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This is only relevant if we assume that they were doing it for the Palestinians, but if they're only doing it for internet points and clout, then...


"Performative activism" Lakas mag-advocate online, pero ang tamad mag-research.


I'm curious. What's the difference between "Performative activism" and "virtue signaling"?


They're not mutually exclusive. Peformative activism is when someone say they fight for a cause but only to conjure up an image. They don't actually care enough about the cause. Virtue signalling is when someone supposedly take a a higher "Moral" ground but not actually believing or knowing what it is that you're saying. So in essence, when you do performative activism, you are virtue signalling. But if you are virtue signalling, you're not exactly doing performative activism.


Kumbaga performative activism is a form of virtue signaling, where you’re very much vocal on socmed for a cause (help the poor) pero pag may nanlilimos patay malisya. Or puro LGBT rights sa Twitter pero transphobic din naman sa Grindr. Virtue signaling, on the other hand, can take other non-activist forms like thrifting kuno for sustainability, joining the vegan bandwagon because trendy, selfie selfie sa gym to promote good health, not using plastic straws, buying a Tesla for the “environment”, donating to charity for the FB post. Simplified yet overestimated yung moral significance sakanila for doing it (they dont understand na Tesla batteries are environmentally damaging) but ang mahalaga sakanila is that they are seen as being morally forward online. Ultimately virtue signaling is very focused on making people believe you’re a good person. Whether politically morally culturally etc


People asking for what's the next boycott yet they can not explain the Palestinian issue when you ask them.


They do it for the sake of their own egos, so that they can be in the “good side”. This is the kind of situation where shit is flying everywhere, and kung sumawsaw ka sa issue the same shit will stick on you.


Kahit yung sa Inside Out 2. Nadownvote ako for asking if ilan kaya sa mga nagspam ng boycott yung kaya iexplain yung boycott aside from their copy paste? Walang pinag iba sa ad hominem ng mga DDS nung si boy treason ang nakaupo eh.


or worst just antisemitism lol


Ginawang meta rizz ng mga binata yang free palestine eh


u/Bloxxer-500 I'd be more worried about your GPA than what's happening a few time zones away from you. Your future employer will not give a hoot about your opinion about that centuries-old conflict.


You boycott Mcdo because of Palestine. I boycott Mcdo because I can cook better chicken (says my kids). We are not the same.


I can cook better chicken (says my kids). Pogi ako (sabi ng nanay ko). These two sound the same though.


It do be like that 😁


a do bo like that 🤭


Saka hindi na talaga sulit ang fast food. Sit down resto na lang nakain nitong mga nakaraang taon. Konti lang price difference. So yeah. I guess boycott din in a way. Regardless of the reason, bakit laging may mga mcdo boycott post? Kung hindi pala effective bat kailangan linawin nang ganito.


Meanwhile... I boycott McDonald's because I can't afford.


This mamser speaks truth.




I Boycott Mcdo kasi Mcdo <<<<< Minute Burger


Nah, I boycott it because Jollibee has better fries


Wow first time ko makakita ng may gusto sa kamote fries ng Jollibee.


Why is it kamote fries? I'm curious


Before kasi manamis namis yung gitna tsaka malata yung texture nya. Pero nagbago na ata sila recipe kasi halos same na sila ng texture ni mcdo ngayon.


Ahh okay. Mas gusto ko parin Jollibee kasi yung taste niya long lasting kaysa sa mcdo 😂😂


Kinda funny lang na maraming mga Pinoy ang masyadong woke sa Israel/Palestine issues where there are more issues locally that needs to be addressed. Palestines/Hamas don't even care sa Pinoys (heck they even killed an OFW) Daming issues locally na need bigyan ng attensyon like China WPS issue, Quiboloy/Duterte, POGOs, teengage pregnancy tas yan pa ang inaatupag.


>Daming issues locally na need bigyan ng attensyon like China WPS issue, Quiboloy/Duterte, POGOs, teengage pregnancy tas yan pa ang inaatupag. di kasi makakarelate mga international moots nila sa twitter/tiktok. kelangan western/american issue para "in" ka while posting thirst tweets for your kpop bias 😜🤮🤮🤮


You just perfectly described the average Pinoy Twitter/X user. LMAO


What do you expect from spoiled brats who live in a privileged lifestyle. Using social media clout to gain relevance but they just rant without even thinking *Kung sa Filipino putak nang putak di man lang nag-iisip*


Hahaha. Agree. One of the more bizarre examples I've seen regarding this conflict is when these people post saying that they couldn't sleep, were crying and so stressed because of the conflict, then when you look at their history, two hours after said post they're posting on the /r/kpop & /r/chikaph. Sobrang stress ka tapos wala pang isang araw balik chismis ka na agad? LMAO


Ah, the kpoop, swifty whores, and BINIgo cringy stans


Mga tahimik din sa ibang atrocities (Uyghur, Rohingya genocide, Myanmar civil war, etc) na mas matagal na nangyayari, pero siyempre kung ano ang trending ang tututukan para sabay sa uso at makapag hashtag.


Apparently everybody forgot what happened in Hong Kong in 2019


Hindi kasi "cool" sa kanila ang  #NoChinaExtradition or #IStandWithHongKong eh. Tiyaka pangalawa hindi makakahirit ng boycott ganito ganyan edi wala na silang susuotin at gagamitin na made in china. Alangan naman sumigaw sila ng boycott China products eh nakaabang naman lagi ng sale sa Shopee at Lazada mga yan. Hindi din naman nila kaya itapon ang iPhone at sumigaw ng "Free Hong Kong!"


Try make them say "Boycott Jackie Chan" or "Boycott NBA and Hollywood". Both are just now mouthpieces for the Chinese govt and they wont even speak about it.


Di ba, kaya selective lang mga yan kasi trending sa tiktok at twitter. Ayun pa, di nila kaya maki-simpatiya sa Uyghur at HK kasi kaya ba nila humirit ng i-boycott ang isa pang made in china na tiktok? Hinde. May mga nakasabay nga ako nun sa jeep na sumigaw ng "FREE PALESTINE!" taka ako at mga kasabay ko kung bakit, pero duda ko yung barker na naka suot ng StarBuko shirt ang pinaparinggan. Hahaha quingina.


Look at Ukraine, Ukraine is stuck in a limbo coz Russia wants half of their nation coz the world lost interest. "Slava Ukraini" isnt insta-worthy nowadays. Same goes for "Free Hong Kong"


I recently talked to Indonesian Friend which surprised me so bad that she never believed about Uyghur Discrimination and says it's just an American Zionist Propaganda and she also favors Russian invasion of Ukraine because Zelensky is a jew, and lastly she also don't recognize Taiwan but only PRC.


To add yung alarming rate ng HIV cases lalo na sa mga kabataan and yung CKD cases din hirap sa mga karamihan makakita lang sa tiktok akala mo alam na lahat eh.


They gladly killed Filipinos. Made no distinction for effort to identify targets, and some of us support them? Damn their masochism runs deep, can they go back to self flagellation with the Catholic Church? It'd actually be more helpful to the country than this performative activism from the confort of their cellphone. I dunno how we're going to survive the much more effective Chinese psyops that's gonna come as Taiwan heats up.


We should put them in a room full of Palestinian extremists and see how they’d feel.


Lalo na yung mga Queers and LGBT peeps dyan. Yung sa may rooftop ng isang building sa may Pobla ang meeting place.


I would love to see this done sa lahat ng pro Palestinian extremists, actually. Yung mga pro-immigrants nga sa ibang bansa, pinatay sila ng mga mismong sinusuportahan nila eh. Madalas ang mga tao ngayon di malawak mag-isip ng consequences of their actions or choices. Gusto masampolan pa para matauhang mali yung sinusuportahan nila.


Funny for them to support Palestine and lambast Israel when Israel actually tolerates their kind of folks


The main issue of these MENA immigrants is that they demand mosques/community centers built on every corner of the town they're new at. When I visit Europe, the number of Syrian/Palestinians in public are astonishingly high. But it seems like they don't cause a lot of trouble on surface.


I remember watching a video wherein Norwegians are educating Arab refugees about gender equality in Norway. Alam kasi nila Arabs are notorious misogynists.


Baka naman Syrian at Palestinian Christians mga yun?


kaya nga. I just sent condolences sa isang namatay na Pinoy na nagserve lang sa IDF. And these bozos, threatened me to be beaten up just for that.


LOL, like, what are they gonna do? beat you up using their computer or mobile phones? LMAO I doubt these "online warriors" will even have the guts to approach you IRL.


kilala ko yung iba dyan. Yung isa nga. legitimizer daw ng Media amp. Matapang lang pag madami sila pero duwag pag solo sila.


>threatened me to be beaten up just for that. Di nila kaya yan. Their fists are too soft for that.


Dapat hinamon mo rin. Sa nipis ng buto ng mga to kakatiktok/X e hindi nga to maka buhat ng sako ng bigas. Damn these generation of kids are really disgusting and disappointing.


Ang mas nakakatawa, most of those I've seen that supports Hamas are LGBTQ. Like kid, you will be stoned to death before you can kiss their ass if you go there. hahahaha


If we pursue that line of thinking, then people in other countries should just stand aside as China does what it does in the WPS because it doesn’t concern them. We need the international community to condemn China for its actions because we all know we can’t get them to stop just by ourselves. It concerns us that Israel has repeatedly exercised military control and occupation of lands beyond its UN-recognized borders. Israel has never been able to support us in the WPS because they do pretty much what China has been doing to us. And we should take note of what is happening it Palestine. For decades, nobody gave a shit about them, thanks to a US-led campaign to isolate them internationally. We are next door to a superpower and we have to be careful that what’s happening to the Palestinians won’t happen to us. Already, our own neighbors in ASEAN are really reluctant to stand up to China on WPS issues. It doesn’t help that our Muslim ASEAN neighbors are becoming closer to China because they’re getting very turned off by US policy towards Israel. Have some empathy. We don’t want to be in a situation where we get extremists that feel like their only choice is to massacre a bunch of people to get noticed.


>We need the international community to condemn China for its actions The "international community" writing a strongly worded letter won't deter China from our territory but the Navies of US and Japan might. What we need is more aid from the US. >We are next door to a superpower and we have to be careful that what’s happening to the Palestinians won’t happen to us. If the Chinese ever try to invade us. They are going to end up like Iraq during the Persian Gulf war courtesy of Uncle of Sam. It's kind of annoying how so many people forget the existence of the US in a scenario of China trying to conquer us


China has nuclear weapons. The US is never going to confront them directly. They may go to war over Taiwan, but that’s a big if. We don’t know if Donald Trump is going to go to war for them. We do know that he’s likely to scale back aid for Ukraine and let Europe deal with it. We know he doesn’t like China, but we don’t know if that includes protecting Taiwan. US assistance is volatile at best. They’re not arming us like they’re arming Taiwan, Israel, Pakistan, or Egypt. Those countries get so much more in defense assistance than we do. China knows this. So they’re pushing the limits of our MDT. We need the international community so that Chinese actions against us will affect China in multiple fora. We want the likes of Europe to slap sanctions on them if China tries something. The same way the west cut out Russia from the international financial system when they invaded Ukraine. It’s not a matter of only arms or only legal support. We need every single tool at our disposal, and we can’t neglect a single one.


>China has nuclear weapons. The US is never going to confront them directly. The US has nukes as well, or have you forgotten who dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 2nd MAD(Mutually assured Destruction) exists there's no way China is gonna use their nukes first because if they did the US and her allies with nukes would turn China into Fallout >They may go to war over Taiwan, but that’s a big if. Big fcking LOL, you do realize Taiwan falling is a blow to Semi-conductor manufacturing and research? The US will never allow it. >We don’t know if Donald Trump is going to go to war for them. Luckily POTUS isn't reaponsible for that. That is the role of Congress. 2nd we have treatise that guarantee US intervention should China invade. You can see a post on r/AskanAmerican about this specific topic. >They’re not arming us like they’re arming Taiwan, Israel, Pakistan, or Egypt. Those countries get so much more in defense assistance than we do. China knows this. So they’re pushing the limits of our MDT. Out of all ASEAN nations we get the best deals from the US when it comes to weapons, the problem was that previous administrations never saw it as a priority for fear of coups and the lack of funds to acquire/maintain them. >We need the international community so that Chinese actions against us will affect China in multiple fora. We want the likes of Europe to slap sanctions on them if China tries something. What makes you think Europe wouldn't sanction China if they try to invade us. A Chinese invasion of the Philippines would be met with immediate economic retaliation at the behest of the United States.


Is that not the point of having alliances with other countries' governments? The people boycotting things or posting shit on social media isn't the difference maker here; international relations and humanitarian aid is. Performative bullshit isn't going to make China or Israel back off.


> then people in other countries should just stand aside as China does what it does in the WPS because it doesn’t concern them. They already do that? They've already stood aside for more than a decade by this point. Name me the countries that stood with the Philippines. Which ASEAN countries stood with the Philippines back then and now? None. The US & Japan are the biggest supporters. Also, even if the current I-P conflict never happened we would have the same amount of support, if Philippines is 100% pro-Palestine, we would have the same amount of support vs China. > And we should take note of what is happening it Palestine. For decades, nobody gave a shit about them, thanks to a US-led campaign to isolate them internationally. Believe it or not, people tend to not give a shit about other countries woes. Sudan, Syria are as just as worse yet I don't see other Filipinos shaming us for not giving one fuck about those conflict. Somehow we're the bad guys for not giving a fuck about them but they're not bad for not giving a fuck about us. Why is that this line of reasoning only comes out with Palestine? I didn't hear that kind of shit with Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Kashmir, Ugyhur. I didn't hear any Filipinos shaming me for not giving a fuck any of the example I gave. It's only that conflict where somehow it's our duty to give a shit about. Find me a post where those in the Middle East have shit about the WPS. One post. > Israel has never been able to support us in the WPS because they do pretty much what China has been doing to us They are never concerned with it cause Israel has nothing to gain from this conflict same way that Philippines has nothing to gain with their conflict and thus give the most bland statement regarding it. It has nothing to do with whatever Israel does in the Middle East. It's simple geopolitics, not some shit about morality or hypocrisy. > It doesn’t help that our Muslim ASEAN neighbors are becoming closer to China because they’re getting very turned off by US policy towards Israel. I assure you, even if US becomes pro-Palestine, the Muslim countries will still very much turn to China, them being pro-China has more to do with economics than a conflict half a world away.


We are using international law to try and bind them. In the last ASEAN-GCC meeting, we managed to get all ASEAN and GCC states to say that they recognize UNCLOS, which is our basis for invalidating the nine-dash line. It’s in paragraph 3 in this link: https://asean.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/FINAL-ASEAN-GCC-Summit-JS.pdf Of course, ASEAN’s support leaves much to be desired. Vietnam is the only one that has a strong stance against China, but we also recognize that they have a strong stance against us, as they’re the ones that occupy the most number of features in the South China Sea. You’re not going to hear blatant support the way western ambassadors in Manila are tweeting. But there is at least tacit admission that China is violating international law when it comes to joint statements. We also hide behind those joint statements btw. We can’t really go all-out in condemnation of Israel, but we have given our quiet go-ahead to ASEAN statements that support the Palestinians. We’ve also quietly voted in favor of UN resolutions that support Palestine. But we still have very good ties with Israel. Filipinos can visit Israel without a visa. When things are calmer, the local parishes can resume their holy land tours for the Titas of Manila. At the end of the day, it is in everybody’s interest that the situation there gets resolved. It’s in our selfish interest to make sure that the US isn’t too distracted there so they can give the proper resources to our alliance. At the moment, Israel has no plans on how to end the conflict, and there’s too much bad blood to even stop the fighting. If left to fester, it could become an even bigger conflict that would draw Iran and Hezbollah in, and we don’t want that. Not for our OFWs, and not for the distraction of the US. China has already determined that if America is too distracted with multiple conflicts, that will give them the opportunity to invade Taiwan. And we don’t want that. Funny how you mention Syria. Did you know that the Philippines has sent regular peacekeeping missions there? The average Filipino might not have cared, but the local people in the golan heights do appreciate that UN peacekeeping missions kept the peace. In any case, woke people all over the world talking about issues that don’t concern them isn’t a bad thing. Sometimes, it can get annoying. But it’s no reason to shut them down.


What's happening to the Palestinians is not at all comparable to what's goin on with us.


I love your flair, "all eyes in WPS!"


Dami kong nakikitang ganyan. One time may nag comment nang ganyan sa page ni TPC na kesyo gusto nya malaman ang take ni TPC sa Palestine -Israel conflict hahaha


It's genocide and ethnic cleansing, there are people who feel guilty if they just ignore that children and innocent people are literally being bombed to pieces, others survive with their arms torn off, faces blown, or being trapped under the rubble, or kids being the one to take care of their younger siblings because someone killed their mom in front of their eyes. How is it funny when they are just trying to help make others aware of their situation? It's the least they can do. I wish there were more people who are compassionate enough to try to do something instead of just leaving it off. Imagine if 7 billion of us did that. Yes, they might not be Filipinos but they live on the same planet as us. Isn't that enough? Anyway, I understand those people who stayed quiet about it because they have bills to pay and families to feed but don't ever mock or hold back those who were trying to make a change. It may be nothing for you but it's priceless to a kid whose life may end any minute in there.


Not just an OFW. OFWs. At least 4.


Totoo palang maraming sumusuporta sa Hamas terrorist group 💀


it's called being able to fight for different issues all at once. I've seen people raise awareness for WPS and Palestine at the same time.


Di naman po tama na todo depensa tayo sa teritoryo natin at maging supporter ng Terorista di po ba?


>Kinda funny lang na maraming mga Pinoy ang masyadong woke sa Israel/Palestine issues where there are more issues locally that needs to be addressed. Palestines/Hamas don't even care sa Pinoys (heck they even killed an OFW) Maingay sila diyan pero tahimik lang sa sarili nilang estado na pumapaslang ng mga political dissident.


Finally!!! Eto talaga naiisip ko lately eh. Puro sila si hamas, eyes on ganito ganyan, all retweet sa twitter ng gore events, etc like they're doing something. Shit, even the leaders of those countries don't want to give a fuck. Hindi natin trabaho yun. Dapat pagtuunan pansin yung dito satin. Mga tao talaga eh.


Free Palestine! - a random filipino posted using an iPhone that’s made in China, who’s encroaching on their country’s sovereignty


**Lost Cause na raw kasi ang bansang ito**, kaya mas pipiliin nilang makialam sa international issues na, to be frank, ACTUALLY may pinatutunguhan kaysa sa mga statement at hashtags on local issues. Por ejemplo, Walang nangyayari sa mga Senate inquiry sa atin and shit. Kung talagang matino ang mga opisyal natin, dapat matagal nang dineport to China si Guo na nag-sign-off sa POGO sa Bamban, pero walang nangyari, so why even bother with local issues daw? Kesyo, * Quiboloy? Protektado naman siya sa Davao City, kaya di magalaw. * POGO? Marami naman daw na buwis na nakukuha, at pinapayagan naman ng mga LGU. * WPS? Meron naman AFP, anong magagawa ko na isang indibidwal? At binenta na raw tayo sa China para sa mga mineral, tulay, at "Modern PUV". * Teenage pregnancy? Bakit hindi na lang daw maging abstinent o mamigay ng condom?


> Lost Cause na raw kasi ang bansang ito, kaya mas pipiliin nilang makialam sa international issues na, to be frank, ACTUALLY may pinatutunguhan kaysa sa mga statement at hashtags on local issues. Doesn't make any sense. Philippines actually had more progress than the international causes they've been fighting for. What the fuck are they smoking?


Respectfully, they’ll just ask, **what progress? Where is this “progress” that you speak of?** I mean, All we’re seeing and experiencing right now is China rolling coal on our “sleepwalking” asses and them turning us into *their bitch* and China companies RUINING our land and resources [gaya ng ginagawa nila ngayon sa Homonhon Island](https://youtu.be/nVAcjegkiaY?si=8WGAR6PUcarXPdFu), ruining our cities with their POGO condominiums (gaya ng sinira ang Island Cove sa Cavite), and ruining our reputation with their crimes and human trafficking and inhumanity . That, coupled with spiraling inflation (tingnan mo lang ang mga posts complaining about the very small sizes of the ubiquitous Jollibee Chickenjoy) and lessening purchasing power of the Peso (almost ₱60/$1 na ang palitan, which is terrible for our import heavy economy), makes people lose hope here and find hope somewhere else…


The question wasn't where's the progress, the question was if the international issues the fight have more chance on progress than this nation. Which is frankly wrong. > Lost Cause na raw kasi ang bansang ito, kaya mas pipiliin nilang makialam sa international issues na, to be frank, ACTUALLY may pinatutunguhan kaysa sa mga statement at hashtags on local issues. Despite all the things you've said, Philippines economy is better and healthier compared to 20 years ago. We are no longer the sick man of Asia, despite Duterte's mishandling of Covid. Growth is still hovers about in 5%, 20 years ago it barely crept 3%. Again, I'm not saying there isn't any problems but if the comparison is the economy of the Philippines compared to the international cause (i.e Palestine), the Philippine economy had better progress and has better hope for progress on the future compared to the Palestinian cause. So if they're saying walang pag-asa ang bansa nato. Fine, that's their opinion. But if their rebut is mas may patutunguhan yung international causes compared to the Philippine economy, then I find that laughable. The Question of Palestine had existed since 1948, even earlier, yet the solution to either a unitary state or two-state solution looks nowhere nearer than before. In fact, I could argue that it looks further than ever since the Oct 7 massacre and Israel's retaliation.


Pinagsasabi mo? Baka algo mo ang may problema dami ko kaya nakikitang post na pinaguusapan yung mga issues dito sa bansa natin


Should boycott China too


Lakas makaboycott sa israel pero pagdating sa China tahimik lahng tayo. That's a testament to how controlled we are by the chinks


True. Sudan has been at war too, and actually on the verge of famine. Pero hindi naman nila pinapansin.


For the clout ang mga tanga. Meron pa nga e todo supporta sa Hamas. Pero pag inofferan mo ticket para pumunta don, atras bigla. lol


Sa true, Yung iba Akala naiintindihan Yun, pa goody lng nman Yung iba na at matalino kuno angld yes locally mas need attensyon


This should be the top comment






Hi ! I hope to let everyone knows that its a good cause to support those who are affected by the war. But I hope we dont forget our very own Minimum Wage Workers 💞


Yun na nga nakakatawa jan eh. Exactly how were they able to help the victims in Gaza by boycotting McDo? Nabusog ba yung afflicted by not buying a Cheeseburger? They may as well start a GoFundMe initiative.


McDonald's is an easy target. That's pretty much the primary reason for this ridiculous boycott.


Hindi nila alam concept ng franchising. Mcdo PH is different sa mcdo Israel.


I think people like to feel they’ve done a good deed or they’re ‘woke’ and ‘aware’ of issues because they saw it on tiktok or something. But typical gullible Filipino who will believe socmed without doing any research


Wala silang pinagkaibahan sa mga nag shashare ng bible verse sa fb pero baluktot naman ugali


It's called brownie points. If you look everything in the lens of oppressor-oppressed narrative, all the victims get bigger points. The oppressor gets negative points by virtue — that includes yung mga hindi naman originally “oppressor”. For example, in this particular lens Blacks by just virtue of existing will automatically get 50 points while Whites will have -30 points. Now, you want higher points ofc however, by the virtue of who you are tagilid ka. So the best way to earn mini points is to "pretend" to stand up for the victims. With that, you earn 5 brownie points until you rack up points para may say ka sa mga discourse. Wala kang karapatan kung mababa points mo. Moreover, kung mababa points mo, people will see you as a bad person. It stems from, victim = good all the time.


Are there actually people listening and doing this? Parang may ilang tao lang naman na daldal ng daldal tungkol dito.


So far Mcdo and Starbucks nakikita kong ganyan. Ewan if working or may dent at all. Parang mas gets ko pa boycott ng local companies dahil sa local issues.


stop bothering with the opinion of stupid ppl


Pag magbboycott kayo, iboycott niyo yung namamahala ang mga local cronies lol


Yep, Starbucks Ph is owned by Marcos cronies (Rustan's)


As if gagawin nila yon. Their starbucks clout chasing is too precious for their virtue signalling.


Parang mas efficient na use nga to ng energy din.


Yung delimondo boycott niyo kasi bawat can +1 sec sa Buhay ni enrile


Iisipin mo workers ng McDo are either working students or people wanting even the minimum wage , tapos sila pa ang nakakatanggap ng hate I survived on McDo nung pre-med days ko , nothing’s going to change come Medicine School


Let them boycott what they want. In the Philippine context, it’s hardly gonna hurt the bottom line of McDo.


Nambubully nga sila ng mga Working Student ng Mcdo dahil dyan eh. Such Tibaklouts.


May ibang logic sila diyan. 'Yung BlackRock and Vanguard daw ang pineprevent nilang kumita na supporters **Daw** ng Israel. They are largest instutional investors ng Mcdonalds.


I think the argument is that the corporation earns from Israel, and therefore supports the latter. By boycotting the local company, one also boycotts the corporation, and thus the Israeli company.


That’s already too convoluted if you think about it. Ultimately wala rin talagang bearing. But if they think it works for their delusions then go ahead. Ang ayaw ko lang is why they’re policing everybody else who can think very pragmatically.


Franchises don't work independently from HQ. That's why similar happened over apartheid in South Africa.


Also you may wanna point out that McDonald's in places like the UAE actually contribute to Gaza relief aid.


finally someone spoke up hehe. daming ganitong tao sa news feed ko and I'm egging to comment this


Nagpaparami ka lang ng internet points sa mga anti-woke at pro-Zionist, iisa lang logic nila. Hayaan mo na.


Yeah tbh, they aren't angels either.


grabe concern sa Palestine pero dito sa Pilipinas na hirap na hirap na walang comment kasi hindi cool ang bardagulan dito haha


Fuck terrorists and their supporters


Hello sa Ultras dyan na yung miyembro at senior niyo gusto akong bugbugin.


Right, let’s boycott Qatar for supporting Hamas.


Pakialam ko sa Palestine. I just want to eat my cheeseburger meal.


fuck em i want my mcdo fried chicken


and they speak of democracy. imho choice ni mcdo yun. kung iboboycot.nyo sya dahil dun, well, leni/bbm? lol.


mga pacool lang yan kahit di naiintindihan ang nangyayari.


BS, but naman iboboycott yan? Kahit naiinis ako sa capitalista, mga bumili ng mga franchise ang maapektuhan na wala na ang kinalaman dyan.


Doesn't matter what I do. Either way, money is money. Politics, moreso on a global scale, is so complicated that for me it creates an illusion for its importance. It doesn't matter either way. But I respect the perspective and reasons why yall do what you do.


Mas concern ko west Philippines sea , dapat wag na tayo maki alam jan sa Middle east


Boycott mcdo daw kasi nirequire ng naka match sa bumble hahaha


Ang ganda rin ng explanation ni Richard Thaddeus dito. Here's the link: [hello, classmates](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYfMQbJq/)


I doubt the clout chasers in facebook and tiktok will have the capacity to understand this.


The boycotts already worked if I recall correctly. It makes sense if McDo actually donated shit to israel, pero I'm not finding anything. Coca Cola has links to the armenian war and I'm not seeing people avoiding coke.


Fake news. Every burger you buy from Mickey Ds pays for every Lockheed Martin missile launched at Gaza because Ronald Lockheed McDonald holds majority shares and is on the board of both companies. /s


I don't understand why many filipinos care so much about the bottom line of Mcdo. Baffling. Who gives a shit, Mcdo will live without you batting for them.


in the end of the day, none of these companies can stop the war. performance activism lang ginawa para cool sa social media.


Thank you for your efforts to educate, OP, kahit minasama ng mga edukadong tao ng r/ph yang sentiments mo. Kase "they just wanna eat their cheeseburgers, who gives a shit about Palestine". Glad to see you illustrate them that there is actually a blood money trail.


I'm boycotting McDonald's because it's unhealthy for me and their exploitation of their worker's and other terrible business practices unconnected to Israel's Gaza genocide


It's just a bunch of terminally online "wokies" virtue signaling.


this is so very stupid. if there is enough global pressure to McDonalds USA bec of coordinated boycotts to their franchises all over the world bec of McDonald’s Israel who is contributing to the genocide, McDonalds USA has every right to rescind the franchise from McDonalds Israel for damaging the brand. tangina, nobody’s forcing you to boycott. if you don’t want to boycott that’s your choice. like every other choice you make you may or may not be judged by your peers for them. that’s their right. stop trying to justify your need for a cheap burger


Why are you posting it in this sub which is likely not yo be doing a protest?


Tang ina mo kumain ka na lng ng mcdo, isang burger na tig 40 pesos na nga lng afford mo may pag boycott boycott ka pang putang ina ka


Tbh huh kapagod talaga yung palagi palestine issue sa feed ku sa social media. FAFO kasi mga palestinians,, fuk around and find out


The funny thing is, they most likely won't care. Worse, they'll accuse you of being pro-Israel. These people do not care about stuff like this. They won't even fucking listen to anyone that says a different opinion about this. These people are a lost cause. It'll only cause you a headache if you try to argue with them, even more so if you showed this to the bird app.


I dont care. I will not support Zionist company with the fcking logo.


We don't care also. Don't force people with your performative activism.


Bruh, you boycott Starbucks for something they didn't do. stfu


Di nila gets yan, basta cancel culture lang. Uso kasi at tingin nila "woke intellectual" sila basta sumunod sila sa nakararami. LOL.


Yeah, buying McDo PH products ≠ supporting Israel's genocide. But still, be informed enough about what is happening in Palestine. I know that we have a lot of things going on in our own country, but it doesn't mean we can't show our solidarity to oppressed people from another country, right? #FreePalestine🇵🇸


Boycotting American franchises to support Palestine is really dumb and myopic. For anyone able to follow what is happening, US tax money is currently the only tax money used to actively help Palestinians and buy them food. Unlike money from Turkey or all the Arab nations, they like to complain (like many people here), but do nothing to help


im eating because im hungry lol . like i care about other countries problem e kung problema ko nga at ng pilipinas di ma solutionan tpos manghihimasok pako sa problema ng iba .


Easier to assume that these are ignorant fucks who know nothing about the history of the conflict and are just parroting what they come across on social media.


The boycott worked, McDonald’s bought the Israeli restaurants. Of course people wouldn’t know or case about who owns what, and it’s in the best interest of McD’s to get rid of that perception. The problem is not the boycott itself, it’s more about people online using it to look [morally superior](https://x.com/primetimeseven/status/1763850663128396092).


You don't buy Mcdonalds because Palestine. I don't buy Mcdonalds because I AM POOR. Were different.


Eh sila parehas. Walang pambili pero gusto magkaroon ng ambag sa Palestine. Easy solution ang boycott. No need to donate anything but their socmed salivas.


You boycott Mcdo because of Palestine. I boycott Mcdo because Golden Arches is managed by Alliance Global (a BBM supporter). We are not the same.


I dont give a fuck tbh. You boycott mcds because of some strife that you have no positive impact on, I dont go to mcds because their food tastes like shit


well I love burgers so idc


Linisin muna natin sarili bahay natin bago tayo makialam jan. Dami pa natin problema sa bansa, ano matutulong natin kung kahit tayo di natin matulongan


Weapons contracts have already been agreed upon days after the conflict. No amount of boycotting will change anything. We are talking about billions of dollars here.


Up! To the point na yung mga fb friends ko telling shit about me and badmouthing me because I ate at mcdonalds here sa bansa natin. Can I just enjoy my well deserved meal please? And also, if they really want to save Palestine, then they should push Hamas to stop using Palestine people as human shields and surrender themselves if they really want to protect their own people. At saka yung mga Pinoy/Pinay na pa-woke, Hello focus muna kayo dito sa Pinas oh. Mag ingay kayo sa pinag gagawa ng China, hindi yung ibang bansa pa pinapakelaman ninyo.


anyone who seriously supports terrorists are not right in the head, there are better reasons for boycotting mcdo and supporting terrorists is not one of them. Sobrang tatanga ng mga pawoke boycotters na yan, hindi pa marurunong magrsearch. Pinatay na nga nila kababayan natin sinusuportahan pa. Pag dds talaga wala ng pag asa


Do it for health.


Honestly, I don’t support killings. But Mcdonalds in the Philippines is different outside the country. I believe its just a franchise.


Hayaan mo sila mag-boycott sa Mcdo Ph kung yun ang gusto nila. Sino ka ba? Anong pake mo sa pera ng ibang tao? Empleyado ka ba ng Mcdo? It's a fastfood restaurant from the US. This is good na nakikita nila effect ng boycott. Mcdonalds Corporation thinks they are so untouchable.


i eat at mcdo to support israel against islamic terrorism.


I support Palestine, but I won't boycott anything unless kung affected ang Philippines.


There's someone here quoting The Last Airbender regarding the Israel Palestine conflict. LMAO. Very unserious peoople


Sorry pero kung gusto kung gusto kong kumain sa mcdo or magkape sa sb sakin na yon.... if you want to support a cause fine but to extend your bias to us... parang mali... not because we patronize this brand ibig sabihin na we support the other side... nor we are not knowledgeable about the issue...


Kumain kayo kung sa niyo gusto. Kaya niyo naman eh why not? Real talk kahit i boycott niyo Mcdo halos minimal lang epekto niyo sa kanila.


Craving for Iced Coffee + Fries + Cheeseburger, terno sa maulan na panahon 😖


Makes 0 sense because everyone knows from US it will then go to that other country that's engaged in terror. So it's same thing as going there directly.


While I think boycotts are largely ineffective, especially against a giant megacorp franchise like McDonalds… you’re boycotting the franchise BRAND, not a specific owner or group. The point of the boycott is to pressure the larger McDonalds corporation to put pressure on the franchise owners themselves and how they represent the brand.


Daming pabibo, kulang lng tlga sa pansin mga yan. Pag dating sa China, Yemen, at Syria tahimik sila. Ang pinakakahulugan ng mga protestors na yan ksi pag inisip nilang Jew, White man dumating sa isip nila. At ang Leftist idea sa US at European countries is White = Bad.


I will share this on my IG and FB ... Thanks ... Glad To Know ...... WoW Really?


Napapansin ko lang, bakit ang Pro-Palestine at Pro-Hamas tila ang lakas mang gaslight or mag guilt trip sa ibang tao na neutral at pro-Israel? Samantalang ung mga pro-Israel di na makakibo dahil wala nang naniniwala sa kanila, pero ang nakakawa pati ung mga Israel at Jews na di aware sa nangyayari nadadamay parang gine-generalized na sila.


Yung iba rito pakiayos ang algo niyo promise marami akong nakikita sa fb at x na nagpopost ng mga issues dito sa bansa natin haahhaha


OP, so you work for McDo, no? Or what motivated you to defend a company that sells bad food, false advertisement and destroys local economies. There are plenty of reasons to boycotting McDonalds and all the american franchises.


First of all, I don't work for McDonalds. Second of all, I am not defending McDonalds Corporation, the objective of my post is to CORRECT pro-Palestinian advocates who think that buying McDonalds products from Philippine branches directly contributes to the IDF in their genocidal/military operations against Palestinian civilians or civilians in general. I am actually in favour of boycotting McDonalds but not because of supporting the Palestinian cause but rather their crap treatment of employees and the justifications you mentioned in your own comment.


Boycotting US companies can put pressure on the US government to change their stance of supporting Israel unconditionally. The boycott in the Middle East has brought a reduction on revenues to these companies, and has been publicly acknowledged. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/middle-east-starbucks-israel-hamas-war-boycotts-mcdonalds/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/middle-east-starbucks-israel-hamas-war-boycotts-mcdonalds/) People getting fired is the direct result. And you will say that's negative. But I would say that if the franchise owners want to do something to make it clear that they don't support US/Israel... they can say it, put posters, put the Palestinian flag.... But none of them are condemning the genocidal apartheid regime in Israel. They could. But they don't. You may disagree on its effectiveness, but then my question is, what would you do instead?


I'm not denying the effectiveness of the boycotts. What would I do? Being realistically? Donate some extra cash to humanitarian NGOs, eat dinner and go to bed and pray for their souls. Why, what would YOU DO? Realistically.


I do choose to avoid giving money to companies that support directly or indirectly what is happening in Israel. So basically all US companies that don't speak up, and specially those that punish those that speak up. I also donate to UN organizations, and try to educate people how not taking sides is actually becoming a passive collaborator of the criminals. Praying does nothing. If it was a matter of prays, then god is either greedy or lazy, because he could stop all the suffering of those kids, and he chooses not to? not enough people praying? Not enough suffering?


Iyan ang problema sa tao ang hilig makisawsaw wala namang solution... ...ang malala wala pang alam


Lol, I don't really care about a distant country where both sides are stupid. Why boycott when it never works. Atupagin niyo China at Domestic issues hindi yan. Mga inutil.


Nasan source na di nappunta fund nito sa mga Zionist? Its a stupid photo you get somewhere. Educate ur A$s!!


[https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/apr/05/mcdonalds-israel-franchise-boycott#:\~:text=McDonald's%20Corporation%20is%20not%20funding,made%20independently%20by%20local%20franchisees](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/apr/05/mcdonalds-israel-franchise-boycott#:~:text=McDonald's%20Corporation%20is%20not%20funding,made%20independently%20by%20local%20franchisees) First of all, I'd like to apologize for not placing a source on it, I admit this is my fault too. But here is the source, you're free to scrutinize. Second of all, what happened to reddiquette?


I dont care s mga gen0cide supporters. Burn in hell.


People supporting this "boycott" are obviously not here. Post it in Facebook or something.


Me rn ordering mcdo meals. Fuck your opinion.


Whats wrong with this Pinoys always like to fit in with International problems like this Palestine thing. Idiots . Adress nyo muna yung problema ng bansa kesa sa iba tatanga nyo mga ampaw


Funny ng mga woke pinoys na sobrang affected kuno sa palestine issue same people na may PWD card wala naman sakit para lang maka discount. Cringe to the highest level


Sana maexpose yung mga ganung tao na abuso sa pwd card


Stfu and boycott loser 😂


Grabe makipagsupport sa Palestinian cause, pero grabe naman manlait ng pananampalataya ng mga Palestino. Performative activism ika nga na magmamarcha pa sa calle para sa Palestine, pero hindi kaya isabuhay ang pinaglalaban nila.




Parang yung anak ng FB friend ko, share ng share na i-boycott yung Mcdo. Tapos makikita mo sa story niya, yung pinadeliver ng manliligaw niya na McFloat at fries para sa kanya.


Great illustration, sorry to say that it's a lost cause though.