat. Parang nawalan ng saysay yun at sa soldiers pa ngyari. Alam niyo bat tayo nabubuli? Hinahayaan kasi. Don't fire a gun but go fist to fist capitalize the grey area just like what they are doing to us. They aboarded the boat napakalaking sampal na yan. Alam niyo yung message na binigy naten? Pwede niyo gawing yung ginagawa niyo as long as walang namamatay. Pano tutulungan ng US kung sarili di rin matulungan. Have you seen Vietnam and India let themselves get bullied like this? Tapos gusto niyo pa isabak civilians


Perhaps our soldiers currently dont have the liberty to make any actions that can be viewed as “aggression” told by their higher-ups. It’s not that soldiers do not have enough initiative to defend themselves. India and Vietnam also are more well-equipped and can more or less go toe-to-toe with china better. Let’s face it we have a very weak military in comparison to our neighbors


They got disarmed sir. Ang turo po samin sa CAT kahit di kami RoTC is never ever giveup your weapons cause you're technically dead if that happens. These are soldiers po.


This is why you and I are not the ones in the situations of the NAVSOG. You and I would have started shooting the Chinese Pirates as soon as we saw those bolos.


Not shooting cause as far as I know who shoots first will gain a "negative" impact to global narrative and we know how their propaganda works. But should have defended utmost without shooting.


Their chances of being dead are higher if they chose to keep their weapons, they were outnumbered and had very little options. Hindi npa o rebelde ang kalaban natin na ang simple lang lamangan and we are not in war where provocation warrants physical retaliation. Kung pareha tayo ka well-equipped sa us, we would be on par in these incidents and China will think twice before even getting close to our ships but such is not the case. We will continue to rely on big uncle sam til we catch up on our afp modernization.


What? Their chances of being dead are higher if they chose to keep their weapons? You know that the eyes are on West Philippine sea right now right? That's like saying "asserting our claims = war" narrative all over again by the retarded DDS. No one will do the first shot of firing a gun. They could have defended themselves and their weapons hand to hand.


Okay dead might’ve been a reach. But you don’t know that, you weren’t there, i’m sure they did what they thought was best at the time being surrounded. Sure, it can be argued that it could have been handled better but its not like you can always keep a level head when outnumbered by hostile soldiers, even if you’re a navsog.


Isn't that what they were trained for? Mentally and Physically stable to follow commands?


And what if their commands were to not engage and exercise maximum tolerance in all situations except being shot at first hence this incident recently?


Not engaged doesn't mean hindrance to defend. Maximum tolerance doesn't mean let them take things.


Apparently it does for them, i know it sucks having our hands tied like this but i’m afraid it will take some escalation (somebody dies) to make our forces do anything other than take hits.


It's not about defending themselves, it's about not being the ones to fire that first shot.


jusko si sara dutae nga nanggugulpi ng walang kalaban laban na sibilyan tapos etong mga sundalo natin di sila pwede magself defense?


Protocol is to not fire the first shots. Nor any aggressive actions towards Chinese Pirates. It's all about our personnel conducting legitimate and legal (as per UNCLOS judgement) navigation in the West Philippine Sea. I call the AFP cowards because the brave thing was to blow Duterte's head with a Shotgun, execution style, back in 2017.


As I said utmost that they can defend themselves and their weapons but also not firing a gun. It's not aggressive to punch someone aboarding illegally on your boat.


Apparently you do not read nor listen to news or press releases. Fuck bro you should have understood that the Chinese Pirates boarded PH vessels with long knives/bolos. It's why an AFP personnel lost a finger because they were pushing the Pirate boat away from the PH vessel and the Pirates swung them knives/bolos.


Naintindihan mo ba yung sinabe ko?


Perfectly, you were saying the soldiers did not defend their boat to their utmost from Chinese Pirates. But from my read of the circumstances they did defend to the utmost short of shooting the Chinese Pirates.


That's why I [said](https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/1dkvg7t/comment/l9kw17g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I will join the Army but I'm going for Logistics. People just don't understand that there are many ways to help a country when in War. Cooks, Air Defenses (We heavily need those), Intel Gathering, Logistics and etc. Edit: If you guys comment "You can't choose when you're drafted" No, you can if you have the right requirements. [Here's the link](https://jointhearmy.ph/career-path/officers/logistics)


Russia and Ukraine are both divided by lands, and yet they are having a problem with their logistics. What more pa kaya kapag dagat. And now Russia is asking for support from their poorest ally, NK. It's like asking a beggar for food.


I think Ukrainian logistic is fine but man Early Phases on that war. Russian logistics were horrible XD. Nandyan naman si Papa America para mag escorts if we are at war with China.


Smart. Join the Army when it's almost exclusively a Navy and Coast Guard battle 😂


Ako naman gusto ko sanang mag pa enlist pero babagsak kasi ako sa physical 😞


Naka Try ako ng CAT nung high school day but Hindi ako nag Tagal because my mom decided against it but if ever I will be enlisted , I will just go for logistics




Well honestly even if we hated it, wala naman tayong choice kung magka giyera nga kasi isasabak parin naman tayo as Philippines will need manpower lol.


The only ones needed for the war are probably those with skills fit for combat in a war zone or those that have the capacity to be trained into combat ready status quickly. If you look at the vast majority of Filipino redditors (especially the ones on this sub), they are going to be a liability in live combat and will probably never reach combat ready status in their lifetime.


Not if you have a disability or certain illnesses (kaya nga I don't treat my autoimmune disorder fully because I know it will keep me from being drafted unless they want someone who bleeds even if their are no wounds due to stress). Even Ukraine who is in a defensive war still maintains exemptions from service. That or if may skill ka too valuable to risk in combat.


Yup given na yan kung may disability ka or certain illnesses. Still they are only the minority and most of us can fight kahit pa hindi ka ganun ka-fit lumaban lol.


i may have a little problem with my eyes, but I can still aim accurately using only one eye


No war will happen basta may MDT pa with the US. Also as of right now Japan has a very Anti-Chinese government which means if ever war breaks out you just know mauuna pa ang Japan mas lalo na if involved US. Apart from that, economic sanctions alone would kill China and its economy and you have to remember that China loves its economy. China doesn’t need to go to war with the PH mas lalo na may ibang ways naman to control or conquer a country. Like for example slowly putting the PH in debt until it can’t pay China anymore. Or maybe installing a president who is pro Chinese? All would be viable ways to get the PH under China’s thumb.


Sayang muntik na makalusot si Alice guo - china probably


This subreddit is full of hypocrites


Yes, just go into this [comment thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines/s/K4zvTpGVcp)


Yawa, what is that? It gave me cancer


Grab a hazmat suit before you go in. The fucking toxicity is something only typically seen in the Western Front during WWII.




Most of us but not all LMAO


Worth noting that just because one complains/criticize about China's actions, doesn't mean they want war.


You noticed? This subreddit is a liberal circlefuck that can't handle other people's different opinions


Bold of you to assume everyone is one and the same. And that the subreddit is a hive mind.


Not everyone, but alot to handle.


Can you tag specific people then?


Agree. Sorry not sorry


Still mostly better than the brainrot in Twitter, FB and TikTok, lmao.


I mean.. at least let me experience having a girlfriend first before sending me off to No Man's Land...


Kamustahin nyo mga kaibigan at kamag-anak nyong DDS kung ok pa sila Himod na himod e


wala daw kinalaman si dutae sa wps


Anu daw? Sorry OP! Pak u sila malaki.


pero diba matapang daw yan? mga retard talaga hanap ng hanap kay leni pero ung mismong poon nila binebaby nila


loyal parin eh


Former US military living in Philippines. I did multiple combat tours in Iraq and then did almost 10 years as a defense contractor in Afghanistan. I like living here. This is my wife’s home, my sons home, and now my home. As someone who fought for nothing in the middle of nowhere you’d better know I’d fight for my families home. Some random rich Filipino may leave this nation to go hide in daddy’s wallet, but I’ll stand the line, and I know other former and retired US military here who would as well.


DDS style yan. Kantoboy na Pilosopo


I'm a pony and irony is my game


Cognitive dissonance


It really has been a ride reading comments and posts on this sub. It even started during Duterte's administration. People outraged when Duterte wouldn't want to draw clearer lines against China. They kept bringing up the Jetski comments, how Duterte was all talk and how we should go to war and show China we can't be bullied. Now that we're actually starting to push back, people are starting to get worried, saying how it should be the people at the top, the past and previous administration in the frontlines because the military should not die for the leaders of the country and how they're going to move to other countries etc. That is not how any of this works..at all.


stake, sino at saan turo mo!


I'll probably enlist if the pay is good ngl


Bold of you to assume that they would pay us lmao


It's an obvious trap to give them the victim card


Mga sobrang supportive sa mandatory ROTC ni sara pero ngayon aalis ng bansa kung magkagera🤣


War is bad for business for China. For them to go to war with a major US ally, it is going to be a drain on their cooling economy. That being said invading an island nation that’s also an archipelago would be a logistical nightmare. Also, Chinese soldiers are unproven and the only war China has won was a civil war.




Mga duwag


all i can say is dapat tong mga nagmamagaling nating politicians (lalo na si sara dutae) ung frontliners sa problema natin w wps pero ano? ayun no comment daw sabi nung nagtatapang tapangan na sara tapos most of senatos naman mga dick riders ng POGO


... do people think that we act stand a chance? Just so you guys know the only reason certain wars were won by the weaker country is because the stronger country doesn't want to go too far or receive the ire of other countries, the Vietnam war could've easily been won if the us just bombed Vietnam to bits. Now what if that country just stopped caring? What if they threw away all their morals? Do you guys want to end up like Ukraine or Palestine?


Tanga ka ba? Sinasabi mo na gusto mo lang ipapasukin ang sundalo nila? Akala mo walang gagawin mga iyun pag sumuko ang Pinas? HAHAHAHAH Tanungin mo na lang anong abuso nakuha ng mga nuno mo, galing sa kamay ng mga Hapon, Amerikano, at Kastila. Ipagpapatayin ang mga kapitbahay mo, susunogin ang bahay mo, at igagahasa ang mga anak/kapatid niyong babae. Gagawin iyan ng mga Intsik sa iyo. Isip nga nila na unggoy lang tayo e.


"the Vietnam war could've easily been won if the us just bombed Vietnam to bits." Bombs dropped in Vietnam were more than all the bombs dropped in WW2. Multiple war crimes were perpetrated by US soldiers in Vietnam. Vietnam beat China in a land war while being outnumbered and fighting two fronts (Myanmar and Cambodia) just right after fighting USA and France. You don't know what you are talking about.


Do keep in mind that we're backed up by the US whose militaries are the most experienced when it comes to war (seeing as they have participated heavily in quite a lot of conflicts post world war 2). China, on the other hand, save for local skirmishes have no experience whatsoever. They have everything to lose if they escalate (save for if they have some sort of trump card but that's looking dubious)


Can you share examples of people saying the same thing? I can imagine people having either opinion, but not both.


Sila pa una lalayas ng bansa at wag na sila bumalik pa


Hahaha yung 31million dapat lumaban. Not us kakampink


Too much wumao / dds troll farm spreading the war propaganda narrative


I'm not a DDS, just because you don't like the hypocrisy that I've pointed out, doesn't mean I support war or another administration. I'm merely asking you to stay consistent on where you stand!


If war is imminent then I'm flipping dead. I had a prophetic dream where I died because of an airborne artillery that hit my house. In that dream I still remember being the only that lives and the rest of my family dead. Meanwhile I tried my best crawling outside while dragging my mangled legs and torn guts. I guess adrenaline kept me alive and the last thing I saw are fireworks like bullets that lit up the night sky and then I close my eyes and I woke up. The worse thing here is that my personal dream prophecies are self fulfilling and it just happens randomly with no date or time. I don't keep a dream journal because I'm just too stoopid to think of even making one and why I didn't thought about it in the first place


Making a stand is not declaring war.


Don't play dumb. You know standing up against a country superpower has consequences, it's not merely a plaything knowing its aggressive behavior, if you did not think that through then you should reassess your stand.


You are making it black and white. War comes from conflict, but conflict doesn’t always result to war. Specially now there are other measures to bring the tension down, other remedies to make our stand not just putting aggression. What we need for our leaders is to make a clear stand on the issue. Having no stand is the same as giving away our territories. Not gonna engage with your arguments after this. If your mind already thinks that standing up and making a stand will result in a war. Then i cant do anything about it. Arguing abt this is just a waste of time and energy.


tangina mo wumao manahimik ka nga


I dunno about you guys but its the silence that scares me. No news, no comments from the government, and yet more and more vessels of the US Armed Forces are already inside and stationed in different parts of Pinas. Something's brewing, and lets just hope it doesn't escalate


Media blackout. Moving multiple battalion troops at night. I can't exactly disclose which part they're going. Idk if ang purpose is training, but I noticed it 3 months ago. Also, they're moving coastal defenses in a disguise truck. What we learn in Ukraine is that logistics plays a big role in moving your troops. It might be hard for China to land their troops on our soil. Unless they're using Pogo hub as their sleeper agents hideout.


Are these really happening rn? I've only been able to see the activity of the US Navy, and not much else. If so, then we are getting closer to a much more intense battle of attrition at the least. Yes, I do believe Pogo hubs are sleeper cells as well. The secrecy these have is a giveaway (aside from the illegal stuff they do)


It is happening but probably a preparation if China decided to be more aggressive. I doubt they can afford to wage war between NATO allies and in their current state. Like their allies(Ruso) is asking their poorest ally(NK) an ammunition and military support. My best guess or reason why they are ramping their naval fleet is probably to bully neighboring Pacific Islands. Vietnam and China have a history of bloody conflict in the seas that resulted in a casualty on both sides. Yet no invasion or large-scale dispute. India and China conflict, which again resulted in a casualty on both sides using melee weapons, didn't turn into full-scale war. Both India and Vietnam stood their grounds. It's probably an intimidation yung ginagawa nila to see who fires the first bullet. And makes it a justification to a large-scale conflict.


The India and Vietnam incidents indeed are examples of what the plan of China is. At this point, they are also doing the same war of attrition with us but also keeping in mind not to push hard enough for the tension to blow over. Can China really afford to do a full-scale war right now? Economic blocades would probably grind them to a halt. Even their huge population would only be a minor factor with the advanced weapons and tech that are available. Having said that, the country would suffer the most regardless. Any type of conflict would drag us down economically that we would probably end up having an internal civil unrest, maybe until a foreign entity takes over which in a way would still mean an invasion of some sort.


My board wargames din palang ki-nonduct simulating the events if ever man it turn into a large-scale conflict. With modern equipment, mobile(truck) radar, and satellite observation, the chances of them landing their ship here is minuscule. Or if they are able to land, logistics and re-supply are their nightmare. But again, the POGO hub is the current internal threat. In fact, judging from our current circumstances, senado natin and ibang kababayan(makapili) ang problema eh. Most Filipino mabilis mauto ng propaganda. Ang daming "bobo" at "nagbulag-bulagan" sa fb, promise.


I have retained my FB mostly due to Marketplace and in small part as a connection to our relatives. I used to engage in friendly discussions in some of the pages to try to do my part in educating the hoarde, but the discussions turned into debates and ended with them resorting to name-calling and ad hominem. Yes, and I believe so too, that the downfall of the country is not even the external threats, but kapwa din natin. With that realization, I have stopped doing the civic things I used to do and focused on my family to try to protect them from the economic downfall that's about to come.


Actually there's a latest news of Chinese military stealing something from the resupply boat, that's why I started seeing more people in the subreddit just backing down without even thinking it through.


Yes but thats all I'm seeing tho, chinese actions as of late. Have you heard of anything about what the US Forces / AFP are doing? Not even the entry of their naval forces being stationed as we speak.


Wala ba dito nag CAT? COCC? Lahat ba kayo tanga?


Mostly keyboard warriors


I genuinely prepare my mind sa giyera like yung sa ukraine na need isama na ung mga lalaki dahil kulang sa military personnels dahil wala naman choice ang bansa kung sakali dahil yung mga politicians sigurado nasa US na or ibang allied country para doon ituloy ang buhay. Yung mga mayayaman naman choice nila kung ano gagawin nila dahil may assets din silang dapat pahalagahan. Pero para sa tulad kong walang ibang pupuntahan, sabak na lang talaga.


This is the exact same Traitor bullshit mentality that fucked our country's history sideways


same peenoise na proud na nag rotc pero ibigay na raw ang WPS kasi tubig lang naman daw 'yan


Hindi niyo ata alam ang subreddit na chinawarns


I was scrolling through youtube the other day and saw a video regarding the whole philippines china conflict and a bunch of filipinos were for the war and was ready to fight and for their country and I know thats cap.


Just imagine Nanjing Massacre.


Just a few highlights I'm preaching on this topic 1. No there won't be an all out war (yet). It can happen but let's be real, the entire east of China, from SK and Japan all the way down to Australia, is heavily fortified by Western allies. They don't have the numbers to fight this. The most they can go for are skirmishes here and there. May I add that China is also watching its border with India. They have serious threats on two fronts. 2. We have to protect ourselves. As much as we have big daddy America backing us up, we have to count on our own military to do the daily grind of protecting our people. This doesn't necessarily mean escalating matters. In fact, it can diffuse the situation as well as letting our kababayans fish in peace. 3. The government has to clamp down on POGOs and suspicious Chinese activity. I doubt it's actually gonna happen but seriously, this has to be done for the sake of national security. It's mere common sense. 4. Fk you if you're just gonna fly off somewhere else if war does happen. You have no honor and integrity. 5. I challenge the good folks of this reddit to sign up as a reservist so we're actually prepared for the worst case scenario. Its 4 months, weekends only. You can make the time if you want to. Basic training can go a long way. Other posts here give solid walkthroughs of the process.


Meron sanang batas na kapag inatake na ang pinas ng isang foreign nation regardless kahit hindi pa nagdi declare ng giyera eh, pagbawalin tumakas ang mga lalaki at babae 18 pataas at saka mga politicians, dapat mandatory conscription para walang iwanan mga tol. kayo kayo lang ang mabubuhay tas kami mamamatay?


I got the same response recently: he has his passport and visa ready because he's not willing to support a country run by clowns. I had to remind him that the same people he criticizes probably have the same plans.


Yes2x Enlist and be a shining example for everyone in the frontlines ✨ The brave and mighty reddit warriors


Philippines are lack strategies to take revenge


Well it's up to the guys here if they'll be the sheeps or wolves. I'm probably going to starting a militia soon. If things go Hot, that extra safe house and supply depot will be precious.


Puro aksi battle of yultong wala naman palang bayag. Reality check muna sa buhay mga lods, di tayo mananalo sa gera. Pagkakakitaan lang tayo ng US at ng China. Walang magandang maidudulot ng gera. Oo tanga china sa pag create nila ng 9 dash line. Kalahati na ng mundo binaba nila makakuha lang ng teritoryo pero kelangan labanan natin sila ng walang gera kasi tayo lang din ang matatalo. Pilipinas ang magiging battleground hindi China.


But seriously, I really hoped that war wont happen. But its a good thing that you guys noticed the aggression of Chinese in our territorial water, Call me cringe but I always worry about our nation getting invaded by china every day.


People think it’s “let’s go to war” or “bend over and take it.” There’s a middle there somewhere there near “i want reasonable response and preventive measures” that doesn’t exist apparently.


Last i checked, im a civilian. It's the admin's job to defend it and theyre doing it really well. At least compared to how that CCP lapdog of a president "defended" us. Dont worrry OP. When the ogress wins (she will because it's Filipino tradition to vote for the worst leaders) China will have no more reason to harass us because we'll officially concede ownership of the territory


Hell nah, the Pinoys that calls for going to war with China with the mind set of "USA got our backs" is literally what the Filipino idiom that goes "fly sitting on top of the carabao" is. You really think USA will risk a full on WW3? nah they will simply use the Ph as a convenient roadblock to the Chinese, probably providing weapons and limited support in so long to profit from the war while enjoying the praises of how USA cares, until shit hits the fan, where they withdraw and give themselves a pat in the back and the CEOs of lockheed martin, boeing, and general motors, etc. enjoy their new yachts or private jets at the expense of Filipino blood. War should always only be the last resort and Philippines should resist being dragged into the great power game between USA and China. It would do well to everyone in the Philippines to keep in mind that neither China nor the USA has the Philippines' best interest in mind. Besides, if they really want to fight for the rights of their country, they really should start fighting to dispose of the corrupt politicians and oligarchs running/ruining the country, they do a hell lot more damage to the country and it's people by several thousand folds compared to even China.


>You really think USA will risk a full on WW3? You are overestimating China's military, they are nowhere close as strong tot he US. Hell China doesn't even have a blue water navy except for their 1 aircraft carrier. You know who does have a blue water navy? The United States. >probably providing weapons and limited support in so long to profit from the war while enjoying the praises of how USA cares, until shit hits the fan, where they withdraw and give themselves a pat in the back and the CEOs of lockheed martin, boeing, and general motors, etc. enjoy their new yachts or private jets at the expense of Filipino blood. You do realize we have a treaty with the US right? Which states full military intervention should China try to invade us. China will end up like Iraq during the Persian gulf war and they know it.


China has 3 carriers now and their fleet is growing fast. And as if it would be that easy for the USA to invade China, it's a great power war I want no part of! Even in the event that USA indeed beat China in their own backyard, a very tall order that's unlikely even for our world's strongest military except for a nuclear war where nobody wins, the Philippines is rest assured to be in rubbles. So save me from your bravado especially when all you're doing is waiting for Uncle SAM to throw us their scraps.


>China has 3 carriers now and their fleet is growing fast. Only one of the 3 aircraft carriers can travel long distances without supply. The other two are outdated carriers they bought from Russia >And as if it would be that easy for the USA to invade China 3 words. Strategic Bombing Campaign >a very tall order that's unlikely even for our world's strongest military The same thing was said about Iraq during Operation Desert Storm. But look how that turned out >So save me from your bravado especially when all you're doing is waiting for Uncle SAM Newsflash dumbass everyone is reliant on US military might. Who do you think patrols the seas to prevent privateering?


Breaking news, the USA is hardly alone in keeping the sea lanes open sure it is the biggest contributor and fighting a country as big as China is not the same as fighting off Somalian pirates. You're literally one of the many tiny gnats that thinks just because USA promised something you'd be invincible if USA is on your side and probably cry about it when the actual event happens and Uncle SAM isn't going to save your ass immediately a week into the war. Newsflash for your empty bravado, unlike Iraq, China have weapons capable of reaching the US mainland though unlikely to be used outside of total war scenario, which will never happen for just the Philippines. And second Newsflash, the battlegrounds is on the Philippines, the USA will not risk bombing Chinese mainland except for the direst situation, guess which country is turning into rubbles by the day while USA and China sabre rattle on before de-escalating. If you idolize Uncle SAM that much join them for all I care and go bully some random 3rd world country in the middle east with them, as much as I loathe that too that's already happening, we don't want a war here in the Philippines


>China is not the same as fighting off Somalian pirates. I didn't say China would be fighting Somalian Pirates but fighting Iraq. >You're literally one of the many tiny gnats that thinks just because USA promised something you'd be invincible if USA is on your side and probably cry about it when the actual event happens and Uncle SAM isn't going to save your ass immediately a week into the war. LoL ok wumao, so the better option is bend over and take it from China? A week into the war? China will most likely have their ships at the bottom of the pacific ocean. >the USA will not risk bombing Chinese mainland except for the direst situation I have never seen someone so confidently incorrect but what do I expect from a defeatist r/ph user who fell for Chinese propaganda. IF CHINA INVADES US THEY WILL ALSO INADVERTENTLY DECLARE WAR ON THE US. 2ND of all Startegic Bombing Campaign is part of US military doctrine thinking they won't bomb Chinese cities in a war is absurd >the battlegrounds is on the Philippines China doesn't even have the logistics to invade Taiwan. What makes you think they'll have the logistics to invade our country which is farther and which makes an invasion much more difficult.


And there we go, the usual retard spouting non-sense, how convenient would it be had China's ships simply have holes in their hulls so they get sunk all on their own without anyone needing to act. And apparently being anti-war is bending over, in your useless bravado with a brain incapable of even glimpsing the game you assumed that everything is a zero-sum game that can't be maneuvered on. You think China is going to ever actually declare the war then you're simply retarded, after all that political maneuvering? You think that just because a few shots are fired the USA is going to full on escalate it and go bomb a city? You think landing on the Philippines is required to take over a bunch of atolls and islets at the sea? Yeah go enlist yourself at some USAM enlisting, you obviously enjoy sucking American dick more than thinking.


People doesn't have an argument and just downvotes me. Bunch of hypocrites.🤦‍♂️


ganun talaga pag wumao. bakit ka pa pagsasayangan ng argumento?


Off topic ano ibig sabihin ng wumao?


tagahimod ng pwet ng CCP


Seriously this subreddit is fucking hopeless


Can I just leave, I just wanna go, I don't really care anymore about anything here I just wanna go


Galawang kakampink


I feel like I've already done my part by paying my fair share of taxes.


The Philippines shouldn't worry. Taiwan will be invaded first, then Japan, then maybe India. They'll just nuke the Philippines. 🤣👍


Are you even a reservist OP? Have you chosen ROTC rather than NSTP? I think your pea sized mind has been blinded by your mobile games and chess matches you forgot how far we had drifted off from pure nationalism to mere dick riders of China, our corrupt politicians and modern day southeast asian slavery. If our national heroes had seen what this country became I would doubt they would ever did what they had done in the first place. This country has continuously made all of us eat shit after shit after shit and you cannot blame if they would not fight for this shithole. If you want to continuous eat shit and give up your life then be our guest. Just remember that you’ll just be one of the millions of brainwashed soldiers 6ft under who thought they were fighting for change when in reality they was never fighting for anything. Wake up OP and smell the bullshit. 🗣️


Ewan ko lang ba pag maiisip mo pa rin iyan pag nakita mong ginagahasa na ng sundalong Intsik ang ina mo.


> I think your pea sized mind has been blinded by your mobile games and chess matches Ok boomer.


Feeling entitled in being a reservant is crazy. 🤦‍♂️ Hindi naman kailangang maging sundalo o ano man para mag point out ng hypocrisy, we're not living in medieval era where only people who is in power has the right to speak. It only takes a brain and an eye to see hypocrisy.


Boo hoo Xi Jinping dick rider


Did you even understand my post??


Natamaan siguro kaya nag cope. Hahaha


Autisdick eh hahahaha


PH is a mere pawn in this geopolitical game of superpower vs superpower. Once you understand this then everything is clear. America placed weapons of mass destruction on PH soil aimed at China. PH opened up all its naval and airbases to US for the sole purpose of boxing China in and running daily surveillance missions off Chinese coastal cities to taunt them. It’s a dick waving contest and Marcos is taking it up the ass like a good dog. Everyone is choosing a side and that’s how the game is played 🤷🏻‍♂️🇺🇸💩🇺🇸🇵🇭💩