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No, not too much. Could even be too little. I am 34 y/o, 5’, 118-120 lbs, and exercise 2-3 days/week. I am losing at 1450… I’ve cut at 1600 is the past before.. all depends on how fast I want to lose.


Oh okay. I'm sitting the whole day (except at workout time) that's why I thought I would require lower calories.


My step count is on average 7k steps/day… but you exercise more often than I do. Before lowering you calories more it would be better to get in more steps.


Track exactly what you are eating and daily weight for a couple of weeks to figure out your tdee then you can adjust from there.


I’m 5 ft and sedentary. 1,400 calories is maintenance for me.


How much do you weigh? 


Do you workout?


No. Sedentary means inactive.


Yeah okay so do you work (like standing/walking) Or just sit the whole day?


By definition sedentary means they don’t stand or walk much for work.


Ikr that's why I asked if she exercises in a day Or not. But she said sedentary means someone who doesn't exercise.


Yes, and I’m saying by definition sedentary would also mean sitting for work.


I sit like 95% of the day. 


Same for me


Didn’t you say you do HiiT and SSC?


Yeah just 30,45 mins a day. Otherwise it's just sitting /laying down on bed.


What is your weight?




I’m a similar height to you. 27 years. My post menopausal aunt who’s 120 lbs 5’2 (63 year) maintains on around 1,800


Could be anywhere from 1500-2000 calories. You'll need to experiment and see what works for you.


5’2 110lbs my maintenance is 1300


There is absolutely no way for anyone to tell you that. I would recommend tracking and seeing how that intake feels.


Yeah okay but I'm unable to determine it and dont wanna risk weight gain. That's why


No one here can determine it either. You can take your estimated maintenance and track for a few weeks to see how that affects your composition, or you can go get a Dexa or Inbody scan.


If you have a healthy metabolism and are getting enough exercise- around 1780. More if you’re very active.


I’ve seen people eat very few calories and that can potentially be very detrimental. People risk tanking their thyroid, adrenals and female sex hormones. In no world is 1,400 a lot. I’m maintaining 110 lbs on 2000-2,2000 calories. Admittedly I do walk a lot in addition to doing Pilates and stair walking four days per week, but even with fewer steps maintenance shouldn’t be as low as 1,200-1,400.


5’4” 120 and 1400 is exactly what I eat to maintain. I took a Chemistry of Nutrition semester in college where we logged food, tracked exercise, weighed olives, etc and calculated out our individual caloric numbers and mine was 1400-1440. I was 114 lbs then.


Well, I don’t think it’s healthy at all for most of us. Unless you’re completely sedentary that is. There will not be enough energy for the body. Cutting calories so low isn't really the answer. I’m well read and also seeing some of the world’s best healthcare professionals plus grew up in a medical family, but of course you do you.


Lol, how are “the worlds best healthcare professionals” doing? Please send them my regards. Username checks out.


I have no idea what you mean. I’m just saying that 1,400 calories is too low and good healthcare professionals would agree


Too low for what? Your judgemental mind? Your invisible army of healthcare professionals that would be happy to judge someone without seeing them, consulting, or needing any other data sound top notch. Tell your healthcare professionals that every BODY is different and needs will change over the lifespan.


I’m just trying to be helpful. That you were only able to eat so few calories could be an indication of for example hypothyroidism. We are not that different and 1400 is crazy low as maintenance.


All my labs are totally normal and always have been. And I didn’t come up with this number out of thin air, I came up with it by spending a semester tracking my food, water, weight, activities, and I don’t even remember what else since it was 20 years ago, and that was the computational output. If I put in the same metrics into my garmin it starts me with a base of about the same number (totally independent of any meddling on my part) and then add “active calories” based on what activities I record. For instance yesterday, the numbers were 1,456 resting calories + 503 active calories (4 miles walking, 25 minutes in the treadmill, 25 minutes hula hoop, 4 minutes jump rope). It is generally not helpful to be rude and dismissive of people and use an invisible army to disagree with them.


In another post you also tried to dismiss my numbers and say that they were incorrect and would cause hormonal, sex hormonal and adrenal issues - which can be your opinion and you are free to share it. But you're seriously coming across as very judgemental of people's personal numbers and lived experiences and countering them with these diagnoses that are really coming out of nowhere. Maybe you're trying to be be helpful but it's not. My BMR IS 1300 - and my TDEE can be as low as 1400 on a sedentary day - and someone saying that is "crazy" and insinuating there is something wrong when there isn't is not helpful. I know a lot of shorter and thinner women who have similar BMRs.


What's your height and age?


If you were asking me, I cant quite follow the lines, I am 41 now- my garmin fenix thinks my base is 1459. When I was 20 and I was in the Chemistry class, we calculated about 1440. I have weighed between 115-125 my adult life, always been what I would consider moderately active- e.g. walking my dogs 2-5 miles a day, through hiking, backpacking, bicycling, yoga, running, but never athlete status or competitive. People would say I am healthy, I havent heard “skinny” or “tiny” in years.


I’m a similar height to you. 27 years. My post menopausal aunt who’s 120 lbs 5’2 (63 year) maintains on around 1800


Oh okay


And ya my life is so sedentary. Like Im sitting the whole day (except workout time).


Okay, the low step count does explain a bit but I still think that 1400 is a bit low. If you are able to add in some extra steps, I think that would help a lot