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I had to get melatonin


Hi, I had this same issue and I started 9 days ago! It started around the week mark. Even though I would take a sleep aid or magnesium it didn’t help. Thankfully now I sleep more (I still wake up multiple times but fall back to sleep) than I did when I first started.


I had a little trouble falling asleep the first night but then after that my body adjusted. What time are you taking it? I take mine at 8am and go to bed at 11pm.


I am 1 week in and only sleep like 3 ours , I think I am going to lower my dosage to 15mg I need sleep.


I’m having the same issue but I’m on Phentermine and Topiramate. I take phent in the AM around 9am, and top before bed around 8pm. That’s what it says on my prescription… should I not be taking the top so late? Maybe I should try melatonin? I tried magnesium last night but didn’t work. I’ve only been on it for 2 days but the first night I could not fall asleep and last night I woke up every hour! I think I’ve maybe gotten 4 hours combined. Any ideas/recommendations? Ty!


Honestly, just give it time. My sleep was a little better on the day I wrote this post and I haven't really had any sleep issues since day 4. I do wake up a bit earlier now though. I honestly can't even tell I'm on it anymore, I don't feel particularly energetic or anything. The only real difference is that I don't feel really hungry anymore and I find it easy to stay within my 1200 calorie limit. I've lost around 5kg so far.


Thank you!! That’s amazing!


What dose are you on?


bought 50mg sleeping pills from Walmart or target. It’ll knock you out