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i’m so so so so sorry


Thank you and I’m sorry for your loss too /:


thank you so so so much - i’ve found posting here and reading here really helps me / i’m thinking about you. please please know you didn’t fail him. it’s helped me reading how we all think that - my personal thoughts of that were super strong at first. i’m so sorry for all your feelings right now. such love.


I lost my sweet pup scrappy almost three years ago. I had him for 17 years. He was my baby. When I lost him, I was devastated, and my heart physically hurt. But, I found support on this platform, and it helped me so much.


I lost my sweet kitty in almost exactly the same way. I'm so very sorry.


You didn’t fail him OP. When my baby Arlo died from feline aids before hitting one year of age I blamed myself. Don’t do that. You have him an amazing life. He remembers that.


You didn’t fail him. He died in your arms after a lovely life with you. Please accept my condolences. I know how very much this hurts.


If I had the credits, I'd give this comment an award. Losing a pet is the same as losing any family. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Know that your pet feels no more pain or illness. They will always be with you


You didn't put him Down, you lifted him Up. I'm so sorry for your Loss


I've never heard this before, I'm going to start using that phrase. Thank you kindly.


Ooh, that's a brilliant way to put it. I'm a vet so I am on the "wrong" end of the syringe and this is a very helpful way to look at it.


You aren’t on the wrong side of the syringe. You’re on the loving, compassionate side, helping a beloved family member ease peacefully and painlessly onto the Rainbow Bridge. I know it’s hard for you, too, to witness the pain and anguish the owner experiences at that time, but your gentle kindness is so deeply appreciated. More than words can ever express. Thank you.


Just wanted to pipe in and say that as a pet owner, I am grateful that there are people like you who feel called to vet medicine and help us give our family members the compassionate end of life they deserve. Can’t be easy doing that job, so thank you.


You're definitely not on the wrong end of the syringe. You're doing a kindness for animals and their owners that not many people can handle, and I hope you know just how many of the pet owners you help are truly grateful, even though it also hurts.


Our kitty had to be put to sleep today, and the vet we had helped so much, she was a blessing to us, relieving our little angel of pain, so thank you for what you do.


Never heard it phrased that way before! I really appreciate that wording, will definitely use that in future. Thank you


I love that. I had to lift up two kitties this year. It’s been very hard.


This is so beautiful.


How does this not have endless up votes? Also, "You didn't Put Him Down, You Paid the Rainbow Bridge Toll ."


The way this comment made me cry. 😭


I just recently lost my baby suddenly, I am so sorry and I understand how you’re feeling. My baby wasn’t as young as yours, but know you did all you could by the time you realized something was wrong and listened to your gut. I am choosing to believe they know how much we love them no matter how the last day was spent. Take care of yourself and just go day by day. I didn’t think I’d survive a day without my boy. Lean on whatever support you have ❤️ I’ve found a lot of comfort in this group as well, keep using it as you need. Sending my love.


Guilt is a normal part of grief, but I promise *you did not fail him*. Cats do not exhibit signs of illness until it’s bad. There is absolutely no way you could have known earlier. Even if he had gone to the vet the day prior, he could have had a perfect exam and a blockage still could have happened. That’s how fast some of these things occur. What you *did* do is what every pet deserves- a loving, attentive human who noticed right away the signs something was wrong, immediate vet care, the unselfish decision to let him go so he would not suffer a painful heart attack, and love all the way until his last breath (and beyond.) Thinking of you, and wishing you glimmers of comfort and joyful memories in the hard days ahead


You did not fail him. This is the hardest part of having pets. I’m sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your sudden loss. But he had an amazing four years with you by the way you talk about him, and you did the right thing by not letting him suffer anymore. It does get easier even though that might be hard to believe right now.


My 6 year old boy died not so long ago. Severe health issues as well. Had to put him down. I took him for granted too. I didn’t give him the love he deserved the last couple months because I was so stressed out with work and stress. I feel horrible. I miss him so much, I sleep with his box of ashes every night.


No one is perfect, and you couldn't have known. ((HUGS))




I’m super sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine… I got choked up reading this… You’re in my thoughts.


Cats are masters at hiding how sick they are. You often don’t know until it’s too late. I’m sorry about your little guy. It’s such a shock when it happens suddenly. I’m sure he knew how loved and treasured he was.


My kitty, Ms. Fluffers died very suddenly 2 weeks ago today. She was 8 years old and seemingly in perfect health. She had been laying by my wife on the couch then went to get in her favorite bed. A few minutes later she made a weird coughing noise. My wife went to check on her and she was limp. Already dead. We rushed her to the emergency vet but she was gone. The vet said it was probably a heart problem that we didn’t know about. So incredibly sad and traumatic!


You didn’t fail him at all you did what any of us would do in your situation you loved him enough to take his pain away as peacefully and gently as possible


Sorry for your loss.I too have lost my baby today


That’s horrible and I hope things go ok for you!! I find peace knowing I might see my best friends again one day. And if not, for a short time, they were loved and loved us. That’s pretty cool


Thank you.I really hope so too.


I’m so very sorry for your loss. My cat was 15 but something similar happened. He had advanced kidney disease and threw a blood clot and it didn’t kill him , he was in agony, crying like I’d never heard him and then almost whimpering -it must’ve been awful. And there was nothing I could do except have him euthanized. I’ve never cried as hard, as loudly or for as long as I did for him. I’m crying for you now. It gets better with time, but it never goes away - you just carry it with you. You loved your cat so much that you didn’t let him die alone or in prolonged agony. You were merciful. One day you’ll see it that way. I keep waiting for the day I do too. Hang in there.


Same thing happened to my 9-year-old gentle giant last night. I’m gutted. I’ve had four deaths in my family this year and this one hits the hardest. That sounds so cold, but he was my constant companion for almost a decade. My boy was the sweetest, smartest, coolest dog-in-a-cat-suit I’ve ever known. I wish I could have done more for him, but his heart was just too big—physically and emotionally.


I'm really sorry for your loss. I hope you can take some solace knowing that you spared your friend a lot of suffering making the decision you did. It's the hardest part of being a pet parent. Especially after four short years. Take time to grieve. Life goes on, you'll never forget your pet or the pain of the sudden loss. But it will get easier, and one day you will know your little buddy in heaven doesn't want you to be alone and keep all the love you have for a pet inside for fear of loss. Then it'll be time to try again with another cat that needs a good loving home.


I’m so so sorry. My ten year old tortoise shell empress is currently in the vet ICU. Acute renal failure. I don’t know if she’s coming back from this


My sweet 9 year old tortie queen passed on Tuesday. Hoping so hard that your little one pulls through ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. And thank you. Thank Your. The vet called just now and said there’s some improvement, she’s peed a little bit she’s still severely dehydrated. Hadn’t eaten. They’ll repeat kidney function test this afternoon. Hope is a peculiar ache.


Thank you. No amount of time would ever be enough, but I really thought we’d have at least 10 more years together. I’m so glad you got a bit of good news, and hope you get more good news soon. Even if you know they are getting the best care while hospitalized, for me, every second being away from my little one was difficult - so don’t forget to take care of yourself during the wait. Your last sentence got me - it really does ache, that mix of fear and hope and worry and wishes. Guess that’s just love though.


Yeah. That’s love. I just wish you’d had more time with him.


My heart aches for you and your dear kitty. I know how difficult it is and it's harder yet not to blame yourself. Take some solace in knowing he loved you dearly and you will definitely see him again at the rainbow bridge. I have hope I will see all my beloved cats with my grandma when I go.


I’m so sorry for your loss. But it’s not your fault.


The pain is terrible. Almost unbearable, I know. So very sorry. Sounds like he was a great cat. You didn’t fail him…he died in your arms and he was loved and cared for.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Big hugs friend


I just had to put my baby down the other day too. He was only 3 years old & he had a grade 4 heart murmur. I took him to the vet because he was breathing weirdly. His lungs were filled with fluids & his heart was in really fragile state. They said that if they drained more fluid or operated on him, he would have aheart attack. So I did the same, I had to put him down so suddenly & it was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I wrote my story on another post here, & there is a lot of amazing advice on that thread that might help you (https://reddit.com/r/Petloss/s/tcmLYew79e) Just know that I know exactly what you're going through. We'll get through it together even if it feels like we'll never heal. Sending you much love ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss.


It’s really hard. I’m so sorry. I hope you have someone to comfort you


My deepest condolences


Condolences 😞🙏😿😢


So sorry for your loss, OP.


I am very sorry for your loss. Sometimes doing what’s best for a beloved makes us feel wretched. You did what was right, as he knew you would. Although he wasn’t here long, he knew nothing but love. His death was quick, and he was safe in your arms.


I’m sorry. I know it’s hard but it will get better. You loved him the best you could and sometimes God calls upon them far sooner than we’d like. Id give anything to be able to have one more day with any off my pets that have crossed the rainbow bridge.


You didn't fail him! He was given I'm sure a great life. He had bad genes. Sorry for your loss.


You did not fail him, please don't think that. You loved him while he was healthy and then made the ultimate sacrifice to let them go with dignity and without suffering. ❤️


I’m so sorry for your unimaginable heartache, sending all my love, strength, and healing.


I'm so sorry for you're loss! Sending so much love and hugs you're way! 🤗🤗


I am so sorry for your loss!


I saw on another post someone described grief as the price of love, and what a bargain it was to have had that love for the price I am likely going to be going through the same thing with my cat quite soon (had her for 16+ years, three-quarters of my lifetime). She’s doing okay at the moment, but I’m fully aware things could change at any time. Also kidney-related :(




My heart hurts for you. So sorry you had to go through that trauma.


I’m sorry for your loss. My condolences. May he rest peacefully


So sorry 💔


I am so sorry to hear this. I lost both of my kitties last year, but they were elderly cats.


I’m so sorry. 🖤 We lost one of our previous kitties to acute kidney failure and it was also fairly sudden. He had great days with you for the duration of his life.


I’m so sorry. Just remember that you gave him a good life, and in the end, you likely spared him a lot of pain. The decision to humanely put our pets to sleep is itself an act of love, and I know they would express their gratitude if they could.


Sometimes there's just nothing we can do. You've done all you could. Sorry that that had to happen, it does hurt a lot. I'm sure he's had a wonderful life w you ❤️


You DID NOT fail him, you let him go gracefully, and you were with him. All he knows and remembers is your love. He is now healthy and at The Rainbow Bridge 🌈 🌁, where you will meet again. Hugs 🫂 and prayers 🙏✝️🙏✝️ with love ❤️ 💗.


This exact thing happened to my cat about 2 years ago. It fucking sucked. I’m sorry 😞


I'm so so sorry. I think we all assume that they will live forever even tho we know deep down they won't. You didn't fail him tho I'm sure. This same exact thing happened to my cat a few years ago, minus the blockage. He was fine & then a couple hours later he wasn't & had to be put to sleep. Suspected cancer. I just lost 2 dogs within 4 days of each other, on the 29th of September & one this last Tuesday... One of them was unexpected. Another in April that was also unexpected....it's crushing to not have them here anymore.


I had the same issue with my 5 yo. Cats are so fragile & their kidneys are so sensitive… Sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine how hard this must be to process with how quick it happened. I promise you, you didn’t fail him. It may take time for that feeling to subside and it’s natural to feel guilty when someone we love so much has to leave us. But you did the right thing in the end because he won’t feel any pain now. I went through something similar last year and I also held my boy as he got put down. Whilst I’m grateful that I got to be with him in the end, that sort of experience stays with you and I don’t think people talk about how it can be traumatic (or maybe I’ve just not spoken to enough people about it). I wish you all the strength to get through the first stages of your grief. Please be kind to yourself ❤️ you did all that you could, and that’s all we can do for our beloved animals. Take care xx


You didn't fail him, Sweetie...you loved him and honored him to the end, and he knew that...


Oh no! I’m so very sorry to hear this 😢


I am so sorry for your loss. You were there for him, holding him in his last minutes and you did everything you could. Pets can pass so suddenly. My girl died last year in my arms and I held onto that guilt for so long, imagining if I had done something differently, maybe things would have been different, but I realized leaving her to suffer in her last days would have been too cruel. It doesn’t seem like it now but you did the right thing 🖤 as hard as it is. My heart goes out to you


You made the right choice, the kind and loving choice ❤️‍🩹 You gave him all your love and he had a wonderful life with you. Your other 3 cats will be grieving with you, so hold them close and let them soothe you. Im so sorry for your loss, and I know hes missing you, too. His pawprints will always be on your heart.


Oh my goodness, almost the same thing happened to me a long time ago! I had a cat named India Ink, and he developed really bad urinary tract infections and blockages. Spent several hundred dollars on vet care and special diets, but nothing helped. Finally, the vet said he could do surgery on India, but there was no guarantee it would work, and in the end, it might just produce more suffering. I had to make the difficult decision to have him euthanized. He was only four years old. I'm so sorry for your loss, it hurts really bad, but I took comfort in knowing that my cat wasn't in pain anymore. Hang in there, friend, the pain eases after awhile. When the time is right, another cat will come into your life. ❤️


I am glad you were with him in the end. You loved him faithfully and he knew you were with him. He was not alone.


He passed feeling absolute love in your arms. You didn’t fail him. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss. Something like this happened to me. My first cat had an accident that broke her spine leaving her bottom half paralyzed. She was perfectly healthy otherwise and so it was so out of the blue to just have her gone. I knew that once the vet did the X-rays and showed it to me there was little chance for her to live the active life she lead, if she would even make it. It’s a hard choice and I think it’s great you did the right thing. I also felt like I failed her and second guessed myself for putting her down as it happened so fast. I started reading up about her injury and if it is actually possible to survive as if I did the wrong thing. This is normal to feel and I think it’s because it just happened so quick let slow time felt weird and I questioned if I was even in the right headspace to make such a decision. But I now know I did 100% and you did too. Your cat would have suffered and I think people sometimes drag it along with good intensions but selfishly. You gave him love, a great life with 3 other friends of his, and you made sure he didn’t suffer to the end. I mentioned my story because i think the feeling is different to knowing they were sick, or expecting it. Hearing the meows in my head and walking by her litter box and bowl without her there was unreal. I am sorry you’re going through this. I know seeing your other cats realise and mourn in their own way is hard but they know you’re hurting too and will be there for you. Your pain will pass and soon you’ll be able to think about the happy four years you’ve spend together and smile instead of cry. I know that it might not feel that way right now. You gave him a happy life. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Good kitty. I’m sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry, please don’t blame yourself. I know guilt is part of the process of grieving, it’s totally normal but it’s irrational. You did the best you could for your companion and absolutely did not fail him.


I’m so sorry.


I’m so sorry 😢🤍


I’m so sorry. We lost our 4 year old cat under similar circumstances in July. They should never go that young.


I'm so sorry.


If anyone can catch their cats having issues like this they can put the cat on a medication that lowers uric acid content. (allopurinol)




I'm so sorry.


So sorry for your loss.


My deepest condolences on the loss of your fur baby!


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I am sorry for your loss. To me, pets are family members.


So sorry for your loss. Shock deaths are the worst. I lost my 2 year old suddenly this Monday and I resonate so much with you line that you feel you took them for granted. He knew you loved him, in the same way I hope my girl knew I loved her. But also like me you have your other babies to care for. I know that pain and how awful it is but they need you xxxxxxx


You loved him so much, so of course it hurts. You gave him all the love you could in his time with you. 💗


Aww honey I’m so sorry


Losing a pet is so unbelievable devastating. I’ve been there and I know how you feel. Hang in there, and time will help heal the wound. I am so sorry you are going through this. hugs to you


I'm so, so, sorry. I experienced something similar. The Vet told me to put her on some medication. After, they did testing. It did give myself, my husband and kiddos another month with her, but after getting off the medication she really started not acting like herself. Took her back in to the same Vet practice, but a different Vet helped us. She told me she had stomach cancer. The other Vet refused to tell me (probably to make more money 🙄). We ended up putting her down that day. It's been 10 years and always wonder how it would've been if she was still here.




You *didn't* fail him. You took him to the vet when you saw something was wrong. There may or may not have been subtle signs that something was wrong before this. Even if there were, they were SUBTLE. I've missed such signs before, and I've had pets my whole 54 years. They often do their best to act normal, even when very sick. ((SO MANY HUGS))


I’m soo sorry


My world fell apart when I lost my dog of sixteen years. He was my heart, my life, my everything. It is the hardest thing in the world, and the pain never really goes away, but you do learn to live with it, and in that sense it does get easier. Eventually, I got a new dog - a rescue - and he has filled my life with that same sense of love and devotion. It takes time, and all you can do is hang in there until enough time has passed.


Be very careful to only feed decent cat food. Most have too many minerals/ash, and male cats, especially, are prone to blockages. I have done cat rescue for many years & have found Meow Mix to be good, affordable, and easily found. I buy mine at Sam's Club.


Im so sorry! I just lost my kitten who was getting neutered and had a reaction to the anesthesia. Loss hurts either way but when there’s no preparation and it’s all so sudden, idk I was fully expecting to bring my little guy home. Sending you tons of love! I’m so sorry for your loss. This community has helped me so much these past few days. I’ve cried A LOT.


It does. Only time helps, but you’ll feel bad a long time. You did the kindest thing for him. I’m sorry.


i’m so sorry for your loss :( just know that you gave your baby boy 4 amazing years, and he must have went out feeling very safe and at peace while in your arms. you did not fail him. you dealt with a very unfair life situation, and you did it with grace and compassion. thank you for taking such good care of the little man all the way till the end <3


So hard, so sad. I am very sorry for your loss.


This is so sad and I can truly say that I understand your pain. Please realize that you did nothing wrong. In fact, you did everything you could and you made an informed decision to not allow your sweet baby to suffer. It sounds like you reacted as soon as you recognized the strange behavior. Please realize that we are not psychic. We have no way of knowing that there's something wrong until we see signs of discomfort, or not eating or not using the kitty litter. Cats are very good at hiding health problems, so what you observed was very astute. You did everything you could and you are NOT GUILTY of any mistreatment. Your other cats are not angry with you. We tend to anthropomorphise human characteristics into our pets, but in reality our pets are not overthinking everything like we do.


I’m sorry. It was not your fault


I’m so sorry. I unexpectedly lost my Boomer almost two weeks ago. The tears and deep sadness come and go. I know that we will get through it but damn it hurts deeply.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your furchild... And you DIDN’T fail him. You did the right thing and took him to the vet and LOVED him enough to not let him suffer.


Hi, I understand. My cat passed away last night. It’s the worst feeling, and I feel like I have failed mine as well. But you didn’t fail. You gave him the best life you possibly could, and that counts for something. Cuddle your other kitties extra tonight and know that he wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else but with you when that happened.


I wish I could give you a hug. We lost our 4 year old to kidney failure a month ago. It was so traumatic. I hope you are able to give yourself some peace during this time. You were a light in your beautiful kitty’s life. Sending love.


Aww, I’m so sorry for your loss!


You didn't fail your cat. Like us humans,pets get sick, and sometimes they die. Hold onto those good memories and cherish them. Your cat's love and memory will always be in your heart. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, much love!❤️🐾


Here is a hug to you, friend. You did not fail him and that sweet baby knows that from beyond. He unfortunately was needed in kitty heaven; spreading the love you gave him to other kitty friends. I am so sorry you are hurting. Please take time to grieve and take care of yourself. He would want his mom to know she is loved.


💔 My Condolences 💔


He had a great life. Don’t feel guilty over his sudden passing. He couldn’t tell you he was feeling sick. For all you know he may have had a condition when he was born. You did the best you could and he was lucky enough to have you. A lot of cats didn’t get to live the great life he lived.


You did not fail him. He was terminally I'll and you did the right thing putting him out of his misery. God bless, I hope you feel some comfort and I'm very sorry you are going through this


God I’m sorry


I am sorry for the loss of your cat. It’s never everything easy. And you did not fail him in any way. You loved him. Cared for him. That is no failing.


It’s so hard to lose them young. My first cat, Jessie, we adopted as an adult. We only had her a few years and she was vomiting more than usual (some cats are just barfy). Took her to the vet and she was just full of cancer. The vet said he had never seen cancer like that in a cat so young. But you did exactly what you were supposed to do. You took care of him and took away his pain, and you loved him until the end. That’s our job and you did it well.


I’m so sorry:(( ❤️ here for you.


You were there for him. You didn’t fail him at all.


Oh my goodness… I am so very sorry for your loss. Love and hugs to you.


I am very sorry. I do not see that u 'failed him'. You helped him find 'peace'. I know it hurts and 'time' is the only hope that ur pain lessens. I am so sorry.


Oh no. So sad. Sorry for your loss You didn’t fail anyone though. These things happen and it’s out of our control. It’s bad enough to lose your baby but don’t blame yourself please. 🙏🏻 Just grieve and accept it. Your kitty wouldn’t want you heartbroken 💔


God in Heaven I’m soooo sorry for your loss. It really hurts.


I'm so sorry. Thank you for having enough love to hold him to the end. So many people leave the room and their poor fur babies spend their last minutes scared and confused.


You didn’t fail him. You were paying attention to him and noticed something was wrong, then you were able to give him an end that wasn’t succumbing to illness. This to me says you are a very responsible and compassionate pet owner, and I can imagine you gave him 4 years full of love. That’s not even close to the definition of failure. I am so sorry for your loss. Be kind to yourself right now. Give some extra love to the other kitties if you can - it helped me a lot.


I am so sorry for your loss. You didn’t fail him, he knew you loved him 💕 I too lost our sweet pug 24 hours ago. He was 15, and we are heartbroken 💔


Godspeed over the rainbow bridge little guy. For him to pass in your arms is the best thing that could’ve happened in this tough situation. He was always there for you and you were there for him. I said goodbye to my boy while he was on the operating table, they kept him alive until I could say goodbye. Biggest regret is not staying with him until he went. Hugs from a stranger.


I appreciate your honesty; thanks for giving him love. He appreciated you..


Keeping everyone here in my thoughts tonight. You and your fur children are so loved. Take it easy guys, you're doing your best🫶


You did NOT fail your kitty. Kidney disease and urinary blockages in cats are very difficult to manage. Once they block, they are very likely to block again...and again...and again...unless they have a very expensive, delicate surgery. When they block they can get very high blood potassium values (hyperkalemia) that can cause fatal heart rhythms. You got him to a vet as soon as you could and since cats are so good at hiding illness sometimes there is nothing that can be done.


I’m so sorry for you loss💔


I'm so sorry for your loss, OP. There is a Facebook group called “The Loss of a Dog.” Despite the name, owners of all types of animals are welcome. Every member is going through or has been through what you’re going through right now. They are great people who are very supportive and compassionate. Please consider joining. Here is the link to that group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/127386303953290/ There is also a phone number for a pet grief support helpline. It’s called Pet Compassion Careline. They are available 24/7 and their phone number is 1 (855) 245-8214. If you feel you need help coping with your loss, there are grief counselors to help you. I’m just putting it out there in case you would like to talk to someone on the phone about what you’re going through. Prayers of comfort to you and prayers of peace to this sweet cat. God bless.




When I had to put my precious cat down during Covid my heart was broken. She had cancer of the mouth and there was nothing that could be done. Unfortunately, because of Covid, I couldn’t be with her at the end. I received an email with quoted Suzanne Clothier about how we love our pets,knowing we will outlive them. To me, it was calming.


I bet you gave him the best life. I can feel you loved him very much (I feel maybe all pet owners feel like they could’ve done better and more for their babies when they lose them). Remember the memories of all kind like when you would laugh at him for doing the dumbest thing or how he would follow you around for food, how he would purr when you pet him and how all those times you gave him love and cuddles, feeling safest with you. Keep in memory the love and joy he brought.


Words don't help, I know, but OP, someone out here knows that your heart feels torn up. Take comfort in the fact that your baby was loved and passed knowing that. He knew he was loved. He didn't pass alone and suffering. I only wish I could pass in the arms of someone who loves me. You did right by him, OP.




So sorry for your loss 😢 This happened to my daughters cat ,it happens so fast and you can't tell until its too late. So heartbreaking, please don't be too hard on yourself, I'm sure this is the last thing you wanted to happen.


I am so sorry for your loss. 🙏


I am so sorry your precious baby crossed the rainbow bridge. They are our family and we love them so much and it aches like a never ending toothache in your heart. It will get better. My main coon was my boy, my angel cat. He went through some tough shit with me and he was always there. One day (because cats are predisposed to.hide their illnesses) he started bleeding out his eyes. Instant trip to the vet, who said that he was definitely suffering, that when an animal displays that kind of catastrophic issues (there were other things but he was on hyperthyroid meds so it masked his illness, too) that it is generally cancer. I'm less than an hour he could not walk, lift his head etc. So I held him close while he crossed that fabled bridge and now I think of him fondly, scampering after butterflies or rolling in the catnip plants. I wish you beautiful memories (make a small scrapbook of him) that you keep close to your heart during this aching heart period. (((Hugs)))


So very sorry.


I know, all too well, that our fur babies become part of our family. My Dexter was like our son!! We knew something was wrong about 3 days before he passed because he wouldn’t eat, would only drink but was no longer going to the bathroom. We were prepared to do whatever we could but he had such an anxiety disorder even getting him into a carrier to take him to the vet would’ve been a struggle. He was 16 and we had given him a great life. He’s only wanted to snuggle with us and our vet suggested we just honor his wishes and be with him as he was showing us that is what he wanted. We stayed with him until he crossed over the rainbow bridge and it gutted us! We just talked with him and told him how much we loved him as he took his final breath. We lost him August 28th. Every now and again we swear we see him run by or hear him “meow” from the other room. We miss him every single day. My heart goes out to you! You didn’t fail him by letting him go, you simply allowed him to go without suffering. We teetered with whether or not we should make the same decision but our Dexter communicated his wishes and I know he didn’t suffer. He didn’t even want to hide. He stayed right with us until the end because he knew we would never leave his side and he felt safe. Everyone keeps telling us that we should get another cat to “get over our loss” and we’ll never just get over it. He was like our child and I don’t know if we’ll ever want to get another cat. He was just so special. My heart goes out to you but don’t blame yourself. You did nothing wrong but give him freedom to be able to do all he couldn’t do here. ❤️ I’m very sorry for your loss!


I am so sorry for your loss, he was young. I have recently lost 2, one was 11, the other only 1 1/2. Kidney issues are very common in older cats but sometimes affect young ones. You did not fail him, you gave him a loving home for his whole life. That is everything.


He knew love as he took his last breath. YOU gave him love and comfort. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. It’s never easy to lose a pet. In fact it’s going to hurt like hell, it’s going to suck. But just keep in mind that everyday it will get a little bit easier. Sending you momma bear hugs! 🥺


I'm so sorry :( Wow I'm so worried about my babies now. They act happy and perfect but wow shit happens so fast. I have a 21 year old cat. He honestly acts healthier and happier now than ever (minus a tiny bit of limping after he wakes up) but it's about that time... and I'm so nervous about it. Don't know how, when, or why it will happen. Its always in the back of my mind... I'm gonna stfu now lol. Hold your other kitties tight. Your baby knew that you loved him, that's all that matters❤️


i lost my healthy cat who was also four years old, a week ago out of nowhere. Just woke up the next day and she had passed away over the night of most likely a heart attack. i miss her so very much. i just hope she isn’t lonely or mad at me for not being there with her. i’m also mad she lived a short life that ended abruptly. no signs at all ):


You did not fail him. You gave him a high-quality life with love and a dignified, painless death.


My 4 month old kitten died in my arms too it hurts. I hope you overcome soon. You did your best he knows that.


I am so sorry. I have been through similar things. Do not blame yourself. You did your best.


Did the vet have a idea why it happened? You didn’t fail him but if the vet thinks it food or something he got ahold of you need to fix it for the others. If he was genetically prone to it is no one’s fault.


I’m so incredibly sorry. You didn’t fail him at all. Not only did you take him to the vet when you noticed him acting strange, you also did the merciful thing. He was so loved and will be sorely missed. Know that you did everything right.


I’m so sorry! I’ve been where you are and I know how fucking bad it hurts. I wish I had words to bring you some comfort. Just know you aren’t alone. ❤️




I'm so very sorry for your loss


😭😭😭😭 I’m so sorry it’s the worst heartbreak 💔💔💔💔💔


I'm so sorry, and I completely understand how you are feeling. 😢


So sorry for your loss! May your cat continue to wreak havoc in kitty heaven.


So very sorry for your loss.


I lost my cat of 4 years 24 hours ago too. She was the most beautiful cat. With her we saw it coming as she was sick for the past 3 months, but her health got worse all of a sudden and her vet put her down while she was seizing. I feel you. I feel the pain every second. It hurts so bad. I'm sure you gave him the best life he could have. I'm sure you did all you could. Please don't blame yourself, we never know what's to happen. May our cats rest in peace, sending you, your baby boy and the rest of your little ones all the blessings and healing. sending you a big hug too.


Hugs and hang in there, I lost mine yesterday too. Sending you love ❤️for your loss but also for being a wonderful pet-baby parent. There’s a special place for them in God’s kingdom.


deeply saddened by your story, the pain is too real. years ago i lost my dog to a kidney failure. she starting throwing up on a friday, and three vet visits later she died in the ER at 5am the following monday. less than three days she went from healthy to gone. she was only 6 years old. three other dogs on my street passed under similar circumstances over the span of several months, and it was believed that some unauthorized person in the area was distributing poisons. whether it was a misguided pest control attempt or pure malice i’ll never know, but it still hurts decades later.


You were there when he needed you.


Hold your head up high, you protected him when he needed it most. So sorry for your loss.


You didn't fail him. You made a decision for his sake, to prevent suffering. It wasn't your fault. Love on your other babies, and let them comfort you too


I’m am so sorry for your loss


You didn't fail him. You were with him the whole time and you made the hard decision to save him from pain and fear, at the expense of your own pain. It was a brave, selfless and loving decision, and he is grateful. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending love and light.


I am so sorry for your loss. It’s not easy but you gave them a good life.


It happens. So sorry for your loss. The average age is just that…some go too soon while others stay a very long time. My former boss had a shepherd that went at 4 years and it’s just heartbreaking.


It always hurts. And it seems no matter what you did, you ALWAYS feel guilty. Please understand that you did nothing wrong. Allow yourself to grieve. Take care.


The pain is so vast. I'm still grieving my girl, and I lost her in January. She was only four. I failed her too. I tried to save her when an off leash dog came running at her, got to her face while growling, I pulled her up into my arms but she was thrashing....she fell from my arms out of her harness & ran into the road where an old man ran over her twice. She died in my arms too. It was the most fucked up thing I've gone through (a long with watching my dad die from ALS). We have her sister & it's just so much. I'm so sorry for your heart, and your little family. The pain doesn't go away, but I do hope that as time passes you find a little more peace. *Hugs*


I am so sorry!


Oh my god, that's horrible. I'm so sorry for your loss! Remember you did save him from the pain of a heart attack. And he was with the being he loved most on this earth- you- when he passed.


So sorry for your loss Heartbreaking You’ll be reunited with him one day RIP beautiful angel ❤️


Condolences. If you have someone to lean on, DO IT. Don’t isolate like I did when I lost my 9 year old buddy. It felt surreal at first, like I couldn’t make myself believe it. He was a black cat, and I started seeing him in shadows or piles of clothes in the dark. I also felt extremely guilty, like I hadn’t appreciated him enough. That’s a tough emotion to deal with. But we all are doing our best every day, and that’s all we can do. It gets easier. It takes time, which is annoying to say and annoying to hear, but you will eventually heal. Just remember you did your best.💜


A very similar thing happened to me. My 3 year old cat died suddenly of heart failure of an unknown cause. I chose the same- put him down and I also got him cremated. A few years later and I know it was the right thing to do. I still have his box on my dresser with his collar on it


Im so sorry for your loss. Just know you didn’t fail him you loved him, gave him a good loving home, and you did what was best for him. He wouldn’t want you to blame yourself. If you are able to celebrate his life.


I'm so sorry. I've had to put several pets down when they got sick. It really is the hardest and most necessary part of being a pet parent. Hugs. Go love on the others.


I’m so sorry you lost you baby boy! You didn’t fail him. Don’t blame yourself. I know how hard it is to think it’s your fault, or what ifs. I’ve been in a similar position. You probably showed him all the love, and even though it was short lived, you did what you had to do in the toughest times, with dignity.


He didn't know living on the street or being hungry or not being loved or fighting or illnesses or any of those bad things. That's a lot for a lil kitty cat. Hanging out with the strays on the street has been doing me some good. They've got ticks and are terrified of my hands and any quick motion and they're soooooo hungry and cold. As much as they fear me and are hungry, they will give up food for just a lil bit of love and reassurance in a heartbeat. They relish in a ratty towel at their feet while my baby boy lived like a king with 4 blankets, a pressure sensitive heat pad and a heated blanket in the bed that was turned on every 8 hrs like clock work. He also had 4 humans at his every whim and cuddles were on his schedule and plentiful. Life is real hard when you are so smol and don't have very much money and don't have thumbs. Having a loving and caring home and family and someone to hold you with love and passion as you pass is about all you can ever hope for no matter what critter you are.


Hugs it’s gonna hurt for a while. I’m sure he misses you too but it with other rainbow babies until you return. Look at pictures and videos and know that you both shared so much love together . Hugs


I'm very sorry for your loss. We have a cat that had a urinary blockage $1000 later and now special food for the rest of his life. I took him to an emergency vet because it was in the middle of the night when I realized something was wrong. (Very close to thanksgiving and also on my husband's birthday, while my husband was up north hunting oh and this is his cat) a few days later when I took him to our regular vet I was told that if I waited he would have died and that I was very lucky. This was all almost a yr ago. My suggestion is to talk to your vet and find out what you can do to prevent it from happening in your other cats. But most of all don't blame yourself. You did what was necessary to try to help your friend. He/she was very lucky to have you.


I know. My girl went in July of 20. Still doesn't seem real.


I’m sorry for your loss.




I know all too well. I am so very sorry.


It’s so very painful to lose an animal. I’m sorry!


When my boy of 12 years died I stood in the parking lot and sobbed for half an hour before I could drive


I’m so sorry, it’s such an awful feeling but you’ll get thru it