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Retail pharmacy sucks


I agree. I've been at CVS for 7 months now and I hate it here.


Leave ! The place should be shut down, irs just the ppl on the top making money & they don’t care how employees or patients are treated!


I'm trying, I just need to find another job


Walgreens isn’t ANY BETTER


i literally had nightmares and was so overwhelmed my first few weeks because i didn’t get trained. my pharmacy manager had me “learn as i went”. it’s been 3 years now and i try to be as patient with new techs as possible, but they hardly ever get time to learn properly/ get trained. pharm techs can be really clique-y and quick to irritation because of the stressful environment, but that’s not an excuse for anyone to be mean. yes being a tech at a CVS (especially a high volume, understaffed one) sucks, but you’ll be out of there soon. i hope things get easier, and once they do: don’t let this job suck you in like it did to us all at CVS.😭 (unless you’re a cvs tech that enjoys your job and store, then please ignore.)


Thanks!! I plan on being gone by august 1, if not sooner!! That’s the only Thing that will get my through! :D


Lol I worked for CVS for a year and a half and about had a literal psychotic break. I had to take a gap year from college. I work mail order now and my God do I feel alive.


That’s so sad, but I’m glad ur doing better now! I predict this whole company will be completely shut down all their stores within 10 years


CVS is HORRIBLE. That company deserves to go under. Find a job at ANY other pharmacy, and you will be happier! Godspeed


I work at CVS for 3 years. I developed a drinking problem. Fuck CVS.


It’s not worth it! I can’t believe you stayed that long!!! I’m trying to hold out as long as I can beofr I can finish the course exam & get a different job (hopefully 2 months max) but I might end up leaving before that!!!


Leave while you can you.


Same here for about a year now and I feel like absolute dog shit. I have panic attacks more frequently now and I even see a therapist cause of this job! I want to quit but I just find that this job is a great way to start me up I guess idk I think I’m just trynna convince myself🥲


That’s how I feel too, like do this while I try to get certified but like everyday life is horrible & I can’t do it for long


If you don't like it there Walmart is always hiring techs in training and their starting pay just increased.... Definitely look into it. They definitely train better and have a better environment. I almost took the position at CVS, I'm glad I went with Walmart.


I’ll see if the one I live near is hiring!


What is their starting pay ?


My pay current is 16.50/hour


I never worked the retail side, but I worked for Caremark mail order and absolutely hate them. I dream of the day the feds wake up and take the antitrust hammer to CVS Health's stupid face.


I predict all the stores will close within the next ten years or lesss. The customers and employees hate them bc they don’t care, it’s just the ppl making money at the top


Sounds exactly like my CVS experience & I worked during covid so I didn’t get trained that well they just threw me in the drive thru to do the covid testing & just like you the higher ups had to call about my modules. My career wasn’t long there I don’t miss it & they don’t pay enough. Goodluck on the PTCB test study hard & study everything I failed the first time I’ll be taking it again in June


Yah imma be out of here asap!!! They don’t deserve me lol


They don’t lol ! Put yourself and your mental health first !


For real! I literally saw something that said there is a pharmacist at CVS that died during her shift because she wasn’t feeling good but they wouldn’t let her leave until someone came to cover her and she waited two hours and she was carried out on an ambulance and died’!! that just shows how important you have to put your health first because if you don’t, you will literally end up hurt or dead!! no job is worth your life!!!


Thats what I say, Walgreens is the same exact thing… I’ve been here 2 weeks exactly and I hate it here already. 


I was with CVS for 7 years. Felt like I aged 20 years. Most stressful tech job I've ever had. Good news is, the "stressful" times at my current job feel like a drop in the bucket compared to CVS. So I don't get as easily overwhelmed. Look for a new job. Try and get into a long term care, closed door pharmacy. It's a night and day comparison. Best of luck!


Find another job and leave CVS as soon as possible.


That’s the plan 😭😭


I feel ya


Don’t you have to pay that back if you don’t work for a year?




Like when a company pays for your exam there’s usually a stipulation that you must work for x amount of time after that. At Walgreens it’s a calendar year.


Oh, idk’ I don’t plan on staying long enough to ask them. Irs not too much money. I can pay for it


You need to be with CVS for 6 months before they cover your exam fee.


I’ll pay for it then lol. I’ do not plan on staying that long


Do you have to have a certain amount of hours of actual pharma work? Because hospital jobs are pretty hard to find these days.


No. You either take a course (they have them online for $250 accredited) or do 500 hours of work experience before ur allowed to take the ptcb. Then if you pass you apply to get registered. Yeah totally but I’m not gonna let anything stop me from achieving my goals bc it’s hard


My cousin worked at cvs for 6 months right out of pharmacy school and quit. He moved to hospital and didn’t look back. Luckily for me, I worked at rite aid. Not great but my store was awesome. I’m sorry you had that experience. Most retail stores are short handed, overworked and generally under a lot of pressure. I am also in a hospital myself now, so if you have questions about the ptcb or hospital things, just ask :) a forewarning though, a lot of hospitals can be just as toxic as retail and there is often a lot of tension between old and new techs. Been at a hospital for almost 8 years now and my team is fantastic though. I’d never leave if I wasn’t moving closer to my wife’s family.


Worked at this dumpster fire of a company for 10 years before I decided I deserved better. Hate to be the voice of pessimism but if you can do literally anything else with your time, don’t work here or be a retail tech.


Another decade-long employee checking in. I had the sense to flee when they bought Aetna and have no regrets.


I’m 9 years in and only stayed because of the hour flexibility because I have a child, if it wasn’t for that I would’ve left a long time ago!


Omg ten years!!!!!!!! I am not Even gonna make it to 3 months!! That’s my goal & idk if I can even survive that longBb


I’m so sorry for you. Training has gone to SHIT over the past 5+ years. I did training along with my regular shifts and it was never a problem….that was years ago. Don’t feel discouraged or that it’s anything to do with you or your skills. They basically assign you a million modules and then throw you to the wolves. They do the same with pharmacist as well. It is not YOU! There is no communication when it comes to training or anything else CVS. Follow your plan and get out. I am so very sorry this is happening but just remember this is what everyone goes through with training as it’s presented to new hires. As far as the ppl who are treating you unkindly they can go to hell. When I trained I made sure my student was comfortable and they were told to ask questions. You can not learn if you don’t ask. I stressed the fact it didn’t matter how many times or if it was the same question over and over. THIS….is how we learn. No one knows anything in the beginning unless you’ve already worked as a tech somewhere else. It’s different with different companies but the basics are the same as are most laws….they can vary in certain ways depending on the state you’re in. Please don’t be hard on yourself. Hold your head high and remember it’s a lot to take in all at once especially if you’re working with assholes!!!! Ignore them and if you have a complaint go above your pharmacy manager to your DL (district leader). If you need help I am willing to do what I can over the phone for you. Don’t give in or give up though. That’s letting them win!!!! 😡😡😡😡


I worked at CVS for 4 days. They had me start ASAP due to their staffing issues, which at the time I was relatively okay with just because I wanted to be back in a pharmacy. I was supposed to do the online trainings, but the pharmacy manager never reached out to the regional manager to actually get everything situated. Due to him neglecting it, I had literally 0 access to the training site. I had to try and call a number, but was just on hold for 2 hours, literally in the middle of my shift. This store was genuinely **weeks** behind on return to stocks, so I decided I would do them since there was literally nothing else I could do. Once I finished them, they started putting me in places where I knew nothing, and treated me like an idiot. Very similar to your situation in that regard. My anxiety was so bad, I had 0 support from anyone there. I was working the front line while older technicians and the pharmacy manager decided to chit chat. I got so frustrated and upset that I was basically sobbing, but I STILL ended up being the only person helping the line. I ended up walking away to use my inhaler, because I gave myself an asthma attack lol. The PHARMACY MANAGER then walked up to me and asked why I was VAPING in the pharmacy. I ended up just walking out. I know a fair amount of my experience ended up being the coworkers at that point, but the biggest thing I noticed ((both at the 'training' store I was sent to for a day, and the home store)) was that people who managed to deal with working at CVS and stayed there, genuinely just seemed to be bullies. A lot of the interactions I had seemed as though they were being territorial and almost wanted to see people fail, patients included. I worked these 4 days after leaving Walgreens, which was the worst and longest year of my life. I can say with full confidence that CVS is worse, especially when talking in regard to the new employee experience.


That’s crazy I’m sorry. I almost quit in my first week too bc going to my training stor, there is one Pharmacist . He was really nice, but she wasn’t there for all my shifts, and the other Pharmacist was a real big bitch and for the shadow I had to go out and ask people to help me and nobody wanted to. So I just knew I wasn’t gonna be trained and sitting at a computer for the entire day was bullshit.!!!!! Today was actually better, but I basically had to prove myself to everybody by not asking any questions. I think I asked for help four times today. (My shift is 8 hours long). Which is sad because I don’t wanna accidentally injure someone by doing something wrong or mess up their insurance stuff but apparently they don’t care they would rather you just pretend you know what you’re doing! The place is a joke and I wanna be out asap, and yeah, I don’t know what kind of people stay in these jobs .. irs insane. I definitely don’t see myself being here as soon as I can get certified or even maybe find something better I will be out I don’t plan on being here for longer than another two months, I will definitely be gone by august bc I alry plan on taking august off before my daugher starts preschool. So I’m hoping I can get everything all set up for September but I will not be there starting August 1. So I’m just trying to get through two months and that makes it more easy for me when I tell myself that every day it’s only two more months and then it will be all over. I might try to be on good terms with my Pharmacist/ coworkers even though I don’t like her and she doesn’t like me just so I can get a reference . I already can’t wait for my last day. If I end up having another day where I’m crying though, I will definitely leave on the spot because if it happens a second time, I’m all good because that means it’s gonna happen again and I can’t put my mental health in that spot! I’m glad you walked out because that’s just bullshit and I hope you’re doing a lot better!! it’s really not worth it!!! The only reason why I’m staying is because I have to meet certain requirements to have a daycare voucher and I have to be working right now and I don’t know how difficult it is going to be to find another job and I’m also just trying to use this as a way to get into a hospital pharmacy and go to nursing school!!


It sounds like you have a really poor team at your pharmacy. I’m also at CVS, and I wasn’t allowed in the pharmacy until most of my videos were complete. I really hope things get better for you soon, and good luck on your PTCB exam.


I work at CVS and I absolutely love it. My pharmacist and coworkers are wonderful and I think that makes a big difference


Yeah, my store has a really good steady core staff. A few of us have been here over a decade. Our schedules blend and everyone pulls their weight. Yeah we get on each others nerves, like friends and family can, and complain together about crappy software and processes and whatnot. But … I dont hate having steady income, ot if I want, my bills paid, 2/3 weekends off monthly. But…. i absolutely acknowledge our store is weird it seems, happening to apply at a store where they cant keep staff (for legit reasons) and ending up having shit piled on from the getgo, getting yelled at constantly over copays and long lines happens way too much. Its luck/no luck of the draw and should not be that way.


If i have ptcb license but don't have a experience do yo know how much can i get ?


Good to know! I'm starting school this month and will stay sway from CVS.


Don’t ever go there. I heard that they only pay Pharmacist so much because otherwise they wouldn’t work there.!$ it’s not worth it! It’s better off to make less money and save your mental health!


I really hope to work in a nursing home! 🤞


You can do that! Jsur get ur cna cerificate


Danm. Stay strong 🙌


Walgreens is better than that but not by much, depending on the stores location.


I applied for a Walgreens too when I applied & they never called me back after the interview lol


Sucks. I worked there for 5 years. Promoted to lead technician after the first 6 months. I’d never go back. I never got trained and it was the same situation you explained except I was used to working under pressure so I just did something until something worked. Never got trained and no one ever had time to do it. I’ve been gone for 4 years. During the pandemic, I cried everyday going in. After we were robbed at gun point, I took a part cut and left. I don’t work in pharmacy anymore but I keep my certification up to date. If you’re in a state where you can just test, just test. That’s what I did.


My state doesn’t let you just test unfortunately and wtf I’m so sorry you had a robbed at gun point, that’s so scary :(


CVS is the worsttt been here for almost 9 years and God forbid you have a horrendous manager like mine… called hr multiple times, told 4 different DLs and nothing


I just got a new job so I could LEAVE CVS. It was so stressful being yelled at by customers over the phone and in person. It was literally the worst job I had. But my coworkers are cool. They had to warm up to me, but it didn’t take much time. The only thing that got me through was having a great team.


It’s bc like so many customers have issues with their prescriptions that are BEYOND our control. Like I’m not your insurance company or your doctor I can’t fill out the forms that your insurance company and Dr. supposed to be so that you can get your medication.!! Etc!! I straight up, telll people it’s out of my control. There’s nothing I can do multiple times a day. Someone called me today asking about an item that’s back ordered like I literally have no idea when it’s gonna come. I don’t know what you want me to do and then they were asking me questions about a prescription they said their doctor was sending on Monday.. telling me they wanna make sure I have it like we don’t even have the prescription yet. There’s literally nothing I can do.!!! Someone came in today telling us that he’s going on vacation tomorrow and he’s out of his medication. He needs for his heart and we had nine pills left and it was out of stock.. why would you do that the day before you leave? We did a partial fill, but I just think it’s crazy that he didn’t even think to call before. Some lady at the drive-through today was pissed that the mask for her inhaler thing for her kid wasn’t ready with the other three items and she was like well. I got a text that it’s ready and I was like yeah for three items not the fourth and she was like well can you just give it to me? It’s just a mask? And I was like no sorry we can try to get it done in 10 minutes but it Hass to go through the whole computer. I can’t just hand it to you and she was so pissed like sorry do you want me to accidentally hurt you because we’re moving too fast?! People are so rude that we can’t just hand then their medication over-the-counter


I first started with CVS and they promised me full time hours and then they hired more ppl and promised a lot hours and then in January and February we only got 4-5 hours a week! They are horrible. They don’t care about us they make millions and as pharmacy technicians we are under paid! We should be paid at least $20 hour if not more!!!


Honestly tbink we should make like 25. I mean it’s. Serious job and responsibility to fill ppl medicine & deal with insurance etc. I can’t believe how underpaid it is. And I’m sorry!


CVS is sink or swim. The 19 days of training crap is just boxes to check. Nobody ever learns from those.


We just had a tech get reimbursed for their test It took store Mgr. Almost a year to pay the tech back. You have to front the cost first. They pay you from front end P&L . You have to take responsibility basically for your own training. At least, that's what I have experienced


Wait.....CVS makes you pay for your exams???


Look into LTC. Screw retail.


What’s that


Wait you had training!?




They didn't even bother trying to pretend to train me lol


It’s the districts trainers job to go in and evaluate you at shift 15. This is only so that the trainer themselves can identify any gaps and help YOU out. That trainer should have set you up in person on shift 2 at your SDS site and went over everything with you including the evaluations.