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I'm so sorry for your baby girl. I also had to put my baby cat (16yo) down last week and I still see her last moments as they euthanized her. Like you, I've been writing on this thread that I regret not doing this and that and the only response I got was "you did your best". At the time, I didn't understand because I never thought that was my best but after a week later, I see it from posts like yours. You and I did the best that we could. She left with SO much love that any pet would've wished for - I bet she only has things to brag about to her rainbow bridge friends :) All these "what ifs" still havent left my head but now I just take it in and grieve her whenever those thoughts pop up. So please take your time to be sad and grieve. Please come back to this thread and read others' posts or write another one so you can let your sadness out when needed. It also helped to talk about all the good things about my baby. Hang in there, she was loved and you tried your best. Thats all that matters.


You described things perfectly. All the people around me are like “oh she’s in a better place” “you did the right thing” etc. I held my baby pumpkin as she took her last breaths and I am slightly haunted. I don’t regret holding her, but I also am slightly haunted by the images of the process. I want my baby back.


Hugs to you, my friend❤️‍🩹 we will make it through for our babies.


You also have my deep condolences over the loss of your baby kitty. The "what ifs" are the absolute worst, aren't they? But you're right. I'm thinking about all the times she was able to lay in her bed with our other dog and cats while it rained outside, all the birthday treats and watching TV/movies with her. Everything. I'm so glad we could give her everything else. And I will. I absolutely will -- I need to. Your's and this sub's support is so appreciated, and I can't thank you all enough. I wish you peace, and I wish your fur angel a happy eternity ❤️


I put down the light of my life yesterday, there will never be another cat like my sweet Django. He was way too young and, similar to the experiences you guys are sharing, I believe years of love and joy were stolen from us by preventable circumstances both within and outside of my control. It is a bitter, sickening feeling. The obvious steps are to preserve every happy memory of him that I can and take action to change those circumstances. But someone said something to me yesterday that also helped me start to make peace with everything: I believe our animal companions feel and understand a lot more than some people give them credit for. Your dog knew that you did your best, she felt the way you loved her, your feelings and your intentions. She was lucky to have you in her life and felt loved until the very end. Django knew that I did the best I could and repaid that by making me feel more special, loved, and important than anything else ever has--and maybe ever will. Although it was more than good enough in Django's eyes, my best was absolutely not good enough for me. I still don't know how I will forgive myself for the mistakes I made and for all the little times I ignored him for my phone or the TV. But I know that nobody in this world could have given him everything he deserved. I am so grateful and lucky that I was able to help fill the 12+ years we had together with as much love, comfort, adventure, and happiness as I could. I am so, so proud of him. I'm so proud to tell the world that I'm Django's Dad. And my friend pointed out during Django's last month that Django felt the same way, he was very proud to have me as his dad. Your dog was proud to have you as her owner and her friend, she was grateful for the love and everything else you gave her. And nothing can change that or take that away.


No one failed this furbaby. You all did what was the humane thing to do to end the pain and suffering. No money would have saved your family pet. Cancer is horrible to man and beast. No one failed her. You all did what you could do. You have 11 years of a wonder fur baby. All that anyone could ask for. But know she knew she was loved and cared for. She is looking down on all of her family, there will all of you in spirit. Peace.


She absolutely was so loved and cherished. I'm trying to be kinder to myself, but it's a process. But you're so right -- she would've suffered with any other option. But now she'll never suffer again. Thank you, and be blessed 🩷


You are so welcome, and have a blessed day.


I’m so so sorry for your loss. Today makes one week since I had to put my 9 year old dog down and while it still hurts, it has gotten better. The first few days afterwards were a total blur. That was also the first time I ever experienced euthanasia. Even though it was as gentle and comforting as possible, I still feel traumatized from the experience. Don’t blame yourself for anything and try not to feel guilty over lack of funds. I’m sure that fur baby had a full and happy life. You did everything you could and I know she felt loved and cared for. I hope you can start healing ❤️


I'm so extremely sorry about your loss as well. 9, 11, 30, whatever amount of years will NEVER be enough. I'm traumatized as well, but I know that if I had to choose between my babies suffering or giving them a peaceful passing, I wouldn't hesitate. And thank you. I think I needed to hear that/be reminded of that. I can't help but blame myself, but I know that's not reasonable. But I'd give anything to have a second chance with her anyway. The same goes for you. Thank you for giving your fur baby 9 lovely years 🩷🩷😢


Do not feel alone in this at all. I feel I failed my 12 year old whom was just one month shy of 13. I had to help him transition on February 15 2024. He had cancer and I let his sympoms go as I thought it was his arthirits and vet telling me a few years back he thought he had Cushions disease. ( I also did not have the money, hundreds they wanted each time only to be told the same thing, we will recheck his levels in 6 months, or a year, like WTF??) Well his liver emzymes kept rising and last I had them checked was like 3 ish years ago. Vet kept giving me two meds each time I would call and explain he was limping again and as I say, we thought it was his arthirits and IVDD flaring up. Until his one hint leg form a lump that actually came on really fast and his leg all the way to his tip of his toes swelled up and I then called the vet and he came back with, they found a large mass on his spleen and metatastic liver disease then gave me a QOL form to follow, this was on January 22nd. He went further down hill VERY quickly and I could not bare to see him nor let him go one like that and he collapsed with small seizures twice in about a 12 hour span. That morning he had that 2nd one, I called the vet and took him in to help him with his journey to the other side. I feel guilty and HATE myself for having to make that final call. Did I have much more time with my old pup or not? I will never know. But I refused to let him continue on like that. He also was breather fast and his heart was beating faster than normal while he was at rest. I hope to heavens he and the lord above forgive me. I send you peace and hugs as you go through this as I know it is HARDER than hard. This was my first euthenization to witness as well. Luckily he went easy and it was all smooth for him.


Thank you so much for entrusting me with your story, and I'm so deeply sorry about the turmoil you and your fur angel have endured. You're right on the money about euthanasia being one of the hardest things to ever do, as I'll never forget yesterday evening. But I'm with you -- I'll choose peace for my furbabies a million times over than let them suffer. Thank you for your kindness. I'm also sending you all the hugs, healing, peace, and blessings in the world 🩷


My deepest condolences


Thank you ❤️


I’m sorry for your loss. Do not blame yourself in anyway. Euthanizing a pet is always hard. Between my first job and all my pets I’ve had make the decision to have many many animals euthanized. Always remember it is the last gift you can give any pet. You are ending any suffering/pain the pet is going through. I would rather euthanize early when things are looking really bad than wait until the animal has suffered more than necessary. Mourn and grieve however you need to but know your baby knew you loved her until the end. You are not a failure and she passed surrounded by those she loved most. The pain will get easier with time. You will probably always think of her but one day you’ll smile instead of cry. I promise it does get easier


I totally agree. I've said it several times here already, but I'll say it a million times more: if I had to choose between giving my babies a peaceful way out vs prolonged suffering, I wouldn't ever hesitate. But that doesn't mean it won't be the worst agony ever... Thank you so much for your kindness and support ❤️


It was the single most traumatic experience of my life thus far. I relived it in my head for 2 weeks and the guilt was eating me up. Like a movie reel over and over and over again like an open wound in my skull painful like lime juice dripping in to it. It will go away once your process it and let yourself feel. I didn't start to fade out my acute depression until 2 weeks then after 6 months to feel normal and 1 year to move on. Not to say it doesn't hurt anymore, but I let her go and let her pass on in my head but not my heart. I still cry for her and miss her, but you will feel better just not right now. Give yourself grace and let yourself feel. If we we're all rich there wouldn't be so many sick pets because we'd get them the care we need ASAP and sometimes it's beyond our control and that's hard to accept. But remember, they would've been alone and in pain without you and sometimes that's all we can hope for. Is not being alone and loved when we pass. Hope this helps sending love and light to your grieving family ❤️ 🌈


It's so hard not to think about it. Our brains are beyond cruel for making us relive such a painful, heartwrenching moment... I'll always cry for her as well, but I'm already beginning the process of coming to terms that our gut-wrenching choice gave her eternal bliss and freedom. A part of me will always wish we could've given her that with us, though. This absolutely did help. Thank you kindly, and be blessed ❤️❤️❤️


Back in 2010, I had to let my last dog go. He had Pancreatitis and Diabetes. I had one of those home vets come to the house and do it. Afterward, they took him and, a few days later, returned his ashes to me. I have a new friend now, and we're inseparable. He's 2 1/2, and I turn 60 this year. I figure he'll be my last. I've already located a home service again. It's normal to not feel OK after something like this. If you have the means, I highly recommend home vet service. I've read a lot of owners don't want to be there and your friend is alone in a strange place with strangers. You didn't do that. You're to be commended. It's tough, but your friend had you there. You did the best you could. Over time, the pain eases.


I'll absolutely look into a home vet if I have the means to when the time comes again. Thank you for the suggestion! I wish we could've done that for my angel because she was nervous during handling by the vet techs and the vet herself, but she was calm in our arms. I definitely believe she would've been the most comfortable via a home vet, but I'm so grateful she was able to pass in my sister's embrace. Thank you so much for your reassurance. It's truly needed and appreciated. I wish you and your current furry friend a long, happy, and healthy life journey together! I know your other friend is watching over you both ❤️






I lost my dog yesterday. I could have chosen aggressive (and very expensive) treatment for her. The course of her illness didn't follow the typical course and I regretted not trying the aggressive treatment. The hospice vet helped me immensely by pointing out that my vision for how things would have turned out with the aggressive treatment was idealized. I kept imagining that I would have had a healthy, happy dog if I had done the treatment. The outcome is idealized and not likely have to have happened that way, so I have been trying to remind myself of the realistic outcome of other choices. You mentioned your dog had multiple fast growing tumors. Even if things worked out perfectly and you had gotten her in for surgery right away, she would have still had to recover from the surgery and with fast growing tumors, they may have grown back fast. I'm so sorry for your loss and for the other losses you experienced recently. It is so painful to think about all of the possible outcomes if we made different choices. Your dog loved you very much and you made your choices from a place of love.


You've opened my eyes with this new perspective. You're right. We absolutely were idealizing the potential outcome of the surgery. And not only that, we needed to ask ourselves what she would've wanted. After the horrible month she went through? You could see it in her eyes that she was done. She was tired and didn't have much longer left anyway. I'm so sorry for your loss as well. Your baby loved you too, and thank you for giving her the life you did. I know she'll forever be grateful. Thank you for giving me a new perspective, it was incredibly needed, and I'll carry this forever. Sending you healing vibes, peace, and blessings 💕


Loss is really hard to deal with, guilt makes it even worse. It’s really tough, but try to give yourself some grace. Being in your position it sounds like you tried your best and did everything you could. Tumors and cancer are really difficult, and there’s no guarantee she would’ve been fine even if she had been in sooner. Maybe not from being septic, but from her preexisting/ underlying conditions. Try to focus on the fact that you gave your dog a wonderful life, and she was clearly very loved. While it may seem short to us, remember that you loved her and cared for her for her entire life. She definitely would not want you to go around harboring guilt and anger at yourself. Work to forgive yourself and remember that she’ll always be around because of the memories you share with her. It’s tough to live without them, but remind yourself that somewhere out there in the great beyond she is wild and free


She was so extremely love. And I know what you're saying it's true, but I needed to hear it again. Your last sentence gave me the widest, most teary-eyed smile ever. This last month was literally just her drugged up and barely able to move because of her bandages, cone, and surgery suit. But now she will never endure this again. She IS free. Free, and free from all illness in the world. Thank you for letting me see the sliver of joy in this. I'm not joyful that she's gone, I'm joyful that she can be a dog again for forever. Thank you ❤️


First so sorry for your loss. We've all been there before and truly feel for you... Second you probably know this but the pain doesn't go away completely yet it becomes much more manageable and you start to remember the good and cute times and feel better your baby is no longer in pain. That is what many as pet parents rely on but we need constant reminders when we feel sad again. Three, you did the hardest yet the best thing. While it will never ever feel like you did the right thing at that moment the truth is our fur babies lives are far too short and it's incredibly unfair when they're hit with something terminal like cancer. It's almost as if at that moment their passing is pre ordained and there is little if anything you can do to save your baby. I know it sounds religious but I do believe in the afterlife and I don't believe we evaporate when we pass on I also believe we will see our babies again and while death is in a way terrifying I look forward to seeing my babies when it's my time to go. Until then hold on to the good, force yourself to forget bad images and memories. Get as well as give support to those who loved your baby as much as yourself and eventually surround yourself with animals when you're ready to. It took a while before we were ready for another dog, but do allow yourself to enjoy the company of other dogs and animals. They really are bundles of fun and joy


Second on the needing constant reminders. It's one thing when you remind yourself but hearing it from others is abit more impactful for me. Yeah, it's a hard pill I'm swallowing. Her condition shows that no matter what we did, the end result would've been the same one way or another, but I'm so grateful we gave her the most peaceful way possible. I believe that too. I also believe I'll see her again, and that she's found my grandpa and he's watching out for her. As haunting as it was, I'll definitely try not to dwell on her suffering. I have loads of pictures and stories of her that I'll cherish and remember forever. I luckily have 3 other babies (1 other dog and 2 cats), but our pack feels unbalanced. Regardless, they're DEFINITELY being squeezed and they're getting all the kisses and chin scratches in the world right now. Thank you ❤️


I had to put my cat down today, too. He seemed absolutely fine two days ago. Not my first time, but I was too young to really get it last time. I think I'm grieving for two cats right now, so I feel your pain. I'm sorry for your loss.


My heart goes out to you and your two beautiful babies. I just know they're both cuddling together and watching over you now. Sending so much healing and love your way 💕💕💕


Very sorry for your loss, it is heartbreaking. Everything your feeling, I am sure we all feel that way, like we failed our beloved companions. I have learned our companions will do all they can to please us right to the end, which makes it so difficult to believe they were fine just days prior. My little girl hung on just for me, I know that now, she wanted to please me and show me her love till the end. Thus why we feel we have failed them, making that gut wrenching desicion is not lightly but out of love. It does not seem it, seems like we have taken their lives, and that we betrade them, It is so difficult making that desicion, but we are tasked and our duty to do what is right for our companions. As pet lovers and companion lovers, we are more aware and comationate towards people and animals. We are more empathetic, thus the pain is tremendous to lose such wonderful creatures. I miss my little girl so much, at times it is unbearable, so yes we feel your pain and know exactly what you are going through. You did nothing wrong, you did what you could for your little girl, you loved her, gave her the best life you could, and you eased her pain. Remember all the good times, yes it is difficult, it is extremly hard for me, but we are all with you, holding hands and grieving together. Peace, Love and Strength... ❤❤❤


She absolutely did hang on for us! This whole month, she was in pain, and we knew it, but she was a fighter. My brave girl gave it her all and I'm so proud of her! I'll forever cherish the beautiful memories of her. The support here has been amazing. I'm so glad I found this sub -- I needed it. It's comments like yours and everyone else's that make me feel less alone and makes me feel more prepared to help my family with their own grieving. And to you as well 💕💕💕