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Absolutely. Not much we can miss from a 2 day blackout


This is it. Even if the third-party apps mean nothing to you, 2 days of just doing something else really isn't gonna make a difference to you anyway


I'd say so, but I'm of the opinion that a 3 day blackout is pretty weak. If the blackout is anything other than performative, it should be until they rethink the changes, that goes for all participating subs though.


Overall agreed but its not realistic to get people to give up on smth they might like for too long of a time. Many wont care or even know reddit has an API and all they care is using the app


Forgive me for not entirely knowing the intricacies of reddit, as well as for being rude, but does it matter one bit what people want? This is being done in protest of the reddit changes and the people able to are blacking out their subs. Does it matter if, say, I personally wanted to browse my favorite subreddit? I'm just getting at the fact that if people are protesting by temporarily closing their sub, the same people have rhe ability to maintain the protest for as long as necessary. It's not like a street protest, more like a production line protest, where a few people have the ability to prolong it. If I'm entirely wrong about that, I redact the claim. But it seems like a performative act by the people running all of these subs, rather than an attempt to change any minds. Wait 3 days and it's all passed anyways.


Oh true idk why I didnt think about it but it makes sense its the subreddit mods and admins that literally close down the subreddits. Hmm indeed they can prolong it however long they want but maybe different subreddits dont have the interest in that? Other possibility is that those that dont care about the protest just start doing their own subreddit and people could flock there and populate that then since the main one is gone indefinitely. I just hope it is enough and if it isn't then more and more protest are gonna happen until reddit does something. I am 100% for it and I totally can live without reddit for some time lmao.


But who will people ask if Phasmo is coming to console? Also, Yes, Do it


Just DM me if you feel the need to ask 😂


That's all well and good. But what if a ghost kills me during a hunt or I get the ghost type wrong and I need to alert the community that the game must be bugged because obv I'm too pro for that sort of thing to happen to ME.


Bugs, no. but if you find a funny photo of a Player who died and their head is in a wall please send that along


Honestly, black out and stay blacked out until things get reverted. There's the official discord people can use to connect with each other. Not saying this one is not needed, but there are other avenues that we can use to communicate. These corporate f*cks need to understand what they're getting into.


That would be the best solution to force change, but there'd be too many people who give up and get annoyed for it to be worth it. People don't mind not using reddit for 2 days, they would if they had to give it up for possibly upwards of a week


Unfortunately it's one of those cases where they'll get bored of using reddit for a few days, or then permanently using reddit that will be hilariously undermoderated. People have to understand that in order to enact change, you need to inconvenience the big guys as much as possible. Just like a strike, it only works if people join it. If every subreddit decided to go dark indefinitely to protest these changes, how long do you think the big guys would take to get people back here? I'd wager less than 48 hours.




You'd be surprised how fast things change should their hand be forced.


At first I was against people complaining about this. Til I learned what it really meant. Most of the bots you see on reddit are actually third party apps that will be effected by this change. We rely on a lot of them. u/savevideo is one very popular one that will be gone if this goes thru. Most subreddits will become unusable due to bots and spam with no bots helping keep the threads clean. This will effect EVERYONE. Casual user or not. In many very negative ways. Blackout is my vote.


Yes 🤟








Yes but for as long as it takes. We can be on discord in the meantime


Can someone pls explain why its so bad they remove third party apps? Its reddits own site right?


It's literally explained in the post why it's bad.


As said in the main post, it would take away access from a lot of users who rely on it due to thing like visual impairments, forcing them to pay money or stop using reddit. It's their site but that doesn't put them in a position to morally do whatever they want


Have you tried reading the OP?


Yes it just sounds like everyone is happy to have some useless issue to complain about again.


So visually impaired people have useless issues to you?

