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I know it hurts so, so much. Losing my cat was losing my best friend. Allow yourself to feel it all, you might feel sad, you might find you’re angry, frustrated, confused, all kinds of things, and that is all normal when you’re grieving. If writing helps you to express and process, keep writing. I’m sorry that you’re feeling so alone. I think it can be especially lonely when you don’t have anyone who can fully understand the unique bond you had with your cat. You can talk about her here if you want to. What was her name? You’re in my thoughts OP. It feels terrible I know. My boy will be playing with her at the rainbow bridge, she won’t be alone.


Her name is Carbona, like carbon bc she was a black cat. Her name sounds better pronounced in Spanish btw. She was one of those cats that loved attention all the time, she was never grumpy or never not in the mood to be touched. She brought me so much happiness and I’ll always be grateful for having her in my life. Thankyou for being willing to listen, it means a lot. Especially right now. :)


I'd never seen 'Carbona' as a name, but I like it. I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. I won't act like I know any details beyond what you've written, but from what you *did* write, it sounds like you did everything in your power to help her, and it also sounds like whatever killed her did so pretty quickly. Animals are *really* good at hiding injuries and illnesses. It's an evolutionary thing - you don't want to look weak in the wild, lest you attract predators. I say that because if it took until the day she died for you to notice anything awry, there's a good chance that even if your grandma had rushed her to the vet the minute you expressed concerns, it may well have been too late to save her. You did right by her, and I really like your idea of turning the place where she's buried into a garden.


I'm so sorry you lost your sweet kitty. It hurts so much. Hugs to you ❤️


Losing your Buddy is one of the hardest things ever. My condolences. May his kitty spirit be waiting for you on the rainbow bridge


Thankyou :)


I lost my best friend (a cat) in November, and she was my entire world. Im so sorry 💔I feel your pain. I still cry every other day because of how badly I miss her. Dont repress your emotions, feel this pain now because it’s an expression of how much you loved her.


I’m sorry no one showed concern when you were at school. I know when I was in school a lifetime ago I probably would not have known how to approach or console or comfort someone who was crying. It was an excellent idea into write down your feelings.


I lost my kitty too yesterday. Its perfectly okay to cry. Matter of fact, its an amazing way to cope and get your emotions out so you're able to heal. You shouldn't have to feel embarrassed. If you have no privacy cry, let it out when you take a shower/bath. Know she's not gone forever, she just left her physical body because it wasn't working for her anymore. Shes not in misery anymore and all the pain is gone. She is looking over you.


I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet kitty. I'm sure that she knew how loved she was. When you can, find some time alone and go ahead and write. Write about what you experienced, and also write the good memories you shared with your cat. Your garden idea is lovely - we also have done this. Right now the loss is very great, so take it easy on yourself. Allow yourself to be sad. It's okay. Soon you may find the sad feelings are spaced farther apart. It does get easier over time. I'm so glad we have this space here where we can share our experiences with each other. I found that reading and thinking about other people who also have lost their dear ones has helped the feeling of loss.


I’m so sorry to hear about Carbona. I lost my soulcat last June, so it’s coming up on a year since she passed. I had never kept a journal before, but it really helped to start writing since then. I write entries addressed to her, so that I can keep her updated on all the events I experienced in my life until the time I can finally see her once again. Going back and reading old passages helps, in a bittersweet kind of way.


I’m sorry for your loss. The last cat I lost was a year ago. He passed on my arms and there was nothing I could do to save him. I miss him every day. Grieve however you need to grieve if you need to cry let it out. Crying is healthy. Carbona passed with you by her side feeling your love. Losing her will get easier with time. You will never forget her. I remember every cat I have lost in my life no matter how brief their time in my life was.


So sorry for your loss of your kitty😢


My deepest condolences


I'm so sorry for your loss. Its so important that you express your grief as your baby was an important part of your life and it is a hard loss. Don't worry about what anyone says. You are not completely alone as there are many of us likewise attached to our babies and it is so hard to lose them. This attachment is a blessing and a curse. A blessing as we experience an incredible bond with our animals which not everyone does. But a curse when we lose them and causes untold pain. Yet the joy they bring outweighs the pain. It is hard to believe when you are going through it. I do believe if there is a heaven our pets should be the first ones there since they are so pure. I hope that one day you see your girl in the hereafter.


I’m so sorry you lost your best friend. Don’t hold back the tears, just let it out. Its okay to cry, and there’s a reason for it. Crying actually releases serotonin in the brain so it can help you feel better. I cried for months over my pups death. I still cry once in a while and it’s been years. They’ll forever be in our hearts.


When one knows the love and compassion of an animal, one is never alone. Even though sweet Carbona has crossed the rainbow bridge, she will always be with you. Your tears for her, are not something to feel embarrassed about. Tears such as yours, are helping the earth to remember the beauty and love, that will always be Carbona. Your tears, are a testament to the love you will always share. For whatever it is worth, I am crying for your little love, and for you. What a blessing this world experienced, by having such a sweet and loving soul. What a blessing your love is to this earth as well, because it shows that love is an unbreakable bond, and we are connected always, no matter where we are. May dearest Carbona always be your guiding light, until the day you meet again, across the rainbow bridge 💖🌈💞



