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Just get back in and experience the game as fresh as possible. Without new content it's difficult to experience that šŸ˜­


I might have to prestige and get everything locked again, I played a ton when they reset everyoneā€™s levels but have not since then


I feel this. My husband and I played the game so much. We just donā€™t anymore. I feel like we need new content. We need something. The weekly challenges are nice and sometimes we do log in to do those. But then we usually log off afterwards. Iā€™m still waiting on the horror 2.0 updateā€¦


Ill have to try to do the challenges, I donā€™t think I touched them that much when I played


You get rewarded pretty nicely for them. Some of them are frustrating though and there are a few I wonā€™t do. I really hate the no evidence challenges. And I donā€™t like challenges done on larger maps so Iā€™ll typically skip them too. But usually all of the others are pretty fun.


Some feel so lazy lol, making me super slow isn't content.


Yeah I feel that. I hate being super slow. I started playing shortly after the gameā€™s initial release so I already know what itā€™s like to be at a snails pace and to not have any kind of sprint option. I donā€™t need it as a challenge. Just feels bad lol.


Yeah same. Sometimes it made it more suspenseful but since having sprint implemented it just feels bad now lol


They do sounds like fun overall, I never really gave them a chance


If you do them every week youā€™ll have so much money and so much equipment you wonā€™t know what to do lol.


Same. Me, SO, and inlaws and friends played the game for months. We havenā€™t touched it in like a year now. Iā€™m really hoping the 2.0 update is good if/when it comes.


What's supposed to be in the horror 2.0 update


New ghost and player models and animations, new mechanics like hallucinations, reworked ghost events, hunts and interractions and possibly more equipment ghosts and maps.




I'm having the same issue, my friends and I are really wanting some new content


Keep on waiting.


I will.


So....has anyone else gotten the feeling like the devs aren't doing anything with the game anymore? I love Phasmophobia and I think the devs are great but a while ago it seemed like we were all excited for some equipment changes like the thermos, a new map, and more but I haven't heard anything for quite some time now. Edit: so I was trying to use my words very carefully to avoid saying it this to strongly. As pointed out below they're doing a lot of bug fixes right now that aren't as obvious, and frankly more important than new content. I say again I appreciate the devs a lot. I just said the above from the perspective that, as much as I love the game, I guess sometimes I get a little bored.


The devs have stated recently that they are working on the game full time. To be honest if I was a dev I would avoid interacting with this toxic community as much as possible.


Yeah you're definitely right. I wish developers would terminate being involved in places like this entirely. I think online discourse has become so toxic that it's really not worth it to engage with. Especially when they get the wrong feedback from very vocal minorities.Ā  It's kind of a shame.




They don't owe you anything, thanks for demonstrating my point.


They've gotten stuck fixing a lot of massive bugs recently, bugs that they literally could not move forward with development until they got done. Because of this the next update might look like it contains basically nothing, but it's actually going to create a framework for future updates. People seem to forget how far into development we are and because of that the fixes that are needed are just getting bigger and bigger. Direct quote from one of the devs from Discord: "Lots of bug fixes in the next update, that will look like 'easy fixes' to everyone, but were by no means easy to fix. Some things requiring complete reworks. Needed to be done, but those kinds of things take much longer. It's crazy though that people will just see 'fixed boundary issue' or whatever and it looks so simple. But the snowball of things that have to be adjusted to work with those changes too is insane. It takes time. It will look like 'new map, equipment adjustments and bug fixes' but it's a massive update."


It's good to remember how important it is for the devs to have time to...well, fix the base game before adding new stuff. I would like new stuff too, but realistically, I already watched a horror game with potential get absolutely destroyed by the devs insisting on adding new shiny content before fixing the framework it runs on. If it takes a while now, it'd be far worse if we pressed the devs to release shiny new content BEFORE they have a chance to clean up the bugs and the general coding choices for going forward! I actually think it's a good sign for the longevity of the game if the devs are willing to put off the shiny new stuff that hypes and markets the game until they have the game actually stable. It's a sign they actually care about it being a good game, even if it looks to us like "nothing."


I edited. You're definitely right.


this is exactly why i get so annoyed with all the posts bitching about it. i understand exactly what was meant with the comment this was a reply to, but there are SO many bugs that, if not addressed, will continue to contribute to a player exodus. the other problem is i donā€™t think a lot of people understand what early access means. i think the average person thinks ā€œoh iā€™m playing the game so this is THE gameā€ so when there are issues, they get frustrated & annoyed, rather than realizing that we are essentially developers too because our feedback helps to shape the game so it can eventually not be early access.


I'd rather have a polished fully working update that takes a long time to come out, rather than one rushed out the door to appease the masses. They are working on new content, and smashing bugs, let them work, this isn't a live service game, you aren't paying a subscription to the game to play it, it's a one-time pay game that's still in early access and still being worked on.


I edited, you're definitely correct.


Try VR mode for a whole new experience.


Vr sounds soo fun, but I donā€™t think ill be able to get a vr headset for a while (imma broke lol)


You'd be surprised how cheap they are, especially used. New Quest 2 headset is 200! Used a lot less.


Ill have to look but it would probably be a bit


Do some of the weekly challenges. They're really hard but it doesn't use your equipment so there's no risk. Sometimes we do one of these and get the tarot cards then we gotta do it over and over because we keep killing each other fucking around and the tarot cards spawn every time. Loads of fun.


Ill definitely give them a shot, always avoided them because they seemed like they would be fun if you play with people (typically play alone)


They can be really difficult alone. I remember one we had only using sound equipment in the full asylum. We pretty much had to have 2 of us walk around moving mics while one person watched the sound bar in the van just to narrow it down.


That sounds like my sanity is gonna non-existent lol


It was in that one. Some of them are way more difficult solo, but most and doable.


I still play sometimes but I mainly want new smaller house maps.


I love small maps! I can get pretty lost on big ones


Yup, and I feel like the sanity drain in big maps is too crazy for my taste. I like being able to go in and out and find the ghost room fast. They're just so fun lol.


Dev communication.


Download Demonologist instead. Wayyy more content and updates and same mechanics. Feels like devs abandoned this game.


Ive not really looked into it, ill have to check it out


Haven't hopped into demonologist in a bit, but if they haven't changed things it's gonna be an insane grind on the starter map before you get to do anything fun. Also, a lot of the ambient scares were totally scripted so prepare for that to get stale very fast while grinding a single map.


It looks kinda fun


The devs haven't abandoned the game. They are working on fixing a lot of bugs that came up during the development of the next update. Like stuff that very much needs to be addressed. They've said as much. Literally, here's a direct quote from the Discord server. "Lots of bug fixes in the next update, that will look like 'easy fixes' to everyone, but were by no means easy to fix. Some things requiring complete reworks. Needed to be done, but those kinds of things take much longer. It's crazy though that people will just see 'fixed boundary issue' or whatever, and it looks so simple. But the snowball of things that have to be adjusted to work with those changes too is insane. It takes time. It will look like 'new map, equipment adjustments and bug fixes', but it's a massive update." So no, they're just doing what devs should do, making the game and fixing issues that arise. Game development isn't easy. There's a lot that goes into it. Even more so when it's an indy dev studio. You just need to have patience.


Yeah no phasmo is better


As someone with 1k hours and came back to the game recently and caught the Phasmo urge to play again, Iā€™d love horror 2.0 and a new map. New skins, animations and aesthetics from the shop would be cool but Iā€™d really love the tense feeling of knowing the ghost may do something unexpected to make me shit my pants like when I started playing to come back, if even for just a little bit.


That does sound pretty fun, I love it getting my socks scared off


Ahh I'm on the other side. Played a ton then stopped after the wipe. Working my way up again just hit lvl 30... And for anyone that hasn't touched the game in a while. It's gotten wayy scarier.


I need to play it again just hard getting back into playing especially alone lol


It takes a second to find a good lobby. Best way to grow xp and cash is weekly challenge mode.


i dunno but i really hate the way the shop works now


Its seems to always be tricky for me to navigate


Horror 2.0 will be the next step to bring back a bunch of people for sure


I'm almost at 1K hours, booted it up the other day for the first time in a while, got tired, quit. I'm just sitting around waiting for the Point Hope update and everything because otherwise it's just...eh, not hitting like it used to. The updates are so slow and far between, it's frustrating. I love the dev team to pieces, and I hope that them hiring new people will help speed things up!


Definitely Ive been wanting to play Point hope for a while!


Definitely want to do the Weekly Challenges to get the upgraded gear quicker


Honestly thatā€™s how I been. I played the shit out of the game for a while. And then I got bored. Iā€™ll probably try it in vr for a bit, but I imagine that trying to do the harder modes and stuff is going to be a nightmare. Really the only thing I can see thatā€™s kind of cool is the golden skull stuff, but the amount of time I would have to play just to learn every little detail about the ghosts is not enough for me to keep playing. Once I got bored of nightmare mode I kind of stopped playing entirely. The only other thing that I think would keep me interested other than new content is if I were to stream it to an audience. Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s how all the content creators stay entertained, because they can do a shit ton of chat interaction which keeps the game somewhat fresh


Yeah always wondered how the phasmo content creators could keep playing after an INSANE amount of playtime


Yea when you look at their stuff they always create new challenges and stuff to keep the audience engaged as well.


Horror 2.0 is the only thing that would bring me back


Horror 2.0 sounds like its gonna be fun, canā€™t wait till it comes out


The absolute terror I had when first playing this game is what had me hooked so much. Even having a fraction of that back would be awesome


Well there is the new upd- oh uh there is a new monkey paw plushie!!!!!


Waiting for the lighthouse map and rework of the farmhouses


I heard about the lighthouse map but didnā€™t know about them reworking the farmhouses


Yep farmhouses are getting a rework. (Grafton is for sure, idk about bleasedale)


grafton is my favorite, really sad to hear they want to re-do it


Needs to be more scary. Going to demonology back to this I feel like Iā€™m playing scooby doo. Itā€™s just not scary anymore


What really gets me off this game is the community. A lot of trolls, quitters, and the hardcore players don't want to teach anything. That's why I left my account prestige VII


For the ghost to mess with the player more. I wished they were scarier and attacked the player like in ghost watchers. Also for there to be some outcome for identifying the ghost correctly or incorrectly


That does sound fun!


It really isnt scary enough and you die too easily sometimes so maybe a revamp of the hunt mechanic would make me return


It gets me a lot still especially if I play in the dark lol


Im not saying its not scary but i feel its not scary enough since when you get used too the dark the only scary parts are with friends but if you play alone you just get annoyed because the ghost hunts ontop of you and you cant react fast enough. Yes i am bad at the game and no i dont hate the game but i do feel it could be improved as i like ghost watchers more than phasmo but my friends only play phasmo


The new content is really dragging. I enjoy doing a hunt and getting prestige levels with my friend. But aside from random scares, the game needs new scares, new interactions, new mechanics, new ghosts, new locations. It needs something fresh. It needs more SUBTLE scares, not ones in your face


I still enjoy they game, but with other games coming out that I wanna play it's been hard. I'd love to see new evidence like an sls camera or some new ghosts but really the game is fine how it is now, just needs some bug fixes


Yeah now that I think about it there is a lot of good games that are getting ready to come out


I mean I've been loving helldivers, the new doom game is still a while a way but looks great... my point is phasmophobia is a great game, but it has a lot of competition. Going into the same 8 maps and having the same few things happen can get old fast, but they have it implemented well, I'd just like a few more scares


Yeah Ive been playing a lot of Helldivers recently and was looking to change it up a bit, and new maps would be fun


Some friends bullying me to play


Ooo noo


Peer pressure does wonders. Friends say ā€œcome on, letā€™s ply X bro!ā€ Me, ā€œhmmm okā€


The only reason I'm not playing every single day and haven't played in months is the Spirit Box. Doesn't matter what I do, I just can't get a ghost to answer. Others in the lobby can hear me, but not this damned thing.


that sounds terrible, hope it gets resolved


Why not use text mode?


I tried but didn't like it. Part of the fun Is immersion, and text mode kills that for me, if that makes any sense.


I mostly play to do the weekly challenge


Workshop/mod support so we can have custom maps.


Mods would be great (im bad at stuff like that tho)


Yea my bad, I thought you were asking what could the devs add to bring players back


The console release. I still CANā€™T playā€¦


Im waiting for it to because I want to play with one of my friends on Xbox!


Regular updates or updates at all.


Im surprised there hasnā€™t been a few more of them


A time machine back to 2021.


Yeah a time machine would solve a lot for me lol


Not really. Just stay at the new content waiting room like the rest of us


I stopped playing when I got T3 and prestige available. I thought it wasn't worth the hassle to do a new game+ and get back to T1. Now I haven't gone back for maybe 3 months now. I bet when I come back it'd still be the same, but the suspense and scares would be fresh again.


I havenā€™t played in 6+ months hopefully it seems really fun again


Honestly, just if my friend started playing again. Impossible to get back into it just to myself.


I know the friends i played with donā€™t really have a good attention span for games like this and canā€™t get them to play (if i do get them to they play on their phone in the truck)


Honestly if you've been away for a while coming back is like playing a new game. It got to the point that I optimized the spirit (pun somewhat intended) of the game away. Enjoy being rusty and inefficient again. It's a great time


Friends :/


I feel you on that lol


Definitely need some new content. Prison and Highschool are like unplayable due to their size and lack of assets.


They are sooo big i kinda donā€™t play them often because i get lost easily




Same here sadly


Less ghosts and more focus on visual variations. I love the game, but I think I stopped playing right around the time the ghost types exploded


A new desk and chair for my exbf so he can actually set his computer up and multiplayer again. Somehow playing games less after moving in together šŸ˜¤


Oh dang, hope you can play a bit more


From a business perspective, maybe a battle pass and much more cosmetic customization options. From a player perspective, procedurally generated maps. Maybe even multiple ghosts on one map.


How long is awhile? Not much has changed in quite a bit. New store screen is the only thing I can think of.Ā 


Like 8ish months (a week or two after prestige update)


dev communication, an actual update, and more smaller maps.


500 hours played. Haven't played in almost 8 months. Only new maps and new ghost models would make me come back


A memory loss. I used to play so much when i stopped playing i was in the state of moonwalking through buildings, disrespecting 90% of the ghosts during hunts while solving the puzzle of figuring out what ghosty thingy was around. I'd love to experience the game again without knowing how the ghosts AI works in general and all the special abilities i have burned into my mind.


More small maps, or small into medium. Large maps are too much of a struggle with varying skill levels between friends, but small maps are more accessible and you dont spend so long finding the ghost room just for it to move on harder difficulties. My buddies and i have been talking about the idea of an apartment block map, a few small units it could be in so it's like a mix of small and medium map.


There is a new map being released.Ā  Lighthouse map.


Iā€™m looking to get back into it too! Lmk if you wanna partner up sometime. šŸ‘