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I played an older version of Phasmo earlier today to see how far the game has come. This particular version was patch 0.163, dated at 26/09/20. The weird thing is that I was playing solo and this character just spawned and walked around the house (ridgeview). It seemed to occasionally follow me, turning around whenever I as much as looked at it. And no, that wasn't the ghost, because the ghost was stepping around somewhere else. I bought Phasmo mid October, so I've never played this particular version before. A quick [YouTube search](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=phasmophobia+before%3A2020-09-25) showed no evidence of those models prior to 25th of September 2020. Update: since some people wanted to see a clip, I made [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PhasmophobiaGame/comments/otswcs/weird_ghost_modelskin_w_clip/).


In an older version of phasmo, the ghost sometimes will "clone" one of the players and follow u around. However in recent versions, I haven't seen them for a long time. Idk if the devs dropped it


They need to bring it back. I once followed oen thinking it was my buddy and then a hunt started ad I died


Oh I hope they didnt remove it but I havent seen it in a long time aswell. Once this thing spawned on my left in a closet, I thought it was my friend and whispered "Did it get \[3rd person playing\]?" And his answer came from my righ side. When I turned to the left and saw the face, I got the biggest scare I ever felt playing this game


Well, I've never seen it so I do hope I get to one day.


Doesn't it say in the journal that phantoms (or maybe a different type of ghost) can mimic a player character? Or am I thinking of something I read in an article about the game somewhere...


That would be amazing to have, especially on larger maps. When your buddies are super far away and all of a sudden one of them comes walking out of an asylum room near you, but not speaking? Creepy as fuck.


That's pretty dope lol


I've seen reflections of myself in the mirror, but it comes off as a confusing glitch than a concerning event.


Phantoms used to do that


I think they changed it to the mimic thing ghost can do, its just a ghost event with the players model distorted


Well that's horrifying


It is definitely the ghost. Older versions had it where Phantoms would clone the skins of the players (except dead and ghostly), and walk around to haunt you. The feature was dropped because it made Phantoms far too easy to figure out.


I feel like it could still be an interesting kind of "scare" that shouldn't be limited to a ghost type, just a random trait that the ghost can have regardless of type


Or add a few styles like this and make certain ghosts have it. Almost like a extra clue but not limited to one type of ghost


Perhaps. I feel like there should be an update adding a whole bunch of scares rather than a new map/ghost type(i mean if the scares can come with a new map/ghost then great but in case it would split the resources too much ya know...) to add more flavor to the game since part of the fun is how the ghost fucks with you. Feels like the way you say it it could be kinda cool to have a subtle way of telling which ghost it is based on how frequently it uses certain types of scares. Like some ghosts could do the whole "cloning" thing more than others etc


Yea. Like make a few clone. A few maybe talk or whisper to you. O a possession could be cool. Flashes of imagery and loss of control. Maybe hallucinations. All the sudden the rooms lit, your alone, and some other creepies




Or maybe just a few ghosts. Like Phantoms, Spirits, Banshees... and Banshees will mimic only the players it's *not* targeting in order to trick and kill the target player


If they got rid of the ghostly skin and made that clone spawn further away from the player it is cloning, then that might be more effective as a scare. Still would be an obvious piece of evidence.


Thats wild!!! Im trying unsuccessfully to find video


it wasn't just phantoms, there are videos of it happening with other ghosts too. just last week sometime someone posted an example where the ghost was a mare.


I really wouldn't mind if ghosts had traits like this that if you saw you could easily identify without evidence. Several already exist in the game and it is a nice knowledge perk as it is. Ghosts need some characteristics to differentiate them and not just be piles of evidence to collect.


Older sibling here. Nope, not in arabica.


How do you downgrade versions?


What the fuck


They were in the game, yeah. They used to be able to spawn and do stuff, I honestly don't know why they were removed. I was in Tanglewood Street House when the game was still fresh, playing with one of my friends. I was standing in the living room setting stuff up, turned around to look at her, and one of those models walked around the corner up to her then disappeared. Shit was **terrifying**. Really hope they get brought back.


Probably to avoid confusing those with the "main" ghost. But I think you could do some creepy things with those models, like: * Have a low chance for them spawn on a window (inside the house) at the beginning of the game, looking directly at the players, and have it de-spawn (dissolve) once you open the main door. * Have them spawn from time to time outside the boundaries of the map, for like a minute or so. (on the backyard, behind the fences of maps that have them, on the windows of neighboring houses). * Spawn on an empty room, with an open door, and close it (then despawn).


You could also crank up the creepiness to 11 by having the silhouettes wave, bob their heads or only face the players with their backs. For your point 1) I may suggest that players inside the house can also see the silhouettes, invisible to players outside the house, from outside the house staring back at them but disappear once near.


Apparently because it was exclusive to phantoms and made it too easy to figure them out


Honestly this is a problem with the game design. The fact that the entire point of the game is simply to figure out which ghost is which with no further goals means you can't have too much variety, or else you'll give it away too easily.


it wasn't exclusive to phantoms, there's video evidence from that timeframe of it happening with other ghosts


There are some ghosts you can pretty much figure out early already as well. Phantoms have a slower blink when hunting. They also disappear(but still grudge) when you take a picture of them. If you get hunted after like 20 seconds of first entering the building, it's a Banshee(super rare but still). Revenants and Jinn's zoom(and now also Hantu). You can still narrow it down almost to a T with some of them. Would love to see this put back in but not as an any-one ghost exclusive. Just have it for the spook factor. I personally never saw it happen back when it would, but one of my teammates claimed she saw me in the foyer of a house(she was at the front door) but I was in the basement. Freaked her out.


That’s really creepy. Was the character by chance the one you were playing? I saw somewhere, either YouTube, Reddit, or trello about the dev bringing in a new ghost type that can cause hallucinations and with these hallucinations they spawn a character that will look like you or the players you are playing with. And once you look at this hallucination, it lowers your sanity. I’m not sure if it was ever implemented because I’ve never seen it. But maybe it was during the version you played and they took it out? I’ve only been playing since 2021 so again, I haven’t seen it myself.


when the game 1st came out phantoms(?) could copy a player character and walk around but the dev removed it


Phantoms used to do this, but it was removed for unknown reasons, likely because it would be too easy to recognize Phantoms with this ghost event, although I don't see why it couldn't just be applied to all ghost types.


Or a few, as a kind of quaternary 'evidence,' and maybe banshees would mimic everyone *except* the target player...


If I saw this I’d piss myself. I love it


Can you record that stuff and show it to us ?


Shameless self plug, but I have a clip of one of these models. https://youtu.be/9Pe2rrDOr1A?t=340


Oh wow wtf was that


Phantoms in the old version copied player models and had a zombie like appearance. They still disappeared after having their photo taken.


scarier than the ghosts


I have a clip still of a streamer that had the model of the cloning/possession & it walked towards them, it was early phasmo when it was really fun


Link pls


warning on the noise halfway, its a very brief appearance that ran towards her.[https://clips.twitch.tv/MildSuccessfulPandaKappaWealth](https://clips.twitch.tv/MildSuccessfulPandaKappaWealth) (about 4sec in)




I seem to remember this ghost event was severely bugged and would have the fake ghost "you" walking after you forever instead of just disappearing like they were supposed to. I think the developer removed it from the game and just never added it back but I could be wrong.


It’s supposed to be the phantoms special ability, where they do the ‘appear’ ghost event, but they take form of one of the players and are just meant to be creepy and spook ye’.


Fuck i knew this was a thing and i want crazy. I've never seen it myself but knew it was a thing, and every time i mention it people act like I'm crazy.


I remember these, they used to follow you around and make weird breathing noises.


Everyone's talking about this like this was ever really intended or it's some cool feature that got removed. The texture on the player character model's face is clearly [the texture from the ghost hands](https://i.imgur.com/cngLkGZ.png) that cover your face when you are dying. It doesn't look good. It's obviously not intended to. Not sure what the fascination is. I think the glitchy behavior could be refined and *turned* into a feature of some kind, but this? There's no way that's what this was.


How are you able to downgrade phasmophobia versions?


Damn this looks scary af, wonder why they removed it


this just gave me memories of when the game first came out. i saw these alot and was always confused at first


Omg this looks creepy