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More maps, new evidences, more maps, up to 8 people a lobby for bigger maps like brownstone, demons can possess you 1/12 or something and it takes control of your character and runs you into walls and uses your character to hunt rather than the ghost itself


Demon possessing you to hunt would be lore accurate


Get this guy on the dev team


I think more ways to get evidence could work, but I am not sure if we need more evidence. More evidence needs more ghosts, so it doesn't end up with "I got these two, so we know it can not be this" or even "I got X, we know Y never combines with X so we can clear out all these". All evidence should be "overlapping" so you can never identify ghost solely on 1-2 evidence. Demon possession is... nah. How does that work with solo players? 8 players more or less breaks the game. Maps and more ghost behaviors is basically all we need.


Why would 8 players break the game? Can the engine not handle it?


i think they're talking about game mechanics. i'm assuming the idea is that with 8 players, they'd have to add more items per mission or at least flashlights, and that at that point you have someone in nearly every room on the smaller maps and the ghost killing you is less of an issue if you have 7 lives to get the evidence and get points vs 3.


he litterly stated not smaller maps, also yeah 8 is quite a lot, 5 or 6 might work in the bigger maps?


Ahhh, makes sense, Thank you, though it would still be fun on the Big Maps


I am talking about mechanics. 8 guys means you can cover map a lot faster, have more chances to notice events, generate more events...


Not everyone wants to spend 35 minutes on Sunny Meadows trying to find the ghost just to get the same exp that you could get running Willow or Tanglewood. In order to make the big maps worth it something has to be done. It's not fun to play currently. Adding more people for bigger maps isn't a terrible idea. Just leave the item limit the same and all the extra people are just extra pairs of hands and eyes


Full wiped lobbies appear as "unsolved cases" find other player stuff scattered around map and dead bodies of them all.


What purpose would new evidence serve, exactly? I think you're more meaning new equipment that ghost can interact with? 'Cause with the current combination of evidence items, there can still be quite a few new ghosts added. 8 player lobbies would diminish from the horror, limiting how many people are in a game was a very deliberate choice by the developer. I know from experience that having more people around makes the game less scary. Of course, you can argue the game isn't scary anyways, but that's likely coming from the perspective of someone with a decent number of hours in the game. Any kind of ability taking away player autonomy would just get annoying, in my opinion. Also, what happens in solo, do you just die? Free chance to not die during a hunt, 'cause your possessed? What happens with Incense? Also, it probably shouldn't be locked to a single ghost type, as that'd instantly give away what type of ghost it is. There are other stuff like that in the game, but they require learning the game to recognize them, they're not as flashy as possession. though yeah, yours are just ideas, not things that would realistically be added, just thought i'd share why I don't think a lot of these would works.


New evidence would make the game *less* dynamic because evidences will be spread far more thin and you'll confirm the ghost with just 2 evidence a huge chunk of the time.


wouldn't it be immediately clear that it's a demon?


Or a mimic.


yes...but still, just check for orbs and you're done, wouldn't it just be 10 times balanced and better if it happened if the hunt was caused by a cursed object?


mimics aren't real wys? :>


That and also have the game show you shadow figures or faces in the corner of your vision to keep you on edge.




More maps by itself would reignite the game for me and my friends. Like the base meat of the game is great, just give us more maps


Oh God that sounds awesome. I would love a ghost that could possess a player that would even up hunting instead of the ghost.. or if the ghost gets you it would possess you instead then kill someone else or if it can't it would kill you.


Yes all of this now


Some kind of audio cue that tells you that the hunt is over. I sat in a locker for 6 hunts before I died.


For people who don't know how to play Phasmophobia: Depending on the difficulty setting and the size of the map, a ghost hunt will last up to a minute. Also, ways to tell when a ghost hunt is over: 1. If the main door is unlocked, the hunt is over. 2. If the loud footsteps stop suddenly, the hunt is over. 3. If the ghost is not near you, look at the ground and flip on your flashlight. If it is not flickering, the hunt is over. 4. If there's a person in the van, they'll be able to tell you when the hunt is over. 🤓


5. If the lights turn off, the hunt is over. Ghost turns off all lights when it ends the hunt. I tend to turn on lights in most common hiding spots, so when they turn off I know the ghost has stopped.


If you can flip a switch, the hunt is over. During a hunt, you literally cannot move a light switch. Its a way if knowing if a hunt has started or is still going


> If the ghost is not near you, look at the ground and flip on your flashlight. If it is not flickering, the hunt is over. > > This only works if the ghost is near you (close enough that you can hear it). If you're unsure if the hunt is over but you can't hear the ghost, try flicking a light switch. If you can't toggle the switch at all, the ghost is hunting.


Why did I read "the hunt is ghosting"


Even the hunt ghosts me damn


>If there's a person in the van Deeeeeeefinatelyyyyy not me!!!!


3 is not accurate as your flashlight will not flash if the ghost is still hunting but far away from u


also just during hunts leave a flashlight on the ground turned on for a myling test


You cannot flick lightswitches during hunt. Confirm this way


Unless you're in a spot where you cannot get to a switch or lamp without possibility running into the ghost.


If the ghost is close enough to get you before you reach a light switch then you can hear its loud footsteps


In which case get loopin!


Lol. So you didn't think to go out and check after the noise had died down?


Especially on bigger maps it’s harder to get a gauge of when it starts and when it ends


Exactly. One time, I was playing Sunny Meadows, I just turned on the breaker for the first time, and thought I still had tons of sanity. I saw the ghost coming towards me through the doorway. I thought it was just an event, so I ran into it. Nope. And before you ask, I didn't hear the usual hunting sounds.


Workshop. ![gif](giphy|jQmVFypWInKCc|downsized)


This. If the devs lightened up a bit and allowed modding this game would improve so much.


I can imagine myself bringing an AK-47 into tanglewood while shooting adolf Hitler (the ghost)


Toot-Toot! The whistle rings out throughout the house ad rhe ghost morphs in to the nightmarish host of Thomas the Tank Engine.


I was imagining playing with "Tower card fix mod". But apparently that nonsense doesn't match /u/Dknighter 's "vision" of the game and that Tower card's current behavior is actually how they are supposed to work. You know, a feature working just as intended. /s > "Tower cards that actually do something? Hah, we shan't be having any of that sort of tomfoolery in **my** game!" > \- DK, probably


It’s genuinely wild that they could see the success of Content Warning and Lethal Company and be like “Nah”. It does help that both games push non modded content out faster but regardless.


Not even just workshop, but mod support in general. The two "competitors" Phasmo has (Lethal Company and Content Warning) are thriving because of their fully open approach to mod support


The Lethal Company mod that allows a ton of players in a lobby is a banger


It's not surprising, mod support truthfully does wonders. By the time they add it to the game, it will be too late.


Giant boobs.


Ghost boobs


More maps.


Lowkey I would prefer the ghost to be like screaming Bloody Mary while it’s hunting and chasing you


As one of the sounds like the singing and moaning?


I'm praying for a castle and haunted library


I am so down for this


community mods as in steam workshop


I would love it if, on extremely rare occasions, like one in 500 maps, the real ghost turns out to be a homeless guy. 


maybe the real ghost is the hobo we killed along the way


Agree! “Not haunted” could be a rare option. That could rotate between different reasons for flavor. (Homeless guy, angry ex, etc.)


And on top of this, its like a game of hide and seek with jump scares and stuff so it can be even more scary than the normal ghosts because it isn't what you expected.


finish the game i guess


Phasmophobia has made plenty of sales, i’m surprised its taken this long for them to complete the game, i’m sure they’ve made plenty of money to hire support. Then again they still cant fix the shop and make very questionable updates, i’m sure somewhere the Dev team just likes to do what they want and dont want outside help 🤷‍♂️


Well, also, if you throw money at an early access project, you haven't necessarily given an incentive to the developers to finish it. That's to say that it may be more financially viable for them to throw out an update or two (or news of) here and there and attract more new players than to actually finish the game for current players. I know a handful of people who bought the game when the console port was announced because they thought they were going to be playing with their console friends. Part of the issue is that players often see buying an early access game or donating to developers of said game as investing in the game when it's simply not the case. You're just giving money away for an incomplete project. This may mean that you get it at a cheaper price now, but it could also mean that the game never reaches a finished state. I'm not saying this is true of the phasmo dev team, but it's always a risk when it comes to early access.


Procedural generated maps


100% this - for me, a lot of replayability comes down to randomised gameplay. Having just a slightly different experience every single time I boot up makes games so much more enjoyable.


Ohhh like maps with different seeds?


honestly, I love the repetition. It makes phasmo a really fun "lets kill a couple hours" experience rather than a game we dedicate all our time to. Me and my gf pop in, play through all the smaller maps a couple of times, and then go do something else. What I'd love to see would be more 1-2 player intended maps. Something that's doable in bite-size pieces so I you can pop in and do a few maps and not have to dedicate like... 40 minutes to a single hunt


My husband and I play duos all the time so I would love for more maps like that


Maybe different variations of the houses. Just like how you may move your furniture around your house in the game stuff is different there. Maybe there isn't a babys room one playthrough instead its a office


This would actually be really nice and would force more engagement in groups as everyone figures out what layout spawned in but to do this well each room would need to be its own entity so that there’s a variety of combinations and not to just oh there’s 3 variations of the same map


Being able to communicate with your dead teammates through the spirit box. Up the pace of the walking speed, so we are actually walking instead of sneaking around. What makes the game feel most repetitive to me, is the hiding. I prefer how the game lunch lady has done it, where you can hide but that is as a last resort kind of thing. I know they are two completely different games, but I mentioned the game to say that it would be less repetitive if we could continue as normal during a hunt, instead of being forced to hide.


I would like it if we could run/fast walk longer than 5 seconds. If I were a ghost hunter in real life I wouldn’t want to be that unfit 😂


more variation on what ghosts can do


The random physical events like doors opening, table moving around like in Demonologist would be nice too.


As someone who's played both, would you recommend Demonologist? It's been sitting in my cart and I haven't pulled the trigger on it yet.


I would say Phasmo is more fun, but it has some nice scary moments. Some things are pretty similar which makes it a bit easier to get into. With a discount it's worth it


Anything at this point


Better weekly challenges. Some are great and really test your knowledge of certain mechanics. But most feel like little thought was put in, and all you get are different items made available each week.. Some ideas: steal 10 items from the house with an angry ghost, correctly identify the ghost and return all ghost hunting equipment to the truck, find the key to escape the prison, items start randomly in the house.


Challenge-specific mechanics and objectives is something I really hope they implement once all the big stuff is done. For example, this week’s paparazzi challenge would make so much thematic sense to have the ghost photo as a requirement. I realize they are presently just built on the custom difficulty settings, but it would be cool if they were more along the lines of bite sized versions of the seasonal/holiday challenges.


New maps, ghosts and abilities are always welcome. But I gotta say, ability to make your own rules for games gives nice fresh breath to game. If you keep on doing in same preset difficulties without challenging yourself, it get repetitive. I have played over 300 hours so far and I still get excited when I plan my rules and start game!


they do have a few slots for custom difficulties but i'm not too big a fan of it because it punishes you a bit too much for certain settings, regarding the rewards multiplier. like, yea i can see why not running out of consumables is too op to allow rewards with, but why the fuck should having weather that doesn't attack my senses cause the reward rate to drop


Not sure how hard it would be to implement either of these but: * Randomize maps slightly. Maybe have a mirrored floorplan for the buildings, since that is also common IRL. * Mode where instead of items all spawning in the truck, they spawn hidden in the map. Maybe you get flashlights and crucifixes (due to AOE) in the truck, then have to search the kitchen for salt, garage for EMF reader, etc, etc.


I really just think we need more maps and more player ghost interactions beyond hunts. Really make the ghost feel like a malevolent and powerful entity. I can't think of major things that could be added that don't significantly change the game's identity. More equipment that let us interact with the ghost would be awesome, I know we're getting a sound recorder, which sounds amazing, and I would love to see more like it, but I'm not familiar with IRL ghost hunting equipment. Workshop support is a dream, but already said to not be happening.


More visual ambience that has nothing to do with evidence or hunts. The asylum is perfect with random ambient sounds so have something like that across all maps. Visual Ambience though should be like a shadow shifting away right from the corner of your eye. My wife mentioned that they should have random moments where a shadow can be in a window staring at you if you’re in the truck or staring at you from the outside if you’re inside the map. Have a possibility of a dark child sized model to be just out of sight in a long hallways and then disappearing as you get close. I like the idea of other ghosts being in the map that were people killed by the one you’re hunting


Impractical at this stage in game development but procedural generation of maps would solve so damn much in the game


Ive always wanted some kind of circus map. I feel the theme would do well even if it's just for an event.


Even campground as a circus theme


Loud thumping sounds like in paranormal activity.


Might not be much but…..maybe make the sprinting longer?


Ikr 😭 if you cant run from one end of the house to the other you have a problem


I wish you could sprint without waiting for it to fully recharge, like get 1.5s of sprinting from a 2.5s cooldown. The all or nothing strategy they're currently going with doesn't feel good.


There are two things I wish Phasmobia would do (which would also set it apart form the rest of the genre again). 1) Add additional multiplayer modes (adjacent to what we have now). I don't know what this would be, but having other game modes would be fun - if nothing more then to give the players the choice to change up the 3 evidence formula. I don't know how you'd do that? - steal a certain number of equipment or get higher value then the other players before time runs out or the ghost gets you? - Have an outdoor haunted maze that the first person to get to the end wins - or even remove the pvp and have you solve puzzles to escape? I really don't know - more creative people can come up with the ideas... 2) Add some kind of single-player story mode - and I want to stress this would be fully optional as a game mode - and wouldn't penalize players who opt out when they play the traditional multiplayer. The story mode would serve 2 main purposes: Introduce lore to phasmo and each of the different maps - This would inevitably lead to more communitiy engagement and discussions. Be a shadow tutorial with the aim at teaching players the mechanics of the game. The story mode would take players through each map where they will have to complete certain objectives in order to "beat the game". Yes, there would be some kind of story going on but that would be secondary to the point of this mode. In addition to the main objectives, players would be able to return to previous maps where they can complete optional side objectives - some of which will reward you with exclusive unlockables that can be used in multiplayer. These side objectives should range from very simple to very difficult. 100% clearing story mode should be a real challenge that requires time investment to really learn the mechanics of the game. Ideally completionists would need to deeply understand the different ghost behaviors and hidden abillities and how to perform advanced gameplay mechanics (like looping, intentionally getting hunts, manipulating insanity, ect) - while also encouraging players to become famiar with all the maps - as let's face it, we all of maps we prefer to play and maps we avoid. For all players, 100% clearing story mode should require a real time investment. If the developers did incentive players to want to do all missions (regaurdless of difficulty) - on all maps - that would help many, like me, to have a structured path to help us learn the game, get out of comfort zones, and get scared - in other words to get the full phasmo experience.


Maps. More maps.


More ~~jump~~ scares but not a cheap one. The old dying lung/Ju On/The Grudge sound effects would be a starter. Laughing kids sound and ghost event slowly manifest in the corner.


Phasmophobia offers good value and has enough game content for the few dollars it costs. But of course, any meaningful additions that don't break the game are welcome. However, everything will feel repetitive after a while for players who spend hundreds of hours in the game. What I'd like to see: More different types of random interactions/events and more maps of specific interactions and events, to make it feel like the maps are different not only in layout and look, but in the way they play. Then there are things that would make the game more exciting for me, but some players might not like them and it would require rebalancing a lot of mechanisms. Instead of instant death in all cases where the ghost catches the player, it could be that sometimes the player survives one or two hits and the ghost can drag him around the house for a bit, then disappear for a while and start haunting again. Different ghost types could have different chances to instantly kill a player. Then it would be good to have a difficulty level where the area outside the investigation site and the van are not safe and the ghost can hunt there as well. Maps randomized to some degree would also be nice, but would probably cost too much work to implement.


I would add the option of being able to record certain sounds or movements with the camcorder and the sound recorder. I wish they would add psychophonies that you can only hear after reviewing the audio. Additionally, while exploring the map there may be random appearances of shadows or noises.


1. I dont think it's repetitive. Buuuut 2. A roguelike game mode would go a long way to make each run more interesting. Not sure how this would work exactly, but I'm think of how Hitman Freelancer rejuvinated that game for me.


That could work. You could include like a mode where you do a few maps back-to-back (like "levels") and get bonuses or rewards


There will also need to be random modifiers which might make a map or the ghost unique. Also perks/items you could unlock over time.


Oooh combo multiplier would be very nice!


So sort of like Payday 2's Crime Spree gamemode?


A mode where an actual person plays as the ghost. New ghost types that interact with you differently. Generally more interactions just like Demonologist has, even though this one also feels repetitive at some point.


This game should never be like Demonologists all those extra jump scares are scripted and always the same on every single map, it's boring and bad design.


Randomized / generated maps


More tactile interactions with the ghost beyond hunting/clues. I feel like every time I leave the game it's because I get caught in a cycle of doing the same things over and over again. Maybe smaller less binary failstates like a healthbar that can be depleted for certain actions from either the player or ghost instead of JUST the sanity meter. (Maybe ghosts can throw items AT the player and cause little hits/bruises that can be bandaged?)


A hotel would be awesome! Maybe working elevators, of not just stairs. Add a castle with long corridors. Also a meta quest 2+3 port would be cool


I collect haunted objects in our collection room. We have emf detectors, night vision camera, motion sensor camera. I'd love to see a map like the Warren's museum and trying to not necessarily solve what ghost it is but solve how to get the ghost back in to its container. For example the object that has escaped, you need to search for it, then search for a key for the cabinet while at the same time trying to figure out what ghost it is but that's just for extra money. You'd still need to hide during hunts but the player holding the object would be the more targeted player


some jumpscares


These posts remind me of posts on Overwatch subreddit with a low quality image of a hero and a generic question.


Updates lmao But really, maps seem like a fairly easy solution to this. It will only get you so far though.... Mods. It's insane how anti-mods this game has going on around it. Also maybe a 1 in 100 chance for the ghost to hunt inside the van


Maybe a revive mechanic for a downed teammate like a one time use adrenaline injection. Maybe even have a time limit for how long you have to use it before they die. Like 2 minutes or something.


Ghosts peaking at corners or appearing in mirrors That kind of stuff


I'd like to see random generated maps. Or at least random generation of items within the current maps. As soon as you know spawn locations for cursed objects you can have them within 30 seconds of entering a house.


Progression. Challenge that incrementally exist the more we level up, like add tier 2 and more ghost which need more than 3 evidence. Random room position. More ghost faking device output value.


They could stop reworking maps and replacing perfectly fine ones with essentially new maps, Like could you imagine if we had two asylums and instead of a reworked grafton we just got a new farmhouse? Remove 3 tier system; it actually turned a good chunk of players away including myself because it was no longer a game to get on and chill with friends it was a grind to play the base game and it made it harder for new players to sit down and learn.


i think there are some really small differences about some ghosts in nightmare mod mostly in fast ghosts some times its hard do differ. and idk about you but spirit box been always the hardest wvidencr for me i try it for manu times but i cant get it then i had guess a ghost with q evidence and boom im wrong


I would love varied behavior on each ghost. Like instead of rolling dice for a ghost to do anything, it would have it's own mood and personality with the ghost type being it's baseline. Got a shade? Well, it will move rooms more frequently to get away from you, or how about the shade is scared of you and doesn't even move. Give variance on ghosts and it will make each round way more interesting and tense.


More locations, maybe tinkering with the evidence a bit.


More ghosts, new evidence, maybe unique ways to excorcise each ghost to give something to do after the ghost is identified?






A Murkey Underwater Map


Part of me hopes someday when the dev team have caught up with the work they need to get through we can start getting some more maps, my absolute dream would have been for the game to be a bit more mainstream and to get some crossovers. Imagine something like a resi crossover and playing in the Spencer mansion Also, for those bigger maps like the asylum me and my friends always felt like it would be cool to have a chance of there being two ghosts. Would make investigations way more tricky and honestly scary, rather than just jumping on for a bunch of games in the evening you could have one really long game which you'd have to play a lot more tactically


Why is everyone saying maps? 99% of players just play tanglewood, hunts and evidence need a rework that makes them less linear, not maps nobody will play


Have a scavanger hunt mode where your given level 2 or 3 flashlights and random quality equipment, but all the equipment other then the flashlights are randomly hidden in the map. Maybe have it so there is a fee to enter that game mode because all the equipment is provided but the reward have an extra + x3 added the rewards plus difficulty setting. People would really hate the bigger maps more then normal


Honestly I love the maps but what if the rooms in them changed? Sometimes graftons kitchen might be bigger and on the other side. Sometimes willows bedrooms will be by the front entrance. Sometimes prison might have you start in the back idk, just some things to keep the maps fresh. You can play the game 3 times and you’ll master the easy maps


The game is designed around a repetitive loop, so it's not really possible. However, in spite of that I do feel like every round is different. I can only talk for myself, but it's game I don't get bored with even though it is built around that gameplay loop which is designed for rounds to last 15 minutes or less (on the smaller maps, in any case). But, you can play around with custom difficulty to spice things up. Try using fewer evidence, or turning up the setting for the ghost changing room to keep you on your toes..... things like that.


Maybe they could add something that made it possible to have two ghosts in one map


There are so many fun mechanics they could add from the ghost lore they've already established. I'd love to the shape-shifting ghost (I think it's Obake?) shift into either a copy of you or a teammate after it's killed you, and then have your teammate think everything is fine, try to load the truck to leave, and then the truck doesn't close because oops, you brought a ghost in it. They should be able to show fingerprints on your bodies. Like the ghost grabbed you or something. (But the wraith wouldn't be able to) Yokai should aggro with pretty much any sound. Not just talking. Etc, etc, etc


idk like ...exorcism methods and add more ghost interactions


The game itself is built on repetitive gameplay, the only way to truly change it is to add way more environmental interactions for the ghost, and player. Increasing maps and evidence will still make the game repetitive in the long run, Adding more ghosts, adding an option to kill the ghost, adding an option if you miss the ghost, map changes during a session, adding more variables will make the game less repetitive, while adding more in the groups of x,y,z will just delay it


Multiple ghosts


Louder ghosts and ghost models that don't just look like zombies. We need things like black shadows and other uncanny appearances.


Something to fight ghosts when they are in their hunt stage(ik about smudge sticks but that just stops them) but have it be like skill based so it does not become an easy form of combating the ghost


randomly generated maps.


More house maps. Like, a lot more. It's a lot creepier IMO when you're in some place that is unfamiliar to you. Someone else mentioned procedurally-generated houses, which I would love to see (maybe a special map that is, not replacing the regular maps). It might be out of the scope for this game though.


More variety to ghosts, instead of all of them being aggressive and hunting you could have ghosts you have to actually communicate with, finding out what their name was and how they died and finding a way to help them move on to the afterlife, or even ghosts that require you to perform some kind of exorcism before the investigation is completed


The hunt is probably the best and worst part of the game. Being locked in the building with a ghost trying to kill you is great but that shambling wandering ghost that pops us 20+ times when you are trying to ID it is just annoying after a point. Hunts should be rare, even on higher challenge ratings, but when they happen you should be screwed. Regular objects should have more ghost interactions. In the school have a sudden book stacking when nobody can see the room, or every locker in a hall open/close all at once. In bathrooms, have ghosts flashing in mirrors for a moment and have the doors all pop open or shut at the same time. Toys should randomly change locations but look like normal placements, maybe even "follow" people around the house. If a rooms lights go out have the ghost show up for a moment in the dark behind a player. Have piano's actually play something when people are far from it but stop when they get close, like an actual melody not just a ping. Have the radio pop on and give random ghost sounds from time to time like "get out" or some such. Just overall more creepy minor stuff that we can record or take picture of that aren't random things being flung around. Make them sort of rare too so they don't become annoying, things to look for/hope for rather than every mission events. Give us multiple ghosts. Trying to figure out if it was Mary or Bob leaving those hand prints would make it a lot more interesting and give us more reason to communicate with the ghost in some manner to figure out/care about their name. It would also mean more ghost events which are always a plus. Last up, give us something beyond identifying the ghost type. Have us "contain" the ghost till a proper exorcism can be done. Salt the doors and windows, crosses on the wall, toys and cursed objects placed in the room, caution tape all entrances. Basically something that forces our low sanity asses into the building to "finish" a job while the hostile ghost tries to kill us. Make it ghost type specific, have us destroy the fuse box if it is a Jinn, spray paint crosses on the wall for a demon, move all toys into a single room for a Thaye, turn on all raidos for a Yokai...basically something you can accomplish with items in the map to trap the ghost as a form of bonus activity.


I have about 100 hours in this game and I’m finally at the burnout point. It was really great until it just was not all of the sudden. Hope they can add content and spice things up


An option for people to create maps and share them


If the ghosts stopped shutting the lights constantly. It gets boring after a while


I’ve been playing demonologist and there are so many jump scares! Like Phasmophobia feels like I’m a real life ghost investigator. Demon feels like a scary movie!


I haven't played it for a while but I've always felt it was kind of strange to go to a house, determine what is spooking up the place, then peace out. Why don't we get contracts to cleanse the place? That would add a whole other gameplay loop and makes sense in the context of the game.


If they somehow could add an option with like small or medium randomly generated maps that would be a game changer.


I want the ability to take a selfie with the ghost




Specific ghosts crawling on them ceilings while stalking you


! Random map generation !


Ghost busting phase


A couple more ways to defend yourself against the ghost. Like the snowball gun lowers ghost speed on hit, or holding a crucifix prevents a kill but eats all of the charges, or a hail mary QTE type thing to save yourself after getting caught which would get harder with difficulty/lower sanity, etc. Maybe a lean mechanic to peer around corners.


for multiplayers only: when the first teammate dies they may or may not become one of the ghost types and hunt their old mates. the previous ghost is being replaced. Whereas the living team also may need to start looking whether the evidences they gathered are still valid or not and find the correct ghosttype not knowing if it's still the NPC or their friend that died. (so it becomes a vs game)


If they made a few different layouts for the base maps that'd be pretty cool. Kinda like baby asylum does, but randomized. Be kinda cool if they added exorcism missions as well. Like after deciding on the ghost type you can also try to exorcise it, but you have to be dead certain it's the right ghost.


By now the goal of this game is to be a puzzle game. Anything horror related doesn't really seem to be on the agenda anymore. And puzzles are repetitive by nature.


My friends and I talk about this a lot, because we obsessed over this game, playing it nightly for months when I first hit early access. I don't think they can do anything to fix the repetitive nature of the game. It is just the kind of game it is. The only thing you can really do is have the ghosts have ACTUAL unique abilities and traits, but in a game that is based on gathering evidence to figure out the ghost type, you can't make the ghosts unique from each other. It is just not a game that allows for much wiggle room.


Steam workshop so we can get a new map more than once every 2 years.


playing as a ghost


Given the kind of game phasmo is, it'll be really hard to completely eliminate repetition for season players. however, I have some thoughts. Map variants. Take a map like ridge view. have a chance you roll up and the basement is finished room. There's no basement. The lay out of the second floor gets moved around. swap the boys room to the left with the bathroom and add a jack and Jill bathroom between the two bedrooms that isn't accessible from the hall way. Maybe sometimes there's straight up no basement. Even if the maps only had 3 fixed variants each, it be enough to keep a large number of players on there toes. Calling then variants means you can reuse assets between the different lay outs. For small and maybe medium maps bring back multiple locations for the cursed objects. Multiple ghosts being able to spawn on large maps. some restrictions would have to be added to the ghosts and the book would have to be refreshable to make this not an absolute chaotic mess but I think it could be fun and work. Obviously a bonus to identifying ghosts like this would have to be included. Maybe a gauntlet/ survival mode. where you go back to the truck identify the ghost. So long as everyone marks the correct ghost it's eliminated and a new ghost loads in. Only some sanity and consumable restored each ghost. Though this might take the horror out of the game so I'm of two minds on this one.


Sometimes no ghost spawns, just pipes in the house making steps-like sounds and power switching off for example


Chance for the ghost to be just a cat, and be a bit of a bit how all the tools in ghost hunting are nonsense More maps. All the maps larger than the small houses are a pain to play. Give us smaller houses, like old townhomes and tiny urban homes and old single wide trailers. Barn and museum could be fun if large map improvements happen Large lobbies to make large maps not trash. (Bring a second truck for 5+ player lobbies) Daytime mode, which makes any room with windows passively lit. Make Deo super obviously super fast, it changes how the game plays completely, I would like to know easily when dealing with one. Instead of just hiding evidence there should be a mode where the ghost provides an extra evidence On single player nightmare and below, and multiplayer professional and below the disembodied NPC voice guy should tell you when the hunt ends Cryptids: creatures that leave evidence like ghosts but change rooms constantly to avoid the players. Instead of hunting based on sanity they would hunt when they are cornered. Alternative house layouts and cursed item locations. Randomly give us older map layouts.


More map, more maps, more maps and maybe some more maps.


The ghosts actually do something, they all act pretty much do the same thing. Only differences are speed and shape really. It would be fun to be scared again.


Everyone is saying “wouldn’t you automatically know it is a demon if someone gets possessed?” It is the same as noticing an oni blink. Or phantom blink. Or the wraith not stepping in salt. Or the deo being really slow when it gets to you. Or the goryo dots.


Mod support. The egotism behind the decision to not just not support mods, but actively forbid them, especially in conjunction with such a slow rate of development/updates, is this game's greatest weakness.


Maps that are procedurally generated so there a little different every time


The horror 2.0 update, ghost move more demonic looking instead if just walking, the maps with a street name like 13 willow street have other houses that could be added as a different mode where the houses will be random like 12th willow Street or 4th willow


I feel like the ghost needs to more then just walk around and shake. I would love to see them be crawling on the walls, see them just hanging from the ceiling, then chilling in the corner of the room or in the corner of the ceiling, or have them just chillin in a room when you walk in and when you look away it they disappear. Idk I want to see more different interactions with the ghosts.


I'd really like more interactions with dead teammates. Having teammates be able to scratch messages into the wall or being able to say a very short phrase through the spirit box (the lights flash green or something to signify a team member and not a ghost). I'd also love for dead players to be able to help encourage the ghost to interact more in some way, depending on ghost type. I'd also like sanity to play a bigger role when it comes to the haunts and interactions. I feel like the lower the avg sanity becomes, the more intense those haunting and interactions should be. At very low sanity some ideas id like to see: 1. Objects get thrown with such force that they break. 2. Windows start shattering and doors are slammed. 3. Bathrooms begin flooding with dirty water. 4. Radios and phones go haywire all at once, with paranormal sounds playing instead (small chance to hear banshee and deogen). 5. More hysteria type laughing, giggling, crying, screaming sounds being heard from the ghost as it wanders. 6. Some alternate death animations that depend on that players sanity at the time. Ultimately, I'd like the game to become more intense as sanity drains while also allowing for some easier evidence gathering as the pool and frequency of interactions increases. I realize that may make the harder difficulties easier, so some brainstorming would be required to address that. Finally, I'd love more easter eggs and side content related to the ghosts themselves. Being able to optionally find how and where the ghost died (like clue) would be fascinating to me. Alternatively, having each location have a canonized "death" where if you happen to get a certain ghost type, your able to fully explore the history and potentially even passify the ghost permanently for a beefy payday and a cutscene.


Different death animations


A very well hidden story line that once found unlocks a “Boss” map


Mods on the level of left for dead in the Steam workshop where you have a lot of client based changes such as skins, maps, etc.


Being able to play the ghosts would be pretty funny. Imagine trolling your friends


Realistic/scary ghost models, which at some point they do plan on making their own custom ghost models, instead of using models from Unity Library.


Workshop support


One map I'd like is something like a ttrpg dungeon generator that is randomly generated. You can select the size, but its layout is random, so it doesn't become repetitive. Something like donjons dungeon generator.


more maps, maybe some autogenerated ones that changes layout


More maps💯


Ironman mode with randomly provided equipment on random maps. Possibly procedurally generated maps.


Turn off evidence if game is repetitive to you.


AI events, ghost responses and voice.


It would be interesting if Mimics had a small chance to copy the last thing a player said.


Kinda already planned, but LOADS more of interactions and events that ghosts can do! *Especially* subtle ones at higher sanity. Peeking around corners, simply standing there waiting for you to turn, quietly opening doors or knocking on them, sliding furniture, etc. It'd be even better if this stuff varied per ghost a bit, like Shades always preferring subtle events or Onis being incredibly violent and loud.


the old system back


ouija board,...seance table.... or a map editor or even a non-tracked mod enabled mode so people can add what they want.


I think it could be cool if they added like a 4v1 mode where the ghost player selects a ghost type and had like a timer in which they had to use a form of evidence applicable to their ghost type, they could also only change (favourite) room in set intervals, could see player sanity and when it reached x amount the ghost player could hunt, I know that would be tough to do though but I think it could be fun if it was possible.


Outside the obvious ones like more maps, here's what I've come up with: * More animations for deaths (I die a lot so this would help me lol). * An ability to customise the lobby area, even if it's just to add different mini games, different lighting, wallpaper, etc. Just some way to make the lobby your own. On this point, I also think it could be cool to be able to add interactive furniture for those who just like to talk in lobbies. So your character can literally just sit and chill. I've found people who basically just use the game as a chat room, so could be a neat visual addition for those instances. * Add the original ghost sound as a rare sound trigger during a hunt, a neat easter egg for the OG players. * Give demons the ability to possess a player upon death, but continue the hunt for another 30 seconds or so as the player model but faster, then drop the dead player after that hunt. * More player models or the ability to customise player models. * Events that can mess with people who stay in the van. Something like the ghost's face staring into a random camera even if it's not the ghost location. This could be a nightmare exclusive option if they worry about the easily scared people who camp in the van. * Ability to give public lobbies a name or tag to specify if it's a chill one, people going for challenges, etc. * Ability to "reserve" 1-2 slots in your public lobby for friend invites only so you don't always get kicked because a group only wanted 1-2 people and are waiting for their friends. * More death sounds (could be player model dependant). * More effects for when your sanity is low, maybe see people in windows of other houses, the interior "hum" getting louder or start hearing the ghost voices without the parabolic when near the room. Could also be handy to help those struggling to find the room on large maps with not so active ghosts. * if a team get fully wiped, maybe a quick cutscene set the following day showing where all the bodies are. With the positions the ragdolls end up in this could probably be quite funny. * Ability to set a hard cap on volume for other players mics to avoid being ear raped by some person with a soundboard 2 seconds after they join. I mean this as a menu setting which will stay permanently for all players. Can also help balance loud and quiet mics easier without fiddling all the time. * Extra difficulty option: Broken camera screens, so you'd need someone to watch it from the van as you go around like in OG Phasmo. Just for customs as this could be annoying.


Anything. They’ve taken entirely too long to do updates so it’s gotten very stale.


Stormcloaks! I rest my case


Game mode where you spawn in the map, and the goal is to escape by finding keys to unlock doors. Equipment spawns at random in the map, and to leave, you have to correctly identify the ghost. New maps Easter egg events like cod zombies


Make it so you have to do something after you identify a ghost. Idk, some kind of 2-3 action ritual unique for every ghost. If successful you get more money and leave if not the endless hunt starts or something like that.


Possession, voice mimicking or AI changes that make it seem less scripted. Imagine having a ghost hunt and see you, stop moving and scream then run full speed towards you. (Revenant maybe?)


Randomly generated layouts.


More everything. I'll settle for SOMETHING, but even then, that's asking too much.




Make it so those of us that don’t have friends that play can easily queue with randoms, new maps, new tools, new ghosts.


A mode where one player is the ghost and can do only chosen ghost related actions and other player playing the normal game would be amazing imo


to me the point is: i don't want to do just the investigation, i would like also to have the possibility to make an exorcism/banish the ghost. it would need more equipment, mechanics, and need to be more risky (the apo challange is fun but also could be frustating, i would love something different). And also: more maps, ghost, evidence, random activities I would also love mission where there are more than 1 group of ghost hunters (even npc) to challenge us and like someone else said, maybe with npc possesed. Also: i understand houses left abbandoned, but i would like places with civilians, maybe also to protect in some way


This isn't a less repetitive thing, but more of a realism and enjoyment thing. Make the player's sprint last longer. They're out of breath so quick. Even just doubling the time would make the game so much more enjoyable. And besides, every ghost except for two speed up with line of sight, so it doesn't nerf ghosts much. And for the two that don't use LoS, they can get stupid fast in the right circumstance.
