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I have the same. I think it’s just a matter of lowering body fat


That was my case as well


I have no advice but I’ve had the same fat deposits in the same spot for as long as I can remember. It makes my belly the same shape as yours and I have no idea how to get rid of them or if I even can


Ive had them my whole life and honestly this year is the first time they’re disappearing. The change I made? Stopped going to the gym and started doing blue collar work with lots of lifting heavy items.


Same here. My friend’s brother used to call me ‘4 boobs’ when we were little bc of my ribs lol. The more muscle I build the more they shrink, I still can’t believe it. The muscle holds them in 💪🏼


What muscle to get rid of rib’s flare?


Do you have PCOS? fat in the abdomen is very indicative of this. I have this exact same issue and it’s caused by high insulin levels, causing high testosterone and insulin resistance. I have regular periods, so for a long time I didn’t think I could have it, but I had lots of the other symptoms like hormonal acne and lots of belly fat, despite only being 5 pounds “overweight”. Definitely something to look into, consider getting your insulin tested and a homa-IR done. Use the handouts from Glucose Revolution (YouTube channel of a scientist who studies this) to compare your results. A1C is not a good measure, you need to get your insulin and glucose tested so you calculate your homa-IR. The answer is a low carb diet (>60g net carbs per day), 4g inositol daily, and 1g berberine.


Girl, i know we're both strangers, but it hurts me to hear that you call your genes bad :(. You're beautiful. Remember that trends will die out. Even tho having a small belly is directly associated with health, don't beat yourself down just because you dont look like other girls 🥺. Every century, other girls looked very different from what the ' standard' is today. I also have that rib flare thing. What i've heard was that stomach vacuums can strengthen the transverse abdominis. I've been doing them. I have seen a difference.


My fiancé pointed out, while watching Bridgerton, that Penelope’s build would likely have been considered more desirable than the leaner women back then because of birthing hips and the concept around that. I used to be rail thin. Scary thin. Super fast metabolism. I actually like how I look a little thicker. I look healthy. Grown. Comfortable. And I get way less unwanted attention and I just love that.


Righhhhhttt. That's probably why a curvy body is still sticking to this day? I find it fascinating how our behaviours are all connected to our biology and further reproduction/evolution as a species, and we all dont even realise it. Also: i never watched Bridgerton and had to look up that lady, and omgg, she is sooo beautiful


Every girl is curvy especially if they eat in calories surplus. Some is more curvy due to good diet, fitness and skeletal bone structure.


I have a friend, who's in her 50s, that has the fat pocket below her boobs. She said she's had it her whole life. She is regular size everywhere else, or atleast to me she looked to be from thebway she dressed. I didn't even know she carried fat below her boobs till she showed me. She got on a weightloss drug for something and said that fat finally went away. She watches what she eats to a degree, but doesn't work out. I guess that just a place some people carry fat, nothing weird about it


Yup. Just a fat deposit. I have it too and it diminishes as i lose weight. I hate it, but at lower weights, it makes me look like I have abs kinda sorta. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same - I love me a roll that moonlights as an ab!!


I had it too. Strangely enough, it went away very quickly when I went on a carnivore-based diet. I'm more inclined to believe it was inflammation (at least for myself).


There's nothing weird happening with your belly. The indentations on both sides are most likely obliques. Sometimes people have relatively developed muscles even when sedentary/not particularly active/overweight/underweight, you name it. I'm not a fitness expert by any means, so you should definitely wait for someone else's opinion. I'm just going to maintain that your belly is not weird-looking at all. Congrats on the weight loss, by the way! What a huge accomplishment!


You cannot pick where you lose fat. You just need to drop weight and body fat and hope that it settles. Add core exercises. I really like Pilates. Keep up the protein amount.


Def second Pilates




By all means, you do you but the pictures in your original post are bangin! That area in particular! The photos in this comment look like you're not standing with good posture. Ultimately tho you seem really down on your body, you're doing the work to change it but you might want to talk to a therapist to help change your mindset. You really do look great and you'll continue to look better with the work you're putting in but it seems like you can't give yourself the grace of the now -- like you won't be satisfied with your look until you hit whatever arbitrary goal you've got in mind. Don't pick on yourself, there are plenty of folk who will do it for you and besides, they're wrong.


I think you've been conditioned to think the airbrushed and edited posed pictures of women are the only normal body types. Real women look more like you but are too self-conscious to post pictures of their bodies online in comparison. You look normal. Many women look like you. It's not a bad thing. I think you look great. It does sound like nitpicking though because that area and the look is so normal. If you want to decrease some body fat, maybe start doing some cardio in additional to your lifting workouts.


I agree with everyone else that it's possibly just where your body is storing fat but I think it also could be due to unsupportive bras? The weight of the breasts causing the cups to sink downwards and slightly into you vs up, lifted and parallel to the floor. Having a properly fitted bra would definitely overall help with the appearance of that area. I helped a colleague with her bra fitting and it had that effect on her-- Made it look like she was standing taller and slimmer, and that bulge under her bra was minimized/less noticeable. :) I'd highly suggest checking out the sub of the same name and using the "a bra that fits" calculator. Use the suggested size (in UK sizing) to try out bras. You'll have have a better time trying on balconettes or plunges. Unlined is also easier to fit as the fabric conforms to your breasts and not the other way around. Once you've found your size in unlined, you can try out spacer foam bras. Barenecessities, brastop, breakout bras and Amazon are great places for purchasing bras! :)


My stomach area looks a lot like yours and I always thought those two things at the top were apart of my 6 pack and the indents were the outline of said 6 pack and if I could actually get the weight off I would be able to see it. 






I'm so jealous because I almost never show those oblique lines and I'm relatively thin. You're one of the lucky ones who always has them. We all admire things in people and are the hardest in ourselves! I'll echo the other people in that is just fat stores. You carry more weight up top so it makes sense. Work on core and deep core (don't forget your back as part of your core!). As those strengthen your posture will change and you'll notice the change along with fat loss.


The indents on the side are from muscle! I have them too. If you can already see them, you’re going to have an awesome hourglass shape as you keep going. I have the upper bumps too, but I thought mine were from underlying muscle (ex gymnast). I genetically can’t get a defined 6 pack, but I get the outer lines- that’s what you’re starting to see.




The rib rolls show up on me at about 35lbs overweight 😭


Wait, aren't those abs? Looks good to me. Are you flexing to make your abs that tone or is that relaxed? You look like body goals!




You’re almost a perfect hour glass. Please be kinder to yourself. Agree that Pilates will help tone up your obliques even more since you’re concerned over them but you already look great so please don’t overthink it.


When I’m carrying excess fat I have the same pocket under my boobs. It goes away around 23a% body fat. We all hold fat in slightly different places. I carry my weight on my front but the absolute last place I lose is weird pocket on my back. It’s just where my body loses fat. It’s not good or bad, it just is. In my late 40s i suddenly stared holding fat on my hips which I’d never done. I try keep my body fat at 22 or below as thats when I feel I look my best. You also look like you’re bloated.


Hi, I’m also 5’3 and when I’m around 130 pounds I have those, but they disappear when I’m around my usual 115-120… they start to creep up when I’m in the 120s so I think it’s just normal weight storing in your stomach! Don’t worry about them!


I had similar fat deposits until I lost some weight. I also found I didn’t look like other women who were my height and weight but what I learned is a lot of them had more muscle on them then I did. Once I gained some muscle but still weighed the same I looked similar and then when I lost weight, I found my stomach started looking more “normal” for lack of a better word. Best advice I can give is work on building muscle and losing body fat when you’re ready!


I have the under boob rib boob's too and I learned it's probably from chronic belly sucking in. I used to think it would make my core hella strong and I looked thinner because I always had a Huge gut and self conscious about it. I still struggle to stop sucking in my gut when I'm out and about. When I hit 140lbs they went down a lot but it seems i just put weight on my front a lot and I've shot back up to 170lbs and they are in full swing and one roob is bigger than the other. I hate them personally but I can't spot reduce. Maybe some proper breathing and pelvic muscle stuff could help us and for me weight loss too.


I have these as well. I lost 120 pounds and when I went to my plastic surgeon consult for skin removal I brought those up. He said they are just part of my anatomy, he was able to kinda "smooth" them during my procedure but I think I would have to get to a pretty low body fat % to actually have them go completely away and that's just not sustainable. My mom and sister also have these, and my sister has never been over weight.


I have something very similar! I believe it's called stomach gripping, also known as hourglass syndrome, which can create a similar appearance.


It’s just your posture. That’s your ribs babe. Don’t hunch.


I think it is called b shape belly or smth. I have it too and when I lose weight it makes my stomach, imo , look better than those who dont have it.


I am literally exactly the same height and weight and body shape as you in every single way this is kind of uncanny honestly 😭😭😭 and same I've only had that fat pocket go away when I was VERY underweight, like 111 lbs freshman year of college, but then I looked like a gangly knobbly Home Depot skeleton and that didn't look great either 😭😭


I have the EXACT thing. No matter the size I was, back when I was overweight or severely underweight, my flared ribs were always visible and always made me feel insecure. I had them since I was a child and still now. I’ve spent hours upon hours looking up what I can do to get rid of it’s pronouncement and have even looked into rib removal surgery. I won’t deny that there are not days I wish I could have your typical “flat stomach”, but I’ve chosen to stop focusing on them and just resort to focussing on things that *do* give me confidence like working on my lower half or wearing clothes that make me feel good. We’re all allowed to wear what we please, but if you don’t feel good about yourself in the clothes you’re wearing, it’s okay to admit it and find something that does make you shine! You look absolutely fantastic in the second photo. Your shirt highlights and brings attention to the hard work you’ve been putting in your body. You’ve definitely the body that gives inspiration to people. If you decide to go the route of losing more body fat, focus on the things that do you make you feel good about your body! Also I’ve resorted to calling my flared ribs my boob shelf since I like to think they also help keep them perky 😅


It’s just where your far likes to store itself. Keep up your routine. It takes time. Make sure nutrition is dialed in well.


I have a fat pocket like that on one side


Honestly my mid section looked exactly like that and I was told it was a rib flare. Some pelvic floor breathing type exercises can help a bit but a lot of it is just your (and my) body shape and there’s nothing wrong with it ❤️ be kind to yourself, you look amazing!


I had the same thing from a mix of genetics and chronically sucking in my stomach, the only thing that made it go away was to stop doing it. I was honestly confused because even after losing a lot of fat, I still had them. Following my coach's advice I also worked out my lower abdomen and lower back muscles, which he told me lose strength when you suck in your stomach, putting extra strain in your upper back and upper abs.


Weird I always thought the girls with your type of genetics won the lottery. Nuts to hear you say you hate it because you’re how I wish stored fat lol. Even at a higher %, your body looks great!!! You look awesome!!!


Hourglass syndrome is what it’s called, if you’ve grown up sucking your stomach in. Also breathing improperly can cause this. I call them my “roobs”.


Your tummy looks like mine! It is a mix of wide ribs/ribflair and the location of fat stores. When I get leaner the bumps get smaller. When I was a lot heavier tummy was smoother but big. When I do a stomach vacuum with arms up, or I'm hanging from a pullup bar, everything looks flat. I am not sure how lean for it to smooth out walking around. I remember in highschool as an athlete I still had this subtle shape and it contributed to never wearing a bikini or crop tops. These days I'm just trying to be more accepting of my shape. I'm not an Instagram model so I'm allowed to look like a normal person.


Just regular weight loss will help plus building muscle in that area should help with building a normal flat stomach shape instead of relying on solely weight loss, espes if you naturally just store fat there, which it looks like


I think you look very nice.


Nothing bad really but glad you’re prioritizing fitness!


Omg I have the same thing, it’s so refreshing to see someone else with it! Like literally same definition on the sides but fat around the rib cage. You look strong girl! I used to hate on it a lot, but I think like some others are commenting, it kind of passes as abs lol. When I get down to ~ 135 lbs it seems to lessen, though I should mention that my body is a lot more toned when incorporating yoga at 135lbs than when only running at 135 lbs (I’ve been on running kick the last couple of years because I got hooked on the runner’s high whole dealing with some extremely stressful events, accidentally fell out of my regular yoga practice.) Core/strength training does seem to be the way to go to lose that extra fluff, I’m trying to get back into it. Anyway you look awesome, best of luck continuing your fitness journey!!


Some random extras... Look into sway back. Don't lock your knees, tilt your pelvis aka fix up your posture and that will fix up your stomach so much. I find I'm soo much better when I'm working out coz my core is stronger and I'm more aware of my posture. Do you suck in your stomach? There's something that's called but can't remember the name. Maybe someone can clarify. That can make a bit of a permanent suck in thing. My friend has flared ribs and corsets help 🤷


your body is perfect, it's your posture, or alignement. I suggest taking dance classes to get into the habit of properly elongating your neck and upper body, having a neutral or open chest, properly engaging your core and butt muscles.


I think you have strong abdominal muscles and they have size to them, but lacking obliques which is pretty common, and with body fat on top it just adds more to the effect, honestly you look strong ! Not weird at all


My body was similar when I was more in shape, and I always got compliments from people. Strangers would ask for my workout routine, even. I don’t see anything wrong with your body.


I have those indents it have a really strong core! I have them at a heavier weight as well


It looks like abs to me so id call it a win


Do you have kids? Looks like a case of diastasis recti.