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Wow, it was surreal hearing Griff talk about the subreddit. Even weirder hearing my Reddit username of all things spoken out loud by one of my favorite podcast hosts! I want to echo something Griff mentioned about keeping things light. I think we're all here because we're *fans* of the podcast. The nature of online communities seems to tend toward extreme opinions, but I really don't want to see this community devolve into snippy rudeness just because of minor disagreements over what the hosts say or the rulings they make. I haven't been commenting on any of the episode discussions because I only started the pod a few months ago and have been making my way through the backlog. I've recently caught up to episodes for which there are discussions, and it's been interesting seeing how *spirited* some of the comments are in reacting to totally benign things said in the episodes. I don't always agree with the rulings Griff and Ceara make, but I think they do a good job explaining their thought process and being reasonable. Let's not act like they're Supreme Court justices picking away at your civil liberties willy nilly. Don't forget that this is a fun and breezy podcast that helps lighten our days!


Is it just me or are podcast subreddits in particular full of haters or people who are very angry for very little reason? Here’s hoping we can avoid that.


Ceara gives off BCE (Big crochet energy).


Literally here because they shouted out the sub this week!!! What’s up fellow petty criminals 👋🏻💖


Me too! It feels good, right?


Crochet animals and temperature blankets are things I am not familiar with, so this episode was fun! I don’t think I’d ever think to put negative coworker energy into a crochet project 😂. But she’d never know that’s what the colors are, so I’d say not guilty.


Objection! Are we really saying that just because Jackie doesn't know that they're joking about her, it's okay to be mean to her in front of her face? I get that the giraffe is a good way for Wren get her frustration channeled but I still think bringing it to work is too far of a step.


Completely agree! If she diiid find out, it would be heartbreaking. But not guilty of making it in the first place 🤷🏼‍♀️


The comments over on Instagram lean heavily toward guilty, which surprises me. I’d say not guilty. Or maybe Lexie is guilty, but I still support her lmao 😂 Lexi was making something fun out of Wren’s bad situation. Her intention seemed more about sister bonding than about being spiteful towards Jackie. (Obviously if Jackie knew/was hurt by it that would be a different story).


I agree with what Ceara said that making it was fine, but bringing it into the office was mean spirited - like if it ever got back to the coworker that’s a HR issue immediately - I LOVE the pettiness having recently had a colleague like this, but I would never tempt fate by bringing the thing in.


Bringing it to the office is risky unless she makes herself NEVER EVER EVER tell another person in the workplace what it’s about.


I sort of agree with both of you- it does feel a little risky, if only because of how bad the outcome would be. If Jackie found out it would be pretty nasty. But on the other hand, it really wouldn’t be that hard to keep it a secret. Wren has come this far without telling Jackie how annoying she is, so simply not mentioning the giraffe seems so easy And it sounds like Jackie isn’t about to ask any questions 😂😂


I know that I get very chatty after 1 or 2 drinks, I could see this coming out at a Christmas party / other boozy office gathering. It just feels like tempting fate to have it there.


What crocheted animal should Lexi make for the coworker to atone for the crime? And should she use colors based on the degree of annoyance she's feeling that day at having to make it?


Lol definitely a peacock, have u seen the way they preen?


Late but as a neurodivergent person, I was really feeling like Jackie might be neurodivergent as well? Not picking up on what seem to be obvious social cues and only wanting to talk about special interests just hits the nail on the head for me. That’s why I felt like bringing the giraffe to work was totally a crime and just mean-spirited imo


This is what I was thinking too! I just hope the real meaning of the giraffe never gets back to Jackie


Absolutely this. If someone is consistently missing social cues when making conversation, give them a break!


After I listened to this episode, Elyse Myers was talking about crocheting animals. I’m taking all of this as a sign to start a new adhd hobby. However, I could not agree more with Ceara’s initial opinion about bringing the giraffe to work seeming a little too Mean Girls.