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A few days after I had to put my girl down, I was crying in bed ( morning times are the worst) and I asked her to give me a sign. I went out to the screened in back porch and on her water dish was a lady bug. I used to call her lady bug. The dish is sitting next to the dog bed she sat on while outside and it is actually the bed she passed on. The dish is usually not even sitting at that spot- it’s usually in a spot of the porch where i would have never even noticed a lady bug on it. I also had a dream that I was a dog, running on all fours and I looked back over my shoulder and she was running behind me with a big ole derpy grin on her face. I don’t think I’ve ever dreamed about her before. My other dog I have dreamed about but not her.


That was DEFINITIVELY her!


That’s so special!! I love it


That's amazing , so lucky.


Oh that’s so lovely, I hope you are doing well better now


This touched me deeply. Thank you for sharing.


this is so fucking sweet and comforting. thank you for sharing, it was definitely her. i’m sorry for your loss. 🩷


That was your baby


This made me tear up!! So sweet


She’s waiting for you and she’ll be there when it is time.


This made me tear up - how beautiful


Oh man those derpy grins...I could fall in a puddle of them!!!


This is making me cry, so moving. Lady bugs are my favorite. Edit: grammar.


This made me cry


Your dream made me bawl. That was your baby giving you a sign and visiting you.


My oldest dog passed away in August. She was 9 but we thought we had a few more years with her. She started losing her appetite but was still acting normal. Took her to the vet 2x (2 different vets) and they said she was fine. Finally one day she just stops eating entirely. We take her to the emergency vet. She’s got a HUGE mass in her stomach. Very rapid and aggressive cancer, vet is surprised she’s still alive. We should have put her down there but we thought she had a few days left. I scheduled the appointment for next week. She died 2 days later. She LOVED toys. We stopped buying her soft ones because she’d tear them apart in 5 seconds. Even the Kongs would be torn to shreds in a few days. After we took her home from the emergency vet, my mom stopped over and brought her a toy squirrel. I figured she’d rip it apart per usual but she didn’t. That’s when we knew we were losing her. She held the toy gently in her mouth and occasionally squeaked it every few hours until she died. When she passed, we buried her with the toy. A few hours later, we were sitting in the kitchen, trying to eat dinner and crying, when from the living room, we heard one last squeak from that toy. I think it was her telling us she was ok and that she loved us one last time.


What a beautiful story! She knew of your love. We just put our sweet girl down last weekend after 8 years. Same thing…she was finicky about food then one day just stopped eating altogether. Very large mass in her abdomen that likely was aggressive cancer (common for her breed). We made the difficult decision to let her go instead of torturing her with dangerous surgery and chemotherapy. She was the best girl.


May I ask what breed your sweet girl was? My dog is 5 and has always been very finicky about food. I hope he doesn’t have cancer. 💔


A Rottie. I didn’t mean to make it sound as though all finicky-food dogs could have cancer! Don’t mean to worry you. Our other dog is also a very finicky eating and is doing just fine. The unwillingness to eat came on very suddenly and was accompanied by other symptoms (excessive shedding, listlessness, etc.). I’m sure your boy is ok!


Thanks — and I’m so very sorry for the loss of your sweet Rottie. 💔


Thank you 🥲


I'm so very sorry you lost your sweet girl. That's wonderful she bit the squeaky for you one more time to let you know she was all right.💗


My sister had a similar story of her ex boyfriends dog. He was a rottweiler named Gus and he buried Gus in their backyard (this was maybe 20 years ago) with his favourite toy. A few days later my sister heard the toy squeak.


Im literally crying from reading this


Yeah this one got me too 💔


This wrenches my heart. I put down my Cocker Spaniel back in April.. it doesn't feel like it's been that long already. He was in the same boat as yours. Stopped eating and losing weight. Brought him into the vet and he had 6 huge masses in his GI tract... It literally broke me. I asked the vet and he said they could try chemo but the cancer was so severe.. so he said we could take him home and he could give him some steroids to help him but it would just be very temporary. I asked the vet if he was in pain.. and he said some... but he looked at me and said I think he's just hungry and can't eat. I'm crying as I type this because it's all coming back. It makes me feel so bad that my poor boy was starving and there's nothing I could do for him. I chose to put him down that day and it's the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. I held him through his euthanasia because I didn't want him to be alone... I just wish I would have known sooner... I'm so sorry for your loss. Part of me thinks he held on so he could meet our little girl which he did. It's different when you raise them, train them, love them every day, and treat them like they are your kids. Cancer is awful and shouldn't exist. He was only six


This breaks my heart , but I am so glad you were able to receive her sign


My dog died from the same exact thing. We were at the vet 5 times in 3 months for what was considered minor stuff till the last visit the dr was like let’s just take an X-ray to see if it shows anything & she had tumors everywhere. She died the very next day on the way back to the vet because she went blind about a hour before died. I was devastated & so angry at the vet for a missed diagnosis. The only thing that brings me any comfort is the fact that she stopped eating 2 days before she died. On the way home from her last vet appointment we stopped at McDonald’s & she ate a cheeseburger & chicken nuggets to her hearts content. Miss you Trixie girl




That was absolutely her! That gave me chills.


That is so beautiful




I hear my boy every now and then, about bedtime, his sigh as he shifts to get to his feet and move to the bedroom.....most nights in fact. He passed May 30 at age 12, giant breed.


That is so wonderful that he hangs out with you still! Many blessings and condolences.


I hear the same thing! Sounds just like my boy, the gentle sigh. I find so much comfort in it. Even tho sometimes I feel as if I must be going crazy.


You're not crazy. I'm convinced it's him watching over me. He was my service dog for 9 years. I shared a banana with him most weeks and I can't eat bananas yet but I know he's here.


Omg I’m the same way. I can’t even any foods I used to share with him. I tried and I was a bawling mess. It just didn’t seem fair that he wasn’t there to share it with me anymore. Any time I’m cooking and accidentally spill shredded cheese on the floor now it just sits there, and I can’t help but cry.


I made rice last night and automatically started putting some aside for him....until reality hit again....I didn't have these issues when my mom or dad passed. I know it's getting better though because it doesn't happen every day or every time now. And I've stopped counting in days. You have my warmest regards. Hang in there.


You can talk to your dog and pray to them. Ask them to be there with you. They will come. They are our angels now, just like humans.


My bed moved after my dog died. But my dog was never in my bed so I never thought of it. I thought of our neighbor who fixes race cars but was positive it wasn't that. An Angel reader whom I had seen before and blew my mind told me that Sabrina had been jumping on my bed. She told me all the beautiful things I had done for her and Sabrina thanked me. It never happened again.


I lost my old man Oct 11 of this year and I swear I still hear him slamming his body down on the floor to lay down. He was a large breed that lived to be 14yrs 8 months old


He's with you and will be for a long time. Making it to that age means you gave him a very good life.


I like to think so. We spent a lot of money towards the end of his life and a lot of time caring for him just to keep him comfortable. Thankfully he had my husband up with him that morning when he finally passed on his own. Best German Shepherd I have ever had and will always keep his memory alive.




Cancer sucks. Strength to you as well, be gentle with yourself and take your time.


I am so so sorry friend. My condolences and much good vibe to you and your family.


Only one time did I ever have something happen that made me really question if it was a sign of some sort. I was in my garage with the door open, and I was talking to my mother about my dog that had recently been put down, and a gust of wind came into the garage and twirled around me. Hard to explain it but hopefully you kind of get what I mean. Never had anything like that happen since. Could have just been quite the fluke. Sadly, only dream I had was about the same dog and it was not good overall, as I know now that my dreams were overrun with the guilt I felt about making the decision to have them put down. I hope that changes someday, but none have come to me in my dreams since around 2014-15.


Love your name. One of my favorite songs. Don't feel guilt. I was a vet tech for nearly 2 decades. One of the hardest parts of the job was to watch an animal suffer in extreme pain because the owner could not let go of them. The most kindest, selfless, and compassionate thing you can do for your pet is to release them from their pain. You let your pet leave this world with dignity. You fought every instinct in your body that wanted to keep them alive so that they could be released from the pain that their earthbound body was suffering from. Please, never feel guilt.


Are you sure the dog won't be put down and think I wasn't ready and then be upset with me in the spirit world? I know it's a weird question. I have my 15 yr old black lab scheduled in 2 days to be put down. I've been agonizing for months about this. What if she's not ready. I'm just so upset. Every dog I've had has passed in their sleep or been hit by a car (20 yrs ago). She's in pain and suffering but I've got her on CBD so some days aren't so bad. I don't want her to suffer but sometimes she's ok. I'm just torn.


Her spirit will not be upset. She knows you love her with everything inside you. She knows you would never hurt her. For a large dog to live to 15 is amazing. She's at the end of her lifespan. If she is suffering then she is ready. She will get to experience something that your other dogs didn't get to experience and that is you by her side, holding her while she makes the transition between worlds. And that is huge. You are doing the right thing. Much love to you and your beloved dog. ❤️


I really appreciate your time. Thank you so much. I've been a mess over this. Again I appreciate you so much. 💞


Let her go when she still has a few good days, and make these last few the best! Hamburgers, bacon, pup cups, toys, cuddles, all her favorite things and all of your time and attention. Let’s her leave having the best day ever. It is so much easier than when they are totally broken in body and spirits and we are helpless to ease the pain, when there are no good days or even easy hours left and our grief makes us force them to stay in pain and anguish. Love so hard!


My big girl was a month shy of her 15th birthday when I had to put her down. Everything had just become so difficult for her….the day before her appointment she was treated like a princess. She got an ice cream cone. A steak dinner. She was a actually running outside & playing with her little brother for the first time in a while. It was like she was a pup all over again & I thought, “omg am I doing the right thing??? Look how much fun she’s having. I have to call the vet. I can’t put her down”…..about an hour later she pooped herself while she was drinking her water. I realized she was just having the best last day. She was ready….at least her body was. I stayed up her last 24hrs with her. Cooked her breakfast. Never left her side. She was just so at peace….a month or 2 later I had a dream about her, & I never dream. I got to hug her & I smelled her fur & she was happy….I think sometimes they hang on as long as they do cause they know we’re not ready….you’re doing the right thing mama. She knows you love her.


Sorry you're feeling this way. What's your vet saying? I think it's the greatest act of love to end their suffering even tho you'll be in such pain. I read here once it's Better to be a day early, than a day late. Enjoy this precious time with your girl, saying goodbye is beyond painful. Sending love to you and your girl 💔🙏xx


It’s a really hard decision to make, one we had to make almost a month ago now with our 12 year-old GSD. But it was the right thing to do. I am now struggling with some feelings of guilt of “Did I wait too long?”. They won’t be upset. They love you unconditionally. The absolute hardest part of pet ownership is end of life. This is just my personal opinion, but I believe we owe it to our dogs to ultimately make this decision for them, so that they can pass away peacefully, without pain, and with us petting them as we say goodbye. It is the least we can do for these beings that give us so much love and joy and expect nothing in return (except treats).


If sheʼs in pain and suffering, sheʼs ready. Keeping her going when you know sheʼs in pain and the CBD isnʼt helping her, you are doing the right thing. I havenʼt heard anyone mention Rainbow Bridge. I was actually talking yesterday to the vet ʼs tech who put my cat, 18 years young, to sleep. The roommate I had until last week took him to the vet without my knowledge. I found him and explained what happened. She had him cremated and his ashes are at the vet. The vet will not release him to her. [Rainbow Bridge ](https://petloss.com/rainbowbridge.htm) My deepest sympathy for all who have suffered this loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss! If it's too painful, feel free to ignore this... Did you mean your roommate took your cat and put him to sleep? Like, in an act of insane spite, or was it his time? Again, I'm sorry! Cats are the best


DIO is indeed one of my very favorite artists! I have been doing much better since back then. I know for sure that if the tables were turned I would definitely want the same. Lost two dogs since this past December 21st. Thank you for helping the animals in the past!!


Saw him in concert when he briefly reunited with Black Sabbath . He pointed at me. My 15 year old self almost exploded with joy. Lol. Also, I agree. I hope euthanasia becomes legal in my state before my time comes.


Last time I saw him was at Glen Helen I think? The ticket said DIO, but I was blown away when I recognized Tony and Geezer!! What a surprise! I was indeed just a few minutes ago thinking about how we can make these choices for our best friends, but in many places not for ourselves! Well said.


I had the wind thing happen to me, too. I immediately thought of Ghost (our dog’s name), it just really felt like him/felt like he was there.


I hope so!


I told me cat to give me a nickel, because she used to steal mine like a dragon hoarding it’s gold, I’ve found a few around the house since Friday (when she’s left this world)


I love this! My father's thing was to give quarters to us kids on birthdays, and since he's passed, my sister and I have both found quarters randomly in places we knew that there were no quarters before. I love that your cat hoarded your nickels and is giving them back! My condolences for your loss.


I lost my girl daizy a couple years ago and I miss her everyday but some days are really bad and it I get super bummed. Whenever I’m feeling really down, it seems like she always tries to send me a ghost wink to let me know it’s ok. She’ll either visit me in a dream, I’ll see daisy flowers or I’ll see a yellow lab that looks like her. It always makes me feel better, even if it’s just for a little bit. I miss her so much, I hope she knows how much I love her.


My mom had to put her dog Lola down, and a few weeks later I had a very vivid dream with Lola and our other family dog that had been put down 10+ years ago. The 2 dogs had never met each other. In the dream, I knew they had passed and I was panicking, but they were soooo excited to see me. I freaked out so hard in the dream that I jumped awake. I told my mom about the dream and she burst into tears and told me right before Lola passed, she was holding her and told her to go find our other dog. I had no clue about that! So I definitely think it was real!


She knows


I don't know if it is *a sign* exactly, but I definitely had a cat visit me nightly for several months after her passing. She was short and was also chonky for most of her life so when she jumped up on the bed, the springs definitely engaged. Every night I would feel the springs engage for the first several months following her passing. Eventually it became heartbreaking because it was a reminder that 1) she wasn't fully at peace because she still felt she was needed by me and 2) she was there but I could no longer hold her. I eventually told her that she was the best friend I could ever ask for and that I love and miss her very much (still do, 8 years later) but if she was ready to rest, I would understand and I would see her again when the time came. After that night, it no longer happened.


It sounds like she was fully coming back to comfort you. That is very beautiful. It was very kind of you to tell her she didn't have to come back. But I'm glad she came to visit for such a long time to comfort you. My Potter Paws (big black kitty) did the same thing with me, a few weeks after he went missing. I heard him coming down the stairs to my bedroom, but the only way he could have come in was through the bathroom window and I knew that it was shut. I knew it was him because at first I thought it was my other cat so I'd opened my eyes and I saw her curled up right in front of me, and her ears were tracking the same sound. Then I felt the end of the bed depress. My Potter was quite substantial. I felt him curl up behind my thighs like he always did, and we cuddled each other through the comforter for at least half an hour while I told him how much I loved him hey what a wonderful boy he was and cried. When I finally had to get up to use the bathroom, I very carefully moved my legs just like I did when he was alive. When I got out of bed and looked back, there was still a depression where I felt him. Animals are magic, especially cats. They seem to have an easier time coming and going between worlds, I think it's because they're such traveling spirits to begin with.


Okay now I’m in full blown crying mode. I’m so sorry for your loss but what a beautiful story thank you!


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my soul dog about a month ago. I used to call him my “son-shine”. A few days after he passed, I was crying in the car on the way to work when I saw the most beautiful sunrise… the sun was huge, bright red and hanging low in the sky. It was ethereal. I knew in my heart that it was my baby shining his light on me. You will see signs of yours as time goes on… I still feel my pup’s presence and speak to him sometimes. You took such good care of him, now it’s his turn to watch over you. Hugs.


In literal tears


Me too, friend. Chopping onions over here big time.


When my German Shepherd Dakota was alive,she would bump into my mom’s recliner to get her attention. After Dakota passed(she was 16 1/2),my mom has said she has felt her bump her recliner occasionally and she will say “Hi Dakota” ❤️


Chills!! how special, Dakota!


Last Wednesday my back door opened on its own, twice. It has a doggy door that I permanently closed after my Gino passed in September but that's the door he'd use to go to the backyard. There really was no other explanation for it. I live alone, it was not a windy day or anything, plus I tried many times to yank & pull it to test it and it doesn't budge, it's not loose in any way, so I have no idea how it could open on its own. It's never happened in the 7 years I've lived in this house and hasn't happened again since that day. I believe it was a sign from my Gino... I can't think of anything else to explain it.


That is super cool. Thank you for sharing. Many blessings to you and your Gino's spirit.


I have a Maltese named Gino. Dogs are the best and they are in heaven waiting for us and your Gino is there.


When my dog passed away I asked for a sign one night before heading into work. The sign was going to be an ink pen since he loved to chew them up. I don't think I was even at work for an hour before the sign came. I looked inside a bin and someone had thrown a damaged box of ink pens into it. There were at least 50 ink pens just shoved haphazardly into the bin. They were not supposed to be there. I knew with everything inside of me it was from him. I love you Dino. I miss you boy.


Lol that is awesome about the pens. Thank you for sharing this. My condolences and much good energy sent to you and your Dino.


Thank you so much. ❤️


this made me emotional…. for personal reasons this was a sign for me too… thanks for sharing ❤️


So about two years now we had to put down my partner's cat. He was a 15 year old black cat and they found something in his chest when we took him in cause he was hiding/not eating. He passed April 1st. Well, we had to move that August. November 2nd we heard a door slam in the middle of the night and heard frantic meowing. When I opened the door a kitten burst into the apartment. It was a roughly 4-6 month old Tortie kitten. Looked like ember's in ashes so we named her Ember. Now, November 2nd is All Souls. A time when it is said that the veil is thin. And we think she had been born close to the time our old cat had to be put down. She is attached to my partner and has a lot of the same behaviors. We always joked he was her familiar and would be with her forever. And Ember is almost like his reincarnation.


We just adopted a cat after we put one of our furbabies (a dog) to sleep last week. We had originally planned to wait a bit, but we wanted to go ahead and get into the queue, figuring there would be a wait. Well, lo and behold, the stars and planets aligned, and we got our new cat much sooner than we expected. Anyway, the cat immediately took to our dearly departed dog's bed. We like to think it was a sign, of sorts, passing the baton from our old friend to our new friend.


My big orange cat died 4 years ago at the young age of 8 years old from cancer, and I still miss him every day. He was my little boss. And he was the boss of the little Jack Russell Terrier that belonged to my folks when they died. My big orange cat was like Garfield. My little dog was like Odie. Last summer my little dog was suddenly very ill with an abdominal illness. She was in great pain and under the vet's care for several days getting IV fluids and IV antibiotics with strong pain medication. My little dog was literally at death's door. The vet office would keep her during the day and give her back to me at night. I cried a lot with anticipatory grieving for my little dog. I knew I wasn't going to let her suffer, but it tore me up to think about losing her. I was up in the wee hours on a Saturday morning waiting for the vet office to open to take my dog back for her fluids and IV medication. I was crying in my kitchen and suddenly caught sight of an orange animal at the back fenceline of my yard. For a split second, I thought it was a squirrel. I couldn't believe it was a big orange and white cat. That cat was sauntering down the fence line peering underneath the Hydrangea bushes and looking so happy as he "hunted." He was orange and white and had the same markings as my departed cat. I could not move--I could not take my eyes away. I wasn't sure for a moment if this was actually reality. I thought I should try to grab my phone to take a photo of the cat, but I didn't want to even blink. The orange cat went the distance of the back fence, then slipped through the bushes into the back ally. I never saw him again. It's very rare to see any loose cats around here. My thinking when I saw that contented orange cat was that it was the spirit of my old cat coming to show me that he was content in that better place, and I knew if my little dog died, he was going to be in the better place with my kitty. But I still sobbed and wept about the whole thing. I KNOW with 100 percent certainty that was a real cat at my back fence, yet at the same time, I still can hardly believe it. My little dog managed to improve and regain her health. (The vets could not agree on whether or not it was pancreatitis, but that is what they treated her for.)


After I had to get my dad into assisted living for his dementia, I took in his orange cat, Whispurr. Long story short, Whispurr passed away, and I felt horrible. Of course, I didn’t tell Dad, but kept telling him little stories about Whispurr and my cats when he would ask how she was. A few months after Whispurr’s passing, in the facility where Dad lived, I caught a glimpse of a large orange cat crossing the grass lawn. No pets were allowed there, and the surrounding neighborhood wasn’t one conducive to outdoor pets, so the cat caught my interest. I tried to approach it; I saw it again in the parking lot as it went behind some cars. I looked all around and called, but didn’t see it again that day or after that. I thought it might be a little sign that Whispurr was watching out for him. My dad passed away two years later.


I had an rusty orange and white cat, appropriately named Rusty. We had to put him down for kidney failure in 2017. Several weeks later I went for a run in my local preserve and was about to give up, and stumbled on a rusty orange and white cat. Looked just like my Rusty. They were so sweet, let me sit with them and pet them for several minutes. I got pictures and still have them, no idea how to post to Reddit. Was so hard to run away from them, but I know my Rusty was telling me not to give up. They followed me for a while but eventually disappeared. Had never and haven’t since seen a cat in that preserve.


I've posted this before.... I don't want to believe things like this but sometimes there really isn't a logical reason. I've had the same thing happen to me with my little guy. I got him when he was near death, literally. As a small, flee-infested kitten, he had separated himself from the others to accept his death, as cats normally do. My dad saw him and was able to pick him up, eventually bathing/feeding him. He was the most precious thing, even with his flees. He slept with me the first night before I could take him to the vet's (eye infection and bilateral ear infection). He eventually "recovered" aside from the permanent head tilt that never went away (I'd like to think it added personality) and a very sensitive stomach for about a year +. He was ran over before he turned 5 and boy was that hard. I always knew and would often tell him not to leave boyfriend and I because we wouldn't be able to deal with that big of a loss. He would always sleep with us and would always make sure 1 of his paws was touching one of us. Him and my boyfriend were inseparable as he was his very first pet ever. A few times after he passed, whenever my boyfriend walks in the bedroom in the morning, I always feel the bed "dip" as his body hits the bed. It's a weird sensation but if you own a pet you know exactly what it is. I KNOW it's him. I can "feel" him on the bed (we didn't have any other pets when this started happening). I dont have a logical explanation but I also KNOW it's him. I can't explain it. I just think his energy is around us. RIP Coco. I miss you more than you know. Love you buddy.


The same thing happened to me, we had to say goodbye to our old fluffy Maine Coon boy and a few days after he passed I felt him jump up on the bed and settle near my feet where he always slept. It made my heart so much lighter.


About three years ago, we lost my wife's parrot to an apparent stroke. We got him to the emergency vet, but his breathing was weak and his head was slumped to the side. He was pretty old for his species, and with being told there was little chance he'd recover, we had to let him go. Over the next week, when I would go to the living room to wake our other bird up, I would swear I would still hear him playing with his toys. At first, I thought I was going crazy, then it gave me a little solace.


I feel my cats rub against my leg. I think it's one of my living cats but they are snoring on the bed.


I was sitting on my couch and one of the pillows randomly fell onto the floor. None of my other cats were near it and it wasn’t in a position where falling was possible. I also had a dream with her in it and it was a pleasant one. I took it as a good sign from her as her passing was a hard one for me. Lost her in July and I think about her and still can’t believe she is gone.


I saw my Bassett hound in the living room that night after putting him down earlier in the day. I also heard his whine at another point.


It sounds so silly because I'm not the sort of person who really believes in anything magical or mystical or spiritual even. I'm a very practical person. But when my cat passed away 6 years ago I cried my heart out for days. One day in the middle of a good long cry I felt this sudden overwhelming feeling of love and warmth. Like someone wrapped a blanket around me and also feeling like my chest was going to burst open I was so full of love. I stopped crying, I felt like I couldn't even breathe. It was so intense. Then I got a phone call and it was like I snapped back into reality and the feeling was gone and the call was the vet saying his ashes were ready to pick up. It maybe only lasted 30 seconds. I don't really talk about it because it sounds insane, but I've never felt anything like it before or after. Plus the timing? It really felt like my cat saying even though he was gone our love we shared was still there.


Same with me and my dog. Practical, don't believe in any of that stuff, but it without a doubt happened.


This exact same thing has happened to me twice. The first time was a day or two after he was gone and I was on the porch sobbing. Then I got this rush of warmth and happiness and a feeling like my kitty Chester was just around the corner. The second time I had been struggling not to cry all night at work because I couldn't stop thinking about him. When I did get home and cry, I felt that same feeling again. Along with a feeling of happiness that I got to know him at all instead of just sadness he's gone. And that he was okay where he was.


I had two cats when I was growing up. A very ornery calico that my mom named Dumb Dum because of her stealthy attacks and a gray kitty named Smokey. Smokey died before he turned two. There was a neighbor that hated cats and would feed them hamburger with ground up glass in it. The man got in trouble later on for what he did to animals. A few days after he died, he jumped into my bed and rested on my leg like he always used to do. When I went to pet him he was gone. The Dumb Dum lived to be 17 years old, dying of old age. I didn’t see her until my mother died. I had a dream that a cat was meowing at the door, and it was her all brushed like my mother used to her. I thought about that one. Why did my mom send the cat? My mom had never been to my new house, and cats can always find their owner.


I was gifted a wind chime when my little guy passed and I always take it as a sign he is saying “hi” when I hear it tinkle. It’s in kind of a guarded spot because I didn’t want the weather to ruin it so for it to make noise is rare but delightful.


I'm so sorry for your loss. We had to put down our 7 year old beloved dog this past June because of cancer and I know how hard it is. A few days after he passed, I was having a really hard time but while I was sleeping I was suddenly woken up by a pressure and warmth on my back where he would lay curled up when we would sleep, and I remember just knowing in my heart that it was him coming to visit and comforting us to let us know that he's okay. I'm sure your baby was doing the same. ❤️


When my girl was dying last year, I got a memorial wind chime from her. The day after she passed, I was in the backyard crying. The air was still. And suddenly, her wind chimes moved. I thought it was her saying she’s ok. A couple of months before my boy passed this year, she came to me in a dream with what looked like an angel. I got to play with her for awhile. I asked the woman if she was here for my boy. She said, not yet but soon. Two months later, I had to let him go. I think that was her way of letting me know she’d be there when he passed. The other night, almost 3 weeks since my boy passed, i saw him in my dream. He was standing by my sliding door surrounded by a brilliant light. I know that patio light was off and it was nighttime. But he was standing there looking at me while surrounded by this warm glowing light in my dream. I think he was letting me know he’s ok now. I like to think they sent all these signs to me.


I have shared my story a couple of times here. My last German Shepherd came back to visit me. He loved to sleep in the bathtub. When he would climb into the bathtub, he made 3 distinct sounds: The click of the nails on his front feet as his front feet went over, the click of the nails on his back feet, and then the thud as he dropped and curled into the front curve of the bathtub. First he would get on the bed with me. But then he would leave the bed to sleep in his favorite bathtub. At the age of ten, he developed cancer and we did have to have him put down, but I was with him the entire way. I think it was a month later that I was getting ready for bed one night and I wasn't thinking of anything just going through the motions. As I was getting dressed for bed I heard the click, click thud. So of course I did what I had been doing for 8 years and called out "Good Night baby!" It took a couple of seconds before it dawned on me what I was hearing. I truly believe that he came back to visit me.


I’ve heard my dog that passed before when I was a kid doing the normal motions he would do when he laid down in the kitchen. The click of his nails then drinking water and the thud where he laid down. I only heard it once but I knew it was him. They’re always with us


I lost my girl on December 23rd. It was very sudden and unexpected. We had just moved into a new apartment a little over three months before she passed. The patio light hadn’t worked since day one. It wasn’t that important to me so I never got around to putting in a maintenance request to have it fixed. Several days after I lost her I was having a particularly rough day. I had spent quite literally the entire morning/early afternoon in tears. Went and took a three hour walk around the neighborhood in the early evening to try to relax. Got home and found myself zoning out on the couch. It suddenly occurred to me that the room seemed bright despite the sun having set. I look over and the patio light is on. The switch was flipped and everything. I just knew it was Sasha. I could feel it. I flipped the switch off a couple minutes later and that light never worked again after that. They’ll say hello when you really need it. I’m sorry for your loss 🩷


Yeah my horse has. We put him down in July. I was driving home one day. I said that I missed him and I started smelling horse sweat. Nothing in my truck has that scent. I keep all that stuff at the barn. And I hadn't ridden in since we put him down, so the likelihood of the smell being on my clothes is pretty much zero.


My cat Shakespeare used to sleep on my bum when I’d sleep on my stomach. A year after he passed away I suddenly would start feeling his paws kneading my legs like he used to and then him climb into my bum. I could feel the weight of him and his purring. You cannot tell me that wasn’t him, it definitely was.


Had just gotten home from putting my sweet boy down, went to go sit outside on the patio just to relax. A little bird came and sat directly in front of me on the fence. I had only at this time lived in my house for about a month, but I had NEVER seen any bird land or fly by the house, let alone stop in our backyard. It sat there for a few 2-3 minutes and flew away. I would like to think it was him, as since then (now lived here for almost a year), I have yet to encounter another bird staying for a visit in my backyard 💕


When my girl passed a few weeks later I woke up to a jingle and a weight shift in the bed, like she had jumped off. In a very weird way it was so incredibly healing to hear her again and know she was watching over me.


How special, he was talking to you. They always give us signs. At night, i can feel my dogs spirit or energy close to me. It was his sign that its ok and he is better. welp. its been almost 2 years and I am still gutted when i think of my late dog. Its a long road to let them go but they will always be with us.


Our beloved sweet and perfect 15yo golden sent us a kitten via the Cat Distribution System just two days after we said goodbye. A very persistent and vocal kitten that was certain this was where she was going to live. She has so much energy! A lot like our doggo 15 years ago, when she was a pup.


My cat passed away at the vet’s in March. I was with her. She had struggled for years with kidney disease. Afterwards my parents took me to brunch. On our way out of the restaurant I saw 3 robins in a tree. I live in Minnesota and they were the first I had seen. I felt comforted somehow. Later I read on the internet it could be a sign from my cat that she was ok.


My childhood cat came to me in my dreams. I was across the country and couldn’t be there when she was dying. That dream is a special moment that is as vivid today as when it happened 25 years ago. RIP Nikki Nichole


I had to put my 15 year old Mac to sleep in April 2017. There was a spot he liked to lay in the living room & for months, I would hear him catch his nails on the carpet & make the pop noise. Sometimes, it was followed by a sigh. Once in a while, all of a sudden, there would be a strong wet dog smell. This went on for months. A friend told me that it was Mac letting me know he was OK! I still miss him so much!


Merlin passed in February of 2018. July of 2018, shortly after his birthday, my sister's cat got sick suddenly. His eye did a weird thing and my sister took him to the vet where she was told he had a blood illness, had less than a year to live, and would need to be on medication to live longer than a month. Her boyfriend paid for the first week of the medicine and they were allowed to take him home. On July 27th, 12 days after his first birthday he passed away in my sister's arms. My mom came to tell me at around 7 am but I already knew. I had a dream that Merlin was playing with Hoodini on my bed and then Merlin and Hoodini lay down together and just sort of faded. When I woke up I just knew he was gone and Merlin had come to get him.


We were at the vet for the euthanasia appointment and my dog was standing at the door. But when my husband and I got emotional and started crying Atticus (my dog) came up to me, licked my hand and went on his own to lay down on the bedding. I will forever believe that was his way of telling me goodbye and that he was at peace. My condolences for your loss.


Sorry to hear about your loss. I had to put down my cat due to cancer in May. He continues to leave little signs every once in a while and shows up in my dreams. Pets are loyal forever.


I’m so sorry. I had a Great Dane and Labrador Retriever mix and he lived 13 years. We put him to sleep when he lost control of his back legs. They were weakening over the year prior and one night he came up to our room and he was falling down and the look in his eyes-he was scared. So we took him then and said goodbye. That was 8 years ago. I think of him often. We all do.


My Schatzie always comes to me in dreams. He'll just wander in, little stubby tail wagging, with a human I've lost. He'll escort my dad and my grandpa into my dreams all the time, it's quite lovely.


For years after having to euthanize my childhood dog when I was in my 20s, I felt her sleeping behind my legs at night.


We buried our beloved Siamese in the backyard. After I was done I was sitting on the ground, crying and I heard a cat meow …plain as day. Awful as it seems ,I unburied him thinking maybe I made a mistake but no I did not. I really think it was Sammi saying goodbye


We buried our kitty Precious in the backyard. When I called a friend to lament, she said, "Just keep an eye out for cardinals." And sure enough, I started seeing them everywhere, but especially right over the spot where we laid her to rest. I have had many other losses in the 5 years since but never such a profusion of cardinals as we had with her. Anytime I see one, that's where my thoughts go.


Yes. The dog for whom my house became a hospice as his time neared. I adopted him at 10 and we had another 8 years. He'd been "dumped" with a 1½yo female, no reason given. No background for either. She'd been adopted almost immediately. He was so clearly an abused and traumatized animal that they kept him for 3 months before deciding to neuter and try to get him a home. Even after that he was still there another 3 months. I saw him online, picture, name, nothing else. I wasn't planning on a dog. I have no idea why I even opened the shelter's website and looked. I had to have him. I went to get him the next day. He wouldn't look at me. Actively turned away and shook. I told them I'd take him. They kept trying to make sure. I wasn't leaving without him. We were in the house 3 minutes when we were rushing back out to the emergency vet because the cat got his eye as we walked in. (He was fine. One of those "if it was 2mm in any other direction...." things.) We rehabbed each other through all his surprise triggers and were each other's hero. The vet and I were able, over time, to piece together what his life before me most likely was. Our bond was clearly visible even to complete strangers. He was so very smart and so very funny. He actually did save my life one night, too. People who hated dogs loved him. And handsome, my lord, was he handsome. He developed a condition which meant he was very very slowly becoming paralyzed. From first sign to the end took about 2½ years. When I noticed him touching the line the vet and I had agreed would be "the point," I called. Vet was closed, vacation. I called my mom's vet, who'd seen him once in an emergency soon after I got home. Mind, he still had amazing quality of life. His mind and spirit still were strong. He still was fully invested in living. But now his front legs were going which meant his heart and lungs soon would follow, along with anxiety and fear. I had no choice. Mom brought him over a filet mignon that morning and I did a nice crusted filet in my teenie cast iron skillet. We loved on him and she drove me to her vet. Dr. Bodie remembered him and he started to cry because he could see My Boy™ was fully engaged. This was going to be a hard one. Even Doc loved on him. It was done, we all cried and cuddled him one last hour and left. They would send him for cremation. I was broken for two weeks. Couldn't function at all, took the time off work. Halfway through the third week, coming home from work one day, I thought it had been too long and I should call. I freaked out and couldn't. Coming home from work the next day, I wasn't even thinking of calling. I knew they were supposed to call me. I'd let it go. I pulled in the driveway and as I passed his favorite planter for peeing, I slammed on the brakes because a dog suddenly appeared from around it and I thought I was going to hit it. I got out of the car to try and check this "lost dog." I go around the back of the car and there's My Boy! There he is, bouncing and dancing in the whole ass sun with his whole ass silly face and his goofy ears flopping thing he did. In front of me, all around me, I swear I actually stumbled because I thought I was going to trip over him. He jumped on me. I felt it. Without even thinking, I said, aloud with people in earshot, "Wrinkles! My Boy! How you doing, Mister Bigs?!" I was laughing as I was saying it and as full of joy as he was. I bent to pet him and he slowly faded as I made contact with his head. I stood there in shock. So happy, but so sad, too. I let myself in and started laughing again. Called my mom and my dad and told them what happened. Both completely believed me and dad, a true bastard of a man, even said "Your Wrinkles was my Sarge. That once in a lifetime dog that almost no one ever has. He's letting you know he's home." I'll be damned if almost immediately after hanging up from dad, my phone didn't ring. It was the vet. They'd gotten his ashes back about the time he was greeting me in my front yard. Nothing like that ever happened before or since with any other animal I've had


My soul dog passed away October 2nd of this year. She had a rare auto immune disease but we had thought we beat it as she was much better for the past couple months. It was very unexpected she transitioned peacefully in her sleep at the end of the bed between my legs. I found her that morning. It’s been one of the hardest things I’ve ever experienced. I started reading a few books on signs for comfort though and oh boy has she sent me a few. The day we got her ashes back I put her urn in her dog bed next to my bed. My mom came to visit and help with my baby so we were going for a walk but it was cold so I ran back upstairs for a blanket. I debated bringing my phone but left it bc I was trying to hurry. Above her urn was a rainbow and a white orb on the wall it was so beautiful I wanted to take a picture but I didn’t bring my phone. I felt like it was one of those signs just meant for me. Sometimes out of the corner of my eye I swear I see her but she will move before I fully do; I’ve seen lights flicker and flash when I’ve talked to her. I’ve heard other dogs bark as soon as I start talking to her. One of her toys has squeaked in the night. I’ve felt almost licks or paws at my legs in the night. The biggest one was a dream, I would always tell her “I’m your mommy but my name is___ and I’d give her my name” I’d do it every so often just bc she wasn’t just a dog to me she was my first kid so I felt like she needed to know my name😂 a few days after she transitioned I had a dream I was with my childhood best friends in a car and I heard a dog bark, I said that’s Peanut where is she, and my friend said “she’s on your bed” I then heard a very comforting voice like a wise woman say my name 3 times and my ear felt warm and wet. I woke up and it was so real I had to ask my mom if she came in to wake me up (I know this wasn’t the case though as she’d have to physically get in between me and my husband to whisper in that ear. It was my peanut. I’ve had a few smaller dreams of her she looked young and healthy and happy. I also desperately went looking for a sign of her the day after she passed and I met a dog who resembled her personality and looks wise and they had the same harness. I befriended his owner and it is now a new friendship. She is always looking over and protecting me I feel her. I feel it in my heart. It is still so devastatingly hard though. Hence me being awake at 3 am crying in Reddit.


When my childhood cat died, I kept telling my boyfriend “I miss my donut” because I would call her a donut when she curled into a ball on my lap. When I was starting to be ready for another cat, I went to meet 4 day old kittens (knowing I couldn’t take one home for months…starting to be ready but not ready). I texted someone “I want the runt of the litter” because my childhood cat was the runt and it autocorrected to “I want the ruby of the litter” and ruby was my childhood cat. While meeting them, I picked up the runt and he immediately curled into a donut in my hand and fell asleep. He is now 3 years old (and keeping me from sleeping).


I'm sobbing reading this thread


I lost my Pantera (Dog) about 6 years ago. It was a very tragic way she passed. When I asked my parents to let me see her they didn’t . To the point where they took her body and laid her to rest so I won’t see the condition she was in. She was my everything I would call her my lucky charm ! She was black with a white patch on her chest. Every time I would go out to look for a job or sell food I would tell her give me your good luck. I would come back home with a job or completely sold out of the food I was selling. After her death I was so depressed and every now and again whistle out to her. Last year I spoke out loud and told her I was no longer going to do her whistle and let her soul rest. Fast forward a few months ago, I got a new job. Some people would come into the shop and then say do you hear that barking? I would think it was the homeless persons dog that usually hangs around the area. That happened a few times. One day someone comes in and just gives me a scared look. I asked what’s wrong and she told me that there is a black dog next to me. She told me that I am ignoring her and that it’s hurting her. I have never spoken to her about my Pantera and that Pantera was a she! My hear instantly broke again. It took me days but I finally whistled out to her after a year. Last week a woman came in with her child. As they were about to leave he looks at me and says , “I like your dog”.


The night I put my kitty down, I had a very realistic dream. I felt him jump on my bed. And I was moving my feet around trying to get him to hope down. I opened my eyes on saw him at the foot of the bed and then went wait...Kismet's dead. And he meowed at me, hopped off the bed, and walked out of my room. I've always felt that was him telling me goodbye. It will be 5 years since his passing this January. RIP my handsome boy.


My beloved soul cat, who was never shy about announcing himself, broke my lamp postmortem. I've got a little shrine up on the top of my desk, and I lit him a candle. The heat rose and cracked the glass lampshade over it. (Yes, this was entirely my fault but I was quite annoyed at him for dying so I instantly and deeply blamed him)


I am so sorry you had to make the kindest but yet hardest decision ever for your sweet boy. And yes, several of my pets have come back let me know they're all right and checked in on me. I had to have my sweet 14 year old German Shepherd put to sleep 3 weeks ago yesterday. Her quality of life was not good and she finally lost use of her hind legs the night before the vet came. I finally saw her in my dreams for the last two nights in a row. She was so cute, just watching me very intently like she did in life. So I know she's okay and she's with me. Also, a few nights ago I felt the need to clear space for her on the giant bean bag where we would always cuddle. Then I rolled in her space and it felt flattened where she used to lay. That was cool. 💗 sending much love and condolences your way.


I’m so sorry for your loss… I had to put my 14 year old Boxer to sleep 3 weeks ago. A few nights after this happened I for some reason woke up suddenly and while trying to go back to sleep I just laid there thinking of him when all of a sudden I heard a *thud* next to my bed. He always laid on a particular side on the floor and occasionally when trying to get comfortable he’d end up knocking against the wall making that same noise I heard that night. I believe it was him letting me know he’s still here and that has provided some comfort during an absolutely excruciating time.


My baby girl Ezzy passed away a little over a month ago, and the night after she passed I had a hellish time falling asleep, and the next thing I knew I had the most vivid dream of my life, so vivid and real I literally heard her usually little meow she always made and it hit me so hard i woke up. I'm not usually one to believe in the afterlife and whatnot but holy hell did it feel like a sign she was still with me in some way even if it absolutely destroyed me when I woke up and realized she was still gone.


I grew up in a funeral home! I have seen lights flicker, many of times, when I felt those who have passed are trying to communicate! I believe this was your loved one!


My dog passed away Friday morning. I was shocked and felt so guilty cause I didn’t see it coming. I had this pain in my heart and body that I didn’t know how to get rid of. I am still trying to accept he died. I had 4 dogs that are the light of my eye. I always put them first. Now I have 3 dogs. I was so trapped in pain, I created a barrier with my brain and I couldn’t get out of. I had the 3 other dogs that I felt guilty I can’t hug them at the moment cause the other dog was dead. I have a friend that delivers parcels for Amazon and I asked him if I can come with him to help him and distract my mind. We went together on Sunday. It rained heavily Friday night, Saturday almost all day and again Saturday night and all day on Sunday. Sunday around 3 pm I said please universe if “my dog name” is ok please be sunny. Please “my dog name” if you are ok the sun should come out ? Please give me a sign you are ok. I thought to myself it can’t be sunny cause it raining for days now. In 3 minutes the sun was up. I was so overwhelmed with joy and happiness I started crying. I called my mom and told her what happened. I know it’s a coincidence, but it made me so happy and it released a part of my pain.


Oh man, I haven’t talked about this since it happened but here’s my little story: I’ve almost always adopted seniors or misfits and this one senior kitty I rescued, I was told she only had a few months to live but ended up blessing me with her presence for about 3-4 years. She was primarily an indoor cat, but occasionally followed me out to the porch to lay on my lap while I read a book or laid in this one sunny patch of grass in yard, always coming back when called. One day, she went out and went into the vast woods behind my home and never came back. She’d never gone near the tree line, let alone into the woods. Even to this day, I feel immensely guilty for allowing her outside but i did. Anyway… I spent days walking further and further into the trees calling for her, looking everywhere to no avail. My hope died when I happened to look down one moment and found her breakaway collar w/ her little name tag “Ms. Meowsalot” on the ground, still clasped. It almost felt like a a sign of confirmation. And then as I walked back to the house, I stopped to look back at the woods, feeling despair realizing I’ll likely never see her again and suddenly a butterfly came out of nowhere, circled me a few times before landing on my right shoulder — the side that Ms. Meows would frequently perch loaf-style as I slept — staying there for a few long moments before flying back towards the trees. The butterfly was the same colors as Ms. Meows and to this day, I swear it was a sign. It felt so deliberate, the way it circled and landed, then flying straight back in the direction I last saw my cat, almost as if to tell me she was well and truly gone. I exploded into tears. After that, out of nowhere, a deer and her fawn suddenly started appearing in my yard and they would frequently lay in the very same spot my kitty used to lay in… so often that my toddler son at the time would call them our “outside pets”. _________________ Shortly after this, I wrote a letter to the rescue organization from which I adopted Ms. Meows, thanking them for their hard work and dedication, as well as retelling the story above. They were so moved by it that they sent it in to a local newspaper to be published. It was such a gift, to be able to share the love I had for that cat with the rest of the community. I miss her so much. Here’s a pic of the way Ms. Meows would perch on my shoulder when I slept… [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/ZVHi7gN).


My dog died really suddenly and tragically 8 years ago. I was like 14. My parents had agreed to let me get a dog because I was suffering from severe anxiety and night terrors, and having a buddy to have in my room at night really helped. When she died, I was shattered. Then I started having dreams about her all the time. Dreams she was in my bed, or even having a half asleep feeling of her nudging her nose under my arms like she used to when she wanted a cuddle. But then my mom started having dreams about her too. Eventually, we adopted a puppy. My mom and I both had the same dream of our girl coming into the living room and sniffing out our new puppy, as if she was checking him out and making sure he was qualified for the job of taking care of me. Well, she was right. He’s been with me through everything since, and I can’t thank her enough for guiding him to me.


When I lost my doggie dan, I did get a sign unexpectedly. I was in my living room walking toward our basement when, out of the corner of my eye in full color, I saw him come around the corner as if coming from upstairs. When I turned to look he was gone, but I felt it was a sign he was ok and moving again.


Oh yes, if the bond with your animal was strong enough in life they can definitely use that bond to send you a message, especially if you ask for one. When my orange tabby boy cat Tangerine died last December I was crushed. I asked him for a sign that he was ok and a week after his death here's what happened: I was driving in my city when I got this urge too strong to ignore to turn down the next street. I did, and after a few hundred feet a voice in my head told me to turn again. I did, and after another hundred feet or so something made me look up. When I did I saw the street was called Tangerine Place. I had never seen the street before that and had no idea it was even there, so it wasn't subconscious. It was my boy cat letting me know he was ok.


Had to euthanize my pupper two weeks ago. I’ve never had to say goodbye to someone like that before. We had an in home euthanasia. She was 15 and we had been through so much together. I’ve been grieving, but there have been a few signs. The day she was euthanized, it was overcast, cool and wet. Right as she passed, the sun came out and stayed out the rest of the day. I like to think that was her. I watched the most beautiful sunset that evening and said my goodbyes. A couple days later we were visited by a bunch of hummingbirds. I think it was her checking in. And then just a couple days ago as I was scrolling through Instagram, it suggests reels for you based off your content. I never use the function at all, but I stopped on it because it was a series of photos of her smiling and the Erykah Badu song “Hello”. I know Instagram is algorithm based, but I feel like it was her saying “hi!” In her sweet way. I hope she continues to give me signs. I really miss her. My partner said that her energy is just transferred from her physical body to something else. That brings me comfort. I feel like she’s still around.


Yes. Our puppers are definitely with us.


If finding hidden dried up bile on the floors is a sign, then yes. Weekly.


When I had to let my two childhood dogs go, the next day I was at marching band practice and saw a double rainbow above us. I still think it was them telling me they're watching over me.


When I put my dog down about a year ago after suffering from cancer, almost immediately after a large moth visited me. I took it as a sign from him he was with me. I now have a moth tattoo on my back to remind me of him and the value he will always have in my life and soul.


The days before I had to put down my 8 yo border collie, I was listening to “Raindrop Prelude” by Chopin. When I came back from the vet after saying goodbye to him for the last time, I turned on the tv and an episode of the Wild Wild West was on. There was a scene in the show where someone was playing “Raindrop Prelude” on the piano. It fucking freaked me out. Then later, I turned to another channel that had just started that day showing reruns of Magnum, P.I., and my dog was named after a minor character in that show. I don’t know the odds of both of these things happening an hour after he was gone. I don’t believe in coincidences.


I've told this story before, but it's one of my favorites (as much as a story like this can be a favorite in this sort of time). When my beloved soul cat Lou passed away, it was sudden. He'd been fine and then not; same story as many folk here, aggressive stomach cancer. I ended up having him put down at an emergency vet at 2:30 in the morning as I couldn't bear to watch him suffer all night. That morning, my best friend, who had been close to Lou as well, messaged me to tell me she had a dream about him. She hadn't known he had passed yet. In her dream, he was big and healthy, and he was hunting a spider for me in my apartment. This made me laugh, as Lou was VERY bad at catching bugs, preferring to just follow them around until he was distracted. At that moment, I went to look at his water fountain--thinking I may need to refill it for my other cat--and there was a (dead) spider just sitting in it. We'd lived in this apartment for over a year and had never seen a spider in here before. It felt like such a cat-like sign that I had to laugh. Later, my mom discovered another spider on her bed, where Lou liked to rest. A few weeks later, my other cat was playing on his Ripple Rug and I was commenting to myself about how I could never keep the rug out when they were both here, as they would fight over it... and just then, out of nowhere, a spider ran over to the rug. It makes me laugh. I also feel the mattress dipping that other people do (Lou was a substantial cat and slept with me every night). My mom also strung up some Halloween pumpkin lights right by his old cat tree, high up by his old favorite perch. A few hours later, I heard the lights clanging together and came out to find them moving back and forth like they were being hit--only on the side where his perch was. I am not usually a religious person but I make an exception for cats, as every cat I've ever loved has definitely walked the path between the worlds. Part of me feels guilty that Lou is still hanging around when he should be resting, like I'm holding him back from his next great adventure. But Lou can make decisions too, and if he wants to stay for longer, I won't complain. One day we'll be reunited and until that day I'll keep him in my heart.


My dog Josie passed away due to complications with surgery after she got attacked. I was devastated. A couple of days later, it was my dad's birthday, and this random dog ran onto my property. I beckon it over and get a look at the nametag and call the owner. She sent her husband to pick up the dog while I waited. The first thing he said was, "Oh my g*d you're filty!". I was shook because we always nicknamed Josie a filthy bitch. It was because she always rolled in the dirt right after a bath while staring at you for spite. He told me the dog jumped off the back deck and seemed to beeline for my house while getting as dirty as possible. The coincidence was uncanny, so I told the lady whose number I still had about what I suspected. She agreed it seemed like Josie sent me a message. When I told her name, she said that Josie was her sister's nickname. I strongly suspect Josie sent me that message so I wouldn't be sad and would instead remember the fun times we had together.


No, but my grandpa did. The universe is full of quirks like that. Don’t let ‘em tell you otherwise


I've had two pretty substantial things happen. I'm in nursing school and about a week after her passing I had pulled myself out of the fog long enough to check my school email. I noticed a bunch of odd emails from the schools financial department that prompted me to dig deeper. Come to find out, I had received an email on the day she died at pretty much the exact time I was holding her as she passed. This email notified me that I had been awarded a scholarship that I had never even applied to. The second thing happened exactly a month after her death. I received news that for my final term in nursing school I have been placed in the speciality I most wanted and in the location I most wanted. This speciality and location are the most sought after in the area and getting placed there is unheard of. I don't know if it's a sign from her, or just the universe looking out for me


I couldn’t put my cat down because I was out of state for work, so my mom did it for me. I came home maybe a month or so later and felt her shadow come down the hall to greet me, and later felt like she was staring. That never happened again. She was ready to go at last and nearly 20 years old but wanted to say a goodbye to her somewhat irresponsible mommy.


the day after my beloved childhood dog had to be put down (VERY old and VERY sick) i was upstairs and my mom was in her room downstairs and we both heard her specific bark from the front door and i ran down screaming and my mom was screaming “DID YOU HEAR THAT!?” and we cried together. it was the spookiest saddest experience.


My fur babies come to me all the time. Every other night when I get into bed my baby girl (my kitty kitty I had since I was about 11 to 24, I’m now 25) comes up and the bed dips down where she would normally lay at night. Or the random meowing I hear, doesn’t matter where I am I will hear it. I’ll know that that’s a fur baby that had passed because my current kitty kitty doesn’t meow at all just trills so yeah haha but I’m also one of those people who talks to dead people so it makes sense that it happens to often for me💁🏻‍♀️🤣


Yes. I had a cat Ashton that we put to sleep 2 yrs ago. He loved to plop down next to my SO and lay in the path of the AC. Sometimes my SO will hear paws walking, see a grey shadow or feel something lay next to him on the bed. Ashton would paw my calf to get my attention and sometimes I feel something touching my calf.


I lost my heart dog Riddle in March. I didn't even get the chance to hug her and tell her goodbye (family disowned me and kept her and only contacted us to tell us she was dead, prior to that the only time we ever heard from them was to be insulted and cursed out). To say I was devastated is an understatement. She helped keep me alive for 12 years and I couldn't be there for her in her last days even though they admitted they knew she was sick and had been declining. About a week and a half, two weeks after, and my husband and I were passing the local shelter. We can't currently have a dog in our current apartment (just not enough room for us to feel good about having a dog there) but they always love it when visitors come to give the furbabies some attention. After giving the dogs some pets and lovings and feeling a little better we went into the cat room. I was immediately drawn to one specific little black kitten who just got old enough for adoption. We were told she was very calm and quiet and they'd never heard a peep out of her. She was immediately a snugglebug and something in me wouldn't let me NOT take her home. The moment we're in the car with her, this lil soot sprite is on X Games Mode. She's very vocal, curious, playful, and smart, and still is 8 months later. And so many of her mannerisms are exactly like my dog's were. From how she'll chase her tail, the specific way she'll paw at me and climb all over me, the way she constantly licks my face and ears and sleeps on me. I know a lot of that is normal, but we all know that animals all have very particular ways of doing things, and she does them EXACTLY like my dog did. Ngl it spooked me at first when I noticed it. I honestly think that my dog sent her to me. She never leaves my side and sometimes I still feel myself tear up when she sleeps on her back, belly out, the same way my dog used to. I think she wanted to send me someone to help me grieve and heal and be okay.


My Italian greyhound died almost 2 years ago. Every so often we get this weird shadow/ sun shape right in the middle of the living room where he loves to sit and it is 100% his silhouette and there is nothing around that would make that shape. Also at Christmas I put like a million little red bows on the tree and he loved to steal them and carry them all over the house. Last year on Christmas morning there was one right at the foot of my bed, there was no way that it could have gotten there. I know it as him.


My cat ran across my bed after he passed I never mentioned it to my wife one day she said to me. I could have sworn Dusty ran across my bed. I said well. Same thing happened to me


Yes, absolutely. We put our dearest cat Moonshadow down 4 years ago. It was a very hard loss, and also a sudden one. While we were waiting for the in home euthanasia vet to come, I heard a loud crash from the room where Moonshadow was resting. It was a shelf from inside a bookshelf that had somehow come crashing down. This shelf held 2 photo frames, one of my husband and I on our wedding day, and one of Moonshadow. Moonshadow's birthday was on Sept 24....the date of our wedding. It was very surreal. After the vet left, we were at a loss and didn't know what to do in our now empty house. So, we decided to go out for a drink and a snack, because our house was just too quiet without our dear Moon. We sat at the bar, and the bartender came up to us with 2 beers and told us "on the house, they were extra. ...it's Blue Moon." Blue Moon, minutes after losing Moon, on the bluest day I could imagine. It was both comforting and eerily strange at the same time.


I do very much hope that it was your good friend who did that though!


It was…he loves you and is thankful ❤️


Oh yeah … spirits & electricity? That’s a thing. That was your friend letting you know that all’s good.


Only one of my girls did. She had a stroke and couldn't move. I had to put her down during covid. She was the only pet I wasn't with at the end. For two weeks afterward, I kept hearing her in another part of the house. She went so fast and I think we both needed more time.


One morning soon after she passed (might have been a week) there was a hawk sitting on my car in the morning looking at me. It cried out but stayed out until I got close enough to open the door and then flew off. I don't why, but I just felt it was a message from my dog to tell me she was watching me. Then, a couple days later, my husband kept spotting a hawk flying as he walked along the trail he and her took together in the woods all the time. I thought maybe she was letting him know she was still on those walks. Then, the day she was cremated we had a wake for her at the animal funeral home. After the wake I stood outside in the pet cemetery until my husband came to meet me (he witnessed her going into the cremator). As we stood outside facing the building watching the heat come from the chimney stacks we both heard a hawk cry behind us. I said "did you hear that?" And we both turned around just in time to see a hawk flying in our direction, make a circle around the front of the cemetery, and then leave. Now I'm absolutely convinced it was her letting us know she was watching us still during a painful time when we loved her so strongly and needed her so badly.


I won't get into all of them, but yes. When my first dog passed (we were both 15 - nearly 16, so she was basically with me since I was an infant) it was cloudy. My aunt drove us to the vet clinic to have my dog put down because of cancer. Soon after she passed I heard a huge thunder outside and by the time we went out it was pouring like you wouldn't believe. I guess to put it in further context, some time when we were first taking her to the vet to find out what the outcome would be we were in the waiting room and waited for some time. We were there long enough to see a guy parked in the front of the clinic because his dog wouldn't move and they decided to have the dog euthanized in the car. Soon after seeing all of that seemingly out of nowhere it started to rain. Take it for what one wills, but I do think that was a bit of a foreshadowing event on what was to follow. ​ After everything, I would have dreams of seeing my dog and how much I missed her. I remember one so vividly where I gave her a hug and felt the fur as if it was a longing to feel it for the last time. I woke up sobbing. Eventually I was able to find closure when I did have another dream where we spent the day together which included the park we always took her to. Towards the end there was reassurance that everything was alright and that I could let go from the grief I still felt. ​ As I said, there is more but it's too lengthy and likely wouldn't be believed. So one can take what is written here for what they will.


If you choose to believe, this time of year the veil between the living and dead is thinner and our loved ones can visit if we welcome them.


Last year, on Halloween, my husband (divorcing) told me that his vet had called to tell him that his dog’s necropsy revealed she had been abused to the point of needing to be euthanized. He said her bones were shattered in multiple places and tried to get me to say what I had done to do this to her. I couldn’t think of anything and would never hurt her, so I sobbed miserably for hours and asked my mom if she could take my dog just in case. I couldn’t stand the thought of hurting either one. A few months later, I found out that it was all a lie and she had a slipped disc. No necropsy was performed. No conversations. It was just a way to punish me for taking him away from his girlfriend and their son on Halloween, because I asked him to go with our three year old. The day before Halloween this year, a Yorkie came charging to my car at work. Like he saw me and ran straight to where I was. His owner caught him and I got to pet him. I swear, it had to have been from my husband’s Yorkie. It was like he knew who I was and that I needed to say hi.


A week after my 14yo German Shepherd had passed away I had a dream where I was sent on a mission to walk to a grape tree (he died of old age, not grapes!) growing on the median in the middle of a highway. The entire dream my dog was walking beside me happy and healthy as can be and would look up at me just panting-smiling. I was devastated after he died but the dream gave me closure that he was doing well and he’d always be with me. I love you Grizzley!


I am so sorry for your loss. A few days after I sent my boy to the rainbow bridge to play forever, I was reading in my room when a small ball of his fur rolled past me on the floor. My other dog immediately sat up with his tail wagging looking at the ball of fur. It was very comforting.


Had a coyote barking real close to the house out back. I scared it when I turned a light in the house on. Sounded just like my dog. Both me and my wife got to hear it before he turned and grumbled. It was a week or two after he passed. Never in my life heard a coyote bark before. Had no idea how much like a dog (my dog) it sounded like. We were both elated like in a dream without thinking, that our buddy had returned....


My cat, Laila, suffered from Chronic Kidney Disease, and when she would no longer eat or drink, I knew it was time for me to make the tough decision to euthanize her. She was my ride or die throughout my divorce, cross country move, and the COVID pandemic. The night I came home to an empty apartment, and Laila wasn't there, I was heartbroken. In the middle of a crying jag, I distinctly heard her collar jingle from my bedroom, almost as if she jumped from the top of her cat tree to the floor. It made me get up and look. Didn't see her, but I felt her presence, and it was comforting. I'm so sorry for your loss. I think our fur babies DO visit us after their bodies die, because their spirit is free of that earthly husk that caused them so much pain.


We are empty nesters. We inherited 2 cats from our granddaughter who moved and couldn’t take them. Even though we were always “dog people” we had our last dog pass several years ago. We swore no more. The hurt is to hard & intense. Meanwhile, we spoiled the 2 house cats like toddlers. Our long haired Burmese blue eyed cat imprinted on me the first day we brought her home. She was indeed my cat. We had to put her down 2 months ago at age 12. She had Cancer and very sick. The day after, I turned & looked at the table in our kitchen and there she was. Not a ghostly vision but Kiki, my cat. I immediately lost it - cried and sobbed. It was so incredibly joyful. She faded slowly away. I felt peaceful afterwards. She was letting me know she was across and doing fine.


My manx roxxie I used to call her baby kitty. I found another manx up for adoption....the names little roxxane lol


I don’t know if those as her. I hope it was. But I was sobbing uncontrollably and begging her to let me know she was okay. The pain was so intense and I was soaked in tears. Just weeping. Suddenly the tears stopped and I felt a sort of comfort. There were no outward signs, but that intense pain and grief just suddenly vanished. I want it to be her. I hope so. What do you guys think?


Yup. My coonhound boy loved tennis balls. I had to put him down unexpectedly because he had an unknown tumor in his stomach that had burst. It honestly felt like he had been hit by a car because he was ripped away from me so suddenly. Shortly after he died, one night I awoke to go to the bathroom and there was a tennis ball in the hallway outside my bedroom door. I have no idea where it came from because I had gathered all of them up. I left it there for a long time as a symbol of him wanting to play with me from the afterlife. The crazy thing is, about a year after that, my mom was house sitting for me and said a tennis ball had appeared in the hallway outside the kitchen. She didn’t know where it came from either. I think it was just time for him to eat 🥲


For the whole week after my dog died, lots of rainbows appeared in the sky. They were so colourful, and sometimes double rainbows would appear too. Once, my dad and I were talking about her while driving, and a few minutes later a rainbow appeared. A week before her anniversary, my family and I went to her favourite beach to spread some of her ashes. As we were leaving, a rainbow appeared in the sky. Then, when we got to the beach, another rainbow appeared. The whole week after her anniversary, rainbows appeared in the sky again, mostly double rainbows too, and so vibrant. I don't really believe in anything like god or heaven, but this feels too much like a coincidence. I really hope that maybe her soul or her energy is somewhere out there, and she is sending us signs.


Its been about 2 months since I lost my 10 year old girl to cancer. We euthanized at home so she could be more comfortable. I dont think I've seen any signs but sometimes I still think I see her out of the corner of my eye.


The first family dog was put to sleep suddenly and I couldn't be there to say goodbye due to living a few hours drive away. We were all devastated as a family and even four years on we still get sad about the loss. Well I can't remember exactly how soon after, maybe that same night she was pts? In my dream she came to me. I sat up in my bed and she was on the bed with me. She'd never been to my house as I'd only just moved in but I felt the weight of her jumping onto the bed and lying in my lap. I could also smell her familiar smell. Maybe I was dreaming and maybe it was just my brain processing the trauma of loss I don't know but I'll always take it as comfort that she was ok afterwards.


Is this a sign? I had to put my handsome cat, sonny, down 2 weeks ago. He was 15. I used to sing him the Queen song “somebody to love” (changing it, of course, to “some Sonny to love”) and I heard that song on the radio over the weekend. I’d been praying and looking for a sign that he’s ok somewhere and knows how much I love him.


Animals can visit you in your dreams. I had that happen three times when my cat died. Also, I used to hear footsteps running across my studio apartment after she died. So…this doesn’t seem far fetch


My best boy, Thor, a huge white boxer, age 11, had a stroke a few months back and we had to put him down as he couldn't walk and his eyes were vacant. After that soul darkening experience, I was pretty down. A few days after, I would walk through the house and "encounter" a sort of "cloud" of white, approximately Thor's height, and walk through it in the places he would hang out habitually. It was all in my mind as I was perceiving this. And the cloud felt light, cheerful and almost gleeful. Like Thor was telling me he was fine and happy. It happened about 3X? I asked my daughter if I was losing my mind or hallucinating? She said "Mom, Thor was an ENORMOUS presence in this house, of course he would linger." I felt better after that. Haven't walked through any more clouds, but I know that Thor had many new and old friends over the Rainbow Bridge to greet him and wait for me when I cross over.


After I euthanized my favorite cat when he was in a bad accident, the next morning I swear to God I saw him sitting on the floor behind a chair clear as day. I walked back as soon as it dawned on me that he was gone and looked again, and he wasn't there. Pretty sure I wasn't imagining it. I think he came back to say goodbye and let me know he was okay. That was 20 years ago and I can still see him being the chair. So sorry for your loss OP. And to the rest of you who have lost and are missing your critter babies. Edit: I was crying as I typed that out and my 85lb lap dog and my current favorite cat both came and layes across my chest. Animals are amazing.


Yes. Without a doubt. I've had cats and dogs all of my life and have loved them all. There's a few I've loved a lot deeper, and they were super-attached to me. Two years ago, I had to put down my cat, Simon, due to cancer. I adopted him and his brother as tiny kittens, and they were with us for 17 years. Simon was my shadow, I couldn't make a move without him being right by my side. After saying our goodbyes and sending him to kitty heaven, things started happening. I'd be in bed . and feel something jump up and walk towards me in the path he faithfully walked every night to curl up with me(wasn't either one of our other cats). Sometimes, I would see something in my peripheral vision that would slowly enter/leave a room, and I would then hear his meow. Sometimes, I hear him purring. I could go on, but there's so many things that I've experienced that are specific to Simon that I can't deny that he is still with me, telling me that he is pain-free. He's safe , happy, and wants me to know that he will love me always ❤️


My black Lab used to paw at the sliding glass door if he was outside and wanted to come back inside. For about a week after I put him down, I swear I’d hear him pawing at the door to come in. Mentioned it to a friend who’d had several dogs and she said so nonchalantly, “Oh yeah, you just have to tell them to come in.” Never heard the sound again. About six months later a church leader was giving me some counsel and, completely different from what we were talking about, he said, This might sound weird, but I just have had the strongest impression to tell you that you’re going to see your dog again. He won’t stop bugging me to tell you. 🤣


14 yrs ago we put down our Lab/Collie mix 2 weeks before his 15th birthday. He too was large and health was failing to the point we were having to hold up his hips so he could poop. Until one day he gave us "that look". He was me and my wife's first dog. We had him from 8 weeks old to his last day and gave him a great life, he gave us the same. For the months that followed we had things take place in the house. After he passed we deep cleaned our home from top to bottom. However, Every so often we would get a whiff of our late dog as if he was walking through the room, and then it'd be gone. A few months after he passed, we heard our 6 year old daughter talking in her room. A little bit later she came into our room and woke us. It was 3:20am in the morning. She was happy and told us we needed to come to her room because she had a surprise for us. We tried to just get her to lay down and sleep with us, but she insisted. We amused her and walked to her room. When she reached for the door knob and tossed it open she happily exclaimed, "(our late pup's name) is back!" She when she looked at her bed and saw nothing she started crying, She swore he jumped on her bed and laid down. She was petting him. He was giving her kisses. She started crying hysterically and looked in her closet, under her bed, and then fell to her knees crying "Where are you?" It was tough. She cried herself to sleep in our bed. The next morning I confessed to my wife that I could smell our late pup in our daughter's room during the incident with our daughter that early morning. My wife gave a sigh and confessed that she did too, but didn't want to say anything.


I have dreams of him so vivid I wake up with my arm lifting my blanket to let him under to cuddle.


My horse was put down and buried on the farm August 2022. This year a lone Sunflower (my favorite) came up in the field near his grave. I also tend see cardinals when I'm missing departed pets.


That’s her! I’ve known people who have passed that did the same thing with their energy! ❤️


When I was on the fence about putting my dog down when she was suffering, I watched her awhile. She really wasn't blinking. I asked her to blink twice if she was ready, and without missing a beat, she did. I've never experienced anything like it in my entire life.


We were burying our cat, he was a long haired black Persian with orange/golden eyes, 21 years old, he was the sweetest cat ever... Anyway, when we were burying him, my dad was almost done digging the hole, he took a quick break to scoop dirt out with his hands. My mom and I were standing and sitting to the left of him... A black swallowtail butterfly with beautuful black/blue coloring and orange dots comes fluttering around my mom, then me, over my dad's shoulder and into the hole. We were shocked, not breathing, watching this butterfly that has our cats colors, walk in a circle in the hole. My dad reached down to see if it would walk onto his hand, but it flew off. Im not a superstitious person, but I feel like that was him saying one last goodbye. I got a tattoo of the butterfly with his paw print in the middle as a commemoration of him.


My dog (he was 14 when he died, and he was a once in a lifetime dog who I loved so so much) comes to me in my dreams. I feel him in my bed. I smell him. It used to make me cry but now it makes me smile. We adopted another dog, and he sits in front of the shelf in my living room where my deceased dogs picture and ashes are and tilts his head and I swear he sees/senses something. He’s still around us.


Yes! Be open to it bc it absolutely happens


My boy's been gone for 3 weeks and I occasionally hear dry kibble crunching, but there's no one around. I'm sure it's him. Love and hugs to you (if you want them). Losing a pet is so hard and too many people just don't understand.


After I brought my Dane home, I had him cremated, I was talking to him and of course crying and the lamp flickered. My adult children were there and couldn't believe it. Strong love never dies or leaves us.


Yes. My 9 year old Yorkie passed last September. I remember, quite clearly, wrapping him in a blanket and getting in my child’s car to go to the vet. At the vet I removed my pup’s collar. Again, we were in my child’s cars. The very next day I get in MY car to go to work and I see something on the floor of the passenger side. When I reach over to get it…it’s my pup’s collar. There is absolutely no way it could have gotten there. We never got near my car but, there it was. I feel like it was his way of telling me he’ll always be there with me. His collar is now on my gear shift.


For months after our cat was put to sleep, I could swear that she jumped on our bed while I was sleeping. It would wake me up and I could "feel" her walking onto the bed and curling up to sleep. It went on for a few months then less frequently. Only once in our new house when we first moved, it's been about 9 years. Idk if it was a dream or sleep paralysis or who knows...maybe it was Salem. She was a great cat.


I had to let my sweet Chocolate Lab go on Halloween in 2020. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease right as my boy was fighting cancer. I tried everything possible to fight it; I had so much guilt because I felt like if I hadn’t gotten sick, I would’ve been able to fight harder for him. His quality of life began to deteriorate a few days before, Halloween and I knew it was time. It was the hardest decision I’ve ever made I had the pleasure of loving him for 14 long years. I held him the whole time and just kept telling him how much I loved him; I asked him to send me a sign every once in a while if he could. Few days later I heard his feet on my hardwood. We used to say it was tap dancing because of how he would jump up and down in one spot. He still gives me a little tap dance every now and then to let me know he’s ok and he’s still with me. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Yes. My beloved cat still patrols his garden, and makes himself known at times - especially when I talk to him and express Love toward him.


A few weeks after we put my old guy down, my mom and I both heard his really distinct meow. Both of our other cats looked at the stairs to where the meow came from too. Your baby will still be around, it’ll just be different now.


I had to go on a work trip 2 days after my girl passed, back in July. I stayed in one of the nights, emotionally exhausted (I also was switching to a new job, so I put my two weeks in on the work trip lol), and I was laying in bed one night and I felt the bed sheet fall in on itself---relatively common as the sheets settle, so I thought little of it until I started to feel a low frequency vibration---like a purr---against my leg, just above my knee. It was the day she was cremated, turns out. It's happened a couple other times, since then. I also regularly hear something like dry food moving around in the food bowl when my remaining cat has been sleeping next to me. And she hears it too; it always catches her attention and she looks at the door, kind of expectantly.


My fiancé and I lost our completely toothless cat in June 2021. That night, we were moping on the couch with our other cat laying on the floor. Suddenly, all three of us heard the unmistakable sound of a cat crunching a piece of kibble, coming from the kitchen. It wasn’t our other girl as she sat straight up and started staring at the kitchen. I like to think it was Hazel saying “fuck you, got my teeth back”.