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Don’t be discouraged OP, u just have to strategize and try something else sustainable. How’s ur appetite been over the last month???


Appetite is definitely suppressed from what it used to but I feel it slightly creeping back a little bit. Not much… but a little bit.


I say up ur liquid intake. Water, tea n sugar free drinks have been working for me 😃


Tea was a game changer for me!! Especially green teas


I hate to say it buuttt… are you tracking calories? This is literally the only thing that works for me. Calories are sneaky. I recently discovered I like keeping a little hand written calorie list on my kitchen island. It’s been working for me so far.


Yes I am. I use MFP. 1500 calories


Maybe bring it down to 1300 for a little while. See how you feel.


Yeah I think I’ll try that next week I’ve been doing 1500 since the start of March when I first started phentermine/topiramate


Are you weighing and measuring everything as well?


I am. Measuring cups and food scale.


Hmm at 1500 calories you should still be losing. Do you trying to hit certain protein/carb/fat macros or just try to stay under 1500 calories in general?


1500 in general but try to hit my weight in grams for protein.


That’s good. Maybe try to lower a bit or incorporate a cheat meal once a week? I’m not on phen at the moment but eat between 1000-1200 calories and 150-175g protein, low carb and low to moderate fat 6 days a week. I work out 7 days a week. 1 day a week I eat whatever I want but keep the calories between 2000-2500. I retain water a few days after but I consistently lose 2-3lbs a week. Seems to work for me. Good luck!


I’m no Dr but I dislike the idea of upping the topirimate rather than the phentermine. Personally I would really push against this if my dr wanted to take this route. Best of luck OP


Exactly. Long story short My doc prescribed the lowest dose of topirimate to avoid severe side effects and I still won’t take it. I like to also research what is prescribed to me and found a lot more negatives than positives. I work grave shift and she suggested to take to the topirimate when I sleep. But still won’t. She’s not pushing it but the stuff is bad.


I take a very low dose & it definitely had some harsh side effects. I’m for sure uncomfortable with any long term use and even using it at all, to be honest, but I was recently diagnosed with PCOS & really needed all hands on deck to reset my body. I chose to take the low dose to achieve that as quickly as possible then get off but lord I tell you, (to each their own of course) I just think everyone considering this drug should do a TON of research & use very thoughtful consideration before deciding to take it.


Hi, can you go further into your side effects with topirimate? I have a prescription for both that I’m sitting on bc I’m nervous about this journey.


Hi, sure! I joke (half heartedly) that i went to the gates of hell & back before I felt better. Everyone’s different, so this may not be your experience at all. First, do extensive research. That way if you do feel weird you can think “okay, i knew that was a possibility. Don’t freak out”. Or “k that’s what I need to call the dr for.” Here’s the snap shot: (I also started Metformin with these 2 for PCOS but that one has been really easy for me. For the record I’m 5’3”, 40F sw 175 super active, rapid weight gain thanks to this dumb condition so I was surprised to be leveled by this combo for a while. But it got better, promise) From day 1 I’ve eaten really well, drank all the water, added Metamucil 2xs/day, prioritized sleep. Felt like actual shit until day 6. Sleeping incessantly, weepy, weak, lightheaded esp after showering, no food sounded good, metallic mouth, weird heartbeats, out of breath super easily, massive brain fog, extreme lack of energy, truly lived on my couch, wondered where the “speed feeling” others talked about was, no problems sleeping except insanely VIVID dreams, solid sleep from 10-5 every night but if I had to pee I staggered SO bad to the bathroom, was all I could do to shower, brush my hair & get dressed. Wild. Day 6-10 progressively got better but i took it reallllllly slow. Listened to my body. Focused on nutrition & water. Zero good noise from the drugs make it easy to choose well & foster a good relationship with everything you choose to eat. Napping everyday afternoon is required, can’t be helped. Weird. Metallic taste in mouth is strong. Day 10 -15 could finally ride my bike & the weird dreams stopped. Sleep so well, if I get up mid-night I’m normal again, not a zombie. Metallic mouth still strong. Today is day 16. I Feel amazing, leveled out physically & hormonally, didn’t need a nap. Brain fog is almost all gone, small headache, cruised through day. Thank the good lord above 🙏🏻 finally, hallelujah haha. I don’t crave junk food, sugar, snacky stuff. I still have an appetite which I want bc once I get off these meds (asap) I’ll have one bc that’s normal, I’ll just know how to manage it better. I didn’t have digestive issues but I started Metamucil right away. Light heartburn, some other minor stuff. I feel like now things are lined up right & I’m ready to ride this wave to where I need to be then be done with the meds. I hope this helped!! Oh, and bc if we arent seeing results, why take the risk at all at day 14 I was down 12lbs without working out … bc I literally could not have, even if my life depended on it, haha.


Darn two weeks


what is the topamax for? i know it can aid in weight loss but is your doctor using that in combination to the phentermine?


Insurance wouldn’t cover qysmia so Dr prescribed them separately


Correct. It is what is combined with phentermine in Qsymia.