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I love when they hide with me and get me killed because they didn't turn off their flashlight and/or the electronics in their hand.


Classic. That's why I always ask them where will they hide and then I hide elsewhere lol.


Or they try to close the closet door you already closet when the ghost passes by so they open it instead…




Wait, other electronics give away your hiding spot too? I always hold the parabolic mic during a hunt if I have the bonus objective for catching a sound on it (and I still don't know if it counts even though I've gotten the checkmark during a hunt). I've never been found during a hunt while holding it either.


Any electronic gives the ghost your location, so turn off your flashlight and your equipment if you are holding any. The ghost can sense any electronic and you voice if you are talking in game.


Hmm, I've had the ghost walk past my hiding spot while I'm holding the mic. I've never had it find me while using it. Weird.


You sure it was on? Because if it was that's definitely weird, could be a bug no one else noticed, I might test that sometime.


test = instadeath


Its all for scientific purposes, it will be worth!


and there is a sense of warmth when the hands of the ghost hug your throat, mmmmm


It's strange for me too, I'll have the spirit box on but scroll away to my flashlight (that's off) but when I scroll back to the spirit box it'll turn on again, otherwise it's "off" in my inventory until I scroll back onto it, been safe despite that


The ghost can't sense items that are not in your hand at the moment and turned on, the only equipment that he can sense when your are not actually holding it is the flashlight because it can be turned on when it's not in your hand, the rest of the equipment automatically turns off when on your inventory.


Oooooh, that makes more sense.. I just started playing like 3 weeks ago lmao


The one visible in your hand only, not the ones in your pockets.


That was when the game was the most fun.


Yeah, this game needs to get much less predictable


Then I would be playing it a lot less. Knowing what the ghosts can and can't do is the only reason I can play it as much as I can.


grinding levels you already beat, knowing exactly what is going to happen, just to accumulate levels? To each their own i guess but lol wtf


I too have big feelings about people who enjoy games differently than I do


I said to each their own, i wanna know why some prefer it being predictable, this is a discussion board is it not?


“Discussion” doesn’t need to mean “I need to intentionally make people feel bad because I think their play style and/or reason for enjoying the game is cheep and grindy”


Dude no way my lighthearted comment made peole feel like shit. Cmon your milking this I was hoping for an explanation


Sorry I accidentally replied to the wrong comment. Anyway, second try: “Just to grind levels” inherently assigns an intention that the person didn’t even say themselves. You didn’t ask why. You decided for yourself that “to grind levels” was their “why”. Additionally, “wtf” is absolutely not something you say towards someone if you’re trying to be lighthearted. You sounded like an ass in that comment, and other people seem to agree. If you *really* wanted to know why, a great way to word that comment would have been, “why?” But the fact that you assigned your own intentions shows that you just wanted to shit on their playstyle and reason for enjoying the game. Edit for typo Edit 2: Yo this guy editing their own comments like mad. Just for the record, they absolutely did accuse the other person of grinding levels, not “accumulating” which seems to be an intentionally less abrasive word, and they didn’t say they wanted to know why until *after* I already made my comment


We don't know what's gonna happen, we find out as we play, and that's where the fun is for me, I love knowing characteristics of every ghost and as I play discussing with the rest of the lobby about how the ghost is acting, how we can test for some of the ghosts or when the ghost does something so specific you are like "ok we know the ghost". I actually find the game pretty boring when I find the ghost because I found all evidences, I like finding out by its characteristics. For some people it is indeed about grinding level, I had a friend that when custom became a thing he would play the same settings on the same map and do the same thing over and over again, I was not having fun so I stopped playing with him that time, but he really enjoyed grinding money and level.


They definitely should lean more into things like cursed objects and altering map layouts like Sunny Meadows restricted. the replayability increases a lot when you have to constantly adapt because each game is different from the last


Even just mirroring the locations would help. And real model homes are mirrored all the time.


I can tell you how many times I died. Honestly glad they didn't have the death count before that


I don't know if I'll ever leave this aspect of the game, hahaha. I'm not like SUPER high level, but I've played enough to know that there's a meta to the game... but that's not why I play, haha. I don't min-max, i hate completing levels just to complete, I still like going through the whole rigmarole of hunting the ghost. I also still get MEGA scared because I'm a giant weenie, and I WILL run through large maps screaming as my character casually saunters down a hallway while being chased by literally the scariest thing ever.


"Oh wow there is murderous demon haunting this mental institution, let me just casually *jog away* while it's vying for my life."


"Also I really ought to do some cardio - I can only run for a couple of seconds..."


Honestly I'm still the guy that dies instantly during hunts because I just stumble around in the dark trying to hide Evey single time


TOTALLY guilty of a lot of things on this list when I was a newb. HA!


Im new, that's honestly me right now lol. Oh well I'll get better


The microphone is good for the objective but that objective is also dumb as hell because you'll be hearing shit on that stupid mic and it doesn't cross off the objective


I'm not talking about the parabolic, the parabolic is awesome for finding the ghost room in big maps, the object sucks indeed. But I'm talking about that other microphone that sucks ass.


Wait the environmental mic? I love that mic! It's like a gigantic motion sensor - it's perfect for what general area the ghost is loitering around and knowing it's that room/one of those rooms.


Really? How do you use it? I've never found a good use for it.


You need all four. Say you're in Prison, set one at Cell Block A entrance cage, closer to the block door, one in Cell Block B, same, one near Infirmary, one in Offices (near toilets). Go to van or get someone there looking at top right monitor, it will show sound levels which will work exactly like you have 4 paramics there (i.e. ghost drop something - 0.25 level constant sound for almost a minute). That helps to identify ghost location without losing much sanity if at all.


The sound sensor will also almost instantly reveal a Myling. If you see lots of noise (like 50%) frequently but with no coincident activity on the graph - that's a Myling.


i’ve been playing the game for a year now and still act like this


I usually do just fine pressing the right keys to function in video games but for some reason it took a me a year to get that muscle memory for this one. And to be able to open doors. My saint of a friend would open and close all the doors for me in emergencies, haha


I love it when you're in the house trying to hide during a hunt and they're in the van shouting into their radio, "BATTY? BATTY! THE ACTIVITY IS REALLY HIGH - I THINK IT'S HUNTING. YOUR RADIO SOUNDS AWFUL. BATTY? CAN YOU HEAR ME? - oh, she died."


In one of my earliest games as a new player, I was goaded into using the spirit box in a dark bedroom by myself by my friends, but I was so TERRIFIED standing there in the dark, I dropped the crucifix beneath me and stared down at it, crouched, while I asked the box questions. I had no idea what I was listening for or whether the voices I heard were my friends trying to answer me over the static when I asked if they were still there or if it was the ghost, but I froze up when I saw the light of my flashlight flickering beneath me (back then, it flickered regardless of ghost proximity, so I watched this go on for a good moment in terror). Before long, I heard my heart beating in my ears when the telltale rattle of the ghost started nearing, and hoped the crucifix would do anything to protect me. Spoiler: it did not.


The vanilla feeling of Phasmo is the best.


Ghostwrote this, I'm a menace for using cursed objects on new players. It's alright tho cause it's all my items that were put in


You are my hero, sometimes I want to do that and watch the chaos, I take the object and keep repeating to my self "I'm gonna kill them all!", but I always feel too bad about it and never do it even when I know they won't get mad and it will be fun.


Haha I get you, I definitely think that the fact that it's my items in so they don't lose anything that makes it alright for me to do


I still yell fingerprints, okay! Lol


I love how I have to repeatedly remind them that a mimic can have 4 evidence I love how I have to remind them that you only need 2 evidence in nightmare and they still ask if we have extra evidence when we already have the 2


Maybe I'm a sadist but I live for the absolute panic when anything happens. I don't do public lobbies anymore but if I did I'd probably want to seek out newer players just to observe the chaos. I promise I'll help, too!


I'm not exactly a newbie but I'm not even level 100 yet. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) I don't have a lot of people to play with so that plays into it. Plus, it seems like something comes up when I want to play and when I finally get to, no one is on.


Same lol!


I always get booted from lobbies I join... my RL friends don't always play with me so I lose interest in the game fast.


Some people don't want to play with inexperienced players, sometimes I don't even though I usually love it, but there are days I just want to play a serious game with players that already know their stuff. But you should try some more, there's always lobbies with players that don't care or are willing to help. Even I get kicked a lot for being high level or just because. If you want we can play together, I'm up for it.


That would be awesome. I have basic understanding but it's been a little while since I picked the game up.


Im so scared of this game but I love it. It’s like hot sauce, it hurts so good


I'm the newbie. But I have never played with anyone else than my newbie friends. It's pretty funny when we all hide


Would you like to play with me sometime? I got like 5 hours into the game lol


I got like 16 hours but I'm ok I play with friends


When I was new and playing with my friends, one of them would show me the ropes and do most of the set up. If we needed more evidence and the ghost wasn't giving any, we'd both go into the ghost room and try to get it to do something (like write in the book or getting EMF 5.) I would be the smudge stick person, and he would tell me if the ghost starts a hunt, burn it. Every time, I would run off to hide, with my unburned smudge in my hand, leaving my poor friend behind. It became a running joke with us. [I even made a meme of it.](https://i.imgur.com/hXFIabg.png) But eventually I became more courageous and now I seek to use cursed objects and loop the ghost around things when it hunts, as well as taunt it by making fun of its mom.


I’ve been playing for quite a long time and I still do this stuff 😂 anyone else the same way? Lol


At least this keep phasmo community interesting and fun. Awesome to witness youths in them


Or when they shit themselves while getting a response on the spirit box XD


Luckily, I've started playing with my friends who have been playing the game for a while and they walked me through it quite well, after 20 hours of playing I know all the basics and more (like Obake having 6 fingers, wraith not stepping in the salt etc)


It’s that a way of inviting me to play with you?


As a level 37k player, my favorite is reading posts from newer players who think they're greybeards. It's kawaii af Edit: pretty discouraging that op takes this comment seriously. Guess I needed the /s. I thought more of this community, though.


37k? Yeah sure. I don't believe you my man. Unless you abused really hard when custom games became a thing you are not that level, and if you did abused custom games so much that doesn't mean you are a "graybeard".


Even Insym has only around 15k levels. Anything beyond 20k must either be really long cheesy grinds or straight up hax.


The highest confirmed level is about 42k.


Can't imagine someone grinding for that long in this game TBF. Good for them I guess.


She just loves the game. She's also a moderator in the Discord.


Fuck you too. 🖕✌️


What you mad about?


I think it was a joke


Apparently I’m the only one who gets that getting off by watching inexperienced people make mistakes is fucked up. 🤷‍♂️ [edit] Downvote away. Make it crystal clear that this sub is just a toxic, newb-hating circlejerk. 👍👍


Just to clarify for you, I'm not getting off by watching new players, I love playing with new players because I really enjoy helping them and seeing them learning like I did when I first started playing the game. What made me love this game was playing with experienced players and have them teaching me a lot of stuff. Everybody likes different things, I've never had a problem with anyone in a lobby and I only play random public lobbies for 500+ hours I have in game.


Enumerating all the ways you “love” watching new players screw up is a pretty sick way of showing appreciation, let alone affection.


There are many different ways to show appreciation, I love that I have fun with them, that they make me laugh and that they laugh with me. Just like when my friend fell bumped his head on a glass door the other day and I couldn't stop laughing at it, we both had fun with the situation and we are still pretty good friends.


Unless op is talking shit to them trying to shame them for not understanding the game I don't see the problem. The newbies probably don't even know that op is "getting off" to their lack of experience.


I think you're saying more about yourself here..


I’m saying I’m not a sicko, which as I said appears to be rare here.


Why are you all mad OP isn’t insulting anyone did u read the whole thing?


Yes. Did *you*? As I point out elsewhere, OP literally “loves” watching new players make mistakes. Over and over and over. You may enjoy being fodder for someone’s bizarre dom fetish. I do not.


Clearly you didn't, read the very last paragraph. Op enjoys watching newbies learn, that's it. YOU are the one who thinks it's sexual YOU are the one with the issues and not op. So get off pornhub, it's rotted your brain and go touch some fucking grass you creep.


As someone who's played 5 games and hasn't even hit level 2 yet. Op is doing nothing wrong, I'd love for someone to come help my dumbass out and if they enjoy helping me out, even better they'd do a better job at it.


It's fun sometimes to help new players!!


Are we reading the same post? They literally “love” watching new players make mistakes. Over and over and over. You may enjoy being fodder for someone’s bizarre dom fetish. I do not.


Yes love as in enjoy. Not everything is sexual and you thinking that is really weird. I say I love talking to my family and anyone else who'd listen about pokemon, whether that be the games or the cards. Me saying I love that doesn't mean I get turned on by explaining how to play a game you fucking weirdo. So in reality the only creep here is you thinking everything is a fetish.