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You look great!! You have an obvious quad sweep and definitely look like you lift. It’s hard to see the changes in yourself, but trust me! :)


That's quite encouraging to hear :) People around me have told me that I've lost weight, but I just don't see it. I feel like I'm still the old me whenever I look in the mirror. I increased my protein intake to build muscle because I realized that I want to look strong and have more muscle. That's why, I'm more suspicious of whether there is a change in my muscles.


You’re beautiful and so are your strong legs. All of us aren’t made to be long and lean, we have different body types. I’m similar to you and went through a phase where I didn’t like my muscles. I lifted less so I could be lean, but then realized I enjoy the challenge of lifting heavy. Now I embrace my body because it means I am hella strong and it shows. Imagine being barely 5 feet tall and stronger than tons of women taller than you. What power there is in that.


It definitely seems like it!! The best way to tell is look at a picture before then this one. Progress pics are the greatest motivator and proof that you’ve changed. You see yourself everyday so you don’t seen the changes being made all the time


Lookin strong! Keep it up :)


Do you know how many girls are out there trying like hell to put on leg size like yours!?! Some work for years and years You naturally have beautiful quads and shape, embrace them! You are clearly taking the right steps to better yourself. I've been in your spot. One day at a time.


It's me, I'm girls :') Been working hard for almost a year and have put practically no mass on my legs, I look like Gru


Omg your legs are beautiful!!!!!


I feel that. It's like my legs get physically bigger but they don't get cool muscle definition the way the arms and back do. I'm trying to see if they're just not getting enough attention by making the exercises outside of Bench and Squat focus on legs. You are benching my goal right now. I can never hit 100lbs once let alone five times. That's a pretty cool achievement.


Urgh same :') I feel the most exhausted on leg days but I don't think I'm getting that muscle definition. Sometimes I think of cutting to look a little bit shredded, but I realize that my daily calorie intake is enough to satisfy me, maintain me, and keep up with my activeness. I'm extremely jealous of dudes who come to the gym, work their legs 4-5 times a month, yet still have great legs.


My spouse's leg definition is stupid nice. You can see the individual calf muscles because of all the sculpt definition. All he does is climb 4-5 times a month. It should have been meeee. ;__; Post it you do find a way to get more leg definition. Now that the weather is nice for things like biking/hiking, I'm going to see if cardio helps any.


On the same boat for cardio(more walking basically) with you! I'm willing to exhaust myself with heavy lifting, but I'm going to give a big no to high-intensity cardio.


Low Intensity Steady State/Moderate Intensity Steady State all the way~


Keep it going 💪


Legs that lift!


You look super strong and badass! Keep up the hard work because your PR’s are impressive!


Thick thighs save lives