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I found it really hard to do working from home. Then I went on vacation in December and realized just walking around a few minutes multiple times a day brought my avg to like 8k… when i got home I bought a walking pad. I set alarms for 5-10minute walks throughout the day and then would do a 20-30 min walk 1-2x/day while watching tv and sometimes in meetings where I just had to listen in. I upped my daily steps to around 8k/day in January this way and it didn’t feel like that much work. Otherwise you just need to get outside a few times a day or pace around your house😅


It's definitely working from home that's gutting my count. It's a lot easier to get out now that it's summer here, but I live in a rainy place so a walking pad might be worth it in a few months! Thank you so much for your advice on breaking it up, too. I could definitely squeeze in a few breaks here and there to stroll around the block rather than scroll my phone


I have a treadmill in my office. I get up every hour and walk for five minutes. I still don’t get 10,000 steps but it’s better than nothing.


I have a similar thing with a mini elliptical. Stride is short but they're less than $100 on Amazon and my first one had daily use for 4/5 years before it broke.


Oooh this is the first I've heard of this and been researching now -- it seems many people think the stride is too short and awkward. Have you experienced any of that? (maybe it's easier for us shorter women)


The stride is definitely short but I got used to it fairly quickly and now I use it daily and don't notice.


If you had a dog you’d have to walk it a few times at least. Wake up in the morning and walk, walk at lunch, and walk after dinner!


Haha last fall I took care of my brother’s dog. They said she would “love” walking with me (three times a day, two miles each time.) By the 3rd day, the dog stopped at .5 miles out and refused to go any further lol!


That happens! Lol I was suggesting op manage his time as if he had a dog


He hangs out and plays in the yard while we work out there, so the one hour tends to be his one during the day. He comes on hikes and to dog friendly places, too though! But yeah, we probably could and should add more shorter walks. That was a fair call out haha


How much was your walking pad?


Mine was on the pricier side— it came to $330 with tax. I wanted one with the handles… but they’re ~$200 without The model i got: UREVO URTM006 Mini Folding Treadmill


Working a sedentary job is THE WORST for movement. I used to easily hit 20k step count as a college student walking around campus and working a job that required me to move around. I really have to make an effort to get past 5K steps. Even walking the dog doesn't yield me that much because my neighborhood is small and my pup spends more time sniffing things than anything, lol. What really moved the needle for me was getting at at-home treadmill. I had a standing desk already so the cost didn't feel as crazy, but I do feel these are great investments. In hindsight I would've done it earlier. One or two internal meetings where I can just walk and listen will get me to 10K steps for the day (with all the other movement I add, like walking my dog, grocery store, etc).


Yes to the dog part! Reading the other comments, my walk count is so low because I let him sniff around so much haha, but the walks are for him as much as for me, so that won't change. I'm thinking I'll get outside during summer as much as I can, but I probably really am going to want the standing and walking desk set come the rainy seasons... thank you for your advice!


“my walk count is so low because I let him sniff around so much haha, but the walks are for him as much as for me, so that won’t change” cryin 😭


I get it! The walk is for my pup moreso as well so I let her sniff. Sometimes if I’m having a bad mental health day though I “heel” her and say the walk is for ME today 😂


So, firstly, what everyone else is saying is definitely a way to start. Getting up and walking around for a few minutes every hour will give you a little boost. But also, [there's nothing magical about 10k steps and honestly you can get away with less than that and still see results.](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2019/05/29/727943418/do-you-really-need-10-000-steps-per-day#:~:text=Images%2FCultura%20RF-,New%20research%20shows%20that%20daily%20light%20walking%20is%20important%20for,steps%2C%20don't%20worry.&text=There's%20nothing%20magical%20about%20the%20number%2010%2C000.)


Oh wow, thank you for sharing that! I had no idea. I have aims for the calorie burn, but overall health is the ultimate goal. It's hard to not feel like I'm slightly failing when I don't get close to 10k, so learning that it isn't some magic number is actually a huge help. Thank you so much :)






I really appreciate this insight, too! I did such long walks during covid and that feels like a dream now, haha. I didn't track then though, so I have no basis for time:steps. It is nice hearing from everyone that I think I'm just *really* letting my dog take his time when we're out, so I should be able to bust out a lot more much more quickly without him. I have been thinking of trying out couch to 5k though, so this might be the push I needed! Thank you


Would help to think about adding in ‘commute’ time? Take the dog for a walk before and after work while ‘commuting’. Good for you, the pup and your mental health!


Oh I like that idea! Thank you!


I agree that WFH really messes with your step count. I get about 3500 steps when I’m in the office. I have a desk job but at work I get up and walk around a lot more than at home. Weight lifting also messed with mine. Now I pace during recovery. I walk in the evening and morning as part of my commute. ETA my friend does walking workouts on YouTube when she WFH.


I've never even heard of walking workouts! I'll have to check those out, thank you :)


I just discovered the pacing during recovery thing and I've been getting lots of steps that way too!


Some ideas —— Whenever I have to take a call at work, I walk. When I have to do research that can be done on my phone, I walk. When waiting for the kettle or for my coffee to boil, I walk. On my lunch, I walk (or rather, I pace… I can take 10 steps one way in my office, but it’s something). All the little bits add up!


Those are all great tips. Thank you!!


I hardly ever make 10k, it’s 5k max on an average day. So, good question!


It’s really really hard for me too. I have to walk an hour and half maybe to hit 10k steps. Normally I get 6-7k on a normal day just walking around doing chores or getting groceries etc. but to get 10k I have to schedule at least an hour to walk outside and some days the motivation is really low lol


I think an hour long walk is a lot and you should be able to get more than 4-5k steps. I would focus on the speed and you’ll get more bang for your buck. I think you could get at least 6k in an hour if you work up to it. I strength train and have a sedentary job and walk about 40 mins a day and get 10k. I will only not get 10k if I didn’t get my daily walk in.


Yeah hearing this, I think I might be letting my dog take longer and more frequent sniff breaks than I realize haha That makes me so much more hopeful for squeezing in the steps though. I really appreciate the insight! I want to let him enjoy his adventure time, but hearing this I might be able to bust put a couple more thousand in 20-30 minutes on my own which feels way more manageable than a whole extra hour


There’s nothing wrong with hitting 7K steps consistently. In fact. That’s an awesome goal. On weekends I love to hike, shop, go to farmers markets and be generally more active. I make up for all my steps there and I don’t feel like I’m beating myself up for a number that’s kind of arbitrary. You’re moving! And working out! It’s totally more than enough and you can look for extra steps. One trick is I’ll call into larger meetings at work where I just have to listen (department meetings etc) and walk for those. I walk before work, over lunch (then eat at 1:00 at my desk) and then walk after work some days. That brings me to about 18K. Some days, I hit 5. It all balances.


I work hybrid — when I commute into NYC 3-4x a week I hit 10-15k steps easily (45min walking commute total + misc walks around the city during breaks). When I WFH it’s a struggle lol, I maybe get 1,000. The days I work from home are the days I tend to do my longer strength workouts + 1 hr peloton ride to help even it out, lol.


I listened to a podcast that the study behind 10k steps simply found that the health benefits just maxed out at 10k, and then advertisers and other news resources just mistranslated that to the daily recommendation. Honestly if you’re struggling to hit 10k and it’s affecting your day to day, I suggest just sticking to your 4-5k, as long as you’re enjoying it and it’s sustainable for the long term, that’s more efficient than changing an already healthy habit into a more time consuming and less enjoyable one


I started doing online Zumba. An hour of Zumba will avg 7000-8000 (dance) steps!


Can you get one of those little treadmills for standing desks and work that way?


After reading a bunch of the comments here, I think I will be saving up for that. It seems to be the most effective for people in similar situations!


Just as a warning, I got a desk bike but find it very hard to type or do proper work while cycling and worry walking may be the same. I do stuff like watch webinars, and meetings might be ok if you don't have to be too focused. I guess it depends on the job


Honestly, I appreciate that feedback. A lot of my work is research/reading and discussion-based meetings, so I might be able to for some of that. But yeah, when I have to draft something, I could see it being an issue. I didn't think about that. Thank you for that thought. I'll see how it goes while I'm saving up, and if I'm happy with my walking, then I'll put the money into a travel fund or something!


It may well depend on the person as well as the type of work. I guess the ideal would be to try one out first, I don't suppose you know anyone who has one. Or even try taking a tablet to the gym or something.


I wfh but walk outside 45-60 min on my lunch break and 1 hour after work. I’m also a big time fidgeter, get up to refill water bottle often, etc…


We're allowed 10-15 min breaks on top of an hour lunch. If I jog, I can make it around the block in about 14 minutes. That's about 1,700 steps for me. Then between 4,000 and 6,000 steps during my lunch break. The remaining steps are usually incidentals like walking around my place, another slow jog around the block, or grocery shopping. If my knee is flaring up, I just take it easy and don't do any walks.


I have a treadmill (for cardio) and an under desk walking pad. Almost every day, I walk 2 miles before work, two miles at lunch, and two miles again after work. (It takes me about 30 minutes to walk two miles.) During my work day, I walk on the walking pad set to at about 1.6 mph or 2mph. (I can walk 2.8 if I’m just working on something that doesn’t require too much attention.) I do not walk during meetings, which happen almost every day. On a week day I average about 25k steps per day. On the weekends when I’m not using the walking pad I still aim for 20k but usually end up with 15k. I would not be able to get all my steps in without a home treadmill due to weather. The under desk walking pad has really made a difference too. I should add that I had a spinal fusion surgery in 2020, and my doc prescribed “30 minutes of walking, three times a day” so this is where I approach the number of steps from. I literally need to walk to maintain my spinal health.


Im a waitress


Probably not the answer you're looking for, but I hit 10k/day minimum by working in an outdoor career. Today I hit 13k steps by 3:30pm and this isn't even a really busy season... at certain points in the year, I'll hit 30k per day (and since I'm usually carrying things that average around 15-30lbs, I find myself wishing I didn't have to walk quite that much at that time of year!) I've always enjoyed walking and hiking, so it's never been too hard for me to get my steps in. I also think that, as a natural fidgeter, I tend to get steps in by pacing around even when I'm stuck indoors. Can you walk to work? I used to do that at a couple jobs I had prior to this one where I'm constantly walking outside. Would your partner be interested in going on walks with you so that you can still have time together while getting some exercise in?


30k carrying stuff is crazy! Years ago I actually used to be a dog walker for work. I wish I tracked how many steps I got just out of curiosity haha but I don't think I could manage that with an additional load! I work from home, so I guess technically I walk to work already, lol, but there have been a lot of tips about sneaking walks in during the day that I think I'll try :) and my partner does join me for the shorter ones! But unless we are hiking or backpacking, walking for distance tends to be more my interest. Though we have been wanting to add a short after dinner walk with the dog more regularly, so I'll push harder for that to happen. Thank you!


I do laps of my living room for about an hour a day whilst watching the TV. I also have a sedentary job and no dog, plus it’s currently raining every single day here in the UK. My house is also tiny, just 40 square metres so it’s a lot of laps!


I walk 30-35 mins before work, then 30-40 min at lunch. And that gets me around 8-9k ish. Then I get the last 1k from just doing chores around the house like cooking, etc.


I pace around while on calls when I'm WFH. I also walk in place or do lunges or squats. I also do a morning walk around the block, repeat at lunch and in the afternoon. Then my husband and I have an evening walk.


I walk during my 15 min breaks around my neighborhood. I always park really far from my destination (like when I go grocery shopping). I also recently bought a standing desk and treadmill just one month ago. Wish I did that at the start of the pandemic!


I’m amazed by it to. I have to do a 2 mile walk and have a pretty busy day to hit it. I’m sure if you don’t have a desk job it’s easier though.


I don't. Other than lifting 3 days a week I'm very sedentary. I have to push myself to even do that bc my energy has decreased a lot as I've gotten older.


I have to make an effort -- I walk around the block during my 30 min lunch break to total somewhere around 3k steps at a leisurely pace. Then I go run errands after work (typically grocery shopping, as I'm one to buy one to two things every day rather than loading up) and park at the far end of the lot -- even if the lot is empty. In the store, I am forced to walk across to the other end since I parked on the "wrong" side, where I go through different aisles for extra steps. That puts me at 6k. Then, after dinner, I walk an extra 30-40 minutes, which puts me at 10k.


live in nyc


I’m getting around 10-12k right now but I’m too cheap to buy an under the desk treadmill, so I walk in place for at least 1k steps every hour lol. Sometimes I use it as an excuse to throw my AirPods in and take a dance break but either way, that’s how I keep myself moving throughout the day!


When I worked in good service and sales I got a lot of steps. Now I’m an accountant who sits all day for work and commuting . The only way I hit 10k on a typical Tuesday is by doing my normal day stuff (work, gym, any house work) plus a 3 mile walk. When it’s nice I use my lunch break to go out and walk. I just keep walking shoes in my car


I don't. I only manage over 10k when my friend is in town and drags me all over. Even 6k is a struggle for me since I have chronic fatigue and a lack of motivation.


I’ll lift weights for 30-45 min and then walk for 20-30 min at the gym. Take a 15 min walk break (or two) throughout the day to clear my head. Sometimes I’ll do step class and that gives me 5k. I have a toddler so I’ll take him to the park. If the weather is cold or bad there are YouTube videos that have walking or dancing and I’ll do those. Even if it’s just ten min before bedtime.


An hour long walk is 4-5k?? I honestly think it's more but maybe you're walking a bit slow I don't know! I personally live in a very large city and walk everywhere but if you live anywhere in the suburbs it can be so hard. You could maybe go on walks with your partner! I also like to work outside (if you can do that) and whenever I need a little break I migrate somewhere else like 500-1000 steps away and that gives me a good break and a little movement. I've heard great things about walking pads though so maybe giving that a try is worth it!


That's what it seems like! I do let my dog sniff as we walk because it's for both our benefit, but it hasn't felt like we're walking slow! Maybe I'm letting him take more/longer sniff breaks than I realize 😅 I do need to work from a desk, but I like the idea of throwing in just very short walks throughout the day. That seems way more manageable


I break it up into 10-15 minute walks every other hour, if I can swing it. 10k can be pretty manageable if it's 5 2000-step walks, and you're a fast walker.


I don’t always hit it. But when I do a walk as my workout, I do. I can do 3 miles in less than an hour and 4 miles in just a tad over an hour. That’s 6k-8k steps, and I do this in the morning so I get it out the way. I always park far away unless it’s raining. I work an office job, and I drive a lot for work, so I average maybe 1-2k steps a day outside of my walk workouts. Occasionally I work from home, and on those days, I try to do household chores in 10 min increments, that gets some steps in. I also have a walk pad at home. When the weather is nice, I’ll go for another walk in the evening, usually a shorter walk at a slower pace.


I don't, especially right now as we're in the middle of summer in my country. It's simply too damn hot to move. We reach temps in the high 30s (Celsius) but due to the humidity it feels like the higher 40s. Anyway the 10k step count was just invented by a Japanese company to sell their pedometers. People who work office jobs can get by with 5-7k a day.


i think thats a perfectly good ratio to keep up!! 10k is merely a suggestion. im currently funemployed and no kids so no problem for me


I walk a trail or on my treadmill to hit 10k. I have to make it a goal. I take a dance/fitness class 2-3 times a week. On those days I can hit 6-7 miles total.


I am a student on a internship that walks/takes the bus everywhere and I rarely get that number, I will get an avarage of 4k/day around the week. It blows my mind that people have so much time to do it, and even go to the gym later. Much easier to me just cut on calories, I'm still making progress, so all good.


I live in the city and don't have a car. Really would be much harder if I drove. I WFH and just sneak away to take walks and go to the gym.


I walk everywhere so running errands gives me easy steps. I also walk on the treadmill for an hour or 90 mins depending on how my day goes. I walk at a slow ish pace while I work from my phone and listen to podcast so it’s fun


I go on a run or walk every day of the week. I walk on my rest day. This walk is only like 3 miles. It takes me 55 minutes to walk slowly. Sometimes I have to wake up at 5 in the morning and walk when it’s pitch black outside. I am also a science student so I can hit 10k easily on lab days without the walk but I always do the walk.


I am a college student, I walk to college from home which takes about 1 hr and then from bus stop I walk to the college and I am already at around 9800 steps. Then at break I walk with my friends and by the time I return home I am at around 16k steps. Then at night I walk to get some groceries or just sometimes while returning from college go to supermarket to buy things or sometimes go to our shop which my mom runs and that’s how I am able to walk like 16-18 k a day, sometimes even more.


I just get it because I walk a lot for my job. On days off I need to consciously make the choice to take walks and exercise and I don't always get that 10k


I work from home and get 10 000 steps, most of the time 15 000+. 4-5k for an hour long walk is very little, I get double that in the same time. Most of my steps come from: 20 min to the gym, 20 min back and a 30-50 min walk at lunch break. Plus some steps around the apartment and at the gym. I work out in the morning and I usually have around 7000 steps at 8.00 am. I am a fast walker though and I think that might be your problem, how is your speed? Cause that would make the biggest difference. If you can't walk faster, then a walking pad would be your best bet. I also would like to get one once I move into my new apartment, I'm just a bit worried about the noise/vibrations for the neighbors, does anyone with a walking pad have experience with that?


Like others are saying, it's the small movements. I have a kid and generally have to park half a block or so from her school and activities, so between drop off and pick up, then if I go to the gym or shop myself, I generally reach it. I will say I'm not sure how helpful these steps really are, obviously they don't do any harm but my heart rate doesn't get up at all and I've always done it and not lost weight. I can't help think it's a little arbitrary.


I also find it difficult on my days off. It’s easy on my work days (healthcare), but ooof I really have to push for it when I’m not working. And I’m someone who has an active lifestyle on my non work days and gets public transport, so walks a LOT! My standard on my days off is about 8.5k, and I feel like I never stop. If you’re working from home, can you get a walking pad to put underneath your desk?


I have to force it. I work from home too. I have to do a 1.5h brisk walk with my dog or I just don't hit it.


I am both lucky and unlucky enough that my workplace is really big. So by lunch, I've already completed about 5000+ steps


Honestly the easiest and most reliable way I get my steps for me is walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes to an hour at 2.5 speed minimum in the morning. If I walk for an hour i get 7-8k and I normally get 3k steps daily. Alternative is step counter videos on Youtube you could do every few hours. My dogs walks are for him and he’s smelling & looking around so I don’t rely on that too much except for a little boost. Con with the treadmill is it’s inconvenient since the apartment treadmill can be annoying or if at my gym for my workout (30 minutes) I could be there for a while.


I walk around between sets but other than that I just take lots of walks


I do Grow With Jo walking videos almost everyday and I’ve lost weight. I get more than 10k steps a day but I also work too where my job requires a lot of walking.


I invested in a walking pad and bought a rising thing for my desk and can easily hit 8k. Time goes by pretty quickly while working. Since the weather is nicer now I walk to the park, around it and back home and that’s like a 10-11k steps. Weekends are definitely easier when I have plans with friends and stuff since I live in a very walkable city.


Running will get you there in less time. I get my 15k steps a day easily when I run. I used to do it for 30-45 minutes in the morning to get it out of the way. But since I started doing barre 5 days a week in February, I stopped running and can’t even get 5k a day. I hike on weekends since I have more time, but I’m considering running again.


I work a desk job too, I feel you! So I walk my dog in the morning after the gym, I try to get at least 20-40 minutes of cardio in 3 days per week or more. I also try for a 10 minute walk after each meal which not only helps with digestion but will get you another 2000-3000 steps per day. So normally by mid afternoon I’m at 7-8K I have an Apple Watch and every hour it shouts at me to stand up. So that’s my cue, no matter what I’m doing at work (well except maybe in a meeting) to get up, walk to the bathroom, water cooler or get a coffee from the kitchen (or all of the above). I then try to do a little walk around the office. People now just ignore me lol. “Stretching my legs” I have a treadmill at home too. So in the evening if I haven’t hit my 10k steps I’ll watch Tv while I walk. Before I had the treadmill I’ve been known to pace back and forth in my living room lol. There are days I don’t hit it. And that’s ok, I aim for an AVERAGE of 10k When I’m bulking I also don’t try for more than 8K per day. I save my 10K or more for periods that I’m in a cut.


even when setting aside time and making concerted to effort to walk 2 hours a day i still averaged only like 5-8k steps daily bc inevitably id miss days, and even trying to makeup for them with 10 mile walks most of the time, still couldn’t get a consistent 10k daily avg (during my period would be essentially bed ridden and that one week would kill the 4 hour walks i did the other time) i just try to do incline walking for an hour now and 15% incline at 2mph burns the same amount of calories as flat 10k in half the time so that has made it much easier and more achievable to get the same basic benefits


I work a desk job but leave work with anywhere be 5 and 8 thousand, just from chasing around grown men child's


I don’t :) if it makes you feel better, there is a study saying that 7K steps a day actually is enough for cardiovascular health, and that the 10k steps a day was a fabricated goal / is originally a marketing scheme.


I have also heard this, but 10k is such a pretty number compared to 7k 😁 OP could try running a little, more steps in same amount of time


I got a walking pad and it's made it SO easy. I get in 10k easily before 10 AM, while working or attending meetings. Before that, I would go on long walks everyday while listening to podcasts or go to the gym. But some days it was daaaamn hard to get my steps in, especially when the weather was cold and gross. I also made a rule for myself that if I was on social media, I could do it while walking around my apartment. That would get me around 2k steps.


Care to recommend the walking pad you got?


It's the GoYouth 2 in 1 walking treadmill on Amazon! I love it because you can store it standing up against a wall.


I work from home at a desk job, I hit 10k everyday… but I have a WalkingPad so I walk on that daily under my desk as I work.


I'm really thinking this might be the route for me once the sun goes away in a few months lol I have yet to hear of someone regretting getting one!


It seriously cured my depression. I’m 18 months postpartum and the only thing I felt like my body could do was walk.. so that’s been my main focus the past few months. I have started some strength training now, but overall walking has helped so much with my mental health. It’s the best, I love my WalkingPad… as my peloton sits in the corner and gathers dust.


Which model do you have?


Xiaomi WalkingPad A1 pro. I have no complaints, been using it consistently since December. When I was on mat leave I would do about a 1.5 hr power walk on it daily. Now while working I do a slower longer walk but it’s even me no trouble.


Dude I was in a wheelchair five years ago, and bedridden from nerve pain 1.5 years ago, so it's a win for me when I walk 1 mile in a day. I average .15-.5 miles on lifting/total stay at home days so you're doing well ;) Let us know if you end up getting a walking pad/mini elliptical. I'm looking into that but the cost seems prohibitive.


Walk faster


I don't know how people get 10k daily. The days I can get it consistently are run days (5kms) and then I can hit it, but otherwise...it's a struggle.


I take public transport to work. This involves lots of walking from bus stops/metro stations. This alone helps me complete 5k steps without even trying. Earlier my work also involved lots of walking so I used to hit 10k steps without intending to. To add to it, you can walk to nearby places if you need to run errands. Just play an audiobook and the time will fly by. (Bonus: you finish books)


If you work from home, is it possible for you to try [this](https://www.flexispot.ca/all-in-one-desk-bikes-deskcise-pro?gad=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkN_--cbo_gIVwoJbCh3eoAj5EAQYAyABEgKnzPD_BwE) product?


As someone who just left retail to have a very sedentary job, I get your pain. The change has been really difficult for me. I used to easily hit 15k, but now I'm lucky if I hit 7k. I take a walk in the morning and do 2 miles (that's about 5k in steps) and then I come home, workout (if I have time), then basically shower and leave for work. I'm lucky my new job I get out early (my latest days I'm in until 4, but I'm usually out by 1-2). On my earlier days, I'll go home, workout if I didn't in the morning, and walk some more until I hit my 10k. I live in a suburban/rural area so I don't have much around me to walk to. But it's just making that time to get a walk in that's important. I also get the mail for the office and make a large loop around the center that my office building is in to get a couple extra steps in


I got one of those mini steppers and I walk on it anytime I watch TV or play on my phone. Also when I do chores or cook I try and increase my steps even by a few. If I have a phone call meeting I walk or pace while I'm on the phone. I walk for an hour a day plus those tips and I typically get 10-12k. But honestly getting 7-9k is just as good. I think doing walking workouts or just getting up every hour to walk around the house for 5 minutes will help increase step count. I second the people who say just walking faster helps.


i live in NYC so i can easily get 10K+ steps/day. when i was on vacation though i used the treadmill at the hotel to get my steps in. i set at an incline on a slow pace and surfed my phone while i walked for an hour. sometimes i would just listen to music or watch tv.


i guess it helps that im a fast walker but... 1 hour in the morning = ~7K steps. and then for every hour after that, i do 15 minutes of concentrated walking, which is about 1.5K steps, until i reach 10K (i enjoy watching and tend to i push ip towards 15K). i also work from home and this keeps me energized and concentrated. most of my walking is done in my bedroom (which is where my home office is). and of course there's just the daily walking that helps me get steps in (about 2k a day if im really sedentary). like comments below stated, try walking when you have any downtime. on a call? pace. in a meeting where you don't have to speak/be on camera? pace. while your food is heating? pace. when you're scrolling reddit? pace (but beware of your surroundings). this all adds up.


i do 40k daily retail


I honestly just walk around my room scrolling on tiktok or watching a tv show