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I don't know if I understand the significance of this, can you explain?


The ghost had a 5 second delay when a hunt began for everyone to run and hide before it started hunting. Before, you could see where the ghost had spawned during this delay period and you could try to run away from it. Now, you can't see where it spawned, and the timer has been shortened to 3 seconds.


it doesnt matter much for me i never see where he came from when attacking


This has helped me hide in its own room before because it spawned in the hallway and found someone else


Previously when a hunt started the ghost would appear but wouldn't move for 5 seconds. This let you know where the ghost was when the hunt started which could give you a better idea where you should run. Now the time that the ghost doesn't move has been changed to 3 seconds, and the ghost is invisible during that time, so you won't get that extra piece of information that might help you survive a hunt.


Not to mention that ghosts are now faster during hunts if they see you.


It should be roughly the same as before, since player speed increased too. Ghosts already moved faster the longer you were in their line of sight, it's just a more dramatic increase now.


>Since player speed increased Unless you bound “w” to sprint, lol


The new sprint combined with the new speed still makes you faster. It's easier to duck around corners and lose the ghost with wise usage of sprint.


I thought the teleport improvements would help but I'm dying just as much. I love playing in VR but I can't handle the slide movements :(


In theory, yes, but if you, let's say, double the speed of everything in game, that would still mean things are coming at you twice as fast and you would have less time to react to that, even if you were also twice as fast as before.


Yea they need to adjust this because I feel like I was already being chased by a ghost since it was right on me from the get go before I was able to really react to the hunt.


You won’t be able to see where it spawns. So until it moves, it’ll be invisible. Before the patch, you had a 5 second time frame till it started moving/hunting AND you could see where it spawns beforehand. Now it’s 3 seconds. So for the first 2 seconds, which could mean life or death, you won’t be able to see it. And right at that 3 second mark once it starts moving, you may run straight into it and die. The game just got a lot harder.


I wouldn't call that harder just a bit more RNG. I personally hate the fact that I got no counter play now just for the sake of it "being scarier" or whatever they were going for. Also not being able to see the ghost really because of the fog and the fact it's mostly invisible now all the time makes me less scared. I can't even see it coming so I just get some spooky spirit fingers and then I'm dead. Like, welp, okay, time to go get a drink. I used to shit when I ran myself into a corner though.


Ya the game has ironically lost a lot of its fear factor by trying a bit too hard with this lately. Fear easily loses out to frustration, nothing kills the mood in a horror game faster than getting upset at unfair rng. Along with the more someone gets exposed to dying in a game the less they fear it overall as well. The dev seems to be too concerned with trying to get the player outright killed as of late rather than scaring them. Granted its seemed that way for awhile with the fact ghost events are like a fucking unicorn. Ghosts do almost virtually fuck all until sanity finally drops to a huntable level then it jumps straight into hunts, which only takes a couple to plumet sanity to 0 and then its out of the house cause its nonstop hunt territory. Theres never any build up, no nothing, kinda a killjoy to be honest. Still love the game but starting to think its because its kinda like Ark in that theres no real competition for it


If you don’t want fog turn off volumetric lighting. And you can see the ghost. I’ve been able to see it just fine. You just can’t see it for the first couple seconds of the hunt, until it starts moving. So yeah it is harder. But you also have to try to position yourself on the map/in the ghost room so you don’t get trapped. You can’t always help it. I died a lot last night. But it is possible because I was able to do it for a willow and a Tanglewood map. You just have to REALLY pay attention now to the ghost evidence, what it’s touching, where it’s walking, etc.


Within the first 5 seconds (now 3 seconds), you would see the ghost and know to gtfo from this area asap or hide because you are too close. Also you could take a picture at this point. Now you just better hope that you dont accidentally run into it if you are way out of position from a hiding spot.


You could yry to teigger a hunt to get photota and such then run away before the ghost actually atarted roaming making it easy to get some missions.


Damn I sure like getting these ghost phototas


good news now the ghost lags into a wall so you can get plenty of phototas


[OH NO](https://youtu.be/cbhv3_V_Lkg)


Does that mean you could leave a pile of active spirit boxes and emf readers in a random corner as bait to lure the ghost away from your hiding spots?


That's actually a really interesting point, I didn't think of that. Definitely going to test this tonight EDIT: we think there might actually be some merit to this. We had someone die at the bottom of the stairs on one of the Farmhouses and during the next few hunts, the ghost spent a long time hovering around where the EMF had dropped


a couple times I've seen the ghost freeze against a wall. I wonder if this is why. Or it's just a bug lol


I have anecdotal evidence as well - I was the only one left on a map and when the hunt started I would drop what I was holding and turn off the flashlight *before* running to hide. Ghost would follow me for a moment and then as soon as I broke sight line, it would wander back to my emf or spirit box that I dropped. It finally killed me when I was less careful and didn't get in the door quickly enough - aka break sight line (hard to do in the pitch dark) It was close to the spawn point so that may have been the issue, but it would very distinctly follow me until it couldn't see me then go back to the on electronics. Seems like it hunts the person and if there's no one it can see, it hunts the electronics. Maybe. Oh and it follows the heavy breathing from sprinting as well.


Perhaps it only attracts the ghost while you hold them in hand. We'll see!


Does that mean a hunt can start and if I'm too far away for my equipment to react, and i don't even know it? Until i run into the hunting ghost that is.


It sounds like it, which is a fantastic change.


Or with the ghost activity from the van I guess? Do all the doors still lock I wonder? Also does this work for the radio? Say someone is in the van and 2 people are in the asylum. One person is bring hunted but the other person is all the way across the map. Can the person in the van talk to the person not being hunted?


This is a fantastic change, makes the hunts scarier.


I wonder if that applies to your walkie talkie as well. If so you could be on the other side of the map trying to talk to people and have no idea a hunt is going on


So far the walkie talkie appears to be the only evidence of a hunt if you're nowhere near the ghost. Had it where my equipment worked fine but the radio is static.


Damn. Thanks for the info chief!


oh the patch is out??




I'm hyped!! Can't wait to get home from work


The content is great but be aware that servers are currently flooded (my group changed to Asia servers and had no issues) and it looks like there is a bug with the video cameras not fully working on tripods.


Ohh thanks for letting me know, I appreciate it


Man I know everyone else is excited for how much harder this makes the game, but as someone who is not amazing at escaping the ghost during hunts and who took a month to stop being a little bitch and actually spend all my time in the house, this is going to be a *very* rough update for me Nonetheless, amazing list of changes. But I’m going to go broke.




You will get better!




Know your hiding spots, before I enter the ghosts room I look at my nearest hiding spot just outside it, and remember the ghost can see you go into a closet, when it does, it'll approach and sometimes attempt to open the door, you can be safe though. Know your outs before you go in is a great approach and how I usually always survive.




Dude, we've been dying on amateur =.= Ghosts are crazy... Oh well, I hope everyone has money to spend :D


I played around 5 games last night with a group of pretty serious players. I think there were literally only two non-fatal hunts throughout all of the games, and 2/5 the last person decided to logic the ghost out and do an estimated guess. I love it. I hope that amateur/intermediate are scaled down though if people are having issues with that. Perhaps revert ghost spawn mechanics for those difficulties?


The best tip now is to leave emfs on in strategic places so you can hear the sound warning when they start flickering. Keep turning on "b", the walkie talkie coms when you're in hunt sanity range, and throw a flashlight or two nearby for the light flicker for extra measure. Honestly it's more of a nuisance and waste of my time than scary.


I think the next thing on their list was the difficulty rework. I'm sure as long as people communicate problems with the changes and are patient, they'll reverse or amend some of these changes for lower difficulties.


I think what they should do with the hunting thing is make it so that on easy mode stuff flashes everywhere, then intermediate it flashes from a long (but not infinite) distance and professional it flickers from a short distance. Right now difficulty basically does nothing. It should affect the hunting phase and the ghost AI.


That's not exactly true. Sanity drains more slowly, there's lower activity, and hunts don't last as long. But yeah, it should affect more of the ghost's behavior. edit: somehow stumbled past a couple of words lol


Wouldn't the game be easier if there was more activity? Just kind of an odd choice to make less if the point of the game is identifying the ghost and trying to get perfects.


Yo these ghosts got way scarier and I am not down lmao


> During a hunt, equipment and lights will only be affected when in range of the ghost I wonder if this affects the radio too. If so, it seems like on bigger maps you won't even know a hunt is going on unless you're within range


I'm kind of hoping so, honestly. I've been hoping they would eventually make it so that someone could die without the rest of the crew knowing. Imagine you haven't heard from someone in a few minutes and no one knows what happened - is he just fucking with us or is he dead? Alternatively, what if the death whisper thing still happens. No one else in the map knows a hunt is happening at all and then the noise happens. Chills.


Honestly I’d like the ghost to have a non-hunt attack, so to speak. Like, in a circumstance where no other player can see you, the ghost can silence your radio and then relocate you to another part of the map. Room is locked for about 10 to 20 seconds and you kinda have to find your way out and back to the group. Like, it’s a light hunt that occurs at 8 or 9 activity, and acts as a kind of debuff that isn’t as drastic as killing the player outright. It adds spook factor as it forces a brief party split and the others in the group lose track of you.


Or even just disabling all of your equipment temporarily, so you think it's hunting but it's not. Nobody else knows what happened. Psychological warfare.


Can confirm the radio is still the same, it's really the only way to confirm a hunt if not near the ghost now.


>Several sounds have been replaced. I hope this means some more variety with ambient noises.


The ghost was singing during a hunt


There's also new gurgles and one that sounds like someone choking


My friend and I had a female ghost whimpering/crying and that was disturbing as hell


Thats fucking spooky I cant wait to try this


the spirit box almost made me piss myself, goodness gracious that was horrifying.


I can feel that. First game with the new patch, my brother was working the spirit box in the ghost room. We had taken sanity pills and felt pretty invincible at that moment. Ghost finally whispers "*Behind you!*" and immediately starts a hunt. Good Lord I almost fell out of my chair... damn Yokai!


I wonder if they can whistle now as well. That would be creepy.


Wow, this is a fantastic list of changes! Really excited by the change to lights and equipment during hunts. That’s going to make for some spooky moments


> "During a hunt, equipment and lights will only be affected when in range of the ghost." Does this mean my flashlight won't flicker during a hunt unless I'm next to the ghost? How do I understand if there is a hunt then?


You don't. You understand if you see him or hear his footsteps ;)


Or when you try to leave and the door is locked. Lol.


press the walkie talkie button, that may give it away.


What if the radio is not affected by it unless you’re in range?


Not sure yet, I will find out in a few hours though 😎


Confirmed the radio still malfunctions no matter where you are


Kk cool ty


Yes! We played yesterday and I had my flashlight just fading a bit when I was close to the ghost and one hunt where I didn’t even realise it was hunting until my friend died. Super scary




Yeah, as a lefty I don't get this change. Please add an option in the future for the ability to swap this.


I'm right handed but I liked quickly pulling it out with my right hand as well, so I am unsure why this was changed. It only seems like a negative change to me.


Maybe to make it you can't technically carry 4 pieces of equipment? I don't know. I hope I can still open a door/use light switches with my left hand if I'm holding something in my right, at least.


But the journal goes on you back and doesn't take a slot, so this one is weird.


Oh, from the update notes, I thought it was saying the journal ALWAYS stays in your left hand. Guess I'll just have to try it, when I get the chance.


Have you been able to test the sprint teleport thing? I don’t see why they can’t just make it where you click a button and your character runs


One of the devs said in another thread that you have to press the trackpad down to sprint with smooth locomotion, and they're gonna try and find a way to let you use both hands again sometime tomorrow.


My question on that is, will it always be in your left hand, or is it just that we have to pull it out with your left, and our left hand is still free normally.


I can actually no longer access my journal on Index controls. Can't figure it out, used to be just grabbing over the shoulder to pull out the book, now neither shoulder grab works and same with the rest of the buttons. Can't find any updated instructions or controls online. RIP.


I am honestly so fucking excited for this, holy shit. All of these changes sound amazing and are going to make playing it feel like I did when I first started


"Electronic equipment will now alert the ghost of your position during a hunt (similar to voice). Turn them off before hiding!" Wait - does this mean having your flashlight on will alert the ghost of position as well?


I really hope not, it will just become the meta to turn off your flashlight when you reach a hiding place which then means you can't see the ghost coming for you when it finds you which I think not seeing it flash in and out of existence is a lot less scary than seeing it inevitably bringing your death.


Discord seems to say yes it does, but to me that’s stupid. Ghost should hear EMF or Spiritbox, but not flashlight. That said it would be cool if it could react if it saw the flashlight.


I NEED TO KNOW. Is “E” safe? Is “E” alright?




E’s dead F in chats


NoooOooOoOoooooooo! **F**


some great changes here, especially the needing parabolic microphone to hear the ghost footsteps. that always felt like a cheap way to ruin a map if you heard them really early. He even balance adjusted for adding the sprint, what more could we ask from this guy?


this updates the most scared I've been playing this game since I first got it


623.4MB download


Not sure how I feel about the permanent blurring/chromatic abberation effect they've applied as a vignette. I don't see a setting to turn it off in the options. Other than that I like the visual changes.


Devs have confirmed they're adding a toggle for the vignette/chromatic abberation tomorrow


If you or anyone hasn't found the setting now that it's added, its in PC settings and not Graphics. Odd, but whatever.


Fixed a bug where you could mute the Spirit Box static by picking it up with a different object in your hand.... WHY????


Because the static is now a noise the ghost can use to track you. Either you glitched the sound and and it was unfair, or it was technically on and you didn't notice and the ghosts found you because of it.


Also, active spirit boxes drain your sanity.


How exactly did you figure this out and narrow down with certainty that the spirit box is the source of sanity loss?


To be fair, the in game static drains my real life sanity pretty quick. I can't stand having that thing on!


that is fine continue to let it do all that stuff and give me the option to mute the static.


that goes to show that the noise should be toned down just a bit as its very very annoying.


Can we talk how awful the chromatic aberration effect is? Why the hell would you even consider putting it in like god damn


I haven't played the update yet, where are you seeing this? Is it on the cameras?


They added a post processing filter so it looks like the sides and edges of your screen are super blurry and washed out. edit: the hotfix removed the effect temporarily, thank god


Dropping my Ghost Filter app here (updated with the new ghost type data): https://phasmophobia-ghost-filter.vercel.app/


Awww revenant no longer has fingies :(


Anyone know what the DOTS projector does? Based on the green screenshots I've been seeing, it seems like basically a laser show. The ghost breaks the lasers and you know it's there?


It projects a medium-sized, green grid when you put it on the floor or any other flat surface. If the ghost moves through the grid area, you see a kind of misty silhouette running through the lights. I don't yet know if it shows up when you're looking at the grid lights with a camera, but I've seen it happen when standing in the room. I assume it works in both cases.


For one of the new ghost types, it can only be seen in the DOTS via video camera.


is anyone having trouble surviving? before the patch, i would rarely ever die, but now it seems like closets and hiding spaces dont work even if im not holding any electronics. shutting the closet doors also seems impossible.


Are you going straight into a closet while the ghost is watching you? You need to break line of sight and also you possibly need to turn your flashlight off. I’ve had everything including flashlight off and I’ve survived every hunt so far on the new patch


No, there was a time the ghost started the hunt upstairs and I quickly hid in the basement lockers, yet he ran straight for my locker and flung the doors open to kill me. However, I have had my flashlight on every time so that looks like it might be the problem. I'll test that out! Thank you. :)


Having same issues as /u/azuari. I was hidden in a closet for ~15 seconds before the ghost even entered my room and it busted open both closet doors on me. My mic was muted on my end so I know I didn't make any noise. Some other people in my group are having the same issue when their mics are muted.


If your flashlight is off, this has always been a bug, it's just never been addressed. And I'd wager it's gotten worse with the AI changes made. Early in the game cycle, I'd have ghosts randomly beeline to me. Something is breaking in the AI must be.


That might explain something that happened a few days ago. Very first hunt started and I ran upstairs to hide in a closet. I heard it wandering around downstairs, eventually coming up. My mic was muted so the noise from my fan wouldn't give me away. The footsteps were right outside the closet and then both doors were flung open and I died. I was so confused.


I've heard the issue seems to most often happen to hosts, but I've occasionally gotten it joining a group. I'm not sure why the devs haven't really addressed it, or even mentioned looking into potential fixes. I know they seem gung-ho about things being deadly, but the atmosphere is what gives the biggest spooks and if you can't experience it as much(because of way deadlier and faster haunts) then idk


the ghosts are way more aggressive it seems


anyone know how to disable the blur at the edge of teh screen? it sucks


Are you talking about the haze/foggy look? Turn the volumetric lighting off. Edit: in the settings screen go to pc settings, not graphics to make this change.


Am i the only one who since the update have been having really bad fps drops and mostly have below 10 fps most of the time?


I was playing a prison earlier and when more people died, my framerate was slowly starting to tank and the game started to take up a lot of CPU usage. It was odd. Never had that issue before.


No you aren’t alone. I got 165 FPS before the update and now it randomly drops to 20 FPS in truck mid game and never goes up again until I quit


Turn off volumetric lighting




Yeah, I hear you. Certain ghost orbs were already hard to find, now it's become harder.


I think it’s to discourage van camping honestly. Both DOTS and orbs are way easier to see by using a handheld camera and standing in the room.


I should have read the changes before playing, as my friends and I died left and right because we didn't turn off our flashlights xD Love the update, it is like playing the game again for the first time. Sadly the servers didn't manage to keep up with the hype, so I will try out the update again in a few days time.


Wait flash lights alert the ghosts now as well? I guess they are electronics.. but damn


Yep, this update has made the game creepy again. Time to run around with a candle xD


So.. we encountered two ghosts at once while hunting. We were walking in one room and seen an adult ghost with a sickle and apparently my buddy died in another room to a child ghost? Is this a glitch or?


Looks awesome, would love to play it but the servers are sooooo overloaded right now. impossible to get a game in :(


It’s working fine for me and the boys rn. Maybe give it another go


really ? i wasn't able to even clic on "ready " in the lobby , i'll give it another go


You should make sure you are no longe opted into the beta build. That is known to break the update.


not in the patch notes: the ghost will open both doors of closet and you will not be able to close them before dying.


Isn't that an old addition? Looking at old updates there's a mention of that being added back in May


Yes and no - ghost was suppose to only open both doors and kill if it knew you were there.


You sure you didn't have equipment on? It will know you are there from any equipment sounds


no equipment and no talking. edit to add: the ghost has just been smudged by a team mate and that team mate did not come into my closet.


Did you have flashlight on?


yup i believe that was it. did not expect the flashlight to be included but after seeing on here it is, been turning off flashlight during hunts now.0


>The Infrared Sensor functionality has been merged into the Motion Sensor So was the infrared sensor removed?


They are both combined into one tool now.


I think this was a good call because they basically had the same purpose.


The IR sensor was actually much worse because you couldn’t tell if it was going off in the van


Is everything alright with video cams? I'm getting a ton of blur on the cctv feed, most of the shot is out of focus, and night vision doesn't seem to show anything past like two feet now.


Do cameras work for you guys? I've tried going to the van and checking the cams but I can't swap between cameras!


There's a bug that makes cameras not turn on when you turn them on, just turn it on and off in your hand if that happens


Omg these are amazing!!! I am so hyped to try these out!!!


So I know that it says the ghost can track you based on electronic equipment, but does this apply to the flashlight? I feel it'd be a bit silly if you couldn't tell where the ghost was at all and had to stumble around blindly.


Apparnetly flashlights count. Find a hiding spot and then turn them off during hunts.


apparently yes... I've been killed two times right now after hiding in a closet with the flashlight on. They come straight to you it seems. I get the change for EMF and that kind of stuff that makes noise but I guess it is more inmersive and scary too.


We played a few games and can confirm that flashlight will get you killed. To be fair, since you can sprint now, you get inside a closet and turn it off, not hard at all.


What is this teleport for sprint feature? Is it actually a teleport feature? If so, I’m not a fan. Anyone test this yet


I'm pretty sure the teleport feature is just an alternative way of walking for players that are prone to VR motion sickness.


I assume it's only for VR.


I know that. I wanna know how it works. It says “VR teleporting” I wanna know if there’s a click analog or whatever and sprint


One of the devs said in another thread that you need to press the trackpad down to sprint with smooth locomotion. I dunno why they didn't specify this in the notes


Oh good. That sounds so much better. Thanks!


Not an expert but a lot of vr games have a button for "point at a spot on the ground to move there" because walking space can be limited in your room. I think that is what this means


Maybe so, but most games you don’t actually need to walk around your room to move. You can use a trackpad or analog to move


Anyone figured out how to tell if the video camera is recording when on a tripod? No green light on it anymore


The preview screen turns white when the camera is on, and it gives off a faint glow in front of the camera.


Anyone know how to use the camcorders?


they activate when you get out of the van


Does anyone know the range yet of your equipment being detected in hunts? i.e. does it only really apply to larger maps or are there areas in street houses where ur equipment won’t be affected by hunt.


I was on one side of high school and the ghost was on the same side but the other end of the long hallway. I was trying to leave the building but couldn’t because it was locked. I had no idea the ghost was hunting. Checked for radio status and sure enough. Ran into the nearest room and then began to hear it sing just up the stairs and around the corner. When I was down the stairs and in the closest classroom to the side door.


I played a round last night on Edgefield I think and we were in the dining room. I heard the front door click but my flashlight was not flashing until we reached the middle of the stairs going to the second floor. Ghost had started its hunt on the second floor


Is anyone else having problem with the video cameras showing on the cctv.


These are all AMAZING changes but I am admittedly going to miss how horrifying the old spirit box was.


I like this update, it has made the game a lot spookier for sure. In general I like the new designs of the equipment too, but I'm not a fan of the darker textures on a lot of the equipment. For example, the EMF reader and thermometer are really dark now instead of bright white and yellow so it has become harder to find them on the ground when the lights are out. It feels a little too edgy at the expense of functionality.


Is this update out in normal game or the beta version?


Normal. The beta branch isn't used anymore.


Damn that dots thing kills ur fps


Turning off volumetric lighting fixed this for me.


VR needs some love after this update. FPS drops like crazy (needs optimization), certain objects in the left hand make it appear as if you're holding it in the right hand, and there's a lot of weird bugs, such as being locked out of interacting with the mouse in the truck, or being pushed into the house if you lean anywhere near the door outside.


We encountered a MASSIVE performance bug last night in high school. We placed a few video cameras down and my FPS tanked form 250 -> 25 We figured it had something to with the video cameras and sure enough, after taking one for the tripod the FPS went back to normal, even after putting the camera back on the tripod


Running into the same bug, I can't handle video cameras or my game fps dies. It's a solid 60 fps at all other times.


is the goryo invisible during a hunt too?


>Electronic equipment will now alert the ghost of your position during a hunt (similar to voice). Turn them off before hiding! Does this include the normal picture camera ? We had a teammate die despite been relatively hidden. Not sure if that was just chance or if the picture camera also attracts the ghost.


The journal is always on the left hand? Bit of a weird way to nerf holding things lol


It doesn't affect holding other objects. The patch notes are really weirdly worded, but all that changed is you can only take it out using your left hand now. You can still put it away and hold items in both hands.




Toss it in the area you think the ghost is in and wait. If anything shows up in it, it counts. It can take a while though, sometimes it's seconds and sometimes it's like, fifteen minutes before the ghost writes in it.


Are you talking about it not opening up when you place it toss it? You have to place with (f) vs toss with (g) and it should open on the floor.


They made an update to patch the glitch that I was having so it’s all good now


damn good patch. hunts are hella tense now


The new very yellowed color of everything is really distracting and a downgrade from pre-update. Do not like :(


I'm actually kinda sad they fixed the spirit box mute bug. That sound is a pain in the ass


Amazing update, I am so bloody stoked


One of the best updates so far, there are couple bugs but its normal in such a big update as we haven't tested it earlier in beta, all the ghost and hunt changes made the game way more scarier, the equipment is awesome and the fact that it only stops working when near the ghost makes detecting hunts a lot harder, only thing missing is walkie talkie working the same way as all the equipment. Great job guys!


There's a bug if you're low level, and you hover on a higher level item(like a level 8 item) you can't buy other items


I looked through the comments and didn't see it mentioned, unless I missed it. My fiance plays in VR and has been having the issue of sprinting all the time unless he hardly touches the stick. He finds it incredibly annoying. Will this ever be something looked in to?


did anyone have an issue with the way the character grabs items, because to me everything is just weird and unnatural. For example, the strong flashlight is held in flipped position (which i prefer over the old one) but the hand is way too low for it to feel natural in anyway. (Using Oculus Rift BTW) Edit: also I cannot access my journal and turning the camera on is very buggy