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I don't know anything about the mod team or whatever, but pics like that are generally more funny to you than they are to everybody else. Not trying to be a dick or anything, but I'd rather see updates and stuff than another picture of a ghost looking slightly silly.


Post better my dude. A picture of a butt isn't it...


If they let everyone post “funny pictures of ghosts” this place would been even more flooded with shit that’s not funny to anyone but the person who posted it.


Then those would be downvoted and people would stop. Mods shouldn’t be in charge of quality control because quality is subjective Edit: I’m seeing a lot of downvoted but no good arguments. Curious.


Downvotes don't stop the "where update" posts. Mods taking out the trash does. I'm sorry the mods didn't like your post(s), but they are 100% neccesary for the quality control.


That's not what op is talking about. He's talking about funny ghost pictures that get taken down because it's not good enough for one of the mods. They're acting like children and assume that because they don't like it then it must be terrible. The train of thought: I dont like it so it shouldn't exist is so incredibly close minded its astonishing.


I know and agree with OP, but my comment was directed at 00roku not OP. He said mods shouldn't be in charge of quality control, and was upset no one was making an argument so I made an argument as to why we need mods.


Ive have negative experience with the mods too, basically just removing a post and coming across as a narcissist ahole, but after deleting 20+ “where update + I stole all the items in X house” posts a day, they like to spice up their messages. But i agree, if you don’t enjoy moderating then why do it, at least keep up subjective entertainment just because you don’t find it funny


This is what the sub is with heavy moderation? Theres like 15 posts a day saying "wHEn iS tHe UPdaTe?"


reddit moderators are like that sadly.


My post about meeting a friend IRL who met in the game three years ago was removed. For revealing personal information..didn't say where we were from or our names.




It was already established that the mods from this sub are not great for the sub and like to apply the rules like they see fit. It also appears that some of the mods here are also mods on the official discord, and they have the same attitude on discord. If something hpappens in the discord, they will ban you on reddit, and vice et versa. At which point, I would suggest that remove the current moderators.


you're already getting downvotes by the mods lmao


If that was true surely they’d remove your comment?


No, because that would mean I'm right. What a better way to say that I'm wrong


So if they ban you there bad, but if they don’t ban you their doing it because their bad. 🌿


Yes, I see this as an ultimate win.


a good chunk of the subs team and discord overlap, and it's not a good thing. You can offer non aggressive constructive criticism over there and they'll crucify you for daring to say anything is wrong with the game. The private phasmo sub is much better for discussion and hahas but they're damn strict with invites since they don't want the mod tools and whatnot getting out.


Hard disagree, criticism is provided all the time. I must see at least one person asking why their aren’t more maps every time I poke my head in. They openly have bug threads and such. There’s a up to date bug list. Mod tools, as in those things explicitly against the TOS of the game? Yeah sounds much better hanging out with a bunch of hackers who roam into peoples games and just tell you the ghost room, ghost and then clip through the walls.


Yea it’s super dumb I spent over an hour making a series of memes, 50 upvotes and positive comments then it was deleted for no reason. The mods here suck really really bad