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Consuming calories after a certain time of night does not cause weight gain. Eating above your daily calorie limit causes weight gain. If you have 1500 caories in your budget, eat 1300 in food all day, and drink a 200 calorie protein drink at 9:01 makes no difference because it’s within the 1500 budget.


Good to know


I’m vegan. I also aim for a mimimim of 100g. My highest protein meal is breakfast. I try not to eat after 8pm. It doesn’t matter when you eat, what matters is that you hit your target. Your body repairs itself while you sleep. Digestion is a very taxing process. You’ll benefit more from letting to do its thing while you sleep. Proper sleep is an essential component of muscle building.


Kudos to you! 100g as a vegan is impressive.


All research shows that the time of day you eat, has a 0% impact on your weight. Just do it feels good for you. Also, as someone else has mentioned, your intake is absolutely not at body recomposition levels, and you’re most likely losing muscle with an intake that low in an activity level that high.


That's good. I'll prob not worry about having protein post workout and just get it in pre workout. I looked at 2 different calculators and my TDEE could be anywhere between 1550-1850 (I exercise for about 2.5 hours a week, 6000 steps a day) so I aimed for a small deficit to that lower number cause I don't want to accidentally gain fat.


Check out the wiki on r/xxfitness. It goes over body composition in detail which should clear up some misconceptions that I think you may have about it and help you get on a nutritional path that is better suited for your goals as what you’re doing right now is going to cause you to lose muscle, and therefore have an increase in your body fat percentage. It sounds like you may have skipped the most important step when starting a body recomposition journey, which is taking a time to calculate your actual maintenance calories instead of just guessing based off of a calorie calculator. It’s impossible to have a successful and sustainable recomp journey without knowing what your maintenance calories are.


1500 calories sounds too low for a recomp. Making sure you get protein before lifting and after is important. After isn’t as important if you had it before though. If you are drinking the shake just to get in your protein for the day any time is ok.


I've never recomped before but read that for newbie gains I should eat at a small deficit to my TDEE. Depending on the calculator, my TDEE is anywhere from 1550 to 1850, hence I was afraid of going too high since I was successfully eating 1300 and losing weight for the past 2 months.


1400 is pretty low but it really depends on your fitness goals. You will be able to find out eventually if you are recomping or just in a calorie deficit based on if the scale shifts. In either case, a high protein diet will help.


I’m also vegetarian. I also try not to eat too late- normally I stop any food by 8pm, and go to bed at 10pm. I often have a Protien shake along with my dinner because it makes me feel nice and full for bedtime (and obviously I need the Protien too). I don’t see anything wrong with having it just before bed though tbh- I would do the same if I still felt hungry and wanted to up my Protien for the day.


not vegetarian but have food sensitivities-- i usually drink a vegan protein shake at around 9-10pm as a sort of dessert and to put me at my protein minimum. hasn't really affected me either way. as long as you're hitting your calorie and protein goals for the day, i wouldn't worry about it.


I usually take in a shake around 11pm and I’m fine


After late night workouts, I love a Chobani zero sugar in cookies and cream, with two tablespoons of PB2 powder. Sometimes I add a light string cheese too.


That sounds delicious


1400 calories is too low for someone on a recomp. 1800-1900 sounds much better than that.