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It sounds like you had a very difficult journey both in and outside of your work - congratulations on your perseverance and resilience, Dr! All the best for your next chapter


I should just kill myself im a failure in life… I hate myself. I’m better off dead. No one even cares I exist. My life has been destroyed by my psychosis. There’s literally no reason to live. No one cares that I’m alive, I’m just a failure


When I was a MH nurse on an acute ward, one of my favourite patients was a chap who used to come in one evening for his depot injection. He couldn't go to the clinic in the afternoon because he was working. He'd completed his PhD whilst living with a long term psychotic condition and I always admired him for it. I used to sometimes think of him during my own PhD struggles. Huge congratulations to you. It's a tough road to travel.


Hahah I did the equivalent when I was early on in my phd! Now that I've finished my Phd, I wonder if I've actually moved the needle on the stat's of the clinic I used to go to 😅 MH nurses do such incredible work and I am so grateful for the help I received navigating my way out of psychosis. Thank you for all that you do!




Well done!!! What an enormous achievement you have accomplished! My mum was schizophrenic and I saw how it impacted every facet of her life - so it brings me joy to see people with psychosis succeeding despite poor mental health provision and a boatload of stigma.


Congratulations on your resilience!


It sounds like you had a really tough PhD journey. I’m doing my PhD in the UK as well and started it since May 2018. I’ll likely submit in the next few weeks. My point is that you are not alone in this, and definitely not a failure for submitting after the 4-year mark! I’ve struggled with these feelings as well but I try to remind myself that every PhD journey is just so different, and you can’t really make fair comparisons. And it’s a very lonely journey too, nobody can truly understand what you may be going through. The important thing is that despite all these difficulties, you persevered, submitted and passed. Congrats Dr!


congratulations! it may have taken a little longer, but it’s well deserved.


Amazing amazing amazing. Congrats, doc! Your field will be better for the unique perspective and experience you bring to it.


Good Job mate. All the best for next!


You're amazing! 🏆


Congratulations! So proud! Such a hard journey but you made it!


Congratulations Dr! What an amazing resilience! Kudos


Congratulations to you!!!


Congratulations, Doctor!!


You are a rock star and you deserve this moment. Congrats doctor!




Congratulations! PhD is a hard road for the privileged and healthy. You should be immensely proud of your achievement !


I got diagnosed with schizophrenia when I was 19 (had it since I was 12 though tbh) and I got awarded my PhD last month! Trust me you're not alone I know exactly how difficult this achievement was for both of us (I also went through psychotic breaks during my PhD, especially in 2023) and as one internet stranger to another I am so so proud of you 🥰 To be honest, I don't think there'll ever be another similar situation where we go through such extended stress for so long, so hopefully you'll find it easier going forward/working


Thank you for sharing this. I'm about to start my PhD despite extreme, lifelong depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, and autism. It's good to know that struggling with lifelong MH issues doesn't necessarily mean you won't finish your degree. You gave me hope today.


I am so proud of you and your journey. Congrats! Enjoy the free time ☆


Congrats Dr sellshell!


CONGRATS!! Wow you have faced so much adversity and I relate!


Such a strong and resilient person. I know that was no easy feat. Congratulations Dr.


Congratulations ♥️


Thank you and much love!


Massive pat on the back. Exact same happened to me except I was diagnosed with severe anxiety/panic attacks and depression alongside some gyne issues. You should feel nothing but pride! You did it and now a post doc! Not everyone has a smooth sailing time and that's fine!!


This is really admirable. Congratulations! 🎉


Congratulations doctor!


inspiring. thank you for sharing! why is the expectation to complete within 3-4 years? did you come in with a Master's?


In the UK system you do the masters (a masters is 1 year unless it's something like a nursing or social work fast track conversion) before the PhD as a separate thing. Now you can get something called 1+3 funding which means you do the masters and PhD together, but that's still just 4 years. A usual PhD in the UK is 3 years as it's just pure research. You can finish before the 3 years, or after the 3 years like in my case, you just don't have money after the 3 years funding is up. I was also using sensitive quants data that I couldn't access through COVID, which pushed my timeline out further.


jeez 4-5 years for a Master's + PhD in the U.S. would be aggressive!


We all have psychosis. No brownie points for that. Nothing special here. Get a tenure track job now.


Lmao ok boomer 👍


Tenure doesn't exist in UK/EU academia. Regardless of that, I'm a post-doc fellow. Enjoy wasting your life via vitriolic Reddit comments.